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R£GD. NO. D. L. ftQ04*)007fl003—05 

3J Kd^ 

(The ©axette of'<3iidia 

UlOlHiH 'ft 




, 3ft 4—4|ft 10> 2008, 14—4w<S 20, 1930 


Wf HWT ^ t ftwii ft» <n ^ 9E if TUT W 

Separate Paging iigivn tothii Part In order that It may be liled « a separate compilation 

«mr if—(ii) - 4 

___ PARTH—Section 3—Sob-section (11) _ ’»' _ 

wn nint ^ tjunvilf (t?T ifllflU ^p!T) gITT "dlfl sn^tDr 

Statutory Older* aid Notifications Issued by the Ministries of tbc Government ofjfedla 
(Other than the Ministry of Defence) 

U 19] 
No* 191 

ftfli atftr 3fl*r H*iei«i 
(Ihlli ta( 1h*n*r) 

25 31^,2008 

HiT.3r. 977.—'4R3>k, VS flfem. 1973 
(1974 m 2) 4ft 'TO 24 3ft 39-3RT (I) WJ Kd Tl fawT 
V y<ih «Msk gju df gj^qioft SflPwwf 3ft, 
3V -4WW3 ^ 'tiro Tfa ’ll V£Ni w<hjt^f4>rft 
Rtmhi "31 4*1^514 OS ’ll «to /Er^ 3*ft 3fft3» HIHCff V 
fa4W» Tl*ft 4flw» ffe -mfaSItC $pft& 4lft4* 
tjl slba * 11^1 ’ft ftflRR 
it into ^ 1%m vt th! 4ft atfft Tgft 5H ftr ?ft flptei 
3i$tM] ftEwi 3nr rife' 4i(*f*ila4> ’ft vr if <Nv-fl ftgPw 
3ft arofti ^?r «mq Tfa 31 V?fN titor ^ ftttft fa*iR 

31 4.wlew tft Rk* aw ftSTitw taft 3ffc+ mihtI 3"*^ 

3^ -4HIRIV if 344MW 3tflf "fW, W 410*4^41 3» W4>I¥H 

3ft siflsi t 3 3* ^ swftr $ ftR w and anfter sift wr/ 

S3*f ft! ^{(K "ft, 3PR eik> SIPbUbW ^ if 


* t4t ''R 23(2}/200G-*3lfa3»] 

T&L Tt OTI 'ijjuflj THjafcl Tlf^ aftr UWfl 
"526GKI008 C 

ministry of LAW and justice 

(Department of Legal AH*in) 

New Delhi, the 23rd April,2008 - 
S.O. 977*—In exercise of the powers conferred by 
sub-section (I) of section 24 of the Code of Criminal 
Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), the Central Government hereby 
appoints of Shri Hitendra Jadavji Dedtiia, Advocate as 
Additional Public Prosecutor for the purpose of conducting 
all criminal cases including criminal writ petitions, crinwial 
appeals, criminal revisions^ criminal references and criminal 
applications by or against the Union of India or any 
Department or Office of the Central Government, in the 
High Court of Judicature at Mumbai, with effect Grom the 
dale of publication ofthis notification in the Official Gazette, 
for a period of two year or until further orders, whichever is 
earlier, subject to the condition that Shri Hitendra Jadavji 
Dedhia, Advocate shall not appear against the Union of 
India or any Department or Office of the Central 
Government in any criminal case referred to above in the 
High Court of Judicature at Mumbai during the period of 
his appointment. 

[F. No. 23(2y200S-JudJ.] 
M* A. KHAN YUSUF!, Jt. SecydtGC 



^1^*ft,23 A, 2008 

" 978 ,-«Ah0v *k*k, yf*4i wfeoi, 1973 
(1974^12) I*rci24^5i^«ra (1) 5FTWI «|M 

TJH($ "3^ ■JIlilLcHJ #1 ^ +K4ili feft 

favmr "qi ^thfcnt sra "?TRt hihhT ^1 

IVl^ jflrfafl ^|fel fe l l i, ^lT^*n Jill'S, 'ilTs^i JJ-lcta®!, 

IMf^r ^ if, fl'iini jiiS ^ iriM 

^ f?lH ^| Tli ^ 4 IN)h fti ^*i(il jpi >*iFin 

3$hsq,t arw cftat ^Ph4ji+ <F "4 arrtt f^gfei 4?r 
araftf ^ wz ■*f £ i ■qi ^-sitq -m+K ^ fam *11 

trxqfrH ^ fcH>^ e"K [-i^lrid (Vt+ft h inrH £ i n ( 
-4I9H9 ^ B'RHIct fM, Tl’444 3 JQ aqft^rn ^ 
TtqjRFT q>l 3 ^ atrtfa^3n^?T 
TO, 'fl'K l), -3TT7 n'l’P SflfaqNqr ^ ^ 

fijj^i ^u(t ^1 

[R ^ 23(2)/2008-^TO] 

i^. H. ^3TT «y4tl sfk y<4iill w-iito 

New Dethj, the 23rd April, 2008 

SO. 978,—In exercise bf the powers conferred by 
sub-section (1) of section 24 of the Code of Criminal 
Procedure, 1973 (2 of 1974), the Central Government hereby 
appoints of Mrs. Rutuja Anil Ambedkar, Advocate as 
Additional Public Prosecutor for the purpose of conducting 
all criminal cases including criminal writ petitions, criminal 
appeals, criminal revisions, criminal references and criminal 
applications by or against the Union of India or any 
Department or Office of the Central Government, in the 
High Court of Judicature at Mumbai, with eff ect from the 
date of publ ication of this notification in the Official G azertc, 
tbr a period oft wo year or until further orders, whichever is 
earlier, subject to the condition that Mrs. Rutuja Anil 
Ambedkar, Advocate shall not appear against the Union 
of India or any Department or Office of the Central 
Government in any criminal case referred to above in the 
High Court of Judicature at Mumbai during the period of 
her appointment. 

[F, No. 23{2V2008dudl.) 

M. A. KHAN YUSUFI, Jt. Secy, & GC 

tMUfeld, *[®l IWI^Hl 

21 aifa, 2008 

it. 1/2008-09 

44,301 979,-5tmr frtW, 1962 it fWT 2 ^ 

WfqdHlM atfqfWT, 1961 (I9fii 434f) *471 

[Pari fl—S ec, 3(ii)] 

lQ^^HT (23^) ^TfR-VTTT (4) ^'BRI’SKrT 
tpftti fr tpzr jurot sn^ Tsjjny tid^Hi fofhn 
atf 2005-2006 T^’ 3Trtl ^ ^ ^ 

*’ ?fr HI4I4I W^TtJ (fa), (HW^l), 

f^T (7R.) ’ 1 ’att ^ql^Ri ^ct 

amt ttMt 3ttw knn, i %2 ^ fm 2 ^ ^ 

w 44Hl ii 3TFrai. jrfvfercrt, 1961 w It) ^ 

(23 (4) % 5rjs^ ^^rfi 

[IE. ^afn^lf-STTSTflT^^^/lO (23 7t))2(KIS-2009/2281 
eft, trp, fevif, -gtsti 3Tmrr ang^r 


Jodhpur, the 21 st April, 2008 
No, U2008-09 

S.O. 979,—lr exercise of the powers conferred by 
sub-flause (iv) of clause (23 C) of Section 10 of the Income- 
tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961) read with Rule 2CA of the Income- 
tax Rules, 1962, the Chief Commissioner of Income-tax, 
Jodhpur, hereby approves “Shti J ain SJiwetamber Nakoda 
Pershwrath Tirth, Mcwanagar (Nakoda), DUtt. Banner. 
(Rajasthan)” for the purpose of the said section for the 
assessment years 2005-06 & onwards, 

Provided that the society conforms to and complies 
with the provisions of sub-clause (iv) of clause (23C) of 
section 10 of Income-tax Act, 1961 read with rule 2Cofthe 
Income-tax rules, 1962. 

[No. CC IT/lTO(Tech VJu/10(23C)/2008-2009/2281 

B.S.DHlLEOlSi,ChiefC ornmissioner of Income-T ax 

vrtiy, 29 31^1, 2008 

IT. S/2008-09 

9B0, -jmtt f^riFT, 1962 ^ fWT 2 Tfl T( ^ 
WQ qd4^ T ^ l 44it srfVfaTrit, 1961 (1961 ^5143 ^f) MTCT 
10 (23 iff) (vi) siiRwdl tt 

Utfrn ^tr Jriyom, Sfrq* T(cPI5FI Pimo'i 

^ 2004-2005 3flFt ^ ‘aiftJtf tlFI ^ ^ 

,l R6RM (44W4) XHtHU), ^ f I 

^ 1962 ^ f^TR 2 ^ 

xrarN 3TFWT Jfffttfwt, 1961 ^?l TO 10 ^ 

(23 tfr) «e) (vi) HMtinV ^ ^p} ’gti 1 

[■%. ‘gsnaW3T-3TT3H/ 10( 23^) (vi )/08 - (W 3531 

Tgl T&. g^I 34FWT -331^1 

s'tfli), 2008/^1^20, 1930 2101 

[KIR II—TO*3(ii)] 


Jaipur, (he 29th April, 2008 

No. 5/2008-09 

S.O. 980,— Id exercise of the powers conferred by 
sub-clause (vi)af clause (23C) ofSectfom 10 of the Income- 
tax Act, 1961 (43 of 196 l)wadwilh rule 2CA ofthe Income- 
tax Rules, 1962 theChiefCommissioneT oflncoiDe-tax, Jaipur 
hereby approves “Maharaj Vinayak Society, Jaipur” for 
the purpose of said Section for the A. Y. 2004-05 and 

Provided that the society conforms to and 
complies with the provisions of sub-clause (vi) of clause 
(23 C) of Section 10 of the Income-tax Act, (961 read with 
rule 2CA ofthe Income-tax Rules, I96i 

[No. CCnVJPR/Addl, CIT (Coord? 


S. C. KAPIL, € h ief Commissi oo cr of Income Tax 
TOJL 29 snh, 2008 
Tf. 6/2008-09 

VUIL 981,-> 4IW«M fr«W , 1962 ^ fT*TC 2^^ 
to atro*ajfofes, i%i (i96i^i«'R)^^ira 
10 ^ <si“« (23 ill) wfl 49*1 III (vi) 
irain TOft ^ STKT tHI^El, IgtRgRI Ri*hU v I 
2007-2008 ^ atrt ^ fin wifatr to ^ ^ 

AfttVWfl ^ I 

intRR’ppFi 1962 

TOI 9441*1 dfldOiI 3lMTOT p 1961 TO 10 ^ 

(23 ill) ‘US -JIMFO (vi) aftt (via) ^ UPfUnt ^ 


[*L ^HW3CTI3llf(TOTO)^Wl0{23fll)(vi) & 

( Via M18-09/376] 

na. sipto sn*ptt 

Jaipur, the 29th April, 2008 
No. 6/2008-09 

S.O. 98L—in exercise of the powers conferred by 
sub-clause<vi)& (via) of danse (23C) of Section 10 ofthe.. 
Income-tax Act, 1961(43 of 1961) re ad with rule2CA ofthe 
Income-tax Rules, 1962 the Chief Commissioner of Income- 
tax, Jaipur hereby approves “Indian Medical Trust, Jaipur” 
for the purpose of said Section for the A. Y. 2007-08 & 

Provided that the society conforms to ajjd 
complies with the provisions of sub-clause (vi) & (via) of 
clause (23 C) of Section lOofthe Income-tax Act, 1961 toad 
with rale 2CA oftbe Income-tax Rules, 1962. 

[No. CCJT/JPR/Addl. CIT (Coor±V 1 0(23C)(vi) & 


S. C. KAPIL, Chief Commissioner of Income Tax 

fall 41ITO 
(tram ftww) 

^ ftwfl, 29 3t$£T„ 2008 

TW,3tT, 982.—-i-tfR WWt, (I8TOI ^ TlKHlu 

xhiwiH^ Rut n«l*i) f*PW, 1976^ Pih*i )0^ 

^ (18+8 ^ 3T*SN ■[jjL'Oi ^ 

iftir ^ ^ Pipffeted fWro so ufimw 

^ 3 W vt to tot fen t, 

tlfrr ClHOiW-sn^Ilrf ^il *HqUl4) 



f^vH 00 J |4, M4KI*^-400707 

[m 11012/1/2008-18^-2 ] 


(Department of Revenue) 

New Delhi, the 29th April, 2fc»8 
5.0. 982.— Inpursuacneof Sub Rule 4 of rule lOof 
the Official Language (use of official purpose oftbe union) 
Rules 1976 the Central Government hereby notifies the 
following office under the Central Board of Excise and 
Customs, Department of Revenue, the 80% staff where of 
have acquired the working knowledge of Hindi; 
Commission arete Custom (Export/bnport) 

Jawahar Lei Nehru Seemu Shulk Bhawan, 

PosMJnm, DlstL Raigad, Maharashtra-400707 

F [F.No. 110l2/l/2008-Hindh2] 
MADHU SHARMA, Director (OL) 

(uatSfT»r uti) 

30 31$W, 2008 

W.W. 983.--H&UTOH dim>k> ^ 

ixPujf’m viiol ^ for U* 5 ? "BPI 

ri<WU>Ml, 1962 (^T feRTOft) ^ fro 5^ TO 5^ ^ 
TO 3ITOR (961 (W 3lf(tfTO) ^ TO 

35 qft'aq-TO (i) (ii) t -4-2004 

^ H ,J TO XTO Rlflf tbltfivu, ^ t^m) ^*1 PlHltlftPI Tlttf 

W t ir- 

(i) Strife 11 S!3?rTO TO ,F ^511^7 TO 


(ii) TPTO To 
U tld 

Cm) SigRlftlJ 41'JldH WFt-Wklt 1^01 TO 79tt 3rfMfe«T 

TO 288 ^"SR-TO (2) ^ 'H W 

■qfeiPpr feft «tan>K ^ arpft ®Rir-^l 
iim xidtn to^*tt 3^r3w stIyIwt^ TO 139 
"4ft '39-TOI (1) ^ iffFtrl 3M ’feT B fr u+go 


[Part 11 —SEf. 3 (ii)] 

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10, 300S/VAISAK] 1A 20, [< >30 

t'wa iTlfet ci*ii ^ gw EqFq=Ki 

T^’ "^JT T=ITR^ "4 

xw\ aiPRSt apirg^sr as*rar shpr* (h^i+ ^ 
■pjja ^iti 

(iv) IBw «u<m 

Tmt Si^ew Tlf^T ^iT 5d^Pt l^rarn T^rn 3 ft? 39^Kl 
^3T T TTt?OT UhV ^ ‘HPT ckoi SHF 

Hroifafl Tifir ireg^i ^ni 

2. ^ wsk w 

W^CrJt : 

(R7) ^nTTT 1 Ri (iii) ’flf -if™fen ^ST 

wf T T!?f' T&fl; 3TORT 

{-&) W i ^ ^-^mrs (iii) $ dfejfaj wrft 
t^i ftpfti tr^t Tiff 3fi®raT 

(t?) ^miMi 1 Civ) tflrnfen qtfiPw 

SFJidtlH Rs I^TR "^T Tlf?T RT[ 3TRT 

fWl ^nT; 3T*RTT 

0*) srrr tot 

4il*l 4*?in ^ ifT 4141 -jii^ii; 


0 ?) TRfT tH^HWl ^ fipR 5 TT afh: 5 ^ ^ ^ 

^RT 3flWm ^ *RT 35 Rit ^-TO (I) ^ 
j 0tt^ (ji) ^ THR^rF ^ 3T^R FWT 7^-TT 

[arfepn^L 59/2Q0Bm 203/27/2006-^ + ^/fH-llJ 

(Central Boflrd or Direct Taus) 

New Delhi, the 30th April* 2008 

5,0* 9B3*—It i* hereby notified for general 
information that the organization Dabur Research 
Foundation, New Delhi has been approved by the Central 
Government for the purpose of clause (ii) of sub-section 
(I) of Section 35 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (said Act), 
read with rules 5C and 50 of the Income-tax Rules, 1 962 
(said Rules) with effect from 1 “4-2004 in the category of 
'scientific research association* subject to the following 
conditions, namely: 

(I) The sole objective of the approved "scientific 
research association- shall be to undertake 
scientific research; 

(ii) The approved organization shall carry on the 

scientific research activily by itself; 

(iii) The approved organ Ization shall maintain books 
of accounts and get such books audited by an 
accountant as defined in the explanation to sub¬ 
section (2) of Section 288 of the said Act and 
furnish the report of such audit duly signed 
and verified by such accountant to the 
Commissioner of Income-tax or the Director of 
Income-tax having jurisdiction over the case, 
by the due date of furnishing the return of 
income under subjection (1) of Section 139 of 
the said Act: 

(rv) The approved organization shall maintain a 
separate siarcmern of donations received and 
amounts applied for scientific research and a 
copy of such statement duly certified by the 
auditor shall accompany the report of audit 
referred to above. 

2. The Central Government shall withdraw the approval if 
the approved organ ization:- 

(a) fails to maintain books of accounts referred to 
in sub-paragraph (iii) of paragraph ]; or 

(b) fails to furnish Ms audit reportrefeired to in sub- 
paragraph (iii) of paragraph l;or 

(c) fails to furnish its statement of donations 
received and amounts applied for scientific 
research referred to in sub-paragraph (iv) of 
paragraph ], or 

(d) ceases to carry on its research activities or ils 
research activities are not found to be genuine; 


(e) ceases to conform to and comply with the 
provisions of clause (ii) of sub-section (1) of 
Section 35 of the said Act read with rules 5 C 
and 5D of the said Rules. 

[Notificaton No. 59/200S/F.No. 203/27/20061TA-1I] 

^ 1^#, 30 arfe, 2008 

^T,3H. 984, —JiiftiiO fijTH iin<ylT{[ 
^Jss srftirjfatT favm ^ricn f t^R URi 

1%2 P-mudl) ^ 1w 5*1 W 5W *£ 
tti*t ■qfer arum srfafwr, 1961 ^ vrci 

35 (I) (ii) 1-4-2006 

^ wwi trRj fn^ Ttraiffl, tr=? irar, 

^ to! ^ srUriq? ^9 ^ 


TO^TWn :^10 T 2008/4919 20, 1930 


*(44*hihT 419»fr to**' Rft M # styflfta 

ft*9 TO 4, n*m: r— 

(i) etjiflfcfl #l&4 9l TR?T Tlftl 91 ^4| J | 4d)Fl4> 
siyfaH ^ fan 1*9 9^n, 

<*) 9jpjlftfT WkM 3nrt 4l4il<l nytuf 3T*Wl 

mftn ft'OffWf 4A 9R^ ^ «J«TO 

,9l*f-0>?lW ^ t«i'ii? 

(iH) 'ton 4atft9 aigston^ ^ 

'Bronn?i "ofti 4» #rt ara*i 9rat ^ 
«j) J || ^ Rff<t iqhfl olbi ^viK 

sifoPm*! ^ m 28S *t-hrt 
(2) # witaw 4f W Ml^lftM ^9I*K 
^ «npft wrar-^t iten ^rflsn «mhuii 
dk W afftpRPT HKf 139 Rft 99-9TO (I) 
^ afd J to «ir Awri Tugn ur4 ^ 'Pfrt ftfa 

<1* ^9H»RgRI AftMfl 4IWIPKI ^ 0+BWftfl 

^tar m(| 9 friltS *imvk # 4mfU4*K 794 
JtM'M ^lljJ4d 3TC9I m?Wi fl*t TRJt 

(iv) #1^ 4 o I Ph > aqjfaH 3 sigifaH ^ 

ftiH mm irai iiywi nftt mi 95PF Rtqv , i 
<fl|J|| -S^T av^«i ifol idol finld U» THU rl«(f 
■lAmm CRT Riftci TTOlfal ft«RWf ^ Hfil TOfT 

oA | m 

2- tUO>H W OlPHI ^ TPf*ft Rft 3TgRtfTO 

' ll'MI i - 

m 4uii^ l ■*& (iii) 4F JfcviRyw ^9i 


(9) 4oWM) 1 TH^OHnF (iii) ff dftwflSfl ore-fl 
Ttanr frrti 9^1 9^*11; surer 

C*l) Aiihi'b 1 4* ^T-^wmi'h (iv)^^nftra4mPRv 
aq^faH ^ far? mm *tre "nu sg<w nfti sn arm 
fim«i omm 

(9) worn ®qsfaR "wrf mono mrn to 4*0 9*wi 

dqefVH 4i|J| 0»^I1 4»l flltM *rtT HWI <4I<( I II; 

Cm) ’3TO Pi4m<^l ^ Pish 5*13|h 5 m ^ to*i "oBo 

sm jifiifinH m is m?-ura (0 * 
w (fi) ^ hhomT ^ aqw 9ff oto 

30W HW-I Oiloil 

[OlDt^lOt 57/2008m^ 20S/5(V2000-91L%1^-1I] 

mu, orar ofm 

New Delhi, the 30th April, 2008 

S.O. 984.—H is hereby notified for general 
information thattbe oigeiiizatfon Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, 
Jawahar Bhiwm, Dr. Rgtjeudra Prasad Road, New Delhi, 
has been approved by the Centra] Government for the 
purpose of clause, (ii) of subjection {1) of Section 3 S of 
the Anoom^-tax Act, 1961 (said ActX read with Rules 5C 
and 5E of the Income-tax Ruks, 1962 (said Rules), with 
effect hum t-4-2006 in the category of'ether 

Institution’, partly engaged in research activities subject 
to the following conditions, namely: 

(0 The sums paid to the approved otgamiatioit shall 
■ be utilized for scientific research; 

(t£) The approved arganiscion shall carry out scientific 
research through its faculty members or its enrolled 

(iii) The approved organization shall maintain separate 
, books of accounts in respect of the sums received 
by it for scientific research, reflect therein the 
amounts used for carrying out research, get snob 
books audited by an accountant as defined in the 
explanation to subjection (2) of Section 288 of the 
said Act and furnish the report of such audit duly 
signed and verified by such accountant to the 
Commissioner of income-tax or the Director of 
Income-tax having jurisdiction over die case, by 
the due date of furnishing the return of income 
under sub-section (I) of Section 139 of the said 

(Iv) The approved organization shall maintain 
a separate statement of donations received and 
amounts applied for scientific research and a 
copy of such statement duly certified by the auditor 
shall accompany the report of audit referred to 

2- The Central Government shall withdraw the 
approval if the approved organization: 

(a) fails to mrtitaln separate books of accounts referred 
to in sub-pamgpaph (iii) of paragraph I; or 

(b) foils to furnish its audit report referred to in sub- 
paragraph(iii) of paragraph l; or 

(c) foils to furnish its statement of the donations 
received and sums applied for scientific research 
referred to in subparagraph (iv) of paragraph 1; or 

(d) ceases to carry on its research activities or its 
research activities are not found tr be genuine; or 

(ft) ceases to conform to and comply with the 
prcmuons ofclause (if) of sub-section (1) oFSecthm 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA:MAY 10 , 2 () 0 */VAISAKHA 20 , 1930 

[Part LI— Sec. 3(ii>] 

35 of the said Act read with rules 5C and 5E of the 
said Rules. 

[NotifteatonNo. 57/2flO«/F.No. 203/50tt00B/lTAdl] 
SURENDER PAL, Under Secy, 
fetff, 30 z&ft, 2003 

’W.W, 98S.-ti4^|tiK u i ^ <*n<y;iti 

HI? SlfatjjHcT fell ^ fe 5Tt1 

Um*u \ r 1962 (W PmiRcft) ^ feRT 5*1 cTO! fF ^ 
TTO Hfel 3TfW ^fwr F 1961 ^IFT 

35 (1) (iii) ^ 

1-4-20% Tt TFT3R TITta HTeft W^ p 

TW, TTS, fe# ^ ftHfrlRdcl TTcTf ^ ^#T 
^ srj&tiH ^ i ^trimT R rhL 'zw 
ajjifrfe fen w i^ RIHR:- 

(l) +^0*1 TRjT Rftl ^T GH*lbl *UHlP=iq> 

R h* f^rn fen ^rtnr H 

Cii) argiftfe trier wri tfeih wif artf 
HIHlT+fl fef ^ MltilH ^ TTPnfer feR 3 
atgrrmR ststrt wfefen ^rgrtfer r^ht? 

(iii) ~: HjHlfcd tttor WTlfeF feip $ sgOTR ^ 
fet( "SRI "STP^T TTRtT SIRF *ami Wt 

"toKt fen? argrrmR Rf Ifit* ngw Tifyi 
^ ^ ^ r sm arfMPm ^ W7T 238 ^ ^T- 
VRl (2) ^ ^ 'HU'Hlfta feft 

^ <H«i nto ^hi*v n 

afa RRR atfMwi tTRl 139 R*t ^T-^l (l) 
^ STcPfcT 3TR tawl ^ ^ felfl fel 

ET ^ ^^TRiK &KJ <Hr4|fHa 

FteT *rcfe feri tshrtroK vsh ^ 



(ivl arpife #rr TTrafer fen r SF^fet ^ 
fej HR HIE ’TOT H*pE TlfSr E^I fem 
T^Tl 44*^43 t^3T HTlfilTT ^ TTlVf rT^T 
^FTT wnfe Fqq^i ^ TricT HTp 


2. +IM ^T5 ^ifw ^ ^Fft 3<i*i*iftn 

knoi : 

(T) 1 ^ (iii) ^f ^f^Tfel 

^T Wf ^f T^Tl; ?RT^1 

(W) %HFF I ^ (iii) t? ^f^fel OT4t 

htNjt frM H^gci ^ ^Vrf; 

(Tl) ^ITTHF L ^^1-ferFF (iv) ^f 

fen argHfer am ^rfe^fhr a^fer ^ 

HR ’R H^T tlftl HJT ^TEIT 
Hlff Tfe; afl^ 

(’EJ) -3FHI ■^RTTtTR HTT4 HsTTT ^ ^TTl ^TtRT 
afTJ^^R ^Ff Tl ^14^ ^Tlff HR wi; ^Ti^T 

(T) W rn^H I ^ ^ fern 5H 3fe 5^ ^ ^TtT HfefT 
HTf HTH 35 ^ Tl-HRT (I ) ^ 
TT 1 ^ tiii) ^ Hl^VTHf ^ R^f fl J H HVT 

[flfq^n?!. 5S/2O0S^T + ^ 203/50/2008-3aHiA-|T] 


New Delhi, the 30tb April, 2008 

S.O. 9SS + “H is hereby notified for general infor¬ 
mation that the organization Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, 
Jawahar Bhawan, Dr. Kajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi, 
has been approved by the Central Government for the 
purpose of clause (iii) of sub-section (1) of Section 35 of 
the Income-tax Act, 1961 (sa id Act), read with rules 5C and 
5 E of the Income-tax Rules, 1962 (said Rules) with eftbet 
from M-200G in the category of other Institution" partly 
engaged in research activities subject to the following 
conditions, namely:— 

(i) The sums paid In the approved organization shall 
be utilized for research in social sciences; 

(ii) The approved organ izat ion shal l carry out research 
in social science or statistical research through iis 
laculty mem hers or Els enrolled students; 

(iii) The approved organization shall maintain separate 
books ofaccoun(s in respect of the sums received 
by it for scientific research, reflect therein the 
amounts used for carrying out research, get such 
books audited hy an accountant as defined in the 
exp lanation to su b-section (2) of Section 2 BS of the 
said Act and furnish the report of such audit duly 
signed and verified by such accountant to (he 
Commissioner of Income-tax or the Director of 
Income-tax having jurisdiction over the case, by 
the due date of furnishing the return of income 
under sub-soetion (I) of Section 139 of the said 

(iv) The approved organization shall maintain a 
separate statement of donations received and 
amounts applied for research iit social sciences and 
a copy of such statement duly certified by the 
auditor shall accompany the report of audit referred 
to above, 

3. The Central Government shall withdraw the 
approval if the approved organization: 

(a) fails to maintain separate books ofaccounts referred 
ro in sub-paragraph (iii) of paragraph I; or 


wmrtrm 10, 200S/$W*20 J 1920 



(b) Ms K> furnish Us audittpport referred to in sub* 
paragraph (iii)of paragraph I; or 

(c) fell* to furnish its statement of the donations 
received and sums applied for research in social 
sciences or statistical research referred to in sub- 
paragraph (iv) of paragraph l;or 

. (d) ceases to carry on its research activities or its 
research activities are not found to be genuine; or 

(e) ceases to conform to and comply with the 
provisions of clause (iii) of sub-section (1) of 
section 35 of the said Act, read with rales 5C and 
5E of the said Rules. 

[NotificatooNo. 58/2008/F.No.2D3/50/2008/ITA-II1 
("fatal faim) 


mi* r. faim 26 2005 ^ 

tf. 9/i2/2O04-4sji-i it 

fsrtt ipf iwtal 49**0 1970/1980 3 it 

m~ms (i) f ms s, 6 aft* 7 ate fas s it irt mz 
f 1) ^ tfltf vfafl ^NiUnft U*H| 4 I (dqiMHf mi 3 |*T T>* 
3to»T) 1970/1980 ^tW9Uft S^m (3) # 

(m) "SRI mi nubi m*fr tor jnfti 

AaircdL flht, snailu wuuPim 3 N 1 (oita 76) ^ 
i$s 1fR*N> ^ 3nqsi si ir*i f-tArw. # ws i 
mi^jrcr * from mi 27 mad, 2009 w tor? aratf an^r 
vft tot, ^ dl q# t, wr uSt ti 

[mi * 20/4/Z0Q5-*! wl-i] 

^1. Hi, 

(Department of Financial Services) 

New Delhi, die 2nd May, 200S 

S.O. 986<—In continuation of this Department's 
notification No. 9/12/2004-BO.l dated 26th December2005, 
and in exercise of the powers conferred by clause (a) of 
subjection (3) of section 9 of the Banking Companies 
(Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 197 Of 
1980rend whh sub-clause (I) of clause 3, clause 5, clause 6, 
clause 7 and sub-clause (i) of clause 8 of the Nationalised 
Banks (Management and Miscellaneous Provisions) 
Scheme, 1970/1980, the competent authority has approved 
extension in the tenure of Shri R-P. Singh, IAS (AP;76), as 
Chairman and Managing Director, Punjab & Sind Bank 
upto 27th February2009 or until Anther orders, whichever 
b earlier. 

(F.No. 20/4/a005-BO-l] 
GB. SINGH, Dy. Secy. 

. ’lififc#, 7 **,2008 
9S7,—,^N» ( jw-^i y<fcM dwt) 

toSh. I97W1980 i; ms 3 it m-ms ( 1 ), ms 5 , ms 

e, ^>5 7 ms 8 it ^T Tans (i) ■% bi*t qfea 

. IstviO (^wiT mr apte ir aRR*r) aiflifWi, 
1970/1980 i?i tiro 9 ’afl , ’3>i-RTO 3 ms (m) era tra 
mi Titer mil ir, £q(Ni TOmrc, i^hi, Hitfllq 
ft** te TtFfff it, tft TR."*t mst (7RT firfq : 
9-11-1952), wm ^ ^ $|for TOITO* m 

'Rqrc "te cnfl*i it tte 30-11-2012 mt, *it^ 

e-iafl siftj’srSni eft te difltfi tim 3 t*rt 

tfll^H sW net, tft ^1, ^Nl 4iT*r iski ^ 5048 ^ 

Pi^wt ^ ms ^ mUt f i 

{m, 9/18/2007-^ ^ft-l] 

^1, dt, 

New Delhi, the 7th May,2008 

S.O. 987.—In exHcise of the powers conferred by 
clause (a) of subjection (3) of section 9 of the Banking 
Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) 
Act, 1970/1980 read with sub clause (1) of clause 3, clause 
5, clause 6, clause 7 and sub-clause (1) of clause 8 of the 
Nationalised Banks (Management and Miscellaneous 
Provisions) Scheme, 1970/1980, the Central Government, 
after consultation with the Reserve Bank of India, hereby 
appoints Shri M.D. Mallya (DoB: 9-11-1952), Chairman 
and Managing Director, Bank of Maharashtra as Chairman 
and Managing Director, Bank of Baroda. from the date of 
his taking charge of die post and till 30-11-2012, i.e. his 
date of superannuation or until Anther orders, whichever 
is earlier. 

[F. No. W18/2007-BO-l] 
G B. SINGH, Dy. Secy. 

( (dhu huui ) 

5 Bj, 2008 

W t *f, 988.-^ ftfUMWItll, ]939 ^ frw 60 i 
am ■qfto dtra nfliPiqH, 1938 ^ wb i liw Hi 
(i) "Bra ttoi oftiP? rnnnibi trojr, 

it ifl. rrtr ^ afk apitf <sn^i 

fft -ft. 7R ^ wh "ra, "'nmMt Bftfii ^ ^ 

1201 8/2/2006-dim-iV(m) ] 

(Insurance Division) 

New Delhi, the Jth May, 2008 

S.O. 988.—In exercise of the powers conferred by 
sub-section (1) of the section 110G of the Insurance Act, 
1938 read with the rule 60 of the Insurance Rules, 1939 the 
Centra] Gov^nunent hereby appoint to Sh, B. D, Banerjee 
as a Member of the Consultative Committee vice Shri G. V. 
Raowith muuediate effect and until further orders. 

[F. No. 12018/2/2006-his. IV(iii)J 
S. K. JINDAL, Dy. Secy, 



(Part II—Sec 3<K)1 

HHO tJilllH fil 4)141 mi 141M 
^rtjr finrnr) 

4$f^#,3Q 2008 

W,WT* 989.-MH {3RlfM^r^33T f^) 
3lfi|fi*PT, 1971 ^^*5 3 (1971 4>t 40) CTTH^I Jflfal-tf 
WjNPl afa 4ITcT ^ 7R44 *44 Tl, "BF5-3, 

3TO®5 (iij 3 Rif* 7 1w4T, 1991 fef 28 

3PTC3, 1991 4?i Sdpl^HI ir®n 44.34. 2303 4^ 3rf^9p*l®l 

gn (twin cirRi^ji ^ ^RW (1) oRrmleRI 

^fwfl ^ *17447 TTSTHflni ^ 3lW ^ TTO 

3iftnKrit ^ ^ 4ilt, ^ 

3|fa4!l^ ^ ^ 4ivil f I ^ 3*KI (llft?l^»l ^ <WflH 

(2) *1 ftfM^ <hi4'4*i+ **ih 4i 4T7*fii 3n% sfeifaurK 44 
pqpflii Tftaife 4? sid'in 344 aifapppi 5171 4*wl strife 
fflU 4 ^ JSlfiSlaTf 44 n*il*i ^ F®IT 31^ 

^iWI 4iT W(i I 

1 i 

3|fa*lft 4H 4FT L «l4dfH WH ^tMil^ $4lf*WR 
4^ TSlfet tft9IU 

31tfte^ 2*ftfem BITrfa iflwlPwll 115*114, 3 

VK<f|4| jMftPld>) 3IWI1 ^ *l| 3Jqqi 

. *f7*H4,*p^ T734^ 1JRT4T 3fa *1 4Pft4^ ““(ft, 

«ft ilWWpi'b 1fef8°t ^ 3IRfl "tl 

C^li 1-37/2006-2LT5& ll 
«|J'S ?|NR, JR1 


(Department of Higher Education) 

New Delhi, the 30th April, 2008 

S.O. 989.—In exercise of the powers conferred 
by section 3 of the Public Premises (Eviction of 
Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971 (40 of 1971), and in 
. supersession of its notification number SO, 2303, dated 
the 28th August, 1991, published in the Gazette of India, 
Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (ii) dated the 7th 
September, 1991, the Central Government hereby 
appoints the officer mentioned in column (1) of the Tabic 
below, being the officer equivalent to the rank of a 
gazetted officer of the Government, to be estate officer 
for the purposes of the said Act, who shall exercise the 
powers conferred, and perform the duties imposed, on 
estate officer by or under the said Act, within the local 
limits of his jurisdiction in respect of the public premises 
specified in column (2) of the said Table. 




Designation of 
the Officer 

Categories of public premises and 
local limits of jurisdiction 

Engineer, Indian 
Institute of 

Premises belonging to or ta*en on 
lease or requisitioned by or on 
betedf of the Indian Institute of 



Technology, Bombay and which are 
under its administrative control. 

[F.NOt l-37/2006-TS.l] 


TJtpfT aftr TOFT TT3tm 

4^ Rcrfl, 15 , 2008 

4tU*T. 990.-4#44 (TPtprpf) IHIIHWW), 1983 ^ 
Fihs 9 fe 7TT4 nfici ■qcTf'ifl ■3TfMf*44, 1952 4?1 vm 5 4S 
3W17T (2) 5171 TJ^tT SlfifcHtT 44 3Rt4 4Rt tU+U, 

flft’g4J4I^1l ti ILi|,afn^^4TT: 1995, snftfe +1*11$+It, 
^441 H7444 4?t4TOJcT 5T414 Tf 12000-375-16500 

*4*1 ^ StraiT ^01-01-2008 (l^T) 

*t4R 44f 4tl 44T, # 

tWnrmvpt wi, *W,mi ^iw aiftrmt 

i ^ jj'Ki 

[44. H 801/8/2097 

7ffelffe,ffe7I47 (fa**!) 
New Delhi, the 15th Januaiy, 2008 

S.O. 990.—In exercise of the powers conferred by 
sub- section (2) of Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 
1952 read with rule 9 oft he Cinematograph (Certification) 
Rules, 1983, the Central Government U pleased to appoint 
Shri Subrata Mukhopadhyay, IES : 1995, Dy. Economic 
Adviser, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, as 
Regional Officer, Central Board of Film Certification, 
Kolkata in the pay-scale of Rs. 12000*375.(6500 on 
deputation basis for a period of four years w.e.f, 01 -01-2008 
(FN) or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

(F.No. 801/8/2007-F(C)J 
SANGEETA SINGH, DiiwtorfFilms) 
4^ ’fo#, 17 tS44f(,2008 

W.3HT. 991,-FF 41ltV4 4Tf 1*414? 31 M, 2007 4t( 
’5tf4Pf441 4i jTjaTR 3flr "44144 (’UHI'JM) 

fwtRrff, 1983 ^ fnw 7 Stir a 4f 4M 4^4 43*144 
«f#rq4, 1952 (19524H 37) 4it 4RT5 4?t44414(1) 3R1 
?ir<KH<|T 4f1 mhVi , =f)<^ ^7 onDieT 4414 ^ ^ 

3Fferfte( 4? 144 41 314^ SIKTlf 44?, ift 4F^ ?t, 
^tf[l ItpeTj TtRIvpT 4^ ^-lei 4. 7P/PI 

^ #1tf1 Tt. 101, /ftfeiUT 

4# 4. 6 Fsmifd 44T, ^444T4-500029 4^ 11 

[44. 71. 809/1/2007-t^ <4ft)] 
fl’ilfll fife, ffe7I4? (l4Tr=4) 


'WlilPlI 10, 2006/^1^20,1930 


New Delhi, the 17lh January, 2008 
9.0. 901.—In Continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 31st May, 2007 and in 
exercise of die powers conferred by sub-section (I) of 
SectRm5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) read 
with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph ( Certification ) 
Rules,1983, the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
the Smt D.SrilaxmL, 101, Ravikifan Apartments, Street 
No. 6, HimayatNagar, Hyderabad- 500029 as a member of 
the Hyderabad Advisory Panel of the Central Board of 
Film Certification with immediate effect for a period of two 
years or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

(F.No, 809/1/2007-F(Q] 
SANGEETA SINGH, Director (Films) 
fe?l u fl, ft 2008 

tow. 992.—5F TfareR tift ft-ti* i3 fetitir. 2007 
tiS wtoff stftRjsni tit til sftr (jjhium) 
flwMIdcfl, 1983 ^ “PlTO 7 8 tifltil tifel tiWfaH 

atlWpw, 1952 (1952 W 37) tift TO 5 WTO (1) m 
■aw w mVi to$1 +it<hk wratit tit 

^ Sltift 1 wfe TRij til til til, 

few HHian ti* fevS twuuuw 'tticltii ^ 
WT ti # rofe HpA, Rife TT T^-416, tl^r-ll, 

3^ ral until ^1 

[’Flu 809/7/2007 -TJT (tit)] 
aiftflLl (toe*0 

New Delhi, the 8th February, 2008 
S.O. 992.—In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 13th September, 2007 
and in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) 
of Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952), 
read with rates 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph ( Certification ) 
Rules. 1983, the Certral Government is pleased to appoint 
the ShriManoj Mono, FlalNo.H-416, Typc-HNanak Pura, 
New Delhi as a member of the Delhi Advisory Panel of the 
Central Board of Film Certification with immediate effect 
for a period of two years or until further orders, whichever 
is earlier. 

AMITABH KUMAR, Difocior(Films) 
8 4Rtift, 2008 

Uit.ilt, 993.—titkrld till ttiHfe 6 2007 till 

Tmtiwur edtitfcHi ^ appro tif afir TOifti* (rowni) 
fkroraril, 1983 ^ ftro 7 tik 8 ^ Fro ti3<T tiFiftis 
3rfMPm, 1952 (1952 WSI37) # TO 5 ti^WTO (]) TO 
WfcAltiT <hl Hal 1 ! tintt jJtjtiiS qmm m*ii«i titii 

rof wife tit fen ni am^ oti^nY ciu>, til tit x nr^ til, 
*o Pm*l. h*ii u ii titinvn- i asttl ^ 

Tptiti PlHfefefl W|f(|d4f wit Fi^qo ^»tol 
1 . til Tffel W 1*1 W&, 

arffeUT TOF, Wl, &XIK HLUI'rl'1 tittt, 

. titiF wro, ■'Front tii, 


2 tit tilfe 7FTOW 31*155, 

1/106, TJ ftiti ftHI'14 tit t?H 

fa fRti Tte tifa* tit UFti. fenfira ^ 51 , <ns$u, 

^ -34 

1 m < 4 * 1*4 

5?ltit 38, 75 T^T Rlti, 


A ‘51. 4tti-ll TII^, 

1 5i*iTi*i * 'prci nn«ntl ^ Hm, 

TO til (5.},ti3ti - 56 

5. ^tit ■tiHlfM'til W, 

^-602,31$ TOfefeTt 28,31RT(F-^,22,#EIS, 
dlt^4 Ffeun, ^-67. 

[■'ft. u mmam-W' 

3TttitPT^5R, (foTOT) 

New Delhi, the 8lh February, 2008 
S.O. 993.—In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 6th August, 2007 and 
m exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of 
Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) read 
with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification ) 
Rules, 1983 the Certral Government is pleased to appoint 
the following persons as members of the Mumbai Advisory 
Panel of the Central Board of Film Certification with 
immediate effect for a period of two years or until further 
orders, whichever is earlier: 

1. Shri Mukesh Chandranath Sharma, 

Adhikar Bhavan, 2nd Floor, Exit Matadin Gauri, 
Shankar Bhavan, Old Nagardas Road, 

Andhert (East), Mumbai - 69. 

2 Shri Santosh Jagannath Avhad, 

] /106, A Wing, Sinhagad CHS, 

Opp. Great Easton Royal Tower, 

Bellasis Bridge, Tanteo, Mumbai - 34, 

3. Dr. Raj Tendulkar, 

Dalvi Hospital, 38, N. S. Patkar Marg, 

Mumbai - 7. 

4. Dr. Archana Shah, 

‘Kum Kum’ Ground Floor, Near Nanavati Hospital, 

S. V. Road, Vile Parte (W), Mumbai- 56, 

5. Ms. Anamika Jha, 

A* 602, Sai Dham, Plot No.28, RSC-22, Sector 8> 
Charkdp Kandivali West, Mumbai - 67 

[F. No. 809/4/2007-F(C)j 
AMITABH KUMAR, Director (Films) 

TOSR. 994.-571 titiim 29-3-2007 tS 

^ tif tiTlftiti (FtiPFU 
Ft4H I U? f, 1983 ^ fWT 7 8 tiW TfeF HHPtM 

1952 (1952ti5T37)^TO5^57TO(l)0ra 
TRtT Tlfeltif 4F rokT to! ^ tiftr tK<hll cft+fel 3TTO ^ ^ 
ati til srafit ti Etin 7T 3 pfI nii, tilt tii 'titi tit, 
ferB HRItH titaf ^ ti 5 ^ WHIFtiiH fetEt ^ ^ 

1526 GiroS—2 


[Part II—Sec. 3(ii)| 


^ 5T. 89-^-3, 

<i«^ r +HN^W «ft), dftMHI^-625520, 

[TO 4 809/2/2007-TJ'F < flf) ] 
$ll*K1l*1 ( ShkTH ) 

New Delhi, the 8th February, 2008 

S.o. 994.—In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 29*03-2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (l) of 
Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) read 
with rales 7 and S of the Cinematograph { Certification) 
Rules*) 983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Dr. P. Patchaimal, Director, CENDECT, 89-A/B-3, West 
Street, Kanurchipuram (SO), Theni District, Tamil Nadu- 
623 520, as a member of the Chennai Advisory Panel of the 
Central Board of Film Certification with immediate effect 
for a period of two years or until further orders, .whichever 
is earlier. 

[F.No, S0fc'2/2007-F(O] 

AMITABH KUMAR. Director (Films) 

M fo#, 8 2008 

**3IT. 995.-58 fcrar 31-5-2007 

^ -ff sfo wUi orfft) 
■pratra^ft, 1983 Iwr 7 sfa 8 ^ ^ir*T T tfet rteffa* 
BfWFPT, 1952 (1952 *T37) m 3 3s) (]) -grtr 

VfPhWi’ TPth «WK flohlH TrtTT3 ^ 

s4 ^ (Vin 3pj^ 4n^i[ nm, ^11 

few n»iitin ^ ^ni6<t>K ^ y<w 

Wf 9f] TtW sjtsfTO, tffiR < 12-12-6/3, 

HttKi^c-522601 , J Rrai- 7 RT ami ^ frtfRl TO<ft $ l 

t'fil R 809/1/200? -T^r (^t) ] 
atftram ^RiT, (fwR) 

New Delhi, the Bth February, 200G 

5*Q> 995.—In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 31-5-2007 and in exercise 
of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 5 of 
the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (3 7 Of 195 2) read with rules 7 
and ft of the Cinematograph (Certification) Rules, 1 9 Sj the 
Central Government i$ pleased to appoint Shri Melatn Sree 
Krishna* Door No. 12-12-6/3* Prakash Nagar, Narasaraopet- 
522601* Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh as a member of 
the Hyderabad Advisory Panel of the Centra] Board of 
Film Certification with immediate effect for a period of two 
years or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

£F, No, 809/1/2007 -F(C)] 
AMITABH KUMAR, Director (Films) 

W.3IT. 996 + -PT fc.Hhh | ] 2007 ^5 

^ ^ (fpn) 

r-wwtii, m3 ^ Iwr 7 <sh 8 ^ ~m ^rfor 

1052 (1952 37) ^ m 5 ^ *W0 (\ ) ^RT 

3T5jt *i[qn*if T ^nrrT ^ m^t-in ^ Tt 

^ 3Rftf ^ t^TR ~m 3PT^ T H?H TT 

tWI W*H ^ ^ ^ 

^ IT 

rft + (ift , *krlH 5 C^r) ^ frgl^g t I 

[m ^f. 809/6/2007-T^(^ft)'] 
^TTT> 1% (fWiT} 
New Delhi, the Bth February^ 200ft 
S.O. 996.—In continuation of this Ministry 1 !; 
Notification of even number dated 11th July, 2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by inb-section (]) of 
Section 5 ofihe Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) read 
with rules 7 and S of the Cinematograph ( Certification ) 
Rules, 1983 [he Centra! Government is pleased to appoint 
Smt.Shahida Kama!, Afsal Cottage, T,K.M,C,(PO), Kollam 
5 (Kerala) as a member of the Thiruvananlhapuram 
Advisory Panel of the Central Board of Film Certification 
with immediate effect Ibr a period of two years or until 
further orders, whichever is earlier. 

AMITABH KUMAR, Director (Films) 

^ ferfr, 12 ’'FTWt, 2008 

«fiT,3TT. 997 .^ R-H* 5 2008 Tt 

W T W ; W. 'ff 3^ rtdfrt5| (MPH) 

fTw^iT, 1^83 ^ fwr 3 ^ Tf^l wf^l 
SrfVfaR 1Q52 ( I 952 <£T 3 7) (FT W! 3 ^ ( !) Wt 

^i) w'h'mi ■Ti'.a ^ 

33^V ^ f^TC. T)T 33^ $\ i^i’f ^ ^ 

^l'sil H ^ ^ ^ 33rT^>T 

fw ^1 i i 

[mtf. 809/n/2007-T^(^r)] 

^’■[lui finw, ) 

New Delhi, the 12th February, 2008' 

S.O. 997,—In continuation of this Ministry’s 
Notification ofeven number dated 5th February, 2008 and 
in exercise of the poweis conferred by sub-section (1) of 
Seel ion 3 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) rend 
with rule 3 of the Cinematograph (Certification ) Rules, 
1983, Ihe Central Government is pleased to appoint! 
Smt. AlkaSingh as a mein her of the Central Board of Film 
Certification with immediate effect for a period of three 
years or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

LF. No. 809/11/2007 -F(C)J 
b ANGEETA SINGH, Director (Fi hns) 

^ %#, 25 TR^| r 2008 

*X3TT, 998,-^rlNiH (8HNH) fHilWdl, 1983 ^ 
■prtm 3 qfetT Tieir^ ^qftrfrqrr, 1952 (1952 ^37) 

«lRf 5 ^ ^ (1} 3TtA (32 ^RT TITcT SflfarFlT 


TOtt TO wn |0, 2008/^*119 20, 1930 


3rakTTO^5K3?5 WfcR/fR+Kl fwarftrppw^ 

iwirpi niiltsi ^ Jll 3Wftl ^ 1*1^ Wl^ .cw>, 
^ *lt ¥1, Rne^ 1PPR OTfK^t STftTOor^TCPnfr 

tot "*lf <ft faro traroft ^ hh^ni fn^w TOik $i 

[TO ^ 011/6/2007-1^ (nft) ] 
ifH^l flfi?, (1*FF0 
New Delhi, die 25th February, 2008 

S.O. 998,—In exercise of the powers conferred by 
sub-section (!) and (3)©fSection,5D of the Cinematograph 
Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) read with rule 43 ofthe Cinematograph 
Act (Certification) Rules, 1983, the Central Government 
hereby appoints Shtri Vijay Panjwani as a member of the 
Film Certification Appellate Tribunal fora period of three 
years from the date publication of this notification in the 
Official Gazelle or until further orders, whichever is earlier, 

[ F. No. 81 l/6/2O07-F(C)J 
SANGEETA SINGH, Director (Films) 
25 TOflt,2O08 

TOOT, 999, -W TOBTOT ^ fitTO? 29-3-2007 ^ 
towsto ofaqroi ^ otjtor cf sfe toIto (tofto) 
pPPTITOfr, 19*3 ^ ftTO 7 afa 8 ^ Wt lifer 
SlfapPPI, 1952 (1952 TO 37) TOT5 "mm (I) 5FI 
TOTT KlT<M<lT *61 Tritbl TO?! "5^1^ fTPFrr npiiiri PR ^ rfl 

fld ?fl 3wf*i ^ OT^if tot, ^ ?l, 

tojr iro*r vron w to ^=r$ ^wpihjtor to 

TOI ^ sft TOFfpiR TP-^fr, 5-tt, TO3=T T$Z, f WH+H 
TOnro1ip?i-0290(U, f^ti- ^-tuvniO aft %ro TOtfr t \ 

[TO 809/2/2007-TO* (#)] 
w>n<sr f&g, (fTO5*T) 

New Delhi, the 25th February, 2008 

S*0. 999.—In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of oven number darted 29-03-2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (l) of 
Section 5 of the Cinemato^^^ph Act, 1952 <37 of (952) read 
with rules 7 and 3 of the Cinematograph (Certification ) 
Rules, 19B3 the Central Government Is pleased to appoint 
Shri* Jayakumar RP*> 5-D Crown Street* Krishriancoil* 
Nagercoil- 629001, Kanyakumari District as a member of 
the Chennai Advisory Panel ofthe Central Board of Film 
Certification with immediate effect for a period of two years 
or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

SANGEETASINGH, DirectorfFifriis) 

TO.OT, 1000 .—"PC *MI©im IW 4 © 13 PEki«k,20Q7 
to) wfw ^ (jwm-D 

fcroratft, 1983 ^ 1 ¥fi 7 3^8 ^ ^fei TOrfro 

afefNro, 1952 (1952 to 37) ^ «rm 5 ^ (1) wi 

"H^T Tlfepif TO life "5b TOTOI ^cTO^T BSTO ^ ^1 

iTOTO jmi-n TTO18TOT ^ w <$> 

TOT 3 Sft TTftlTOI 58, ^=rf tTO*T OTTlS^ET, ftTOH 
yt, 3^ i?T5#-E8 ^ft Prjftu •ntrfl i I 

[TO 809/7/2007-t^ (*&)] 
TOtmfW, P-I^ITO (ftTOT) 
New Delhi, the 25th February, 200S 

S.O. 1000.—In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 13th September, 2007 
and m,exercise ofthe powers conferred by sub-section (I) 
of Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952{37ofl952) 
read with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification) 
Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Shri, Satinder Mohan, 58, Surya Kiran Apartment, Vikas 
Puri, New Delhi -18 as a member of the Delhi Advisory 
Panel of the Central Board of Film Certification with 
immediate effect for a period of two years or until further 
orders, whichever is earlier. 

[F, No. 809/7/ 2007 -F(Q] 
SANGEETA SINGH, Director (Films) 
25 i '*t e iJ]p 200E 

W + 3IT + 1001,-W ^5t Rim* 6 fliw, 2007 

^ iwteHi srfit^n ^ srpflr afc wtfwi (w^n) 
1933 ^ fwr 7 A 8 tmfcT TlfecT xMfiM 
1952 (1951'37) trm 5 (1)^RT 

!RjT ’gH ^3! WfHt ^ ^ 

STTftr ^ feq zn 3FT^ 3T|^ ^ 

^T PfafTH HHI U I P 1 ^ ^ ^ 

~¥^ ^ ^1* FT.^. Tte 

W ^ 16, ^vRTT ^10 Z fpralf^p ^ -34, ^ 

Pi^mi ^<1?! ^ I 

[W. R 8D9/7/2O07-TPF (#}] 

wfcu fm, him* (Iwr) 

New Delhi, [he 25th Febmaiy p 200S 

S.O. 1001.—In continuation of this Ministry 1 ^ 
Notification of even number dated 6th August, 2007 and 
in exercise or the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of 
Section 5 ofthe Cinematograph Act p 1952 <37of 1952) read 
with rules 7 and 3 of the Cinematograph (Certification ) 
Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Shri, Vitthal Bhaurao Ubate. BIT Camp, S.P> Shed Chawl 
No* H\ Room No. 1 Q> Tulshiwadi, Tardeo* Mumbai-34 asa 
member of the Mumbai Advisory Panel of the Central 
Board ofFilm Certification with immediate effect for a period 
of two years or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

[Fr No, 809/4/ 2007-FfC)! 
SANGEETA SJNGH, Director (Films) 


[Pmt II—Sec, 3(iiJ] 


^ 25 2008 

1002,-3*1 WTO ftTTFF 11 ipnt 2007 

1983 ^ 7 atfh 8 ^ *n*J ^TfeTT ^ff^T 

3Tf^TOR, L952 (1952^37)^ W5^^mRl(O^T 
3 WH Vif^n^T ^T >i-hI j i ^ ’H^ii tunnel 3 TCT^ ^ 

^?f 3Rtfa ^ ffrTT ^1 aPTc* sn^ff cT^> d Tf ^t, 

fFe*T Wf ^ ^ MWT ^!cT ^ 

^ ^ ^ feifcT vh, ww, 

mtft t$z, rawdaw ^MSOi ^rf^j 

[tR*?, S09/fi/2007-T^ (*ft)] 

■tftftirffi? 1 , fn^i* (few) 

New Delhi, the 25th February, 2008 

S-O- 1002,—[it continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated \ 1th Juty + 2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of 
Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act* 1952 (37 of 1952), 
read with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph { Certification) 
Rule$,19B3 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Shri Vincent De Paul M r , Karanya, Vattavilakathu Veedu, 
RC. Street, Balaramapuram, Thiruvananthapuram-695 5 01 
as a member of the Thinivananthapuram Advisory Panel 
of the Central Board of Film Certification with immediate 
effect for a period of two years or until further orders, 
whichever is earlier. 


SANG BETA SINGH, Director (Films) 

^ F^wf, 26 T PT^Tt J 2008 

*>T.3Tf 1003 .HJHAM ftHH* 3 1 ^ 2007 
WW&tt ^ ^ 3 k (WFO 

'pPCTTOrft, 1983 ^ 7 S ^ W*T itfei wfe* 

3Tfafa*m., 1952 ( 1952 37) ^ TO 5 ( 1 ) STO 

UTtT ^fifqti^i TT y qVi fir=bid J 5rtTI^ *t 

^ ^ %t7 ^ 3n^flf W h 4 W?) fTF, 

fs*rH 'whe^h ^ ^ t-l'vH 

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Ft^qa ’5F# t l 

[TO *T B09/I/2007-W (*ft)3 

+ 01 U 11 fllE, Ft^iqi ( Rf*r*i) 

New Delhi, the 26th February* 2008 

S.O. 1003.—In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 31st May d 2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I] of 

Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act p 1952 (37 of 1952), 
read with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification) 
Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Ms. D. Vijayalakshmi as a member of the Hyderabad 
Advisory Panel of the Central Board of Film Certification 
wilh immediate effect for a period of two years or until 
further orders, whichever is earlier* 

SANG BETA SINGH, Director (Films) 
^ felt. 27Hlffl#, 2008 

cEt.SIT. 1004.“ nr TnFFT Tl fr# 8 35?^ 2007 

^ srfa^enT t 3 sjfc werfasr Chr^h) 

'fwr^f f 1983 ^ fm 1 S ^ *T 1 *T TTfeCT wfol 

sifaftro, 1952 C1952 37) g>t yFis^rr^mi CD SRT 


■3raf?J ^ ftlV, ^IT 3 *i^iT 3Hi, flfr ^ *lp<^ 

[vn*i ^Is ^ MTIlIJ'ttK ^l p 1< F 1 ^ +1^+*! ^ 

^9 i st ^3^ ^TP WJ, ^ ^ H - 23/1, 

^9^, g^W-751009 f I 

[W ^r. 809/2/2006-T^ (^J] 

^rnnm (F^e^O 

New Delhi, the 27th Febmary, 2008 

5.0. 1004.—In continuation of this Ministry Vi 
NotlficatEon eleven number dated 8th January, 2D07 and 
in exercise of the powers conferred by subsection [I) of 
Section 5 of the Cinematograph Atf* 1952 (37 ofl952) read 
with rufes 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph ( Certification ) 
Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Shri Ak&haya Kumar Pati n Q.No. V A-23/1, Unit-2 > Janpath n 
Bhubaneswar-751009 as a member of the Cuttack Advi&ory 
Panel of the Centra! Board of Film Certification wish 
immediate effect for a period of two years or until further- 
orders, whichever is earlier, 

[FVNo, BO9/2/2006“F(C)] 
AM1TABH KUMAR, Director (Films) 

28Ti^ f 2008 

’qiT.STT. 1005,—frra? 29-3-2007 ^ 
TPTTT^R? 3TfsT^SRl ^ 3iflT ^erfV^ (W 1 ^) 

1983 ^ Pm 7 afa 8 ^ w*r uUi 
srtVf^H, 1952 {1952 ?R 37) fUTt 5 ^ ^9^1 {I) 5ITT 
W\ TPTPT 4ft cct TIT 7TTTP! nr^in ^ 

3T^fV ^ Rm, 3F!^ "5^ ’<1^! 

T5FI ftirlT WJR ^ ^ ^ ^ 

io, 2008 /$*ira 20 , 1930 


H)8H <lMl,7f. 14/35► IjtjflKHH fjte, 

3^ltft' > '^f-600012 ^ 'Pl^ffVCTf i I 

[TO ^ 809/2/2007-1^ (#)] 

New Delhi, the 28th February, 2008 

S.O. 1005,—In continuation of this Ministry’s 
Notification of even number dated 29-3-2007and in exercise 
of the powers conferred by sub-section {!) of Section 5 of 
tbe Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952), read with rules 
7 and 8 of (he Cinematograph ( Certification) Rules, 1983 
the Central Government is pleased to appoint Shri G.B. 
Mohan Gandhi, No. 14/35, Hanumantharayan Koil Street, 
Ottery, Chennai-600012, as a member of the Chennai 
Advisory Panel of the Central Board of Film Certification 
with Immediate effect for a period of two years or until 
further orders, whichever is earlier,. 

tf\No, 809/2£007-F(C)] 

AM1TABH KUMAR, Drrector(FiJms} 


*»r. 3 ir, 1006 ,-tb 8-1-2007 

HHWWh ^ ^ «ik (UPF) 

Pwnwtt, 1983 ^ 7 afk 8 ^ ^n*t ifeer 

atPiPpm, 1952 (1952TO 37) m 5 ( 1 ) 510 

3FT?t V|RhI 4T TO ytik'i 45^ -mwit utwra stmpi ^ 

wnf afft ^ ftm tit 3pi^ u*, k), 

4^4 fhn*H HHl u H kW ^ 4>UtTOfll 4K«f 

TO PlHftlflSfl «lfiKI4T ^ Pltj'itl 'tiOlf ^ j— 

(1) sfknfi ^hi h<2ItTi4 


(3) ^Nift t^Ft 

(4) tfrRift TJdNI dl^+Ck 

[TO. 7f. 809/1 /2006-Htf (#)] 

^hk, Rw* (ftrw) 

_ New Delhi, the 28th February, 2008 

S,0, 1006,—In continuation of this Ministry’s 
Notification of even number dated 8-1-2007 and in exercise 
of the powers conferred by sub-section (]) of Section 5 of 
the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) read with rules 7 
and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification ) Rules,1983 the 
Central Government is pleased to appoint the following 
persons as members of the Kolkaia Advisory Panel of the 

Central Board of Film Certification with immediate effect 
for a period of two years or until further orders, whichever 
is earlier:— 

(1) Smt, Chandrima Bhattacharya 

( 2 } Shri Sourav Cbakrabcrty 

(3) Smt. Kabila Rahamatt 

(4) Smt. Sutapa Talukdar 

AMITABH KUMAR, Director (Films) 
if faSfr, 7 2008 

W.MT. 1007.-^ Wfni4Tt^ff^ 13 2007 

1983 ^ fpra 7 8 ^ 

srfqf^PT, 1952 0952^37)^^5 tf^ram(l)snr 

Tffariff TOUdkf ^nw« noniei t^f 
^ irt 3 ^ ^ffitriqi arod an**# ?rar ( ^ aft TO?l^t p 
MMIUM ^ ftcvil Hdt^rt*K ^ WTFt ^ 
TO ^ flft J UH^l4 ’ftfa 4tlC*il ( ^ft-150, ^ tflbi 

-51, eR^rii *6tql 

[TO TL 809/7/2007-1^ (4) ] 
#fatT fHF, fMfTRr (fTO*D 
New Delhi, the 7th March, 2908 

S.O. 1007,—In continuation of this Ministry’s 
Notification of even number dated 13th September, 2007 
and in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) 
of Section 5 of die Cinematograph Act, 1952(37 of 1952), 
read with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph {Certification) 
Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Shri Gagan Deep Singh Sahni, C-150, Myfield Gandens,- 
Sector-51, Gurgoon, Haryana as a member of the Delhi 
Advisory Panel of the Central Board of Film Certification 
with immediate effect for a period of two years or until 
further orders, whichever is earlier 

[F,No, 809,7/2007-F(C)] 
SANGEETA 5JNGH, Director(Films) 

12 2008 

W.31T, 100*.-Htk^FT^M^traT 13 ftKJEiT, 2007 

fwinrefl, 1983 ^ Vm 7 afc 8 ^ -m ifed 

1952 (1952^137) 5 (I) 5R1 

Vlf^TItjt 4)1 ^ flWhMd THM ^ ^ 

7 ^ ^iTsrfV ^ fSTh TJt 3rip?l t!^, # 



(Wh WIIMsR ^ 

FlHftlfaM Mlwf fl^ET ^Trft * ; - 

1 + T*F?T 

1-51 p feRp %^-Ip ^ 1 

1 ‘ST, TRTT ^3H P 

iki h c^ h ht^tm ^ft F r*r™i ^ f=R^, 
^ fi,<7vrl I 

3* ijsft 7 tei twr H 

8^/4, ^ ^nT h 

^t^rat-60 I 

[m U 809/7/2007-^ (Of } ] 

wfpnfe, Fh<vi* (fei) 

New Delhi, the 12th March, 2008 

SkO- 1008.—In continuation of this Ministry 1 * 
Notification of even number dated 13th September, 2007 
and in exercise of the powers conferred by snb'section (I) 
of Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of ]952>, 
read with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification) 
Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
the following persons as members of the Delhi Advisory 
Panel of Ihe Central Board of Film Certification with 
immediate effect for a period of two years or until further 
orders, whichever is earlier 

(1) Shri Ramesh Gupta, 

1-51, Ashok Vihar d Phase-E ± New Delhi, 

(2) Dr. Sardar Khan, 

18 J, 3rd Floor, Model Basti h Near Filmistan, 

New Delhi, 

(3) Miss Geeta Nigam, 

8B/4 h NPL Colony, New Rajinder Nagar, 

New Delhi-60. 

[RNo. 809/7/2G07-F(C)] 
SANGEETA SINGH, Director (Films) 

■= 1 ? fe#, 12 aoos 

BJ.W. 1009.—W hiitih ^ fiii'ti 11 2007 

37ftTqtp(T ^ rf afa^TTfet (UHl'O-l) 

1983 t IwT 7 afe 8 ^ TIF& sfor 
SlOlfem, 1952 (19521ST 37) ^ (l) SRI 

^3 (iPtn'iT yql'i ^ 5^, •ti? tKim amin UW iS ^ 
^1 3l^iv ^ ^1 3P1^ ixi^i! W, lit 'it TPlft ?t, 

^ t twilit t 

^ r-IHfdPidO faMPwtf 'tt fHW ^ft f ;— 

I. ' flft fe4 


fen i 

[Pact II—Sec, 3 (h)] 

i fit 'tit. *i1wmh, 


fen *l<jHq^-686028 l 
3. sfr 'Jin'jw. 

Tf-308, 7TH OTfefe, 'U'lH'twfl' ’ ! ? T TT J Ti'lPm-36 
ffe. fe. 809/6/2007-^ (W)] 
Wen fw, fefefi (feFR) 
New [3c I hi, the 12 tli March. 2008 

S.O. 1009. --In cum miration of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 11 th July, 2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by subjection (J) of 
Section5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952), 
read with rules 7 and 8 Cinematograph (Certification) 
Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
the following persons as members of the 
Thiruvanamhapurarn Advisory Panel of the Central Board 
of Film Certification with immediate effect for a period of 
two years or until further orders, whichever Is earlier:— 

(1) Shri J iftitny George, 

Perincheril Atijanam, Knllad PO, 

Kottayam Dist., Kerala. 

(2) Shri K.J. Joscmor, 

Kalluvettukalpyal, Pertimbalkad P.O., 

Dist. KoUayam-68 60 28. 

(3) Shri Pradccp Parapuram, 

G-308, Shan Apartment, Panampalli 
Nagjir, Kochi-36. 

SANGEETA SINGH, Director (Films) 
12 ttt d, 2008 

3ST.W. 1010.-^1 4tIIcW ^tI fef<£ 8-1-2007 ^ 
t a^trr 3 (tpph) 

r-HHHctl, 1983 ^ fwi 7 sftc v urn ’ifer ^ifel 
3lftrfepi f [952 (1952 37) H\ URI 5 ^3^VR) ( I ) SRI 

TRrl ^iT y^ffrj ^ -Hi*It Cl^lCrf Tl'M ^ 

'VlT ^Fl t fciu, ^1T & J ict Siimn tlT, Vt uctn Tl, 
'i'sl't fen M J -|l' , i'1 ^ chidfMqi tttue^iK^Tel^ a AW 

t 5ft feratm I 70 ^tiw Tte, CT^ST-6 ^ fl^rl 
wl tl 

["90, i. 309/1/2006-1(9? (Tfl 1 )] 
’H'lltTT fw, (n^w* (Ruch ) 
New Delhi, die 12th March, 2008 

S.O. 1010.—In conlmuatian of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated S-l -2007 and in exercise 
of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 5 of 
the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952), read with 

[TIP! H—«®53(H}] 

]0, 2008/fora 20, 1930 


rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph ( Certification ) 
Rules,1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Shri Vi kraut Do bey, 170 Benaras Road, Howrah-0 as a 
member of the Kotkaia Advisory Panel oftbe Central Board 
of Film Certification with immediate effect for a period of 
two years or until further orders, whichever is earlier, 

[F Ho. 809/1 /2006-F(C)J 
SANGEETA SINGH, Director(Films) 
ft*#, 12 2008 

W.3T, 1011.-W r # ftifftt 31 2007 # 

aftfnr It afFjsro 1 allt 'rafet (tpipb) 
ft*RFI# p 1983 $ Pur 7 sfo 8 ^ TTOT 
«f#PPT, 1952 {1952 37) # MRT 5 (I ) 5HI 

8*8 !flftd«H TT W4K cPWct FWR 3 ^1 

*ir anfoif 

8S0*i rniaR fow ^ hawI 

It f-iHMgw auRwHjf # wt % : 

1. sit d). ulai J ifo4i8> 

215-31, ^Ttil-fl, 

MWI ftra, fofMIA-34 I 

2. # ^t. W 7W, 

^ 314-Xt, ifcW, 

12 , 1 

3. ?ft Tte 

T^R3#T^T.T^T. fltftlNt, <nfc< ] 32, 

[m * 809/1/2007-1^8 (#)]. 

#ttet ffe, (i^na. (fa*w) 
New Delhi, tbe 12tb March, 2008 

S.O. 1011,—In continuation of 1 this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 31st May, 2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by subjection (1) of 
Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952), 
read with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph ( Certification) 
Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
the. following persons as members of the Hyderabad 
Advisory Panel of the Central Board of Film Certification 
with imm ediate effect for a period of two years or until 
further orders, whichever is earlier. 

0) Stan B. Site ftamsih, 

Plot No. 215-A, MLAs Colony, Road No. 12, 
Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-34. 

(2) Shri B. Rama Rao, 

Plot No. 314-A, MLAs Colony, Banjara Hills, 
Road No. 12, Hyderabad-34. 

(3) Shri Shaihlmthiyaz Ahmed, 

SIRS Colony, Qr, No. 132, Vidhyadharapuratn, 

SANGEETASINOH, Director (Films) 
12^ 2008 

1012,-^T TTTOH fiT 29-3-2007 ^ 
WQW* if 3jtT (WR) 

fewprf, 1983 ^ fm 

3rfVf^J952 (1952^37) (1) BR1 

* iIVihT ^*T ^ UWTC GTOiqi M*liq 4 ^ 

^ , fer ^ 

IV'iltifferci ^hIVihJ tn«pci ^ i 

]. sifrwK' jpnft. fliftair, 

r 27, wtf ^{te, ni^kii 

'1*R > I 

2 gftTFT.STR dfc im , 

tf. 36, 4fem i 4) Tr«m 
ifc t fegjOT-605 602 I ^ 

Tte, q^V-613 004 I 

fm: H 809/2/2007-t^ C^)J 
, wHm flST, (f^rn) 
New Delhi, the J 2th March, 2004 

S*0* 1012,—In HmtUuiation of lliis Ministry's 
NotifkalioiioFeven numberdated 29*3-2007 and in exercise 
ofthe powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 5 of 
the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1932), rad wftli rules 
7 and 4 of the Cinematograph ( Certification) Rules, 1983 
the Central Government is pleased to appoint the following 
persons as members of the Chennai Advisory Panel of the 
Central Board of Film Certification with immediate effect 
for a period of two years oruntiJ further orders, whichever 
is earlier. 

(1) SmLS.^Gi^w 

No + 27, Bajanai Xoil Street, Nadueangaral 
Anna Nagar, ChermaMO 

(2) Shri M.R, Veokalwan, 

No. 36 ± Kaodaswamy Layout, I st Street, 

K.K. Ro^ Villupuram-605 602, 


[Part 11—Sec, 3(ii)] 


(3) Shri P.G. Rajendran, 

B«60, Main Street, Municipal Colony, 

Medical College Road, Tanjore-613 004. 

[F.No. 809/2/2007-F(C}] 
SANGEETASINGH, Director (Films) 
^ 12 2008 

WIT. 1013,-^ iftlcra ^ 8-1-2007 ^ 

3l|tH£4HI ^ 31pm 3 *Ttffa4 (W>H) 
“Pl^l5?ft, 1983 ^ 7 3#R 8 ^ *PT lfe?T 

1952 (1952 37) ^'m 5 ’Ft^’TORr (1) SRI 

ITCH KlPkwY^T y4tn ^ ^¥j? +H4>K flfl+ltt R’TW ^ ^ 

w an^ sn^rrit Tfai, wl 

FfW HH1«H <T>Wl*i|<ll tUTIIftHik 

7f h^HnUan onfso^ ^1 c M | fl : 

1. sft fo#ft TFTR trsrfr, 

nitTl TIT, tp, 1RT 


2 . # M*I 

TR, 41+TSHI-^fe W, 

3. itdl'ilt TIPT, 

13 4 l t^ q£i?r w, i 

[’FT. TT. 809/1/2006-TPF<^)] 

fw, (fa^r) 

New Delhi, the 12th March, 2008 

S-O. 1013, --In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of oven number dated 1-2007 and in exercise 
of the powers conferred by sub-section fl) of Section 5 of 
(he Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952), read with rules 
7 and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification) Rules, 19S3 
the Central Government is pleased lo appoint I he following 
persons as members of the Kolkata Advisory Panel of the 
Central Board of Film Certification with immediate effect 
fora period of two years or until further orders, whichever 
1 $ earlier: 

(1) Shri Kishori Prasad Mahio p 
Patel Nagar, At h PO&Dist 
Lakhi^ami, Bihar. 

(2) Shri Dinesh Kumar Patd, 

NabiNagar, P.O. DaudNagar, 

Dist. Aurangabad p Bihar 

(3) Shri Jahangir Khati h 

13 > Birchand Patd Path* Patna. 

SANG BETA STNGH, Direclor (Films) 

^ Purtril', 12 wi, 2008 

^T,3JT, 1014.-T^ Him? [%HI«b 6 3JTOT, 2007 
Tf 3TftI^4T ^ 3 (WTT) 

UmnJ\, 1983 ^ fTTO 7 '^ S ^ 7Tt*T ’ffelT 4 Ufa* 
^crfVTWT, 1952 (1952^37)^^54^^1(05*1 
titrT ifenr w trft w.^>k unfurl uNra 

4ft srafi] ^ ’frrri srt^ sn^rnf trj, wfr 'ft f), 

4*5^1 HHT'flT 4T^ 4i TltTTPilT "facl 4i tKt*ir 4» 

F’T if (HHlMtiM srfenrf 4ft 4R?ft t : 

I, # ’fW FlfeR, 

9S/I, ’formft fts, vt 
3*4f~70 I 

164, T(tT 4t T*T upf, 

^5^-70 t 

3. 9^ tt#tt T^grc, 

^ft-3, 102 Awh, -qfe, 

3P^Tt (^) ^H7|-59 I 

[’FT, 7T, 809/4/2007-T?F (Tit)] 

3lftTTT^ rH^l* (ft^R) 

New Delhi, the 12th March, 2008 

S.O. 1014.—In continuation of this Ministry's 
Notification of even number dated 6th August, 2007 and 
in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) or 
Section 5 nf the Cinemar^-raptl Act, 1952 (37 of 1952),. 
read with rules 7 and 8 of the Cincmaioj^aph {Certificalion) 
Rules, 1983 the Centra 1 is pleased to appoint 

the following persons as= n-emljers of the Mumbai Advisory 
Pane! of the Central Board of Film Certification with 
immediate effcel Tor a period of iwo years or until further 
orders, whichever is earlier. 

(L) Shri Munaf Hakim L 

98/1, Belgrami Road, Kurla West, 


(2) Shri Farminder Singh EIanspal T 
164 ? LBS Marg, Kurla West, 


0) Shri Salim Mapklian, 

B'3 f 102 Mapkhan Nsgar a Mar&f 
Andhert (E), Mutnhai-59. 

[F.No. 8CW4/2007-F(C)J 
AMIIABH KUMAR, Director (Films) 

imitMtf'tJft)] 10, awiABw2d, 1930 


19 md, 2008 

. V W'fret3007 
ftmrci#, im *,im 7 Ht m Hm mfo* 

1952 msi m j ^I m-m ( 1) 

. sjtnwi.KtlinNj ^nrota m& .$( mi wwt ***** ran ^ 
^ m aatN inWfiii*,^ 01, 

FfW HHIfH 0(0 W*Wtfl/$W O 

mw 0(** ^fOL 9$ffr«t$r wnqm, 

0t*fc, finwr^iK m mdi $ i 

(mot «»/&20W^(#)] 


; mftOT %hk, (ftw) 

New Delhi, the 19thM*cfa,200l . 

S.Q. 1015.—In continuation of tUl Mlniitiy'i 
Notification of even number dated I tth July, 2007 and In* 
exerdse of the powm cqanfetftd bjf MifcttCluni (I) of 
Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) 
read nidi rule* 7 and 8 of die Cinematograph (Certifid- 
tlon) Rules, 1903 the Central Government Is pleased to 
appoint Prof, Thumpomoii Thomas, Pftkrtrtl Heights, 
Kandmlun P.O., Thinivanthapuram as a member of the 
Thiruvanthapuiam AdvboryPiGMlofdieCettttal Board of 
Fi Era (Ccttifltttion with knmediute effect for u period oftwo 
yaws or until further orders, whichever a earlier. 

AMTTABH KUMAR,Direc»or (Film*) 

19^200* . 

wi iou.-iw *fcwm 2«n wfr 

wnJmw edhu^ii ^ ejhi 4 sfe mftflt (iwtw) 
ft e nwifl, )9B3 ^ 1h*R 7 * "if Tjwr mwmifht 

mUrtVI, 1952 (1952 VI37) *tm i<lPl-pO) 
BKI MVI (iMul *d Udl 4fc <U9*K 1HW ^ 

^l^ldl «wfh anri auWrWimtft^ ifr, 
^ ^ ^ 
■^1^1 "5t gwai I "-dt, 2 WWfa*!K 

ifte, ♦li’ifl, ^^(-600086 m (Hjffafi ertdl 

jh-... • 

iVL ^ 809/20007-^ (*fr] 

, 1#X* (fw) 

Newl^lhi f flieI9diM«c^,200B. '/. 

$iQ, HU^*h ctMioiiitiMt ilf tUththiitty's 
Notihcatkei«feye>tHtinbw <hited29di Msrdi,2007and in 
exercise of the powers co nferred by sub-section (1) of 

Scctioniof dMCBc mi tog gp haMt, 19S2(3Wri9fcJiewl 

1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
< Dr.Sujatha Manoheraa.Flat No. l-fl, Claridges, 2, 
Padmav&thiar Road, Jeypore Colony, Gopelapuraiu, 
of the Central Board pf.P ht^CotiSjMthNi with inane diate 
effect for a period of two years dr until farther orders, 
ttidefaeverttearite.. ■'''■ ■■ h 

,7 ' 

AMTTABHXUMAR, piwetdr^iins) 

t ’ J ■ . 

f " :H *7f Weftn# mfC ; 

.. ■- ■■■■ ■. '■■ .:■■■■■’■ 1 ■■■ : ■■' , ■■■■■■ ■" 

mm i oi7.*-i*r eft ftmit; 2ho7 

fthlll,. 1989".# ftiw 7 8 ^ flm ^fint ytrfjvi 

mWPW, 1952 (1952"W37) eh RTO 5 m - 3'rani (1) RRT 
• Rtpd itMNT m Ttehi e>Ttl tke?K jisiw 

mf m awfh ^ ftm *i an^ an^tril mr, # j 1, 

haw hui'iih ^ 

df eft TTTRj H-109/110, WFrth 'tfl, 

ftnii-i 10033 m Pijf«r id# it 

:-; 1^^809/7/2007-3^ (,#)] 

' ^tSTR ^*nt r pP^Tffl (im<0 

NetyDelhythe 19thMndi,200^ 

S.O, 1*17.—Ib uunthiUBtioii of this Mmfstry* s 
Netificadeo of even mnnber dated ;13th S*pleffibw;20i07 
of Seed oo Jef dwCtneranbographAct, 1952(37 of 1952) 
Rules, 19*3 die Ceraral Government is phased to appoint 
MdvMTa-, A-109/110, ^an^ir Pui, Dclii-H0033 as 
a member rfdwDeSu Board 

ofFUm CwtiflcatiM with hhmedlaie effect for a period of 

: , ;ip.>ip:^/2«7 r FicQ] 

: .. mm, item m 6 ,msnva »7 

m ailhH mt* aiywi^f afa mto* (w m w ) 

. r i UMUm fl, 19*3 * 7 ^t; 8"*'7W lN' : .^ 

1952 (1952 m : 3t j ^ 3TO ( 1)1^ 

: jit* nMr4fm *k*k aamh urn ^ ^. 

^ ft, 

4AM hlW SIHluia ^ «euewii 4iei ^ ^ 

t326 QWS—3 


[Part II—Set. 3(ii)J 


eft ftwraret sisra^z, 4 =3 titwuzl, 
JUS, ^Jtr-395004 figtRT 

^ | 

[VI. ti. 809/4/2007-^ (ifT)] 
TT^ftcTf faF, (tarn) 

NewDelhi,the 24tli March, 2008 

S O. 1018.—In continuation of this Ministry’s 
Notification of even number dated 6th August, 2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of 
Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (3? of1952) read 
with rules 7 and 8 of the Cimemaw^rapb (Certification) Rules, 
1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Shri Rajubhai Cbimanlal Brhnmbhatt, 4, New Pitshpakunj 
Society, Near BadaGanesh, $umu( Daily Road, Surat-395004 
as a member of the Mumhai Advisory Panel of the Centra] 

. Board of Film Certification with immediate effect for a period 
of two years or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

IK \u. t;rH)/4/2fXJ7-r(C)] 
SANGFETA SINGH. Director (Films) 

25 rH. 

w.m utt SttHfr s 2007 

tfl TTffffere: ^ 3T-J* 4' R (3IRFH) 

fnwraeft, 1983 ^ fm 7 ^ s t&i 

atPlpRR, 1952 (1952 W 37) ^ MRI 3 Ti? < L ]) ^TR 
Tl^tf TiPia^V RtiPT ^ *OEi 4 k«.i-. ct^nvT 9RR vt 
Rtif ^ jrtPj sfr fat? tn 3^yn wz, tit r., 
■ffjfa SiMi u H titf ^ cfiifT<Pi5iT TtffltrRm: 

^ wr ti ^jtil Rffitt ^hm, ■^tte-i/TTl-y. ---M.iirWi RRti? 
TJSftiu TJf&Z, ^TTT^RTt-700039 RTT fTptt vrtt) t I 

[Rtf. U 809 R (til) ] 

■Wto tfTeR) 

New Delhi, the 25th March, 20iKS 

S.O. 1019.—In continuation of this Ministry’s 
Notification of even number dated 8 th January, 2007 and 
in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of 
Section 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952)read 
with rules 7 and 8 ofihe Cinematograph < ion) Rules, 
1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Ms. Nargis Begum, Block-l/C-9, Kustia Government 
Hous’ingEstate,Kolkata-700039 asamenibcroftheKolkata 
Advisory Panel of the Central Board of Film Certification 
with immediate effect for a period of two years or until 
further orders, whichever is earlier. 

[F_ Not 809/1/2006*1^0] 
SANGEETA SINGH,Director (f ilms) 

M fevft, 25 Rtf, 2008 

^T.SRT. 1020. —^ * 1=11514 Rft Riii^* 11 20 Cj7 

^arprqti afa (tour) 
PmHUhrfl, 1983 ^ fRRR 7 8 ^ RfeiT R^nr 

1952 0952 RJf 37) ^«RIS^^WRr(l)m 
VW TTfeltif R*1 itfW ^ WWK flHilfl RR1R 'tt ^ 
RRf Rit SHtfV Fcn^. RT URT, 'Ril tit RF^l Fl, 

RRm titf ^ fde*d4fl|i<H qeys r t ^ ^ 
mwi ^ r^tr RnTrifyd % *- 

I. tifaitT iffl-ft tf^RlR^T 

2 ^t, {sfatib ’RRierj tiWi^Rir 

3. ^T. (titftTT) wf 

4. stfjfttfRCT ti^T 

5. sitfift ftTKnTR 

6 . HMIINH TTtTAffl 

7. TT, tRl 

8 . fli tflR 

9. # 

19 4 sitf afRT^t 

11 . st 

12. til rs ■jtiH'f) 

13. efh=t?rr 3# ^Fr 

14. tit ^ tit^RR 

is. tit stft 
i& tit tt. tir. 

17, 9T. RFt 

[RTT. ti. 809/6/2007-i^F (tit)J 

New Delhi, tlie 25th March, 200S 

S.O. 1020." In continuation of this Ministry’s 
Notification oTeven number dated 11th July, 2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of 
Scciiun 5 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) read 
with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification) 


sNf 10, 2008/ftrirer 20, i>» 


" . 1 - 1 - - ■ 1 . . ■■■ 

Rules, 1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
the following perscmsm members offtelHruvanthapuram 
Advisory Panel of the Central.Bpard of pilm Ce rtifi ca ti on 
with Immediate effect for a period of two yesirs or unci] 

further orders, w M ch w eris earlier: 

_ . \ . 

I. Sint Natfifti V^ayaragfrun 
Z Dr.(Sui<j)Jayasree Qopdotroar 
3. Dr. (5mt) Abraham Meroy 
4^ Stnt Vhn^aMeooQ 
jU M.VandaMeDon 
& SnitNapii^ianSaraswathi 
7. Dr.PsdnaShaibi 
8 ShriVljayakrishiun 
9. ShriPennctlndayarnSmedbarain 

Certification Apellate Tribunal for a period of three years 
from the date of publication of this notification in die 
Official Gazette or until farth er ord e rs, whichever is earlier. 

SANGEETA SINGH, Director (Films} 
9$fe5ft,3 3*Sef ( 20M 

Wt«T. 1022,-Jri *fSl5riJ Oft ftdfe 11 ■gptf, 2007 
9& atfM^9H|9? 4^P*T-^ afe (HHMH) 

PKIHfltfl, 1983 * faTO 7 afo 8 ^ 
dtlV^-M, 1952 (1952’?! 37) 9ft 910 5 9ft 39XIRJ (l> BRT 
•fil d^Vi vicl 5>( *fr'a flvwt flWnci d 
Pfpt imt^t Ate 3 firatrnijw immirc £ 
# ailsRT elftra, nti wnntt tRtfr f i 

1.9*1 91 809W2I»7-^F fail 

10. ShriQeoige tWklmi; 

11. Shri IC L: ; SrotfcrisJWaDas 
12 Shri The Iddnkad Joseph 
12 Smt Abr John 

K StoriN.Srerifcumar 

15. ShrfFetriy Jdse 

16. A.V.Hiarnpiir ,.;■■'■= ■■'*:■ 

17. Prof. John Kurian 

, |F24a<09«S(»?-Fiqa 
SANGEETA SINGH, Director (films) 
-flf ftRM >wfef,2O0* 


1983 ^ frPT 4J afr 'Wf 9fta 4riPH atfaPPw, 19S2 
(1952 *137) 9ft 9TO 5 N9ft**m (l)a% (3).5mw 
flQMtjf 4H4ik, W*lO W 

JlPltUHI.^' ll99RR:9ft tllftfif 'tf.tfN- artfit l# 
an 3Fi$ an^rif w; ^ *fr 9evl ¥l> finw wwe ^dlefln 1 

aiflwaw ^ ^ it aiftn tfortf # 


[9a ai 8ii/«2007-tpr(#)] 

‘"; TPtonffl^lftkNr (fpw) 

New Delhi, the 3rd April, 2008. 

S.O. 1021.—Id exercise of the powers conferred by 
wbet d pe i ^wdfD of Section 5 D of die Cinematograph 
Act, 1952(37of t9S2).readwith rule 43 oftheCkieniatograpli 
(Certification) Rides, 1983, die (iemrafGovernment hereby 

appoints Shri Anil Thomas as a member of the Film 

New Delhi, the 3rd April, 2008 

. + ■ 

S.O, 1022.—In continuation of this Ministry’s 
Notification of even number dated f 1th July, 2007 and In 
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (I) of 
Section 5 oftheCinonafograph Act, 1952 (37 of 1952) read 
with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification) Rides, 
1983 the Central Government >s pleased to accept the 
resignation of Shri Anil Thomas as Member of the 
Thiruvananthapuram Advisory Pend of the Central Board 
ofFjlmCdtificUHnwifoimn^iateeffect. . 

SANGEETA SINGH, Director (Films) 

^ftwft^25mjte ( 200B 

^130. 1023-W ^ 9ft 11 ^clt?, 2007 
9ft ^ CStm^X 

iMnmral, 1983 ^ 7 sfo s 9f^ 

tffapw, 1952 (19529*137) 9ft m S (1) W9 

R9R 9*r’a9Pt 9oft jj^’sSsTtwiTflwrci.awt^.^ 

99t arofa ^ ftni or apitf ^ *% 

fsw TtTNM ’tfrrf ^ wmfmn 4**5t # 

Wt ^ ^ # -q, 44^41^. ipt VHlfetfiKl ^ft 

, 9W*14ilg, HS95 584 9ft ^39fl 9Ttcft $ I 

[9a 91 809/672007-9^ (tf)J 
TrftTH IfnF, (fP5*T) 

New Delhi* the 25th April, 2O0B 

SrO, 1&23 p—I n continuation of this Ministry 
Notification of even number dated 1 Ufa July, 2007 and in 
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10 , 200S/VAISAKHA 20, 1930 [Part El—S ec. 3 (ii)] 

Section 5 of theCinematogruphAct, 1952 (37 of1952) read 
with rules 7 and 8 of the Cinematograph (Certification) Rules, 
1983 the Central Government is pleased to appoint 
Shri A. Jayaprakash, Guru Knpatn, Sonthiglri P.O., 
Podieiieode,Thifuvananihaipuraiiiv^95 584 as a member of 
(he Thtruvananthapuram Advisory Panel of the Central 
Bcrnd ofFilm Certification with immediate effect for a period 
of two years or until further orders, whichever is earlier. 

SANGEETA SINGH, Director (Films) 

fwra W»w*i ^ 

30 aqfcf, 2008 

«t£lt, 1024.-W?T4T (Tfa ^ TURfa IP fN-lT ^ 

Rii(!i<i'l)^ratT p 1976 (*WTTfcWMcr, 1987) efron io^f 
Tn-fttR (4) ^ ^ *U4i|< H,d46K! 

e iraraPw IWtrmdN .l*t*n(etfWi5f a»wTtitif fan 4* 
80 kUrri 3 «if*rcr’ wNrI^ ^sufphntis* hr 
SRI tiH.ftwi h>I <nHj^fVra 4 t— 

(i) ^ farpt %.J WT$ '80!^ 4l4lvH, 

(nj wn?r fpw fti, *nwi faww <M4fd4, 


(TL i Iltil l/9/2006-ft^t OSPlNiR) ] 

wu«i vid, 

New Delhi, the 30th April, .2008 

S.O. 1024.—In pursuance of sub-rule (4) of Rule 10 
of the Official Language (Use for Official Purpose of the 
Union) Rules, 1976 (as amended, 1987) the Central 
Government hereby notifies the following Offices under 
die administrative control of Ministry Of Steel, where more 
than 80% staff have acquired working knowledge of 

(f) Ferro Scrap Njgam Ltd, Aaigaih Unit, Raigarh 

<ji) Rashtriya Ispat Ni$un.LfcL Jlranch Sales Office^ 

: Gatiabad. 

[No. E-J101 1^/2006-Hindi (Tmpfcmeittjukin)] 


fwfl, 30 200S 

W ( 3R 1948 (1948 

HI 61) 4?t *TKT 4 TTOT7I {3} ETC! 

fan? ehl4 *4^ ^.IrlK tHHfwfisifl 

L ^jj4;0 Ttf vf^pRiT ^ MRT 

Fiiiiisiw wwi 4(3)(^) # TIW 

5RT ^iPra 

(qvim OTE-3, Tfh=lift ^TIT 

1 f&TT, p 3TfVf-1^K tTRT 

(^ih}^ 4(3){^) ^ ^ 

jrtjT TTffiTC, I 

*terc wjn 'wt, 

TOT-462 004 

[*Fl 2JO]2/5W-^T] 



New Delhi, the 30th April 20QJ 

S,0, 1023L—lii exercise ofthe powers conferred by 
subsection (3) of section 4 of the Central Silk Board Act, 
l94g(LXiof 194ft), the Central Government hereby notifies 
the nomination of the foJlowing persons to serve as 
members of the Central Silk B<wd for a period of three 
years from the date of this notification subject to the 
provisions of the said Act r— 

l Mk Sunita Chaturvedi, Nominated by the 
Director of Sericulture, Central Government 
Government of Uttar Pradesh under Section 4(3Xg) 
LDA Commercial Comply of the Act. 

VishaJ Khand-3, Gomtj Nagar, 


Z Shri M.K. Singh, IAS Nominated by the 

CommissionerfSilk), Central Government 

Government of Madhya under Section 4(3)(g) 
Padesh Lower Basement, of the Act. 



[F f No. 25012/36^5tftJ 

vnn 4qff-#vB* ■ 

01- WSw4ly 0» M«mw 334.145 

<a ftasi 02 ^Rftwaiim 'tfnsiy 5*232 

^*T '' _ " ..." ^ 7 389377 .., 

: ■ ■' : . _ frw <fo»*Pl) 

*(H« ftalrf 4|;|44li 

389 t 377 itea (*ni*r) iff 962,150 CTO*!) 



[Part II— 5bc, 3(iiJJ 

1, nmJlu HPT ( *TFT ) if 3 IRt<T ffcpf ^TFt VHliT 


ll 1 !),!,!, 4, 5, 6,7,8, 9, 10, II, 12, 13. 14, 15, 
16,19 (nr), 21,22,23 24,25,26,2?( H), 28,29,30, 31, 
32,33,34,35,36.37,38, 39.40,41,42, 43,44,45, 46, 
47,48<Hr), 124, 130. 131. 132, t33. 134, 135, 136,137, 
138,139,140,141,142,143,144, 145, 146.147,148, 149, 
ISO, lit, 152, 153, 154. 155. 156, !57. 158, 159, 160. 
16i, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 
172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177. 178, P9, 180, 181, 182, 
183, 184, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 193, 
194, 195, 196, 19", 198, 199, 200, 201,202, 203, 204, 
205, 206, 207, 208, 209 , 210, 211, 212, 113, 214, II5, 

116, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 

227, 2i28, 229, 230. 231.232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 

238, 239. 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 

249,250,251, 252, 253,254,255.256,257,258,259, 
260,261,261,263,264,265, 266,267,268,269, 270,271, 
272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 
283, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288 , 289, 290, 291, 292 , 293, 
294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299.. 300, 301 ,302 . 303, 304, 
305. 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 
316,317,318,319,320, 321,322,323,324.. 325,326,327, 
328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334. 335, 336. 337, 338, 
339,340, 341. 342, 343, 344, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 
350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355 , 356 . 357, 358, 359, 360, 
361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371. 
372. 373, 374. 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 
383, 384. 385. 386(H), 387, 3H8, 389(H), 392(h), 
393, 394, 395, 3%, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 

' 404, 405,406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412/413, 414, 
438(H), 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446. 447, 
448, 449, 450, 451,452, 453, 454, 455. 456, 457, 458, 
459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 
470, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477. 478; 479, 480, 
481,482.483,484, 485, 486, 487, 488 r 489,490, 491, 
492, 493, 494, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501,502, 
503, 504, 505, 506, 507 r 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 513, 
SM, 515, 316, 517, 518, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523, 524, 
525, 526, 527, 528, 529, 530, 531,532 , 533 , 534, 535, 
536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 546, 
547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553 , 554, 555, 556 , 557, 
558, 559, 560, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 
569, 570, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 576, 577, 578, 579, 
580, 581, 592(H), 593, 595, 596, 597, 598, 599, 600, 
601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 

612, 613,614, 615, 616,617, 618 , 619 , 620,621,622, 
623, 624 , 625. 626 , 627 , 628, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 
634, 635, 636, 637, 638, 639, 640, 641,642, 643, 644, 
645jf*46,647,648,649/150, 651,652,653,654,655,6S6, 
657, 658. 659, 660, 661,662, 663, 664, 665 , 666 , 667. 
668 , 669, 670, 671, 672, 673,674 , 675 , 676 , 677,678, 
679/380,681,682,683,684,685, 686,687j688,6S9CH), 
690(H), 691, 692, 693, 694 , 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 
700, 701, 702, 703(H), 704(H), 966 , 967 , 968 , 969, 
982, 983, 984 , 985, 986, 937, 988 , 989, 990, 991,992, 
993 . 994 , 995, 996, 997. 998, 999, 1000, 1001, 1002, 
1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010, 10)1, 
1012, 1013,1014, 1015(H), 1017(H), 11M, 1019,1020, 
1021 , 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 
1030,1031,1032,1033,1034, 1035, 1041(H), 1042(H), 
1043(H), 1965, 1968, 1%9, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 
1974, 1975, 1976. 1977, 1978, 1979, I960, 1981, 1982, 
2019 , 2020(H), 2089 , 2090 , 2091, 2092 , 2093 , 2094, 
2095 , 2096,2097,2098, 2099, 2100, 2101,2102, 2103,. 
2104, 2105,2106,2107,2108, 2109, 2110, 2111, 2112, 
2113,2114,2115,2116,2117, 2118,2119, 2120,2121, 
2122,2123,2124, 2125, 2126,2127,2128,2129,2130, 
2131,2132,2133,2134,2135, 2)36,2137,2138, 2139, 
2140, 2141, 2142, 2146, 2147, 2148, 2149(H), 2150, 
2151,2152,2153 ,2154, Z!55, 2156, 2157,2158, 2159, 
2160, 2161,2162, 2163.2164, 2165,2166, 2167 2168, 
2169, 2170, 2171,2172, 2173, 2174, 2175,2176, 2177, 
2178, 2179, 2180,2181, 2182, 2183,2184,2185,2186, 
2187, 2188, 2189, 2190, 2191, 2192, 2193. 2194,, 2195, 
21%, 2197, 2198, 2199, 2000, 2201,2202 , 2203, 2204, 
2205, 2206. 2207, 220S, 2209, 2210, 2211,2212, 2213, 
2214, 2215, 2216, 2217, 2218, 2219, 2220, 2221,2222, 
2223, 2224, 2225, 2226, 2227, 2228, 2229, 2230, 2231, 
2232, 2234, 2235, 2237(H), 2238, 2239, 2240, 2241, 
2242, 2243, 2244. 2245, 2246, 1247, 2248, 2249, 2250, 
2251, 2252, 2253, 2254, 2255, 2256, 2257. 2258, 2259, 
2260,2261,2262, 2263, 2264 1 2265, 2266,2267, 2268, 
2269, 2270,2271,2272, 2273,2274,2275,2276,2277, 
2278, 2279 , 2280, 2281,2282, 2283, 2284, 2285, 2286, 
2287, 2288, 2289, 2290, 2291,2292, 2293, 2294, 2295, 
2296,2297, 2298, 2299, 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303, 2304, 
2305, 2306, 2307, 2308, 2309, 2310, 23II, 2312, 2313, 
2314,2315,2316,2317,2318,2319, 2320, 2321,2322, 
2323, 2324, 2325, 2326. 2327, 2328, 2329, 2330, 2331, 
2332, 2333, 2334, 2335, 2336,,2337. 2338, 2339, 2340, 
2341,2342,2343, 2344, 2345,2346, 2347,2348,2349, 


2350, 2351, 2352,2353-2354, 2355.2356,2357,2358, 
2359, 2360j, 2361, 2362, 2363,2364, 2J65, 2366, 2367, 
2368,2369, 2370, 237), 2372,2373,2374, 2375,2376, 
2377, 2378, 2379, 2380, 238). 2382,2383, 23«4, 2385, 
3386, 2387, 2388, 2389, 2390,2391,2392,2393,2394, 
2395, 2396, 2397,2398, 2399, 240Q, 2401, 2402, 2403, 


586, J87; 588,'589; 596; 591,592, 593; 594' 595, 596, 
■ 597, 598, 599 * 680. 60*, 602. m , 604- 60S606, 607, 
608,609; *1€ , 61 1 < 'll) v «$ j 668; 669,670,671, 

, 672- 673 y 674, 675, 676, 67? ! , 678, 679, '680,68], 682, 
683, 684, 685, <586, 687, 6«8, 6.^, 690,^,'31 *92. 693, 
■_ 694, 695, 696, 697, *98, 609- 7MJ, 701, 702, 70i, , 

^ 10; 20QS/&TO 20, !930 

2404, 2405.2406. 2407.2408>2409, 2410,24l(,2412, 
2413. 2414.2415, 2416, 2417, 2418, 2419, 2420, 24?.l, 
2422, 2423, 242^ 2425, 2426/2427, 2428, 2429, 2420, 
2431,2432;2434.245s;2436,2437, 2438(m),2439(HO, 
244ll( »lf), 2^43, 2444, 2445, 2446, 2447,, 2448, 2449, 
2450,2451,2*52;3453,2454,2455,2456f*1Pr). 24otfVJ, 
24ffi(*T>, 2463(’PT);2464, 2465,2406:2467,2468'HI), 
2469, 2470, 247(<%), 2472(W), 2473, 2251,2474, 
2194/2475, 21890476, 474/ 2477, 215/2478, 215/2479, 
208^480, 471/2481, 243/2484, 2203/2485, 2203/2486, 
2187/2487, 2195/2491/ 195/2492, 2195/2493, 242/2494, 
22l8/$t9$(«S»f), 403/2502,4 J4/2$03(HT)- 4l6/2505( HI), 
384/2506; 244/2507, 244/2506, 2186/2509,2186/2510, 
2145/3511,2185/25I2;“?l 85/2513, 147/2522,2203/2531, 
SOP,2532, *59/2333, 659/2524, 2444/2543, 2421/2546, 
2399/2552, 2399/2553, 704/2556, 136/2558. 180/2559. 
3/2560. 2156/2584, 2133/2585, 2111/25*6, 2020/2587, 
2020/25*5, 2104/2*93, 2089/2595. 5780598, 2412/599, 
254/2604. 254/2605, 255/2606, 2443/26*5 , 2443/2666, 
2390/2679,997/2684,1007/268$, 2234/2687,2234/2688, 
987/2697,.6J5/2704, 226$/27Q8-, 2267/2709, 2267/2710, 
2206/2711. 2264/2712,185/2713, 185/2714, 1*5/2715, 
214/2716, 216/2717,; 228/271, -239/2719 , 239/2720. 
242/2721, 242/2722, 242/2723, 455/2724, 520/2725, 
520/2726, 520/27#, 520/2728, .521/2729, 522/2730, 
600/2731, 625/2732, 625/273.3, 653/2734, 6S4/2735, 
986/2738, 19*3/2788,2189/2790,2195/2791-2227/2792, 
2270/2798,2453/2799,2453/2*00,2453/28<ii ,2453/2802, 
2454/2803, 2454/2804, 2454/280$, 991/2$06, 992/2*07, 

TfGW ■ ■ 

501, 502, 503. 504, 505, 506. 507, 508, 509-510, 
511, 512, 519, 520, 521, 522, 523,524, *25, 526, 527, 
52*. 529, 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 556, 557, 558, 559. 
560, 561. 562^563, 564, $65, 566- 567, 568, 569- 570, 
571, 576- 577, 578, 579, 580, 581.582, 583, 584, 585, 

705, 706, 707- 708, 709-, 710, 7U, 713, 713, 714, 715, 
716, 717, 718 , 719- 720, ?2l, 722, 72U^i) t 727(*TT), 
728, 729, 730 , 73? , 732, 75.3(10 j, 734 , 735 , 736- 737, 

; ^3*- 739- 740, 741- 742 , 743 - 744, 745 - 746 , 747, 74S, 

749,750, 75i,752j 75.1, 7^4 , 755 , 756, 757- 758 , 759, 

760 , 761; 762,703 , 764 , 765 , 760, 7*7, 768- 769 - 770, 

771V78K1*), 783(«fl/, 7X8, 790, 107*(HT)- 1078^), 
10?9(*T), ift80-‘ I08i,'1082, 1083, 1084- 1085(41), 
'"T0B6(V)/1«T,' 1088, T0K9-” 1090.' iWi, 1092, 1093, 
1094, 1095-7096, lft/1.UOi, M02. 
1103, 1104, <105, I UK. 1 Hv,' 1 ]30.' 1121, U22, E123, 
1124, 1125(^11261 1427,: 1128i 1129,1132(111), 1133, 

: . M.34 -. 1135 (*#) f J 41 (.W)., 1369-1370,1371.1372, 1373, 
1374-1375- 1376-1377- 1378*1379,1380,1381, 1382- 
1383- 1384-13*5,1386(111), 1387-43**, ]389. 1390, 
1391.1392,1393,1394(111), 1395^96, 1400, 

1401,1402,1403-. 1386/2150; 678/2214^6*2/22] 5,699/2216- 
705/2217, 734/221*, 736/2219- 6*9/2220, 3*2/2227, 
687/2235, 783/2241, 1100/2247, .1394/2262, 1394/2263, 
i 394/22*4,1394/2265 i 1394^6, E394/22j&7( , i) -681/2275, 

681/2276; 746/2304 , 577/2335 , 577/2336 , 577/2337, 

583/2338, 583/2359, 585/2340; 672/2341, 693/2342, 
751/2343, 7*2/2348(141)- 1388/24#- 1395/2408, 
!444/2409(Hi)-693/2432^(13«^4Jl' " 7 ’ 

xto (TOiota t 

fcfT ^ (J ?f^I-16^ XW. Hfif TO f^t 

HR (MlMUl ^ liHir TT 

IV 5 4T $ flij* Hf -,1 *41 oitihIip 

tii*T ^ acfrt 

^ 14*1 'jjn TO flieiwUf 

TTWl - 389,386; 389- 392- 2503 - 2505 - 438 ^ 

-■ - ■■ ^ ^ 

t W i^qj 448 v to; nwHlo afa 

.fifel mof ^ TE&jR|^3R|*lxf^ B T 3)k 
^nfl 1 1 fa* HPT 1&5T Klli ofttm 2336, 577, 

2335,576- 571, '564, 563- 519 ^1 ^ ^ 

$30, 512 Hfrtpfr ! |fii^TR Hft aft 

$ Pin Hft idltSit- 
510, S05 afe 5M HfrWlfrir«nri) * 



[Past II— Sec. 3(ii)] 

t #i ^ft «nfe ft<6a up? flasr'ciBafro 
504, 503, 502, 501, 534, 557, 556, 561, 568, 
610 ft 'liSM ^ ftft nr «W 611 ft ;p«l 

ft ftft feT^SHE aferil 611 atari ft TOI 
jpuii ft far tos a+wri 666 ft ftft ■ 5 ?? ft 
ftfc ft* felK aferi 722, 721, 720, 719 # T?f 
Utm ft ^pRcft £ ato ta»T ’ t clR TOW 727, 
726, 733 ^ ^ t 3Hl Fin W WIF 

790,788, 2241 # ^ atari ft TOT ft ftla ' 

V1K ««m 2348 ft ^fiPT '♦>!'! TO ft feu 
feiz aram 783,782,2348 ft tit fn nfflfft ft ftfc 
%7 TO3 WSHI 739 ftt atari TO ft fan 

mfH ata gnft ft ate sanftnftpft atai ft arm 
ft mu atari a urn ip# I ata far m, 
772 # nft4*H atari ft h# ft fen mft 

jj?<!l ^ Ihh oiNt 4ta ^nl ^ ^nis 
aranr ?68#Tjff atari ft an* ipat ft sta fa? 
TOZ afafl 1076, 1078, 1079 ft ftft HIP# ft 
lfa?TOZafTO 1105,#njff fttalTOnf^ft 
Km mwi 1085,10B6 ft Tft H ft sfo 
W TOUT! 105, 1119,1124 # ipft ataftftft 
ataff ft H I M «$d l ft IfrlVIK am 1125 ft ftN* 
ft fen nrfl n# ft ftl? T aiR afeat 1129, 

1128 # Tpf atari ft aim ip# ft Ok far 
Om 1132 ^ ihiT ^ 4^1 Pm 'flic titsui 
1142 ftt iflil ^ fli'i <*<*<(] J Jii Fm ftel 

wntei2i59 ata toi#?i toz airo 2216 
■# tiimfaii atari ft aim upt fasi ata dMi«fWi 
ftt olmfeti atari to nj# ft fenTOz Wwi 
1141, 1135 ftft H *p# ft ft? fa? TOI#?f 
'tflMI 2498 Tift h ®**ft TOlft ft aft* fa? 
OW l ftlO *61 1 4 4104 1 2232,2667,2688,2235 # 
*jft atari ft ifft H ft l^clRaRWI 2794# 

njft atari nr *rn# ft fen miA ftsm 2237ftftft 
H 'P# ft ft? TPT aifelft?! ata Fbisi ft! 
arferfen atari ftt ma 4# fennfe 1 ^ nft 
ft 4i fR flwn^lE ^TTO 1369,1370#Tjff 
^ Tn*i J pifll ft aJk I*r ;t»l 1 pf ^chu ^ 
■?n®i jp# nf 2150 nft 4ofl nftm to ^ 

fen 2451 It iftft H *14# ft aftl '«b woti 

i4o3 # nftft to n^nft ^ fen mz 
TO4I 1386 ^ ^pt# ft Ott ftrei TO Ot W 
*i«Hi i40i nft nfe^d^^f nftft nr t m 
TORI fen TOSalTO 1402,1401 Tjff 

iN^wiairtn#ft i 

^ ^ n? : t*9T feST TO # "'cTR #5911401 Oi sfe v l- i pf 
fTOit nr at ^ ft aftr fesr nft , '?ir 
Om woo, i40i, nos#nftntfttira 
nfe# aitar ^ ||'4# ft taTR afro 1398 ^ 
n1ftH T 5 n 3 ' ? fe qT 2267, 1394, 2409 

7 ^'wtastir 1396# altar ^an<rftlftH T?1R 

afro 2262 # nftHt atari T ta ft afta wi 

flasi iffli arftaferr altai ^ra ^ 

fen #r# nTepIt-nfTtafl atari ^ ^pant ft ata 
akii 4W Knit mVshi 2473 # 4lMi^arm 

^i# ft afta hmnUi w arro 2472, 2471 r 

2468, 2462, 2463, 2461, 2456 ft tfft H W 
afen 2666 # atari n* arw ap# ft ata 

feis arro 2440,2439,2438 ft fttaiT feR afro 
2437 i^dl ft afta fea arror 2437, 
1973, 1977,2788,2019 # ftroft fttal ft W®f 

ap# ft ata ffta ftro 2094 ft nfa# 
fe# na amR afro 2020 ft ftft H 
ifgft ft afta tfta avz arroi 2094, 2093 , 2092, 
2595 ftt atari ft an*r ftft h artarr 
2089 ft feR afeqi 2143 ta n^nft ft ata feR 
2089,2142,2146,2147 ftTafegft fttarft aro 
ft?f 2i49ftft4fti?irear0!rr 1369 

"aa H^ncfl ft ata ^aiftl iTifl atari ft "jp# ft ata 
ffta w Om 689,690 ft ftft h w Om 
69i na ft fta w afro 691,692 # 
ilrinnl atari ft ftft H afro 703,704 ft 
apaftft ata ffta’WSaiTO 2556,654 ftt fttaft 

atari ft anR ata wftro 592 ft fit h miz 

are*n 593, 595, 582, 581,580, 579, 978, 966, 
968, ioi4 # ftarol atari ft ftft h 1 ?nz 
afro 1032, 1035 # fttatai atari ft ^pft h 
1015, ion ft TP# ft sta ro>r few afen 1041, 
1042 ftn#ftft stalftT’^IRafen 1043, 130, 
131,132,133,134, 124, ]36#ftHftatanft 
*1*1# ft aftr tart afen 48 ft h 

afro 29 ia ft ftla mz Om 29,28 # 

mUmMI atari ft ftft h "^i^ airo 27 ft ip# ft 

ata tfta mz Om 21 ftt atari ft aim 


atari ft ip# ^ ditofto to ata wn# atari 
# ft 1 

[nil a 430 L 5/2/2007-ftailWliwn-] J 
nft-aifis^tar, araaatam 

[Vf Ji—1<H 3(h)] 

tiww io, 2 oor^*imji so, 1930 


ministry of coal 
N ew Delhi, the 8th May, 2008 

S.O, 1026.—Whettss by the notification of the 
Government of India in die Ministry of Coal Dumber 
S O. 1028 dated the 28th fune 2007 issued under sub¬ 
section (1) of section 4 of the Coal Bearing Areas 
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20of 1&9) and 
published in tbe Gazette of India put; II, Sectton-3, sub* 
section (ii) of the Gazette of Italia dated the 7* July2007, 
the Central Government gave notice of its intention to 
prospect for coal in 389.377 hectares (approximately) or 
962.150 acres (approximately) of the lands in the locality 
specified in the Schedule annexed to that notification; 

And whereas foe Central Government is satisfied 
thut coni is obtainable from die said lands; 

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred 
by sub-seed on (1) of Section 7 pf the Coni Bearing Areas 
(Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957 (20 of 1957) 
(hereinafter reserved to aa the said Act), the Central 
Government hereby gives notice of Its intention to acquire 
die land measuring 389.377 hectares (approximately) or 
962.150 acres (approximately) and all rights in or over the 
sold lands described in the Schedule appended hereto. 

Notel. ThePlan bewingNo. MCDSUR/TLB/02/2008 
dated 28th January 2008 of the area covered by this 
notification nwy be inspected in the office of the Collector 
Sambolpur (Orissa), otr In the office of the Coal Controller, 
1, Council House Street, Kolhuta700001, or inttae office of 
the Chief General ManageKCF&P), M»t™iwll Coalfields 
Limited (Corporate Planning & lh^)ect Department), Jagriti 
Viwr, PG. Jagriti Vihar, Burfa, Ssnibalpur, Orissa. 

Note 2. Attention is hereby invited to the provisions 
of Section 8 of the said Act, which provides os follows: 

Objection to acqafiitiua 

8 (1) Any person interested in any land in respect of 
which a notification under Section 7 has been issued, may, 
within thirty days of the issue of the notification, object to 
foe acquisition of tbe whole or any part of foe land or any 
rights in or over such land. 


(1) It shall not be an objection within the meaning of 
this section for airy person to say foot he himself 

. dealres to undertake mining operation in tbe land 
for the production ofcoal andthnt such operations 
should not be undertaken by the Central 
Government or by any other person. 

(2) Every objection under sub section (l) shill be 
made to the competent authority in writing and 
foe competent authority shall give the objector 

an opportunity Of being heard either in person or 
by a legal practitioner and shall, after hearing ail 
such objections and after ™trmg such farther 
inquiry, if any, as he thinks necessary, either make 
a report in respect of the land which has been 
notified under sub-section (|) of Section 7 or of 
rights in or over such [and, or moke diff eren t 
reports in respect of different panels of such land 
or of rights in or over such land, to the Central 
Gcraramas, coafomlng his recotmatiuMions ott 
the objection*, together with foe record of the 
proceedings held by him, foe decision of foot 

, (3) For the purposes of (his section, a person shall 
be deemed to be interested in and who would be 
entitled to claim an interest b compensation if the 
land or any rights In or over such land were 
ticqutred under foil Act 

Note 3. Tbe Cool Controller, 1, Council House Street, 
Kolkafo 700001 has been appointed by the Central 
Government as the competent authority under Section 3 of 
the said Act, vide notification number S.O.2015, dated foe 
10th July 1995. 


IB Block XIII(Talabirft-II) 

T alabira Area, District Sambalpur, Orissa 
Alt Rights 

(Plans bearing No. MCl^SUR/TAi^02/200< 
dated 28th January2008) 

tii F Nutt 0 r 



TaAiiH District Area Re* 





in marts 






Of Taiibil* 



5until- 334.14* 




02. Khinds 



ShiM-p 5j r 232 









*As per revenue records. 

Total 189.377 hectare* (approximately) or 962.150 acres 

1 . Yfotpunbcre to be acquired InviJtageTatablra (Part) 

1(F), 2,3,4,5,6,7^9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, )9{Pk 
38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48(F), 124, J30.131,132, 

1326 GU0fl^4 



I Part M—Sec,3(ii)] 

14^ 147,148,149,150,151.152,153,154,155,156,157.158, 
186,187,188,! 89,190,191,192,193,194,195,1%, 197,198, 
199,200,201,202,203,204,205,206.207,208,209,2! 0,211, 

' 264,265,266,267,268,269,270,271,272,273,274,275,276, 
277,278,279,2SQ, 2ft], 282,283,284,285,286,287,288,289, 
329,330,331,332,333,334,3^5,336,337,238,339,340, 341, 
381,382,383,384,385,3S6(P),387,388,389(P>, 392(F), 393, 
407,408,409,410,411,412,413,414,438(P), 439,4 40,441, 
507,508,509, $ 10,511,512,513,514,515,516,517,518,519, 
572.573,574,575,576,577,578,579,580,581,592(F), 593, 
686,687,688,689(P* 690(P), 691,692,693.694, 695.696, 
697,698,699.700,701,702,703(F)- 704(P), 966,967,968, 
982^9*3.984,985,986,987, 988, 989, 990, 991,992.993, 
994,995.996,997,998,999, 1000,1001,1002,1003, 1004, 
I0150 1 ), 1017(P), 10)8,1019,1020,1021,1022,1023,1024. 
1035.1041(F), 1 M2(PX 1043(F), 1965,1968,1969,1970,1971, 
210^2107,2108,2109, 2110.2111,2112,2113,2114,2115, 
2116k 2(17,2118,2119, 2120,2121, 2122,2123,2124, 2125, 
2136^2137,2138, 2139,2140, 2141,2142,2146.2147.2148, 

2149(P), 2150,2151,2152,2153,2154,2155,2156, 2157, 
2158.2159,2160,2161,2162,2163,2164,2165.2166. 2167 
2168.2169,2170,2171.2172,2! 73,2174, 2175,2176,2177, 
2178,2179,2180,2181, 2182, 2183,2184,2185,2186,2187, 
2188,2189,2190,2191,2192,2! 93,2194,2195,2196,2197, 
2208,2209,2210,2211,2212, 2213.2214,2215,2216,2217, 
2228,2229,2230,2231,2232,2234,22312237(F), 223 8,2239, 
2260,2261,2262,2263,2264,2265,2266,2267,2268, 2269, 
2270,2271,2272, 2273,2274,2275,2276,2277,2278,2279, 
2290,2291,2292, 2293,2294,2295,2296,2297,2298,2299, 
2300,23 01,2302,2303,2304,2305,2306,2307,2308,2309. 
2320, 2321,2322,2323,2324,2325,2326,2327,2328,2329. 
2340,2341,2342,2343.2344, 2345,2346, 2347,2348,2349. 
2350, 23 51, 2352,23 5 3,2354,2355,2356,2357,2358,2359, 
2370,2371,2372,2373,2374, 2375,2376,2377,2378,2379, 
2380,2381,2382,2383.2384,2385, 2386,23S7, 2388, 2389. 
2410,2411,2412,2413,2414,2415,2416.24)7,2418,24 IV, 
2430,2431,2432,2434,2435,2436,2437,243 S(P), 2439(P), 
2440(P>, 2443,2444,2445.2446,2447, 2448,244 9,2450, 
2451,2452,2453,2454,2455,2456(P). 246 l(P), 2462(P), 
2463(P),2464.2465,2466,2467,246S<P) 1 2469,2470,247 f(F). 
2472(F), 2473, 2251/2474, 1 194/2475,2189.2476,474/ 2477, 
2! 5/2478,215/2479,208/2480.471/2481,243/2484,2203/2485, 
2494 2218/249SCP), 405/3502,414/2503(P), 4) 6/2505(P), 384/ 
2506, 244/2507,244/2508,2186/2509,2186/2510,31 *5/2511, 
2185/2512,2185/2 513,147/2522,2203/2531,501 /2532,6 59/ 
2533,659/2534,2444/2543,2421Z2546,2405/2547,2399/254 8, 
2399/2549,2399/2550, 2 1399/2551,2399/2552,23992551704/ 
2556, L 36/25 58,180/25 59.3/2560,2156/2584,21335585,2111/ 
2586,2020/2587,2020/25 S8,2104/2593,2089/2595,578/2598, 
2666,2190/2674, 2 190/2675,2454/2676,2454/2677,2390/ 
987/2697,655/2704,2265&70& 2267/2709,2267/2710,2266/ 
2711,2264/27 !2,185/2713,185/2713,185/2715,214/2716, 
654/273 5,986/275 8,1983278 8,2189/2790,2195/2791,2227/ 
2792,2227/2793,2238/2794,223 8/2795,2242/2796,2264/ 
2802) 2454/2S03,2454/2*04,2454/2805,991/2806,992/2807, 
2354/2808,23822 SO 1 V & 22 762810. 

[wit— w*?3<M)3 


10, 2008/^71^8 20, 1930 

2- HotniBb(RUlBaa|iiind tavllh|e 

501,502,503,504, $05,506,507,505,509,510,511, 
565,566,567.568,569,570,571,576,577.57?, 579,500,581, 
. 582,583,584,585,586,587,588,589,590,591,592,593,594, 
608,609,610,61 l(P), 666 (?\ 667,668,669,670,671,672, 
712,713,714,715,71$ 717,718,719,720,721,722,72o(P% 
727(1% 72$729,73$731,732,733{P),734,735,73$737,73$ 
739,740,741,742,743,744.745,746,747,748,749,75$ 751, 
752,753,754,755,756,757,758,759,76$ 761;762«76\ 76$ 
765,766,767,768,769,770,771 r 782(P) l 7*3(F% 

I076tf% 1078(F), 1079(F), 1080,1081,1082,1083,1084, 
1085(7% 1086(F), 1087,1088,1089,1090,1091,1092,1093, 
1094,1095,109$ 1097,109$ 1099,1100, U01,1102,1103, 
1104,1105,111$ 1119,1120,112 l f 1122,1123,1124,112m 
112$ 1127,112$ 1129,1132(F), 1133,113$ 113W1141(F) 
1369,137$ 1371,1372, 1373,1374,1375, 137$ 1377,1378, 
1379,138$ 1381,138$ 1383,1384,1385,1386(1% 1387,1388, 
1389,1390,1391,1392,1393,1394(P% 1395,139$ 13980% 
140$ 1401,1402,1403,1366/2150,678/2214,682/2215,699/ 
221 $705/2217,734/221$736/2219,6892220,582/2227,687/ 
1394/2265,1394/226$ 1394S2S7(P)v68l/2275,6Sl/227$746/ 
2304,577/2335,577/233$ 577/2337, 583/2338,5833339, 
585/2340,672/2341,69M342,751/2343,7*2034*0% 1388/ 
2407,1395/240$ 1444/2409(1%693/2432,oa 1370/2451— 

Boundary Description of IB XIU flblabtra Blotk-D) 

A-F: Line starts from beginning point “A " on die 

common village boundary of village Talabira and 
Patrapali as well as on the north western comer of 
Talabira Plot No. 16 then moves towards north along 
the common village boundary of Talabira and 
Patrapali upto Point 'A r then turn east and passes 
through Tglabira Plot Nos. 1,389, 38$ 389, 392, 
2503,2505,43$ up to point‘T”, 

P-G: Line passes towards south along the common 
village boundary of Talabira and Khinda upto 
Talabira Plot No. 448 and then turns east along the 
northern boundary of village Khinda plot No. 233$ 
577,2335,576,57l, 564,563,519 and turns towards 
north along the western boundary of plot No. 529, 
53$ 512 then turns towards east and moves along 
the aarthani boundaryplot No. 511,510,505 & 
504 and meets point * ( C”. 

G-H; Line moves from Point G on the south east comer 
of village Khinda Plot no. 504/503,502,501,534, 
557,55$ 561,56$ 610 and through plntrio. 611 and 

then passes along the eastern boundary of plot no. 
611 and passes through plot no. 666 and then 
passes along foe eastern boundary of plot no. 722, 
721,726,719 and then passes through plot no. 
727,726.733, and then posses along the eastern 
boundary of plot no. 790, 788, 2241 and then 
through plot no.783,782,2348 to reach to southern 
comer of plot no. 2348 and then turns right to reach 
foe boundary of plot no. 739 and passes along its 
eastern as well as southern boundary and then turns 
left to pass along the western boundary of plot no. 
773,772 and turns right and passes along the eastern 
boundary of pint no. 768 and then through plot no. 
1076,107$ 1079then moves through plot no. 1085, 
1086 to reach the eastern boundary ofplot no. 1105 
and moves along the eastern and south boundary 
of-plot no-1105,1119, 1124 then moves left to 
passes through plot no. 1125 and then passes along 
the eastern boundary of plot no. 1129, 1128 and 
then passes through plot no, 1132 and then moves 
along the Northern boundary of plot no. 1142 and 
then passes through Plot no. I Ml, 1135 to reach 
the common village boundary of Khinda and 
Talabira « well as foe ctmnnon boiatdary ofKhinida 
Plot No. 21 $9 and Talabira Plot No. 2216 and then 
moves through Tabblia Plot No. 2498 and then 
through the Eastern boundary of Talabira Plot No. 
2232,2687,2688,223$ and then passes through Plot 
No. 2237 to reach the Eastern boundaty of Plot No. 
2794 and moves South to cross the common 
boundary of village Talabira and Khinda and then 
passes along the eastern boundary of Khinda Plot 
no, 1369,1370 and then passes through plot no. 
2451 to reach the northern boundary of Plot No. 
2150 to pass along its eastern boundary and then 
move through plot no. 1386 to reach the north¬ 
eastern comer of Plot No. 1403 and then passes 
along foe eastern boundary of Plot No. 1402,1401 
to terminate at Point 'H' on foe south-eastern comer 
of plot no. 1401 of village Khinda. 

H-A: Line moves from point ‘H’ on the south-eastern 
. 1 eotner of plot no. 1401 of village Khinda and then 

passes along the southern as well as western 
boundary of Khinda plot no. 1401, 1400,240* and 
then passes through plot. no. 1398 and then along 
the boundary of plot no. 1396 to pass through plot 
no. 2267,1394, 2409 to reach foe southern boundary 
of plot no.2262 and passes along its south and 
western boundary to reach foe common boundary 
of village Khinda and Talabira and then passes 
along western boundary of Talabira plot no,2473 
and pass through Talabira plot no. 2472,2471,246$ 
2462,2463,2461,2456 and (hen passes along the 
western boundary of plot no. 2666 and then passes 
through plot no. 2440, 2439, 2438 to reach plot 



[Pmt II—SEcJ(ii)] 

no. 2437 and moves along the western boundary 
ofplot no. 2437,2434,2432,2431,1963,1968,1969, 
1970,1972,1973,1977,2788,2019 and then passes 
through plot r>o, 2020 to reach south western comer 
of plot no. 2094 and passes along the western 
boundary of plot no. 2094,2093,2092,2595 through 
plot no. 2089 to teach plot no2143 and passes along 
the western boundary of plot no. 2089,2142,2146, 
2 147 and passes through plot no, 2149 to reach the 
boundary of plot no. 1369 and moves along its 
northern boundary and then passes through plot 
no. 689,690 to reach plot no.691 and passes along 
the western boundary of plot no.691,692 and then 
passes through plot no, 703, 704 and then along 
the western boundary of plot no.2S56, 654 and 
through plot no- 592 and passes along the western 
boundary of plot no. 593,595,582,581,580,579, 
978, 966, 968, 1014 and passes through plot no. 

1015,1017 and passes along the western boundary 
of plot no. 1032,1035 and then passes through plot 
no. 1041,1042 and then passes along western 
boundary of plot no. 1043,130,131,132,133,134, 
124,136 and then pass through plot no. 48 to reach 
plot no,29 and move along the western boundary 
of plot no. 29,28 and then passes through plot no.27 
then along the western boundary of plot no. 21 and 
then passes through plot no. 19 and then along the 
western boundary of plot no, 16 to touch the 
common boundary of village Talabira amdPutrapali. 

(F.No, 43M5/2C007-PRIW-J] 
M. SHAHA BU DEEN, Under Secy. 

eHT*ihwTr h<hA, tstit alhr w J^rPtwi foMitui wunw 
(dwilwii niMfi fhwi) 
mulUt wjtV 

M telt, 24 -wfo, 2008 

W.3TT. 1027.-'IR^ *tRT Pm, 1987 £ 

7 (1) # ^ 'Hltd'll 

«jf| i^d^Ki -ajttir $ % ^ flo* wi 

’tfTlhrT irpr 

TTTrrt^r wh 

TTTTltH W 7 ! 





Z 17-4-2003 

Wd 3 

’TOTR TRfr^l t(fr Sfaqf stRiflfl TtFRT 

9, wsijt Tllf *Hvt Tjpf, 10002, fft#^ 

tFRifenfi ^ feff, ^**rf w 

wi 1 ?Rferrfi n'ltfkj 

^UlSIrfl, T37T, '5^ W 

ItffSFRtigw 3 f i 

‘'fl'. ^a'si'T, TJ3TT wys (faycf 


(Department of Consu mer Affairs) 


New Delhi, the 24th April, 2008 

S.O. 1027.—In pursuance of clause (b) of sub-rule 
(1) of Rule 7 of the Bureau of Indian Standards Rules, 1987, 
the Bureau of Indian Standards hereby notifies that 
amendment to the Indian Standards, particulars of which 
are given in the Schedule hereto annexed has been 



No. and Year of the 

No, and year 

Date from 

No, Indian Standard* 

of the Amend- 

which the 


shall have 






IS 709®(Part3), 

03,September t 


1993 Specification 
for Cross-linked 


Polythylene lsulated 

Sheathed Cable* 

Fart 3 For wort in£ 
voltages from 66 kv 
up lo and including 
220 kV, 

Copy of this Amendment is available with the Bureau 
of Endian Standards, Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur SUah Zalar 
Marg, New Delhi-110002 and Regional Offices; New Delhi, 
Kolkala, Chandigarh, Chennai, Mumbai and also Branch 
Offices: Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, Bhubaneshwar, 
Coimbatore, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kanpur, Nagpur, 
Patna, Pune, Thiruvananthapuram. 


P. K. MUKHERJER, Sc F A Head (Electro-technical) 


FTC3 HI FFOT t 10, 2008/^ra 20, 1930 


f$ 1M, 30 arifer, 2008 

KSi; 1028,—FU(f^ «[j& fPIF, 1987 7ft ftOT 

7 ^ tf-Etot OW te) ^ *rm i¥ F i uflo hh* 

"njRfrci eiEnjNii fhw $ fti ifrt ftn ^ 

^f ftmi 7pn/ftri F^ 1 ? :— 


tftflftg FHlftF 


ifwt TlOTSCUSf) ufl" dWI HOTJ 3^lrftftr 


F* alkaMn 



( 2 ) 




«fcfr 1417:1999- 


wViltn Wtwi 2 

1 Ff, 2008 

fttw, 2007 

fljp( 3B»|JPV 

(fdHT ■pflOTl) 


IF tfvfim Fft uRnrf *w<H*i fhh f& afiraf Fraffa 

MH^v «Jt), FRH FHT, 9, Fgl$< HIT 7F8T FPf, Ff l^,wft- 
110002, &(N HPlfcnftFft Rwffll, *I«MiKII, ^~t^, 

flwii vavii -hi<ifH<iV supkifpi, e ,j (e?ii, Ftara, 
Fft*PF^t, ^fibi£, &iti"K HFp, HIH^, -im^<, FZFt, ipt 

oti firenHiy*? ■flf ftuft ftrj hot ■Ji 


tf.' rflufti 'Kkfrir, ^$nfi<t> ipr tr ny» (FF 3 A) 

New Delhi, the 30th April, 2008 

S-Q. 10M^-In pursuance Of clause (b) of sub-rale ^ 
{l) of Rules (1) of Rule 7 of the Bureau of Indian Standards 
Rules, 1987, the Bureau of Indian Standards hereby notifies 
that the Indian Standards, particulars of which are given in 
the Schedule hereto annexed have been established on the 
date indicated against each : 


Si No. and Year of the 
No, Indian Standard^) 

No. and year 
of the Amend* 

Date from 
which the 
shall have, 

(<) (2) 



1. IS 1417:1999 Gold 

Amendment No^ 

1 May, 2008 

and Gold Alloys, 

December, 2007 

Jewellery/Artefacts ■ 
Fineness and Mar¬ 
king Specification 
(Third Revision) 

Copy of this Standard is available for sale with the 
Bureau of Indian Standards, Manak Bhavan, 9, Bahadur 
Shah Zfifar Marg, New Delhi* 110002 and Regional Offices, 
New Delhi, Kollcata, Chandigarh. Chennai, Mumbai and 
also Branch Offices, Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Bhopal, 
Bhubaneshwar, Coimbatore, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, 
Kanpur, Nagpur, Patna, Pune, Thiruvananthapuram. 

[Ref, .MTD 10/T-l] 

Scientist F and Head (Met. Engg,} 

’R#ftOTffr,30 3 rSh,20O8 

HT.OT. lOlC.-HKtfts Hl-H> (SWIFF 1*lf*FFF) 1988 *ft FFfFFF ( j) ^ VRfft^FIFH3lfF 

nP*o F*W E ft* ^ Ri«u w l ’T ftt( FF ^ 7 ^ HT ftn FF ? : 

»i eujtfa tfam tJl® H ih U ^ Ft Ft Tf HRU| 


FiRAPf HI FR F Frit 

W 4 S FKtfa F 1 FH HI hHh STOTT 
FF HlHFi 4 t’(MI 


1 ■ 2 


4 5 


7 8 

1 . 6308967 


^T?T ( 14543:04 

f^rKn ^ 

19 - 12-07 

Him i^f 



1 6643779 


4 ft Hlf 1 ?I 5 jtalt'HH 


( 4 ^ 44 ^ 14543:04 

HtyltWi (ui«1 


10 - 12-07 

%F 3 ff ^ 

3 R^I 





tPARi II'—Sec. 3(ii)] 







7 8 



# Wi 'A 

14543 JO* 







I+n^n ^ 

14543 04 


WW* f^l 

rtf. tfT*Rtft/l3tl3] 

nciqi^, TR (t$M) 

New Delhi, the 30th April 2008 

S,a 1029 —In pursuance of sub-regulation (6) of the Regulation 5 of the Bureau ofltidian Standards (Certification) 
Regulations 1988, of the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies that the licences particulars, of which are given below 
have been cancelledt'&uspended with effect from the date indicated against each : 


SI. Licence No. Firm Name/City 


IS No. 

i: 6308967 

Godavari industries 

IS 145432004 

Z 6643779 

Sri Sai Foods and 



IS 145432004 

3. 6664888 

Sri Sai Products and 
Beverages Nirmat 

IS 145432004 

4. 6671885 

Vjjay Industries 

IS 145432004 


Date of 


Reason Remarks 

packaged drinking 
water (other than 
packaged natural 
mineral water) 


packaged drinking 
water (other than 
packaged natural 
mineral water) 


As requested 
by the firm 

packaged drinking 
water (olher than 
packaged nauurat 
mineral water) 


packaged drinking 
water (other than 
packaged natural 
mineral water) 






A. K TALWAR, Dv ; Director Generali Marks) 


biot^i jpm :^C io, 2ooft^irar 20,1930 



W.OT, 1030*-’TOiNTITOT^ (H*PH) ftrpnw, 1988 ’tf'fore 4 ^ J'lPMH (5) ^ 'IHiflJt PFra iJ H[fr 

^f^jpu Wl £ 14> ^ ^ ^ "fft ‘-Wj^d ^ fa? 1 T^ f :- 



4ii*Hk ^nn’Pnfe' 

**17*4 ^51 *n*i 

3R *RW 



1. 12-3-2009 



Hirl'ifq, fa-u, 


14543 j 2004 

2. 18-3-2009 


f&Z , , 



IlNii flHtm 


T ftrcOT 

13488 : 1992 

1 30-3-2009 


T^-20, ijftz 2 , wn^fhf 
■(Rill,, '4tPli*l 425003 


’ITT 1 ! 

M151 < *7FT 1) 


[Tf. : 11] 

H ^ fltWK, ^ ‘laih^iRi (TJR) 

New Delhi, the 1st May, 2008 

S,0,1D3(L—In pursuance of sub-regulation (5) of the Regulation 4 of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Certification) 
Regulations 1938* the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies that the grant of licences particulars, of which given 
below in the following schedule; 








Name and Address (factory) 
of the Party 


IS NoyPart/Sec, Ytear 





Ocean Beverage* (Nasik) Pvt Ltd., 
B-87, MIDC, Mafegaon Nasik, 

Packaged Drinking Water ISl4543;2£HH 
father than Packaged 

Natural Mineral Water) 





Dalya Irrigation Co- industrial 

Estate, Faizpur, TAL: YAWAE 

Emitting pipes system 

IS 134S8:1992 




The Supreme Industries Limited, 
H-20, Unit-II, MIDC Area, 

Irrigation Equipmetit- 

ISM 151 
(Part-1); 1999 


A, K. TALWARj Dy T Director General (Marks) 



[Pah U— Sec 3<ii)] 

ftSrft, 1 2008 

1031,—'Ricfhl HH* (OTTVR) 1988 ^ f^fwi (5) ^ (6) Wfa 

-SRfagfacr $ ’ft? ^ Tft ott| Ti^ wfte 3 fan TRJ t :- 




MlJ&imft ^>1 ’TR ^ W 

^ wvfti 

*R?fa wft; 'zr ifKn 

T^WPlH Tit 









ftttlei‘1 ft-Hr+i 11 fa., 

* m, 9T-7f. 30/2, 
tjnrft ^ fte 

RRl 14543 : 2004 

Ul^fd-4. ’RFReT Tltf ^ STcTml) 


n i^'Tii 

f^T "yft 

Z 7747190 tFfcWft ff-^FT fa5S, *0*1 1706 : 1985 25-02-2008 

lfT-57, O^l-H ^R3(|$ft7ft ^ fSn? 


? tn? 

[7*. :7ft*R^t/13 : 13] 
U, it. crt^R, ** miFfal* <gp) 

New Delhi, thp 1 st May, 2008 

S.O. 1031.—Tn pursuance of sub-regulation (6) of the regulation 5 of the Bureau of Indian Standards 
(Certification) Regulations (988, of the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies that the licences particulars of which 
are given below have been cancelied/wjth effect from the date indicated against each. 




Licence No h 

Name and Address of the 

Article/Process with relevant 
Indian Standards covered by 
the Hcencee cancelled 

Date of cancellation 






1 . 


Pinakin Aqua Minerals Pvt Ltd.* 
MilkatNo, 436, SrNtK 30/2 
DhayariNarhe Road T 

Taluk a Haveli, District Pune 

IS 14543:2004 

Packaged drinking water 
(Other than packaged natural 
mineral water) 




Dhanlaxmi Re-Rolling Mills 

D-57 t Addl MlDC n 


IS 1786:1985 

High strength deformed steel 
bars and wires for concrete 



[No. :CMD/13:13] 
A. K. T A L WAR, Dy, Director Genera! (Marks) 


10, 200*/4nra 20/1930 

ftwil, 1 T^, 2008 

man; iom.— mifN mm^ (wpr) faftm, 1988 44PRIH (3) ^ 4^m u i *f mstei tpi^pi 

mi£4uT ^ flw»i aijsjjfl 4 m "tt ^ m m $ *-* 

mk CTj^fw t=fifa tn^w'iid m MKifl^i mm m *n w mi 313ml ^ 

it 8 fwr mmTOi ?M+ nwi 



(I) (2) 

I. 7817185 28-01-2008 

7813076 28-01-2008 

3. 7817286 30-01-2008 

7818602 27-01-2008 

7819088 11-02-2008 

7818894 18-02-2008 

7. 7821580 18-02-2008 

& 7823180 21-02 2008 

min mi 

(4) _(fi)_ ■ 

,< il^N 7 it^5 wi $te ftKH'114't 

768/769, ^PJwftRmiRt, 

IjmR'te TJ? ^0*4 



(44>nm ni^fiw (m*wpi 
XRH’k mr^ ararai) 

wii , dn 

^quf ate TRut fmwKjii, 

H/'ft nw> B i, mfljwftiwmfl, 

nRR 4a, ni^m nte fi«ni unfair 

faW "jot 

mfiNi njft sifti teimi <ni^Tfi ^ ftm 
tf-]fl2,man$M iGM'qij'n 

*n w mi ar^mi 


( Wl'H^ TT^fim PfH<Ml 

^ 3TRFR1) 


■tf-ift. h1o 9* mfrp wf ate ^f Prompt 

381, *1 KIM 11 1 ^ 3H^vftpfW^ ( 

Tk ^S(irmq5*ra9 


mf min ^igs teimi 

in (-4$*^ Trofim imran 

’1t^» "dy mi ^ 3TRFRI) 

P^KrU wigj-413515 


38.1^1, T®? tiRki PwPw 

nfe 4. ^t — 9 i^s m ot a 

lt30,4w< 11, 

qi^lJq M*1 
twii 'Hicni-431203 

nVm ■£!. Tmf ate 'ftrampi, 

mFft 604/605, 

woftra ter m usmi^ 

nvft Tin, 


(6) (7) (8) (9) 

152C Gl/08—5 

pi #HR^7 13 : II] 
n i. (id'w, si mfi^w (fjsO 


THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10 t 2008/VAlSAKHA 20, 1930 

[Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] 

New Delhi, the 1st May, 2008 

SO. 1032,—In pursuance of sub-regulation (5) of the Bureau of Indian Standards (Certification) Regulation, 
1988, of the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies the grant of licences particulars of which are given in the 
following Schedule: 


SI. Licence Grant Name & Address Title of the Standard 1$ Part Section Year 

No. No. Date of the Party No, 

(1) (3} P) _<4)_ (5) _ (6) (7) (8) (9) 

l, 7817185 28-1-2008 GopinathGold Gold and gold alloys, 1417 1999 

.768/769, Budhwar Peth jewellery/artefacts— 
Pune-411002 , Fineness and marking 

2. 7813076 28-1-2008 

3, 7817286 30-1-2008 

4 7818692 27-1-2008 

Devkate Agro industries 
Gut No. 64 
J aka Road 
District Beed-431122 



A/P Chakan, Bazar Peth 
Taluka Khed 
District Pune. 

Kartik Agro Cliem 
Pvt. Ltd. 

D-102, MIDC IndlArea, 

Packaged drinking water 
(Other than packaged 
Natural mineral water) 

Gold and gold alloys, 
Fineness and marking 

UPVC pipes for pcnablc 
water supplies 

51 781908S 11-2-2008 K..B. Ghodke Saraf 

381,Narayan Peth 



Gold aitd gold allowys, 
jewel ler/artefatts— 
Fineness and markings 









6. 7818894 18-2-2008 

Sai Ganesh Food 
Gat No. Ill 

Ruddha, Nanded Raod, 

District Latur-413515 

Packaged drinking water 
(Other than packaged 
Natural mineral water) 



7. 7821580 18-2-2008 Bhagydaxmi Rolling Mil I High strength deformed 1786 1985 

Pvt. Ltd.. sled bars and wires for 

Plot No. G-9& concrete reinforcement 

Gut No. 30, Phase II, 

Addl. MIDC, 

Daregaon Village, 

District JaUtn4 1203 

8. 7823180 21-2-2008 YogendraD. Gold and gold alloys 1417 1999 

Ashtekar & Company jewellery/artifads— 

604/605, Sadashiv Peth Fineness and marking 

Kuntr Chowk, 

Laxmi Road, 


A. K. TALWAR, Dy. Director General (Marks) 

* T* 

[TOU-^WTO3(ii)] _ TOmq!l:^lD, 30W%q 20, 1930 _ 2133 

^ 1 Hi 2008 

^l^T. 1033.—HW«*> ^ (H1IWI1) ftfHOH 1988^f^TO A ^-faTO (5) ^ 4IUfl*1 AIIHSH 

arfkpgjTO W ftr Ito 9ll^4ilf faTOO ^pj^t ^ ’ftn TO f?, ^ TO ftjj TO ^ 


trof loos rilfn tA upftr 


- —. 

1 2 __3_|_ • 

f 7830278 ^?Rf 

28 "^91 TOT, TO ^ TOT, 
Tiraft *^44 ^Tfri, WJHJK, 

% 7831583 "^T TOT, 

TOT 84, Tfl *1$ ^ ^1, 


3lkM, dWHWK 

3. 7829556 U'ftfll Tjfcs^tfTT, 

2, H*l^q 

181^4 TOl ^ Tft#, TOT qi£<4, 

4 7829697 Up^ml, 

39/460, 1| nT»TmTn€3 p 
^TT’fe, 4Kl f l u l^l ( 


5. 7829701 *to*I 

4/8/18, ow ftfis 1 !, 

T^TO Tfe, 3IITO 

& 7829802 <JTO4 

T^TOF tAw *TRT5, 


7* 7830480 TO aft *(i*uil v4tflf, 

4M|il* TO*! ^ TOT, 

tmt, ^i^Kj «in^ 

8- 7830581 ^TOf TOTOI *^5nf, 

TOrttfarn Trta, to ^ 

4nts w TTC1 mi T^B 



ift tAtT ^SVilH Tferf 
*1$ 325 : 1996 



(ft ^TT is W4 Tfe?f 
*1$ ^TT 325 :1996 



TO^f tTOT 1*m ^§3# ^ arnjjmf/ 
fti69<wfl ^ ■gs-tfai 

sitfTO 1417 11999 


Trot to" Trot I^st ^ an^jHf/ 

^EBT TO ^81/44 

311$ 1417 ; 1999 


TO*f n?i Fri ft* Migaff ^ arrjjmf/ 
gam xpf gsrfaH 
*I$TO1417-: 1999 


TTOt TO TO'if fa?T Tugrf ^ 3TPJT# 
filW^I’fl ^<&ni TO {JlotH 
an^TO 1417 : 1999 


wf to TO®f ft* qijpff ^ aflTjtHf/ 
ftltTOil<0 ^81 TO y<04<H 
*i$TO 1417 ; 1999 


TO®f to ft* mgarff *» air^pnf/ 

ftlfrV4lO ^ITTO *J8*i4H 

TO$TO 1417 : 1999 


2134 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10, 200&/VAISAKHA 20,1930 [Part II—Sec.3[ii )l 

1 2 3 4 5 

9. 7830783 ^ ft* T W'JJO'ff/ 27-3-2008 

^ 3, 'mf t*RH nSFT&Rl, TQBm T& 

«K*ir1*1 [qyn'iH, 3T1^ 1^ 1417 ; 1999 

(0. 7831078 g^ral ^ ^ fts trrg^ ^ 27-3-200B 

^ TJJP 7, 3 Tft (frWl'+H, ftimift TJScIT ^NPI 

T^STjfiro ^8H r '=ntel 541^1^1417:1999 

jHjH^WR-382 330 

11. 7827188 

11 7820994 

13. 7826590 

14. 7831684 

15. 783I9B7 

16. 7831886 

17- 7829091 

18. 1826489 

8flTR Mh<U, 

305, rfalft ^P85t, 

ti J -Hii +I*4&TO, 

*IFPT ft?f ^ W&, 

Rtey tMWT*; ts, 

ift flSl'IW, tU ifJWl, 

^ m v* 1 i'ci ■ Is ‘JJ33R 

rt ipsn On.) 
feftis, hW+ICII 
41'H^cH, *g*!R ^l¥ r 
y+ailHy+J 1( te 34in*4H ^ "WT4, 
3i*UI$qi£l, 3T8^RR 

717®PT ^T-nFC'l ‘+3*441 

Jl , llvifl ipfe, 

flHIViiR ^ wri, 

sim^s, <neHWK 

*W ^4Z=1 TSSgter, 

18, Rt 541^^711, 
qiuHSk TRj'bkL 

4a3t ft^Tf Ts^hr. 

21, 4R^=WSI t^fe, 

*ft ^n?r fart ^ 4T0, 

*+P4I^ ^ ^KO^ISl 

Tfarf J ]d+!<1 

15, ^ 2, # 541^ 0 \ 

Htlei r 31 £4^14HT 

<£h<I* 7041 T^RTltH, 

fnfai.5, VZ 39T7#t3, 

(tilti qtffl ei5<4, 


anfT58T 1489 <M 1) :-WJ 
Portland pgzzo [ana Cement 
Part 1 Fly ash based 

W 1592 : 2003 

fr^fz OTTC 4lf9 

341^1^8034 : 20<I2 

StTfTJH 8034 : 2002 

tjtt 8034 : 2002 
*HH[^Hd 1*4^ 

3TT^ t?FFT 8472 : 1988 
H ^ 4 n<izi ^II ^FF, cH f5 tfT3T 

8960 : 1978 

f*W(!?d '^TrftPR -SfW4 4RTT 

541$tJ*T 12709 ; 1994 







28 - 3-2008 



'-7: T?CT 

^ 10, zooa^fira 20,1930 


J 2 


19. 7831785 

2ft 7833062 

2U 7824990 

22. 7827390 

23. 7826388 

3-1R1 <WlP,¥M, 

tfie 3,^61, 5HH5 

1 <ls! 4180^141^ 

3 sWwfci ^wri, 

3 TI, 


ftnrPws ^ 


aita+K fa ^pr, 

sl«?i ^ '(1^, 8j 

ui ft**nr tut, 

31I$T*TM4220 : 1994 

W4Hf¥l4<H TRlfe 

14420 ; 1994 
■Sfrn^T f-Mtli 


3^T*TT 14543 :2004 

’ifc’ii m * , 

13-14 r ’qi^a^ J 3^1^ 14543 :2004 

1s»^ Ihcw * 1^ ^ 81^, 

^ WT^ ^|*|p 
4»<L<J|H TJRl 

535 1 :2003 

2106, Tffa taflira Tte, ^rairT-^fMtfjS Ff Tl%fMf5H 
(in t^l?i ^ TO, 
f ifq ■ftftl'q 






[tf *ftHR*13 : 11] 
1$. WTT, ^ *hi|f*^¥U. (TJ8T) 

New Delhi, the 2nd May, 2008 


S.O. 1033.—In pursuance of Sub- regulation (5) of the regulation 4 of the Bureau of Indian Standards 
{Certification) Regulations 1988, of the Bureau of Indian Standards, hereby notifies the grant of Licences particulars of 
which are given in the following schedule : 


SL Licence No, 


Licensee Name 

Product & FSNo. 

Date of 


1 2 




1. 7X30278 

Ampere Electricals 

28, Patel Nagar "Near Margfia Farm. 
B/H Shagtri Stadium, Bapunagar, 

Three-phase induction motor 

IS 325-19% 


2 7831583 

Precision Tool Room 

L/84, GlDC,Odhav Road, 

Odhav, Ahmedabad 

IS 325-19% 

Three-phase induction motors; 




[Part II— Sec. 3(h)] 

1 2 




3. 7839596 

Sangita Gold Palace 

2 Mahadev Complex B/H 

Madhav Vgls Nava Vadaj, 

IS 1417-1999 

Gold and Go Id A1 loys, 

Jewellery/Arte Tacts—Fineness and 


4 7829697 

Shubhatn Jewellers* 

39/460 Parasnagar Part 111, 
SolaRoad Naranpura, 


IS 1417-1999 

Gold and Gold Alloys, 

Jewel fary/Artefacts—Fineness and 

IS 1417:1999 


i 7829701 

Vijayabsmi Jewellers, 

4/8/1S Thakkar Building, 

Station Road Anand 

IS 1417-1999 

Gold and Gold Alloys, 

Jewellery/Arte facts—Fineness and 


& 7829802 

* V ninda van J ewe 1 Jers, 

Main Bazar AT Sl Post Ttiarad, 

Dist, Banaskantha 

IS 1417-1999 

Gold and Gold Alloys, 

Jewellery/Arte Tads—Fineness and 


7. 7830480 

Jayshree Krishna Jewellers, 

Near Ashok Stambh, 

Tower Bazar 



Gold and Gold Alloys, 
Jewellery/Artefacts—Fineness and 


& 7830581 

Mang! am Jewellers, 

Karol iy a Pole M G Road, 


IS 1417-1999 

Gol d and G ol d A1 loys. 

Jewellery/Artefacts—fineness and 


9. 7830783 

Sas Baku Jewellery 

G-3, BhaikakaComplex, 

Nana Bazar, Vallabh VidyaNugHr* 
Dist, Anand 

IS 1417-1999 

Gold and Gold Alloys* 
Jewellery/Ancfacis- ■ Fineness and 


10. 7831078 

Tulsl Jewellers, 

G.F.-2, J PCotnplex Near Naroda 
Police Station Naroda, 
Aftmedabad-3823 3 0 

IS 1417-1999 

Gold and Gold Allays, 

Jewellery/Artefacts- Fineness and 


II. 7837188 

Shrinun Cement Ltd., 

305 3rd. Floor, Samaan Complex* 
Opp< Saiyam Mall Jodhpur, 
Premchanduagar Road, Stellite 

IS 14^9 Part l: 1991 

Portland pozzolana cement 

Part 1 Flyasii ba^cd 


IZ 7836994 

Hindustan Asbestos Pipes, 

PU Vadagam T A Dhamura 

Cisi Sabarkantha 


IS 1592-2003 

Specification for asbestos 
cement pressure pipes 


13. 7826590 

La-Gajjar Madineries(P) Ltd., 

Ac id wa la Estate 

Nagsrwel Hunuman Road, 

Opp. Sukharampura Post Office, 
Amaraiwadi Ahmedabad 

IS 8034:2002 

Submersible Pumpsels—Spec i tic at ion 



io, 2008/^ira %\ t 1930 

— 137 

1 2 



14. 7831684 

Satyam Engineering Company, 

31 Gopal Industrial Estate, 

Opp. Vallabharvagar, 

Odhav Road, Ahmedabad 


Submersible Pumpsets— 

15* 7831987 

Captain Industries 

18 G1DC PalanpurTA Palatipur. 

Dist. Banaskantha 

IS 8034:2002 

Submersible Pumpscis— 

16. 7831886 

Ritesh Industries, 

21 Parshavanath Estate, 

B/H CTM Mill Revabhai Estate Road. 

IS *472:199g 

Pumps * Regenerative or clear, cold 
. water—Specification 

17. 7829091 

Gujarat Pesticides, 

F-15, Phased G1DC, Naroda. 
Naroda, Ahmedabad 

JS&taO: I97S 

Spec i fication for Mel hy 1. Paraih ion 
Dusting Powders 

18. 7826489 

Kemrock industries & Exports Ltd., 
At Village Asoj Vadodara Halo], 

Ex* Highway Tahika Waghodia 

JS 12709:1994 

Specification for gl^s-fibre 
reinforced plastic (GRP) Pipes joint* 
and fittings for use for potabk waler 

19, 7831785 

Uiuiati Industrial Corporation, 

UniM D-61 Diamond Park 

G1DC Estate, 


IS 14220:1994 

Openwell Submersible Pumpscts - 

20. 7833082 - 

JK Engineering Co„ 

3tA Mahashakti industrial Estate, 
Opp. Yamuna Estate, 

Behind sooiya Ceramics, 



Openwell SumNrstbk Pumpslcts— 

21. 7824990 

Omkar Beverages 

B/H Sarvoday HotelHHNo. 8, 
Kanknol TA Himamatnagar, 

Dist. Sabafkantha 

IS 14543:2004 

Packaged Drinking Water 

(other than Packaged Natural Miners] 


22. 7827390 

Nandini Beverages, 

13-14, Parekh Wadi, Opp. Hindu 
Milan Mandir.Opp. Kasanagar, Sumul, 
Deity Road, Katargam, Surat. 

IS 14543:2004 

Packaged Drinking Water 

(oilier than Packaged Natural Mineral 


23. 7826388 

Texel Industries Limited (Old), 

Plot No. 2106, Santej-Kli&traj Road, 
NR* Shah Steel, Vill*; Santcj 

IS 15351:2003 

Tefttil&Larninated High 

Density Ployethylene (HDPE) 

Fabric for Canal Lining—Specification 












■[No. CM D/13; 11J 
A, K. TALWARj Dy. Director General (Marks) 



[Palcf 11—Siic. 3(iiJ] 

sHr yi^ittah hwp3 

M ftwft, 6 M, 2008 

■gg.341. 1034.—HFH TFHFT ^ dlHtfed 4 T5 ^TTHTT^ 
'f' -3FHT TI34J ^ - , iki'*R MFH *f 

M. l sui^i<| 3 i^g. Hi. 4. u^r. faW J T <rt 
HT^H rT^T mU-41'jHI ^ TTItzpr 3 cTTFt k?tl6IHH Ah ^ nRq^-i 
(ffrSHT) TciHtiS tJHT, TJ3> fqwi4 ‘flril 

.stir iqng gil ^htt nil^riiii ^ 
ffcpj Tf$ ^iPRiniF wig ?Tt(T t far ^ 3, fswtf ~&sa 
f^»iy ^kh ^ *«ift ■! sfa m* ariV^H-ii ft 
wr tf g#cr ^tikT ^ afeR ^ft arfo farm 


3FT; 3JH, HF1T WiK, afk oft^ 

(Hf*l 3 ^T#l ^ arfttHm HF 3T^T) 3Tftfa*TH, 1962 { 1962 

ga so) gst hri 3 tcwti (i) grcr *ft hhfi 

1^. ^ ’jfk ^ 4 hhh # srfMgnr htt st^h ■grn ^ 
aimg h?1 htw mrrft t; 

^ ’B=rtg(T, jft "3gg ^ -gfSra 'jftr ^ famr^ t, 

ofS hto 3 ^twwd) 
^ 31#r HTCcT i£ TITO 3 *WT TFElftlcT JQ aqftnEj^TT HF 

xfci h!; innl "=FF <h ^T ^[eft ^wUfi fci ^ 

4m, 4 tH w^#r fa^R ^ 4 fthh Hi, wi 

uifwft, %i (tfi**)) Rifa^.fa. T£F1- 4,T?^, yi^<+i, 
^,■^4. Sfl^trag TT5, TT5tl^-533 103 3^^^! 
fofisw ht stfsIh hit w^'ii i 





dfFSlcr HT7H 







31 a m 


310 HIT 


295 HFT 


309 HR 


296 HR 


297 HFl 


428/1 HFT 


428/2 HIT 


12 3 4 5 

427/1 HIT 0.2792 
427/2 HFT 0,2549 
427/3 HFT 0,2833 

301 HP1 0,0931 

302 Hm 0,0243 

424 wt 0.0243 

418HF1 01S2I 

419 HTT 0.0607 

421 HIT 0,238 

351 HFT 0.0607 

352/1 HFT 0.0931 
352/2 HP! 0.0971 
413 HP1 00324 

353/1 HIT 0.0567 
353:'2 HIT 0.0607 
354/1 HFT 0,0526 
3 54/2 HP1 0.0186 

355 HTH 0.0243 

356 HFT 0.1821 

3 59 HFT 0.1093 

358 HH 0,4047 

331 HFT 0.2509 

330 HFT (13116 

329 HFT 0,1497 

TfkT 4.0218 

637 HFT 0.1497 

6(0 HFT 0.0607 

61! HFT 0,2509 

609 HF1 0.3035 

608 HFT 0.1093 

607 HFT 0.0-186 

604/2 HFT 11.5787 
602 HFT 0.0971 

600 HF1 0.0093 

gW L.6078 

|TT1. -H. TJFT- 14014/5/2T)08-^fl.TT. | 
FFli, FTffTF 

tfi^gk -!^=: 

ti'| 4-,^<H iTFf^TvH 

j kwP( 


, [TOU—TO3(ii)] 

RR?T4il Wl* Jirt 10, 2008/fara 20, 1930 


New Delhi, the 6th May, SlXtt 

&Q. 1034,—Whereas tt appears to Government of 
India that it is necessary in the public interest that 
for Ibe transportation of Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) 
from IP Station Nal to HPCL Bouttng PhaLCitinmdModdi, 
Rnjahmundiy, East Godavari district of Andhra Pradesh 
State, a pipeline should be laid by, GAIL (India) Limited.: 

And, whereas it appease to Government of India drat 
for the purpose of laying the said pipeline, it is necessary 
to acquire the Right of User in the land under which die 
said pipeline is proposed to be laid and which is described 
in the Schedule annexed to this notification; 

Now, therefore, in exercise of die power's conferred 
by sub-section (l) of Section 3 of the Petroleum and 
Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in Land) 
Act 1962 (50 of1962) Government oflhdia hereby declares 
its intention to acquire the right of user therein: 

Any person interested in the land described in the 
said Schedule may, within twenty one days fion the date 
on which the copies of the notification issued under sub¬ 
section (1) of Section 3 of the said Act, as published in the 
Gazette of India are made available to die general public, 
object in writing to the laying of the pipeline under the lend 
to Competent Authority, GAIL (India) Limited, V8PL 
Project, GAlLBhawan, AV. Apparao Road, Rajahimmdry- 
533 103; Andhra Pradesl^ 











(In Hect¬ 









311 Part 





310 Part 


295 Pan 


309 Pant 


296 Pan 




428/1 Part 0.0283 

42&/2Pait 00283 

427/1 Part 02792 












4276 Pat 02549 
427/3 Rut 02*33 

301 Part 



302 Part 


424 Part 


418 Part 




421 Pat 




352/1 PM 0.0931 

3S2/2 Part 00971 

413 Part 


353/1 Part 0DS67 

353/2 Part 0.0607 

354/1 PM 0.0526 

354/2 Pat 0.0486 



355 Part 



356 PM 


359 Part 


358 Part 


331 Part 


330 Part 


329 Part 






637 PM 
610 PM 



611 Part 


609 PM 


608 PM 


607 Part 


604/2Part 057*7 

602 PM 


600 PM 




[F. No. L- I4014/5/20WGP] 
K.K.SHARMA, Under Secy. 




{Part 11—Sec, 3(ii>] 

feral, 6 Ilf, 2008 

TOT. TO; 1035,—MTTfl ■dt'fck 3<fU Islfty 

mfHWm ('jftl f iHfll'l ^ rT*I 1>H TO1 <*l>*f*l) iHWlS*), 
1962 {1962 TO 50) ^ IFF 2 ^ WS (TO) ^ 

>«VI wnin'i Wanri'i ^ 3lfTOj1TO 

TO TOITO 2327 IFtel 30^6-2005 URJ fft 'ft-ITO TO*tf, 

wUe* 1fa?n shjto, *i®*i m^i 4 4««f *fa CsfasiO 
fafeit, 5Rl,4lf l lMlf'( &«*} fan, TTO SfffnfTOR ^ 3 tMN 
tow jnfaroft to ifft to< 4 ^ fan t^rgro Iron 

4f| ijlSK Hi, on^> TO TO (ijni fan 


am; 3R, m TOTOT, TO! 3ff%rffa*ITO TOt TO1 2 ^ 
-tfz (TO) ^ aftr toto totor ^ Alfaro site 

"fa H3IM1 1>l SlffajW TO TOITO. 2327 
30-06-2005 ^TfVTOFTTO^ ^ r $ if ar^jVl ^ TOR 

<1) ^flf^HTOfalTOt ITOrfawffaf (|fb«1l) ftlPnis SRI, 
mfnvnf^ faart ^fan PiMfafiM ^3^ ^ ^ (2) ^ 
qftiiR ^3 ■*¥ "3to stfuffaiR atfhrnwjnfMTOif) 

TOt hwi TO?4 ^ fa^n TOrf) f I 


WfPRT H ^TTR "Ptn 

SlfilTOlfalT TO 



^TEq H 


(^frETO) faftfe^f 

ih^t 3irw to ifa TOstm 

l^Tl, I^TeTT - ^0^^ 

ftl : 457 661 (TOTOS^O 

[TOl 1. ip. 14014/15/2005-^^] 
it lx 7Ptf h *tfq<* 
New Delhi, the 6th May, 2008 
S.0.1035*—Whereas, in pursuance of clause (a) of 
Section 2 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines 
(Acquisition of Right of user in Land) Act p 1962 (50 of 
1962), the Government of India vide Notification of 
Government oflndia in the Ministry of Petroleum and 
Natural Gas 5-0.2327 dated 30-06-2005 appointed Shri P.S. 
Karma, Dy r Collector to perform the functions of the 
Competent Authority under the said Act for laying of the 
pipeline by M/s, Gail (India) Limited in Distt. Jhabua of 
Madhya Pradesh State, 

And, whereas, Shri P.S. Karma has been transferred 
and Shri Sekhar Verma h Additional Collector has been 
posted as his incumbent; 

Now, therefore, in pursuance of clause (a) of Section 
(2) of the said Act and in supersession of the notification 
of the Government oflndia, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural 
Gas vide SXL2327 dated 30D6-2005, the Government of 
India hereby authorizes the person mentioned in column 
(1) of the Schedule given below to perform the function of 
the Competent Authority under the said Act for laying 
pipelines by the said M/s_ Gail (India) Limited in the area 
mentioned in column (2) of the said Schedule, 


Name and Address of the person 

Area of Jurisdiction 



ShriSekhar Verma } 

Additional Collector, 

On honorarium basis to 

M/s. GAFL (India) Limited, 

GAIL Compressor Station, 

Gaylor Kalan h Disttn Jhabua, 
Pin*457 661 (Madhya Pradesh) 

District Jhabufi of 
Madhya Pradesh 


K. K. 

SHARMA, Under Secy. 

* ^f^ft H 7^,20QS 

^JT,OT. 1036—’13fT3T 

Tji^n^r t^fir tj ■s4*j1 | i ^ iq apsfi) srftjfwL 
1962 (l%2^F50) ^ tira 2 ^ TSTO 3 ^ 313^ ^"i ^ 
TT^Tl Wn r « ^ 

HTif^ F UWl irt, TRPtTPT Si ^ ‘R^TT 

oft *lti^yl'I htH?1 ^ 

^TT - ^fi u -S[ HlSHdlsI ^ ftTR WT 5Hftl?r& ^ 
rn^H ifr %R TlrfV^rT ^rl f \ 

ptH. ^ 31^-31015/5/2000-^.WC-ll] 

New Delhi, the 7th May, 2008 

S.<X 1036*—Fn pursuance of clause (a) of Section 2 
of the Petroleum and Mineral Pipelines (Acquisition of 
Right of user in Land) Act h 1962 (50 of 1962X the Central 
Government hereby authorizes Shri Rakesh Kumar Shamia, 
Assistant Collector & Executive Magistrate, Nagaur 
Government of Rajasthan to perform the functions of the 
Competent Authority for the Mundra-Bathinda Pipeline 
Project ofHPCL-Mmal Pipelines Limited, under the said 
Act within the territory of State of Rajasthan, 

[RNo, R-31015/5/2000-0 fL II] 


10. aogs/frra ao, law 


4$ ftwft, 6 M, 200B 

*1 W. MJ7.—‘sfcjfo OTFR ^RFfar $ ^ ^WW JR&iT 3 ft 

ditfwHi$ *135 iff ^ ^ 

3fa?T 4>Tn*Rv i H fai*£g SRT q«F Fi yi eri H fagTf ^rft ^nffo ; 

3?fc crt«^k m^im FR 4Wi*'H firak ^ n4i'*ii ^ 1^ 3TRV*R* ’EJtft'iT ^ftTT 
fft fr gk^Fi arf^nT^^wR t afa 41^1^ 

fatfin, ^ ^*r ywiR f, wfk £ aifa+u. afrahr ft*rr *m^; 

mi m, afrr 13ft* (*jffcr A wn<r # 

arflrcjrc m «rsk) arf«iFppi,i962 (1962 ^ft 50) ^ft urn 3 ^ twrt (1) wn jrw 

VlP«l4T ^FT 5kk ,33rT £4 I* ^ 3ffk5ftR $1 3*jfo ^ ^ 3flP4% W 

^lf Mfid, ^ 3RJ t, F3 cK^td ’Et f*TCRVi 3^T 

sqfofop* ^ RTCT 3 Tfft WIRT (1) ^ 3ttfa MR7T ^ TH3FW A TO FI 

ark^prr urnr-w ott ^ ^tt ti t, s^lu I^t ^ 

^ W<dU?H fa®A £ #1 3 4 3IF. 3TR. 'fl'^J, Wf*1 '-' factual, ?fFPT -lT4<?1 

^MTiVM fafois, WfW fefosR, 719, 'JjTrT 4 th ^ J tH -i*R,1 

<H l <M<k^- 560043 * > •&* ^ A A* ^HT I 

l^icii : ’ 


il*H t*4 Mi 

















■ 10 

■ oo 
















00 , 















■■ -^ 





[Tl 71. 3TR-250n/8/2007-3lt.ant-J] 
t**l fewra f am Trf*rc 

2141 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10,200S/VAISAKHA 20,1930 [Past II— Sfc. 3(ii)l 

New Delhi, the 6th May, 2008 

s. 0^1(137,—Whereas, it appears to the Central Government that it is 
necessaryTn the public interest that for the transportation of petroleum products 
from Chennai in the State of Tamilnadu to Bangalore in the State of Karnataka, a 
pipeline should be laid by Indian Oil Corporation Limited; 

And whereas it appears to the Central Government that for the purpose of 
laying the said pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in lire land 
under which the said pipeline is proposed to be laid which is describe^! in the 
Schedule annexed to this notification; 

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of 
section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in 
Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereto deck-res its 
intention to acquire the right of user therein; 

Any person interested in the land described in the said Schedule may within 
twenty-one days from the date on which the copies of this notification Jssued 
under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Act, as published in .tie Gazette of 
India, are made available to the genera! public, object in v ntino to he scr jisition 
of the right of user therein for laying of the pipeline und-' tlv^ fa. d t" Shri R R 
Janrtu, Competent Authority, Indian Oil Corporation Linv :d, ^rp: Enec. Dvision, 
719, Ground Floor, 4 ,h Cross, 7 th Main, Kalyan Nagar, 1 st BSxk, Bangalore - 
560043 (Karnataka) 


Taluka : Mufbagal 

Districts Kolar 

State : 


Name of the Village 

Survey No. 

Sub-Division No 




Sq. Mtr. 




















































[F. No. R-2501lffl/2007-Q.R.-l ] 
S.K. CHITKARA. Under Secy 


WTnWPni^lftJOOg/^TlBfaOi. I9» 

* • fa#. 6 *lf, 2QO» 


m. m, ms &—wsxt ^ #<fi% X m #tt f fa 

aflP^ci eki ^«fc hi^mcu^'t 'fli'il ■qilsH \ 


m*ftK ^ 'n^'f«rrr^*i ^ ^ ^ <niq^^) WTftcf 

$ ‘ft? 3WT *jf*t 4,# P7 3T£H£W1 % <id ,J f 3l^ft 3 f sftr f?RT^ , 4l^<1IC'f 

’(■IWi T^T Jiyfliq ^f «^"l*l ^ aifoqiji W 3^r fop«H | 

3cr: sw, mam, afa ^srPror d immish (*jfa ^ ^fia ^ 

arf^R ?PT aiafa) 3tf%TpF=W,1&62 (1962 ^T 50) 3 ^ 3WTCT (1) m asm 

Vl&wWt ^>T SPfpT ^ 3^7T *f 3*P?[Tf ^ 3>T 3?jfa ^ 3^ <!TT¥Pf 

uftqun f; 

^ *qfar, # 3^r -3^j# 3 X*f?r ^ 3 frcT^rg t, 3*r ?rrfca £ fatiXi 
srfajwr vfo «nn 3 qft ^mr (1) ^ anfa to ^ wr? 3 w asifou ih 

hIcihT wraivf ^TTflT dn<| (ft 3fi?fr fci ^ *ftcit 'Jjfo ^ 

^ ft»i^ ^ ^ eft aiR. 3 tr. wr ^riWrd, tf&rr cfl^Rfr 

^hRVJH r^f4Js, «n$<ldl*J fefaiR, 719, ^ V&K, 4 th Hf/ *H , - XI 

®ni^^i^<-560CW3 fcifisra ^ I 



1^1 dl : etiVlK 

nfaanTTO j 





uprc * 

4TO ( fcfl 










. 01 













33 . 



























J9 ■• 

[TO ?m-2501]/S/2007-3ftm-I] 
TR, fqif^tRl, (rifa«( 

2144 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA ; MAY 10.2008AAISAKHA2G, 1930 [Past II— Sec, 3<ii>] 

New Delhi, the 6th May, 2008 

&o. 1038.— whereas, it appears to the Central Government that it is 
necessary in the public interest that for the transportation of petroleum products 
from Chennai in the State of Tamilnadu to Bangalore in the State of Karnataka, a 
pipeline should be laid by Indian Oil Corporation Limited; 

And whereas it appears to the Central Government that for the purpose of 
laying the said pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land 
under which the said pipeline is proposed to be laid which is described in the 
Schedule annexed to this notification; 


Now, therefore : in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of 
section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User in 
Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its 
intention to acquire the right of user therein; 


Any person interested in the land described in the said Schedule may, within 
twenty-one days from the date on which the copies of this notification issued 
under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Act, as published in the Gazette of 
India, are made available to the general public, object in writing to the acquisition 
of the right of user therein for laying of the pipeline und^r the land to S-iirt R. R 
Jannu, Competent Authority, Indian Oil Corporation Limi.ed, Pipelines r vision, 

719, Ground Floor, 4 th Cross, 7 m Main, Kalyan Nagar, ^ Block Banc lore - 
560043. (Karnataka) 


Taluka: Bangarpet 

District: Kolar 

Stats ■ Karnataka 

' " 1 

Name of the Village 

Survey No. 

Sub-Division NoJ 

| Area _ 

^Hectare Are 

Sq lultr. 























■ 01 



' 98 






























[F. NO. R-25011V8^2007O.R.-11 
s.k chit KARA, Under Secy. 


JO, 200&4flJS 20, [930 

M 6 *1$, 2003 

** 1099^^jhr TOR ^ bMhl ^ WITO9I Blffo ^ f ^ 
flipKT'ii-^ TT3*I *t ^ i *)'if<i e n TT3*T ^ •l , (^ 7ft> ^rfN*T SNtql ^ hR<*sH 
3#lcT 'ihT'^VH J5T0 ^ VT^dfr-f jfpft ; 


aftr ^N ^HRfiTC ^ WT WEHTO ^ ^ ■371373^ Wrltcf ffell 

t fa WT *jfR ^ TO 3Tf*^rn ^ RTPFT 3FJ7£fl $ I 3?R RWJ 

(•liSm ^IJ ■! TI il'Kliq $, 3lft|C|iR ^ Sl'jJi Rh^l >^1^ J 

m\ aw, rwtc, aftr w^nro % sq*iH # 

•3Tftm>R ^| 3Tafo) 3lfafopT,1962 (1962 ^T 50) V1TT 3 ^ WTO (1) sTO UTOT 
5RT JP?W ftWT gft 15q% $ STftWR TO 3P#T TO* W 31^ 3H*FT 

^ H)N«J|| ch<d) |; 

©nfon, 3TO ^ IPTOt t, TO ctiO«i i\' fcrcWi &<k\ 

3lfafWT *TO 3 ^ WTO (1) £ aitfa *TOT £ RTTO ^ W y^lfe 1 TO 
?IWITO 3FR1T ^ ww TOT $ TOft t, TO^fT Ifr 3 ^ iji*r £ 
nl^ 'fi^wi^i Rit9('l “* 3TR. 3T1T. WTO VtTO'T iiNlH 

fapT*S, WIP fetal, 719, 4 lh ,^ire.7 1h .^ ! * ,’fiTOW -HtJ 

•*1 Ni, ^'1^1-560043 ^Rfe^T Iwffein WT * ^ -H^ff ! 

(«icni : <*Jtam 

xpm whJu* 


3^-73^ '4. 



























[M, 3. 3^-25011/8/2007-311^-1] 
TRl (Wk), 



[Part II— SBC, 3(ii)l 

New Delhi, the 6th May, ZOOS 

s.0.1039. Whereas, it appears to the Central Government that it is 
necessary in the public interest that for the transportation of petroleum products 
from Chennai in the State of Tamilnadu to Bangalore in the State of Karnataka, a 
pipeline should be laid by Indian Oil Corporation Limited; 

And whereas it appears to the Central Government that for the purpose of 
laying the said pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land 
under which the said pipeline is proposed to be laid which is described in the 
Schedule annexed to this notification; 

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of 
section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines {Acquisition of Right of User in 
Land) Ad, 1962 {50 of 1962), the Central Government hereby declares its 
intention to acquire the right of user therein; 

Any pferson interested in the land described in the said Schedule may, within 
twenty-one days from the date on which the copies of this notification issued 
under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Act, as published in the Gazette of 
India, are made available to the general public, object in writing to the acquisition 
of the right of user therein for laying of the pipeline under the land to Shri R.R 
Jannu, Competent Authority, Indian Oil Corporation Limited, Pipelines '"-Vision, 
719, Ground Floor, Cross, 7 xt] Main, Kalyan Nagar, J * 1 Block, Bant a lore - 
f 560043. (Karnataka) 


TaJuka: Malur 

District: Kolar 

State : Karnataka 

Name of the Village 

| Survey No. 

Sub-Division No. 


j Hectare | Are Sq. Mtr. 

























[F. No R-25011/8/2GQ7-O.R.-I ] 
S.K. CHIT KARA, Under Secy. 



^ lft 2D0B/^1WI 3ft 1930 _ 


wm. tit riHftfl A 35 W'm* spftrr i 
WPhrH I fr im 3 Aft ^ TT33 3 #T3£ ^ frjtifrffl 5^'^ HRatgH ti 

*f«Hn «iTh?i 3*T4R.VW 6J<I ^ HI$4rU5H [•t^il ^TRt ; 

3>^{ta tK«hR 3?f S3fT faiSI’) At ti ffa; 3TFR33J 'SltflTT S^RTt 

t fo> 3aRi ^ 53 3rf^g?TT 3 A 3f®% t afa 

ftvm, '*ii'l 3>T x«ii<* $, 533t T I 3* 3Tf33»TC 33 31^3 fii*n ^ly, * t 

m: 3R r ti$* mm, 'H'lfcm tin wwi^ Cuft ^ ti 

SflftPFTC 33 arafa) «fePm,1962 (1962 35T SO) tit 3TCT 3 3ft tTORT (1) OTT W3 
Jf|plfl<i] 33 3ftf|?T 3Rft 4ft ^33 *ff*J 3 *sh«iI'i 3i 3ftftw>K 33 <h4h ti*t & 3f^3ft 5{RT3 

3?lf ©sfon, 3ft 7R3 3i«jq^l 4 qpfti *rfft ft Rci«^ ft, 33 tiiOw A ^33H 
«f ttm 3»t 3RT 3 4ft 3TOFT (1) £ 3Wt3 ti Tl^m ft 331 WTftH! W 
3ffft^3T tit Jfffcff 3131^ *Rcfl tit TRT ft ft Pf«lft3 far ^ ^ ijft ft 
AtA WW! ft Aft* if ti m. 3TTC, W% ^ V^ld, A&& ifl^T 

fthifeR faflfts, feter, 7i9, qftrc, 4 th 3ar.7 m ftn ^3- 

«<ril«f>,3 *kjv- 560043 ftt RiRsn if ft^i *w'ii 1 

1^5TF: ^3^5 "5^ 


*lTet 33 -1H 

^SfFT ^i- 

— i 



















[TO R am-2501 t/S/2007-^t3nt-l] 

t^r f^m, aranif^ 

15^ Guoe—7 



[Past II—Sfic. 

New Delhi, IheSih May, ,2008 

s, a 1040—whereas, ft appears to the Central Government that it is 
necessary in the public interest that for the transportation of petroleum products 
from Chennai in the State of Tamilnadu to Bangalore in the State of Karnataka, a 
pipeline should be laid by Indian Oil Corporation Limited; 

And whereas it appears to the Central Government that for the purpose of 
laying the said pipeline, it is necessary to acquire the right of user in the land 
under which the said pipeline is proposed to be laid which is described in the 
Schedule annexed to this notification; 

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (i) of 
section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of Right of User In 
Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962}, the Central Government hereby declares its 
intention to acquire the right of user therein; 

Any person Interested in the land described in the said Schedule may, within 
twenty-one days from the date on which the copies of this notification issued 
under sub-section (1) of section 3 of the said Act, as published in the Gazette of 
India, are made available to the general public, object in writing to the act j is it ion 
of the right of user therein for laying of the pipeline under the land to F iri R.R 
Jannu, Competent Authority, Indian Oil Corporation Lim: .-.d. Pipelines >. vision, 
719, Ground Floor. 4 th Cross, 7 th Main, Kalyan Nagar, '.Block, Bangalore 
560043. (Karnataka) 


Taluka : Hoskote 

District: Bangolare Rural 

State : 


Name of the Village 

Survey No. 

Sub-Division No. 

j Area 



Sq. Mtr, 







Tara bh alii 












[R No. R-25011/8^007 aR.-l] 
S.K, CHITKARA. Under Secy 


WlilWT* 10, 200S^IIH 20 ]9J0 


^ tait, 8 ^ 200* 

w, a* mi.—war ff ^rr igftH (^ft ^ gtrfw % astar ^i atfyfa), 

1962(1962 m 50) (ta 553 <Efr 331I) # %tRT 3 *ft 

(i) ^ 4t0 ^ qf "hkii WK $ #r y^[tw» q^isni ^ aifa^jFr trot 5ii.3ir. 

3166 22 

tmgm ftifeSs q$t aara^sr ff srtHiaff Sp. aq i foMKti f m 

Ql^lcWi % % MfelSH % ^ ftolPRT ffTT SRHt^TR WW£4q{J lelfois 5TO MlfMIIH 
Prai'k % xpitai i Ifl>{ i 'ttfco^K 5ST owii ^ oi^ ou^m ^ tj'iM^ir ^ (ft j 

^ vJSTtl tM<« dlfcoOTl ^ nfci«H'^liai ^ tllflia 18'&P*fl 2008 qff siii*»i 3Tlft ^ 4Mm«| 557T 


aflr WT5H5^ fasft % tpw ff tort qff-Hrrff ^ an&r qift $3n $; 

#r qm yifa*ifl ff 553 sifatai 5& «mr 6 # gqtjRr (i j £ sr-fa »tr3 mm ^r aaqfft £ 


■t _ 

aftr HIRT TTC5&FT ff, 353 foff£ m ^317 % TOTT3 #7IH TRUTH ^ Sflff 353 

qi54MI^4 fasiff % Sf'lfthtf viM^ tfy4l*l % 6lftHGtt 3>T 3nfa 557^ 5iT felJT % j 

313! aw, ^TTTrT 3TOT, 353 3lfatar qft 3RT 6 ^ 3WTT (1) SRI WT staff 5>T ’RfH SRcT 
5? E?RRT 5>Rfr$ fff> 5R ff W4 3Tjq^t ff ff q^HdlSH taff £ ftlR OT#! 3> 

3iftl5>R 5>r 3Rfq Hteur HI3I ^ i 

■&R t 'iHff R^SR 353 ^ifttai # wi 6 # 3 wrr ( 4 ) srt to staff m qpffq ®rff ^ r uz 
i^fsii ^ t ff arfor «r -fiter w #th k tosh ^ ff ih mm ff ffffeci 

?tff % gsmf, Tpff tarnfi ff 51a, 4frtf tow %r ff Pta 



THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10,200R/VA]SAKHA 20. ] MO [Past d—S k, Xii>] 

1 , - 

ftrai % ywii 

3 3CRI 

N ^FT 

^ [iRwii 

■3CTT ^ ilflU W | 





















*f =TlS "JMpt^ 

firsn % ^TT 

s 3TF^ T^T 

1 J --irirf 

















6 S 












. 45 





































3) Hiritu-Hlfn 



































2 29/S 








[*TnH—gng 3(ii)]_1930 

L 1 

_l a 

1-1 - 



4) CftMT) 









TSvfe OflFlMSrt 

J^f^tT I <p'"H 

TPHT* 3fRI9%31 













3 24/6 










0 ' 












3) q^BS’PtJin 













feni ^™»r 

TFJ^I I SIHf g^3i 






2) fens 




















. is 













6> T ra^R3 






45/5 2 
















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, T^rE ^riWIg 

1)^T + 














2152 THE: GAZETTE OF IMU1A : MAY I0 ; 2(XWVAI3AKHA 20, ! O.tO IPaht II— Si:* . M'u'A 

[im, R V&i- ]4ill4/17/2003nl.J 
‘ TJ. TTTR, SfloR 

New Delhi, the 8th May, 2000 

S. O. 1(M1j—W n ercas by a notification of the Govern mem of India in Ministry of 
Petroleum and Natural Gas, number S.O. 3166 dated 22 lui October 2007, issued under 
sub-section (!) of Section 3 of the Petroleum and Minerals Pipelines (Acquisition of 
Right of User in Land) Act, 1962 (50 of 1962) (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), 
the Government of India declared its intention to acquire the Right of User in the land, 
specified in the Schedule appended to that notification for the purpose of laying pipeline 
for transportation of natural gas from structures in Andhra Pradesh of M/s Reliance 
Industries Limited, by M/s Reliance Gas Transportation Infrastructure Limited to various 
consumers i* fktr Cct*>tfYxj; 

And whereas the copies of the said Gazette notification were made available to the public 
on or before lfc” 1 February, 2008; 

And whereas no objections were received from the public to the laying of the pipeline; 

And whereas the Competent Authority has under sub-section (I) of Section 6 of the said 
Act, submitted report to the Government of India; 

And whereas the Government of India, after considering the said report and on being 
satisfied that the said land is required for laying the pipeline, has decided to acquire the 
Right of User therein; 

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of Section 6 of the 
said Act, the Government of India hereby declares that the Right of User in the land, 
specified in the Schedule, appended to this notification, is hereby acquired for laying the 

And further, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (4) of Section 6 of the 
said Act, the Government of India hereby directs that the Right of User in the said land 
for laying the pipeline shall, instead of vesting in the Government of India, vest on the 
date of publication of the declaration, in M/s Reliance Gas Transportation Infrastructure 
Limited, free from all encumbrances. 

[«CTJ[_CT33( |i)3 

*IR!IafTaspaf ;^ 10.2008/^TW JO, 1430 



Mandat : Bapulapatfu 

District; Krishna 

State : Andhra Pradeah 


Sump 14a. / 5ub*DTvlilBn Nd. 

[ Area to t» acquired for ROU J 

H octwt 





















Mandat: Nuzvld 

0 (strict : Krishna 

State i Andhra Pradeah 

1} Vempadii 








. 35 



04 ■ 


















■ 0 



























ZJ Mors spud) 









31 Polnanapall 





4) Ravfcfierafa 




















■ 05 

















4} Havtaherala 









Mandat : AglrlpaM 

District: Krishna 


: Andhra Pradesh 

1) Valtigudipadu 






















THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10,200S/VAISAKHA20, J 930 [Part It—S ee. 3(ii)J 

i i— 7~r 



: i 

5 1 












3) BodcJanapgUi 













Mandal: G.KondurJ 

District: Krishna * 

State: Andhra Pradesh 

1 ) Kochiru 




2) Vdlaturu 









3] Kuntamukkala 





443 (2 








4) Chavuiuru 









5) G.Knndum 





6) Gad damanuou 




7) Murtagapadu 













0) Sunoarnpadu 





9] GanglneniDaleai 





Manual; Vfeemiapadu 

Districl : Krishna 

State: Andhra Pradesh 

1) Gudemmadharvarsm 





















2 ) JayanLhi 





Man dal: Penuganchlprpiu 

District; Krishna 

State: Andhra Pradesh 


39 7/7 A 












4 i mn 




[F. No. L-14014/17/20G3-G.P.} 
SNEH P MADAN, Under Secy 


io, soos/^nrer 20 ,1930 


ITT ifaltHi 

^ifftreft, 15*^1,2008 

w.aar. 1042.—ft* n siftPun, 1947 (1947 
^sr 14) xrcr 17 ^ ^Bfht U<4 »k Tfe*R ^r 

^ Trifcrcfa ^ t(«l* Pt4l'44>Tf afa *1<Tv <h4<li|{T ^ 4^5, 
3r^? "4 PlRvi <rf|?||PH» "Pl^K 4 4 hO<I 4K4iH 4?|cilP(4> 

aPwjTwpwT ■»rrai?ra J ^ toe {irq4 hwt 19/20W) 
TftflfvUT $, ^ qi-sflu WWl U-4-2008 ^1 W^T 

S«n uri f 

[■4. T^H-12012/124/2005-a^ 3TTC(4| -II) ] 


New Delhi, the l5thApril, 2008 
$.0. 1042.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref. 19/2006) of 
the Cent. Govt. Indus. Tribunal-aim-Labour Court, Chennai 
as shown in the Annexure, in the industrial dispute between 
the management of Indian Bank and (heir workman, 
received by the Central Government on 11-4-2008. 


' RAJINDER KUMAR, Desk Officer 


Wednesday, the 9th January, 2008 
Present ; K. J A YARAMAN, Presiding Officer 
(In the matter of the dispute for adjudication under 
clause (d) of sub-section (1 > and sub-section 2(A) of Section 
10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), 
between the Management of Indian Bank and their 


SriB.Durai : I Party/Petitioner 


1. The General Manager, 

(IAEV Appellate Authority 
Indian Bank, No, 66, 

Rajaj i SaUi Chenrai-dOOOO1 : II Pafly/Management 

2. The Aastt. General Manager, 

Disciplinary Authority, 

Indian Bank Vellore 

For the Petitioner : M/S. Balan Haridas 

For the Management : M/s. T-S. Gopalnn dt Co. 


The Central Government, Ministry of Labour vide its 
Order No. L-12012/124/2005 IR(B-ll) dated 24-2-2002 
refereed the following industrial dispute to this Tribunal 
for adjudication. 

The schedule mentioned in that order is: 

“Whetherthe action of the Management of Indian 
Bank in imposing the punishment of Compulsory 
Retirement for the alleged misconduct said to have been 
committed by Sri B. Durai is legal and justified? If not, to 
what relief the workman Sri B. Durai is entitled to"? 

2. The allegation in the claim statement am briefly as 

The petitioner who is an ex-serviceman joined the 
services of the Respondent Bank on 18-04-1994 as Clerk- 
cum-Cashier when he was working in Polur branch of the 
Respondent Bank, he was issued with a show cause notice- 
cum-suspension order dated 29-19-2001 for alleged 
misconduct. Though, he has given an explanation, the 
Respondent Bank has not satisfied and therefore a charge 
memo was issued on 08* I-2902 by thq Respondent and 
enquiry was ordered to be conducted against him. The 
Enquiry Officer after enquiry has held that the charges 
flamed against him are proved which is evident as a 
perverse and contrary to record. The Disciplinary Authority 
in his final order imposed the punishment of Compulsory 
Retirement on 28-4-2003. The appeal preferred against that 
order was also rejected by the Appellate Authority, The 
allegation in the charge sheet was that the petitioner has 
misappropriated Rs, 20,000/- being the amount remitted by 
one Sri Rajakannu an 02-5-2002 for crediting his SB A/c 
3914 wfih the Polur branch foom 02-5-2001 to 09-09-2001, 
Though, the allegation levelled against him is not correct, 
an enquiry was conducted and the customer Rajakannu 
who alleged to have given Rs. 20,000/- has not been 
examined in the enquiry. Though, or 02-05-2001, the 
customer, Sri Rajakannu came to the bank and remitted 
Rs. 20,000/- in his SB A/c. The petitioner received the cash 
and kept the cash aside for crediting and issued a receipt 
for payment to the customer and also made entry in the 
Savings Bank ledger. Further, the customer after a ftw 
minutes came back and requested to return the amount 
owing to some immediate domestic need and under such 
circumstance he returned Ra, 20,909/- back to the customer 
and destroyed the voucher. Further, due to pressure of 
work, he fhited to get back the counterfoil which he has 
issued to the customer. On 184)5-2901, when the customer 
qame to the bank to withdraw Rs, 5,800/- from his account, 
the previous entry made in the ledger was scored out as 
the same was by mistake and the balance in the account 
was correctly arrived at Rs. 22?/-. However, by clear 
afterthought, the customer has given a letter dated 27-09- 
2001 to the bank that when be went to the batik after one 
month for withdrawing Rs. 20,000/- he was informed by the 
petitioner that Rs, 20,009/- has been spent by hiin and the 
petitioner had assured to return the same next day or give 
a promissory note for the same, The above belated 
complaint clearly shows that it had been preferred only 
wldi an Intention to cause trouble to the petitioner. The 
inconsistent stand taken by the father of the customer, 
Rajakannu dearly demonstrates that the incident as alleged 
by him had never happened and the allegation had been 
levelled with ulterior motive. No doubt, the petitioner had 




[Part H—SEC, 3 <ii>l 

taken a hand loan of Rs. 20,000 from Sri Jayaraman, the 
father of Rajakannu, the customer after executing a 
promissory note. The petitioner owing to financial 
constraint could not repay the amo,unt borrowed in time. 
Under such circumstances, the said Rajakannu with the 
aid of his Cither, Sri Jayaraman and one Annamalai exerted 
pressure on petitioner towards repayment of loan availed 
by him. In this backdrop, they had come to the branch and 
complained to the Branch Manager and the petitioner 
immediately made arrangements to make the payment of 
Rs, 20,000 on 04-09-2001. With the repayment of the loan 
amount, the matter had come to an end. Further, the amount 
ofRs. 20,000 which was borrowed by the petitioner was 
not die money of the bank or the customer, therefore, the 
charge made against the petitioner was not proved in the 
enquiry. The allegation of misappropriation will not lie 
against the petitioner. Further, die transaction is a private 
transaction between the petitioner and J. Rajakannu and it 
cannot be subject matter of disciplinary proceedings. 
Therefore, the findings given by the Enquiry Officer as 
proved is a perverse one and contrary to the evidence on 
record and the punishment imposed by the Disciplinary 
Authority is illegal. Further, the Disciplinary Authority has 
not considered the past records of the service of the 
petitioner. The Appellate Authority in a most arbitrary 
manner has confirmed this perverse finding. In any event, 
the punishment imposed is grossly disproportionate to 
the charges levelled against the petitioner and this Tribunal 
has evety right to interfere with the quantum of punishment 
under Section Il-A of the ID Act. The enquiry conducted 
was in violation of principles of natural justice and fair 
play. Hence, for all these reasons, the petitioner prays this 
Tribunal to pass an award directed the Respondents to 
reinstate him in service with full back wages, continuity of 
service and other attendant benefits. 

3. As against this, the Respondent in his counter 
statement alleged the Respondent is a nationalized bank 
and the petitioner was last employed in Polur branch of the 
Respondent Bank. As a Clerk-cum-Cashier, the petitioner 
has to discharge his duties with honesty, integrity and 
diligence. While so, on 02-05-2001, when die petitioner 
was working in cash department, one J. Rajakannu, a 
customer maintaining SB A/cNo* 3914 had tendered to him 
a cash of Rs. 20,000 with related remittance challan and the 
SB Pass Book for crediting the amount in his account. 
After receiving the cash, the petitioner affixed cash 
received stamp on ihe pay-in slip, recorded the credit entry 
for Rs. 20,000/- in the Pass Book of the customer for arriving 
at the closing balance as Rs. 25,949/* and initialed the 
balance column and delivered the Pass Book to the 
customer. However, the petitioner had not accounted this 
Rs. 20,000/- in the bank's books, rough cash register and 
dosed the day’s lotal receipts. Thus, he retained the money 
with him with the intention of misappropriating the same. 
On 18-05-2001, Sri C. Jayaram, Asstt. Manager of the Bank 
while checking the transaction of withdrawal of Rs. 5.S0Q/ 
from the account of the said customer, noticed ihe credit 
entiy of Rs. 2O.O00/- as an extraneous entry, cancelled the 
credit entry dated nil for Rs. 20,000/- and corrected the 
closing balance as Rs. 227/- in the account. Subsequently, 
when Sri Rajakannu and his father approached the cashier/ 

petitioner for withdrawal ofRs, 20,00)/-the petitioner took 
them aside and told that he had spent the money and he 
would return the next day or would execute a promissory 
note in lieu of the amount. When the father of the customer 
and one Sri K. Annamalai called at the branch on 05-09- 
2001 and made a complaint to the Branch Manager, the 
fraud committed by the petitioner came to light and 
immediately the petitioner was called for and when he was 
questioned, the petitioner accepted the cash receipt of 
Rs. 20,000 on 02-05-2001 from the customer and making 
false entries in the Pass Book of the customer as if the 
amount was remitted into his account with the bank. Even 
while the Branch Manager was discussing about the 
incident with Sri P. Jayaraman Annamaki, the petitioner 
left the branch and came back a little later relumed Rs. 
20,000/-to Sri Jayaraman, the father of die customer. Thus, 
the petitioner had misappropriated a sum of Rs. 20,000/- 
being bank’s fund between 02-05-2001 and 04-09-2OD1. 
Therefore, an enquiry was conducted against his 
misconduct. The Enquiry Officer gave his report based on 
documentary and oral evidences holding that the charges 
against the petitioner were proved and the Disciplinary 
Authority awarded the punishment of Compulsory 
Retirement as provided by the bi-partite settlement and the 
enquiry was conducted after adhering the principles of 
natural justice and the punishment imposed on him is fully 
valid in law and justified. Even the appeal preferred by the 
petitioner was rightly rejected by the Appellate Authority. 
The alleged delay on the part of the customer to prefer ihe 
complaint in no way dilute the temporary defoultation of 
the loan by the petitioner,'cashier. In the enquiry there was 
no need to examine the account holder since the account 
holder got the money, he would rot be interested to come 
and give evidence. The entries made in the ledger folio and 
Pass Book which are made intentionally by the petitioner 
as if the bank had received the amount were unauthorized 
as far as the Respondent Bank was concerned, It is 
established between 02-05-2001 to 04-09^2001, the petitioner 
by misutilising his position as a Cashier in the bank had 
the benefit of Rs. 20,000/- tendered by the account holder 
and to that effect there was temporary default at ion/ 
misappropriation of the amount which itself cast a doubt 
on the integrity of the petitioner, it is not correct to say that 
it was a private transaction. The petitioner as a Cashier in 
the bank which Is a Pub I ic Financial Institution, by stating 
that his past record was good, the petitioner cannot claim 
any right to commit a fraud on ihe bank. Therefore, the 
punishment of Compulsory Retirement cannot be said to 
be harsh or excessive or disproportionate to the charge of 
misappropriation. Hence, for all these reasons the 
Respondent prays that the claim may be dismissed with 

The points for determination are: 

ft) Whether the act ion of the Management of Indian 
Bank in imposing the punishment of Compulsory 
Retirement for the alleged misconduct said to have 
been committed by Sri B. Durai is legal and 

(i i) To what relief the workman Sri B. Durai is entitled? 

•TOcT'Wtww : 10, 2008/fanR 20, 1930 



4. The charge against the petitioner viz. Sri Dtirai, 
Clerk/Shroff of Polur Branch is Hint be misappropriated on 
02-05-2001 cash amounting to Rs. 20,000 being amount 
remitted by one Sri I Rajakannu, a customer for crediting 
in SB A/c No. 3914 (hia account) with Polur Branch. 
Subsequently, on 05-09-2001, the petitioner returned the 
misappropriated amount ofRs. 20,000 toone Sri Jayaraman, 
father of the Sri J. Rajakanmi in the presence of Sri 
Murugesan, Branch Manager, Polur Branch and one Srj 
Annamalai, a friend of SrJ Jayaraman. Hie petitioner has 
not disputed the conduct of the enquiry before this 
Tribunal He alleged the Enquiiy Officer has gi vena perverse 
finding and the Disciplinary Authority on the perverse 
finding of the Enquiry Officer has imposed the punishment 
of compulsory retirement to him which is illegal. It is well 
settled law that die findings of the Enquiry Officer must be 
supported by legal evidence. It is further settled a wrong 
finding is not necessary a perverse finding and a finding 
cannot be described to be perverse merely because it is 
possible to take a different view on the evidence, nor can a 
finding be called perverse-because in certain matters the 
fine of reasoning adopted by the Enquiry Officer is not 
very cogent or logical. Therefore, only in a case where 
findings or fact is based on no legal evidence and the 
conclusion is one to which no reasonable man would come, 
if would be a case of perversity and not of reappraisal of 
evidence. Therefore, in this case if the petitioner wants to 
get a re lief, he must establish that the findings given by the 
Enquiry Officer is perverse and the imposition of 
punishment on the perverse findings is illegal. The learned 
counsel for the petitioner contended, it is alleged by the 
Respondent Bank on 02-05-2001, the petitioner received 
cash of Rs. 20,000 from J. Rajakannu, a customer of the 
bank who bolds SB A/c No. 3914 in the Polur Branch and 
he marked No. 20 us scroll number with (hepayinslipand 
also affixed cash received stamp in the pay-irvslip given 
by (be said J, Rjyakannu and credited the balance amount 
in the Pass Book of Rajakanmi as Rs. 25,949/- and initialled 
the said entries and delivered the counterfoil of the pay-in- 
slip and also the Pass Book of Rajllkannu to him and the 
batik father alleged against the petitioner that he has not 
credited this amount nor credited the said amount in the 
Bank’s rough cash book maintained by the bank and he 
has thus misappropriated the amount. On the other hand, 
the petitioner has given a cogent evidence that the 
allegation levelled against him is not a correct one. No 
doubt, on 02-05-2001, the customer Sri Rajakannu came to 
the bank and remitted Rs. 20,000 in his SB A/c and no 
doubt, the petitioner received the cash and kept the cash 
aside for counting and simultaneously issued the receipt 
to the customer and also made entry in the SB ledger. But 
the customer, J. Rajakanmi after a few minutes came back 
and requested the petitioner viz. the Cashier in return the 
amount owing to some immed iate domestic need and the 
petitioner in such circumstances returned the said amount 
of Rs. 20,000 to the customer and destroyed the voucher 
with him. Further, due to pressure of work, he failed to get 
back the counterfoil which he had issued lo the customer 

and this was the real story for (he incident. But the father 
of the customer, Jayaraman who has giver an amount of 
Rs. 20,000 to the petitioner, with a view to get back the 
amount has cunningly play a role and falsely complained 
against the petitioner that the amount of Rs. 20,000 was 
misappropriated by the petitioner using the counterfoil 
which his son has kept with him. This fact was established 
by the contradictions in the statement given by Rajakannu, 
the customer and also Sri Jayaraman, the father of the 
complainant. In the letter dated 23-09-2001, it is mentioned 
that Sri Jayaraman on 02-05-2001 had remitted Rs. 20.000 
and after two months he wenralotigwith his son to the 
bank lo withdraw the money and so on. On the other hand 
Sri Rajakannu in hisJetter dated 27-09*2001 has mentioned 
that an 02-05-2001 he went lo the bank to deposit Rs. 20,000 
and so on. Therefore, the fad remains that it is only Sri 
Rajakannu who had come to bank on 02-05-200 J and he did 
not deposit the said amount of Rs, 24,000 as alleged by the 
petitioner. Therefore, (he date mentioned in the complaint 
Letter dated 23-09-2001 of Sri Jayaraman alleging the 
incident dote is different from the date, which he has 
mentioned in the domestic enquiry. Though, all these 
instances do not demonstrate individually that the Diets 
staled by the petitioner is a true one but the cumulative 
effect of all the (acts stated by the petitioner clearly establish 
that it is only Sri Jayaraman, the father of (he customer has 
played a role against the petitioner in a belated complaint 
and it also demonstrates that the incident as alleged by the 
customer and his father, never happened and the complaint 
was levelled against him with ulterior motive and the 
complaint has been preferred by Sri Jayaraman, the father 
of the customer as an afterthought and it was made only to 
settle tiie personal transaction between the petitioner and 
Sri Jayaraman. 

5. The learned counsel for the petitioner fort her 
contended that five witnesses have been examined in the 
domestic enquiry hut the customer, Rajakanmi who alleged 
to hove been made the complaint did not come and depose 
before the Enquiry Officer and therefore it is clear (hat he 
had shied away from the enquiry and he is the person who 
had taken back Rs. 24,400 on 02-05-2041. No doubt, (he 
customer's father viz. Jayaraman though examined and given 
evidence complaining against the petitioner, the 
contradictions' and inconsistencies clearly establish that 
he is the villain in the incident. As such he argued that the 
charge framed against the petitioner has not been proved. 
He further argued since the customer, Rajakannu failed to 
come to the enquiry and subject himself )o cross- 
examination, this has caused considerable prejudice to the 
defence of the petitioner and no valid reason was given by 
the Respondent authorities for non-examination of the said 

6, Then again, the learned counsel for the petitioner 
contended that the amount of Rs. 20,040 which the 
petitioner has borrowed from Jayaraman, the father of (he 
customer was not the money of the bank or the customer 
and when the petitioner has repaid (be amount of Rs. 24,004, 
it was not routed through the cash department of the bank 

[P*rt II — Sec, 3(ii>3 

2158 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10, 2Q0SA/AI5AKHA 20, 1930 

nor any receipt was* prepared. It was the amount lent by Sri 
Jayaraman to ;he petitioner. Therefore, the private 
transaction between the petitioner and Sri Jayaraman 
cannot be a subject matter of disciplinary proceedings. 
Therefore* the allegation of misappropriation will not lie 
against the petitioner. Therefore, the findings rendered by 
the Enquiry Office] as if the charge is proved is perverse 
and contrary to lit? findings on record It is hjs further 
argument, the very chat Rajakannu had failed to appear in 
the enquiry will heily the charge. On the other hand, the 
Enquiry Officer in a most perverse manner has mentioned 
that it is for the petitioner to examine Sri Jayaraman as 
defense witness to disprove the charge. This will dearly 
demonstrated ihe biased attitude of the Enquiry Officer, 
When the bank has levelled the charge against the 
petitioner, it is only fer (ho bank to prove the same and the 
petitioner has no duty to disprove the charge. Therefore, 
the findings of die Enquiry Officer is perverse and contrary 
to the evidence. Tlie Disciplinary' Authority based on the 
one-sided findings of the Enquiry Officer has imposed the 
major punishment of compulsory retirement and he also 
not considered the clean past record of the services of the 
petitioner before imposing the capital punishment. It is 
further argument that the Appellate Authority also in a 
most arbitrary manner has confirmed the punishment 
imposed on the petitioner. 

7, But as against this, the learned counsel for the 
Respondent argued the Respondent Bank is a nationalized 
bank and the pet itioner is a C lerk/ShrofT i s to discharge h is 
duties with honesty, integrity and diligence. But, on 
02-05-2001 when he was working as a Cashier, he has 
misappropriated the amount deposited by a customer viz. 
Sri J r Rajakannu. The petitioner has admitted the receipt of 
Rs. 20,000 on the other hand he has given a statement that 
Rajakannu, the ■customer has got back the amount for his 
immediate need. But there is no valid proof or satisfactory 
evidence to support this contention. Though, on that day, 
the Savings Bank Counter Clerk was present and available, 
the petitioner who as a Cashier has made/recorded a credit 
entry dated nil for Rs, 20,000 pertaining to the SB A'c 3914 
of the customer in [he SB ledger and arrived al closing 
balance of Its. 26,027. These entries were made by his own 
handwriting, he has not stated for what reason he has 
made all these entries, when the Savings Bank Counter 
Clerk was available for making all these entries. Thus; it is 
clearly established that the petitioner has retained the 
money with the intention of misappropriating the same. 

8- Then he further argued that on 13-05-2001 when 
the Asst. Manager of the branch while checking-the 
transaction of withdrawal of Rs, 5,800 from the account of 
the aaid customer noticed the credit entry of Rs 2(h000 as 
an extraneous entry and Ihcrefore he cancelled the credit 
entry dated nil for Rs. 20,000 made by the petitioner. 
Subsequently, after two months* when Rajakannu and his 
father approached the Cashier for withdrawal of R$. 20 n fl00, 
the petitioner look him aside and told him tbai he had 
spent the money and he would return the amount the nest 
day or would execute a promissoty notice in Iteu of the 
amount. This was stated by Jayaraman, (he father of 

Rajakannu in his evidence. When the said Jayaraman and 
his friend K. Annamalai tailed at the branch on 05-09-2001 
and made a tumptairn to the Branch Manager, the fraud 
came to light and immediately die petitioner left the branch 
and came back a little later, returned the amount of 
Rs. 20,000 lo Sri V. Jayaraman, father of the customer [f 
really the petitioner had tv turned the amount a$ alleged 
by him there is need for him to pay the said sum of 
Rs. 20,000 to Sri P. Jayaraman. Thus, it is established that 
the petitioner had misappropriated a sum of Rs, 20,000 
being the bank's funds bemeen 02-05-2001 and 04-09-2001, 
The Enquiry Officer based on the documentary and oral 
evidences has el ear I > hold (hat the charges against the 
petitioner were found proved, therefore, the punishment 
imposed by I he L> i seip I in » ry Authority is for ati act of gross 
misconduct proved in an enquiry held for the purpose a Her 
adhering to the principles of natural justice and, the 
punishment is fully valid in law and justified and the 
petitioner h^snot made out a case warranting interference 
in ihe 5&id punishment. Though, the petitioner alleged that 
the complainant was not examined in this case but there is 
no need to examine the account holder Rajakannu since 
the petitioner has admitted the facts in this case and he has 
given out a statement uhicli was not established before 
the enquiry, further, the account holder had got back the 
money and therefore he would not be interested to come 
and give evidence. 'Further, the bank cannot ask the account 
holder to cumc and gAc evidence in the interest of the 
bank. Since [lie petitioner has admitted the fact that he has 
received Rs. 20,000 ro tlie account of the customer on behalf 
of the bank which he had nol been accounted for in the 
cash book and therefore the entries in the Ledger Folio 
without any dale and entries in the Pass Book which were 
made by him intentionally as if tbe bank has received I he 
amount were unauthorized as per Respondent Bank was 
concerned. When ihe money was returned, no doubt, the 
unauthorized entries were erased and the irregularities were 
set right, the amount of misappropriation was established 
by the bank, the petitioner by utilizing his position as a 
Cashier had the benefit of Rs, 20,000 tendered by the 
account holder and to that extent, there was temporary 
default at ion/m isappropriat ion of the amount which Itself 
cast a doubt cm the integrity ofihe petitioner. It cannot be 
said that it was a private transaction, having made the 
credit entry in the Pass Book-Savings Bank ledgers as if 
the amount has been actai unted for in the books of the 
bank and also signed the iedger folio of the chalbn for the 
remittance oT Rs 20,GOG. li is; ntit open to ihp peliticncr to 
say (hat it was a private trims action. Therefore! Ihe findings 
of the Enquiry Office!- are supported by evidence and are 
findings of the fact and ihe same cannot be assailed as 
perverse. The petitioner who is a Cashier in Bank which is 
a Public Finance Institution cannot contend that his past 
record was goud and on ihoi ground he cannot claim any 
right to commit a fraud on the bank. The charges levelled 
against the petitioner are serious in nature and he being a 
Cashier of rhe bank who is responsible for the amount 
deposited by the customer, under such circumstances, the 
punishment o[ L compu!sur\ retirement cannot be Slid lobe 
harsh or excessive and the punishment is fully justified 
and it cannot be questioned before this Tribunal. 


WHT : *1$ 10, 2008/4*Tfl3 20 p 1930 


9, But again the learned counsel for the petitioner 
contended the material witness viz, the complainant 
J> Rajakanng was not examined and h therefore, the non- 
examination of material witness has caused considerable 
prejudice to the petitioner, which amounts to violation of 
principles of natural justice and he if Ned on the ruling 
reported m 2007 W.LR< PAGE 7, B. PA DM A1 AH Vs + 
UNION OF INDIA £ FIVE OTHERS wherein die Division 
Bench of ihe Madras High Court lus held in the case 
“the material witness R was not examined and non- 
examination of the material whress R* who is the 
complainant and non-supply of the copy of the report to 

* the Dy\ Commandant which was very much rel ied on by 
the Enquiry Officer amounts to variation of principles of justice and further held (ho us h normal Iy die Court 
would not interfere with the finding of If«ci recorded in 
the domestic enquiry, if die-finding of guilty 
would be amenably to judicial ictuthu, if a decision is 
arrived at orr the basis of no evident.? or evidence on 
which no reliable or reasonable person would act, such 
decision would be perverse. The failure to provide an 

. opportunity to the petitioner to lost the veracity of the 
complaint made against him has resulted In deprivation of 
right of the petitioner amounting to gross violation of 
principles of natural justice and the entire disciplinary 
proceedings are hence vitiated:" The learned counsel relied 
on the ruling reported in this case has argued that the 
Enquiry Officer based on. the complaint has come to 
conclusion in this case that the charge against the petitioner 
was proved but the complainant was not examined in this 
■case and the petitioner has no opportunity to test the 
veracity of the complainant to give such a complaint against 
him. Under such circumstances, as stated by the Hon’ble 
High Court, it amounts to gross violation of principles of 
natural justice dtid the enquiry proceedings are vitiated, 

10, But against this, the learned counsel for the 
Respondent contended no doubt the Enquiry Officer has 
relied on the complaint made by the customer J r Rajakannu 
but he has not based his finding only on the complaint, he 
has come to the conclusion that the changes framed against 
the petitioner was proved on all the facia mentioned in the 
report, not only on the complaint but also oral evidences 
and the documentary evidences which clearly establish all 
the charge framed against Ihe petitioner has been proved. 
No doubt, the complainant was not examined but on that 
single issue alone it cannot be said that there-is no principles 
of natural justice. The Enquiry Officer has given valid 
reason for coming to die conclusion (hat the charges has 
been proved against the petitioner. Under such 
circumstances, it cannot be said that the enquiry i* vitiated. 
Further, he argued the petitioner was employed as a Cashier 
and he was expected to show utmost honesty, integrity in 
dealing with the customer. The petitioner in this case 
retained the amount deposited by a customer with him 
with a criminal intent to misappropriate the same and thus 
lowered the image of the Respondent Bank and acted in a 
manner highly prejudicial to the interests of the bank. Thus, 
he has given a story that the amount has been immediately 
returned to the complainant. There is no proof or 
satisfactory evidence to establish this fact* neither the 
Enquiry Officer nor the Disc iplinary Authority can presume 

or assume this fact with any satisfactory evidence, under 
such circumstances, the story giyen by the petitioner is a 
cock and bull story. On (he othe/ hand, the temporary 
misappropriation made by the petitioner Has been 
established with documentary proof Therefore it cannot 
be said that the findings given by the Enquiry Officer b 

11.1 find much fbree in the contention of the learned 
counsel for. the Respondent because though the petitioner 
has shown some contradictions in the evidences given by 
the customer's father but on that ground it cannot be said 
that the story given by the petitioner is a true uue. The 
petitioner has not given any satisfactory evidence for what 
purpose b? has made the entries In the ledger and also in 
the Pass Book white it is not his duly to record the same in 
the ledger Further, even while he has credited the payment 
in the ledger, he has no* put the correct date. This itself 
clearly shows that he has with an intent to commit a criminal 
act has made a fictitious entry In the ledger while he has 
nut made any entry in the rough cash book. Therefore, 1 
find the findings of the Enquiry Officer cannot |>e said as 
perverse and l find this point against (he petitioner. 

Point No* 2 


The next point to be decided in this case ia to what 
relief the petitioner is entitled to? 

12. In view of my foregojng findings that the action 
of the Respondent Management trt imposing the 
punishment of compulsory retirement for the misconduct 
committed by the petitioner is legal and justified. I find that 
the petitioner is not entitled to any relief 

13. Thus, the reference is answered accordingly. 

(Dictated to the P.A. P transcribed and typed by him* 
corrected and pronounced by me in the open court on this 
day the 9th January., 200A), 

Kh JAYARAMAN*Presiding Officer 
Witnesses Examined: — 

For the 1 Party/Petitioner None 

For the JI Paity/Management . None 

Documents Marka^ f ~ 

On the petitioner's side K 

Ex.No. Date Description 

For (he It Paitv/Management 

Ex, No* 



Ex, Ml 


Report of I. Mohammed Gobik 
Sr, Manager (Investigation 

Ex M2 


Complaint of P. Jayaraman 



Statement ofP, Jayaraman 



Statement of J. Rajakafinu 

Ex MS 


' Statement of K, AnnaniaJai 



Statement of F. 



Statement oFC. Jeyathandran 



Statement of C Jayaram 

Ex .No. 





Statement of R. Mumgesan 



Statement of B. Durai 



Savings Bank A/c No. 3914 
Pass Book of Rajakannu 



S.D. Ledger sheet relating to 
SJLAfc No. 3914 of Rajakannu 



Pay-in-slip of Rajakannu for 
Rs. 20,000 SB A/c No. 3914 



Respondent BankPolur Brandi 
Attendance Register for May 

Ex. NOh Date Description 

his telegram dated 21-01-2002 

ExM2g 01-02-2002 Utter from Enquiry Officer to 
petitioner postponing the 
enquiry to 1 £-02-2002 as 
requested by the petitioner by 
his letter dated 30-01-2002 

EjcM 20 18-02-2002 Proceedings of enquiry, 

BlM 3G 05-03-2002 Telegram from petitioner to 

Enquiry Officer praying to 

postpone the enquiry for 15 



Cash/Scroll Register for 



Respondent Bank Polur Branch 
rough cash book for 02-05-2001 



Show cause notice to Petitioner 



Letter from petitioner 
requesting 30 days time to reply 
to show cause notice dated 



Letter from Respondent to 
Petitioner granting permission 
(o submit his reply before 
30-11*2001 from the show 
cause/suspension notice 
dated 29-10*2001 



Letter from petitioner to 
Respondent requesting 30 days 
time from 30-11-200) to reply 
to the above show cause notice 
dated 29-10-2001 



Letter from Respondent to 
petitioner granting time to 
submit his reply on or before 



Reply of petitioner lathe show 
cause notice dated 29-10*2001 



Charge sheet issued by 
Respondent to the petitioner 



Letter from Respondeni to Mr. 
K. Batan appointing him a* 
Enquiiy Officer 



Letter from Respondent to 
Mr. K. Hari Rai appointing him 
as Presenting Officer 



Letter from Enquiry Officer to 
petitioner fixing the enquiry on 
22-01*2002 and advising the 
petitioner to be present at the 
enquiry with his defense 
representative with his 




Letter from Enquiry Officer to 
petitioner postponing the 
enquiry to G1-02-2002 as 
requested by the petitioner by 

Ex,M31 064B-2002 Letter from Enquiry Officer to 
petitioner permitting 7 days 
extension of time and fixing the 
enquiry on 12-03-2002 and 
advising the petitioner to be 
present in the enquiry and also 
confirming his (enquiry 
officer's) telegram dated 
05-03-2002 to petitioner 
informing the date of enquiry 
on 12-03-2002 

EjlM 32 11-03-2002 Telegram from petitioner to 
Enquiry Officer to postpone the 
enquiry for 15 days, 

E*M33 11-03-2002 Letter from Chief Manager of 

the Respondent Bank to the 
petitioner directing Him to 
appear tor medical examination 
on 20-03-2002. 

ExM34 11-03-2002 Letter from Chief Manager of 

the Respondent Bank to the 
Director* Kumaran Hospital, 
Vellore requesting to examine 
the petitioner and send his 

ExJVt35 19-03-2002 Letter from petitioner to 

requesting to postpone the 
enquiry on the ground that his 
defense representative has 
fallen ill and admitted in 
hospital and praying to hold 
the enquiry after the defense 
representative recovers and 
reports for duty 

ExM36 02-04-2002 Letter from Enqu iry Officer to 

petitioner that the enquiry will 
be held on 18-04-2002 and 
advising him to be present 
in the enquiry by arranging 
an alternate defense 
representative as the enquiry 
has been postponed already 
far 5 times at his request 

ExlM 37 20-04-2002 Letter from Enquiry Officer to 

[^piu— aw3(ii)] 

t'ttf 1O t 200B/$*ra20,1930 

21 61 

lit No. Date Description 

petitioner considering the 
request of the defense 
representative and postponing 
die enquiiy to 29-04-2002 and 
advising him to be present with 
bb defense representative 
Proceedings of enquiry 
Proceedings of enquiry 
Proceedings of enquiiy 
Letter from Enquiry Officer to 
petitioner advising him to be 
present in the enquiry on 
29*05-2002 for cross 
examination of Jayaraman and 
K. Aimamatai-enclosing copy 
of enquiiy proceedings dated 
13-05-2002 and (4-05-2002 
Letter from Enquiry Officer to 
P. Jay ataman requesting him to 
appea-for cross examination on 

Letter from Enquiiy Officer to 
K. Aimamalai requesting him 
to appear for cross examination 

Proceedings of enquiry - 
(Enquiry concluded) 
Summing up of Presenting 

Letter (from Enquiiy Officer to 
the petitioner advising him to 
submit summing up before 

16- 07-2002 

Summing up of the defense 
representative - received on 

Letter from Enquiiy Officer 
enclosing his findings dated 

Letter from Disciplinary 
Authority to petitioner 
enclosing the findings of the 
Enquiiy Officer and calling for 
his comments - to reach before 

Letter from petitioner to 
Disciplinary Authority 
requesting one week time from 

17- 10-2002 to submit his 

Letter from petitioner slating 
that he will submit his reply 
before 04-11-2002 
Letter of Chief Manager of the 
Bank in reply to petitioner's 
letter dated 15-10-2002 
Letter from Chief Manager of 

Ex. No. 



the Bank in reply to petitioner’s 
letter of 22*10-2002permitting 
the petitioner to submit his 
consents be fore 04-11-2602 at 
his request 


(Received on 

Comments of the petitioner on 
the findings of the Enquiry 



Second show cause notice from 
Disciplinary Authority to 
petitioner proposing 

punishment of “compulsory 
retirement and calling f° r his 
reply within IS days 



Letter from Chief Manager of 
the Bank advising petitioner to 
submit his reply to S.S.C. 
Notice before 1042-2003 


(Reed. On 

Letter from petitioner o 
respondent requesting 13 days 
time from0642-2003 to submit 
reply to S.S.C, Notice 



Letter from Chief Manager of 
the Bank permitting the 
petitioner to submit reply to 
S.SC, Nodce before 2042-2003 


(Reed On 

Letter from petitioner to 
respondent seeking one more 
mouth’s time to given his reply 
to the S.S.C, Notice 



Letter from Chief Manager of 
the Bank to petit loner advising 
him to submit his iepljf to S.S.C 
Notice before 1944*2003 



Letter from petitioner to 
respondent requesting 1J days 
time to submit his reply 




Order of Respondent confir¬ 
ming the punishment of 
“compulsory retirement" 
proposed by letter dated 



Letter from petitioner to General 
MwMoef/Appellate Authority 
appealing against the order 
dated 28*04*2003 and 
requesting personal hearing 



Proceedings of personal 
hearing before the General 
Manager (I.A.E.) Appellate 



Letter from Chief Manager of 
the Respondent Bnnk to the 
petitioner enclosing orders of 
Appellate Authority dated 
124J-2004 confirming the 
punishment awarded. 

E&M38 29442002 

E&M39 13452002 

EkM 40 14452002 
ExJVMJ 16454002 

ExM42 16-05-2002 

ExM43 16452002. 

Ex.M44 29452002 
ExM45 1546-2002 
ExM46 08-074002 

EX.M47 Nil 
EXM4S 3049-2002 

ExM49 01-10-2002 

ExM50 15-10-2002 

Ex,M51 22-10-2002 

EX.M52 24-10-2002 

EjlM53 29-10-2002 



15 3^,2008 

\jjam 1043 r —1947 {194/ 
14 ) ^ ^TTf 17 T STJER^T ^-s)h 

tzti ^ TTCeRfa ^ Fl<W+T sfa ^ 

3Tptl 'ff M** £?1 £JlTW Uw TTT^TT 

-ft Mtt (Wtfim n 3G/20&2) ^ U4ilfi!M 
wt t, *#T ^ 15-4-2Q0& ^ umr sm 

[ti 113-4101 l/2fi/l997-3^.m(^fl- ])J 

l-QJZF -4IOU/09/l999-wi3ff[T-{^-1) 1 
3fT*T*T 'JHK, tffaquO 

New Delhi, the 15th April, 2008 

S.Q. 1043.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industry I Disputes Act T 1947 (H of 1947), rhc Ccmral 
Government hereby publishes the award (Ref No, 36^20021 
of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal -Cum - Labour 
Court, Nagpur as shown in the Annexure in the Industrial 
Dispute between the man&geheni of 5.E. Railways, and 
flieir workmen, received by the Central Government on 

[NcuL4IQl l/28/L997~!R(B-l)] 
[No, L 41011/09/1999-1R (B-1 )j 

AJAY KUMAR, Desk Officer 


BEFORE SHR1 A. N. yadav presidingofficer, 

Case No. CG1T/NGP 36/2002 


: The General Secretary, Parcel 

Porter Sanghatana S. E. 
Railway Nagpur Division, 
Mot ibag Nagpur 440012 

Party No. 1 



: ( l ). The Divisional Commer¬ 

cial Manager S.E. Railway, 


Date the 2M March, 2008 

The Central Government after satisfying the 
existence of disputes between The General Secretary, Parcel 
Porter Sangjathana, Motibagh party No ] The Divisional 
Commercial Manager Party No 2 referred the same for 
adjudication to this TribunaJ vide its order 

|Pai<t IE- -Si -i . 3(ihl - 

N o. 1.41011 2jJ : i 9i)7-1 (UI h ] I Ji. 84 )8-' 190 8 m ider c la: s*l- 
[d) of *ub SucihuM 11 .i:kJ ^uh Scli ion (2 A) of Section 10 l: 1‘ 
the Industrial Dispute Aci. i*U7 114 of 19471 with ihe 
followi ng schedule:- 

2 , ,r Whether i hu fin parcel porters tus per list 
aitachcd)Un“Ligedb> thedu kinual Manager S.L. Railway* 
Nagpur are " work i net i' Under the provision of See .2 (S)of 
The Industrial Dispute* A^t. I 9477 If so whether these fifi 
parcel porters arc 10 Lv provided Ei^ht ho-urs work daily 
regularly and declare Railway TunploycCS 1 ’ 7 If solo wlml 
relief the work man are entitled ,1 "' 

3, Again [be Cenlral Government after satisfying the 
existence of disputes between The General Secretary* Parcel 
Porter Sangathana, Moiibagli party No I and The 
Divisional Commercial Manager Party No 2 referred the 
same for adjudication to this Tribunal vide its order 
Ny. L-4101JT (0*l i l>t.!6-Ofi-1999underctause (d) 
of sub Section (I) and Fuh Section (2 A) of Section lf> nf 
the Industrial Dispute Ai;i, 1947 (14 of 1947) with the 
following schedule:- 

4. L_ Whether |?3 parcel porters (as per list 
attached ) engaged by ihe divisional Manager S. t. 
Railway Nagpur are^WurLmen*' Under the provision 
ofSec.2 {S)of'1 he Industrial Disputes Act. 1947? If 
&o to what benefit and Flatus they are entitle to and 
from what date 1 !' 1 ' 

5, It seems ihui both she reference were sent to 
C G I T. Jabalpur where they respectively were numbered 
&$ 203/98 and 2S7 : : 99and consequent upon the 
establishment of this tribunal were sent to Nagpur . 
Considering tfwir.sBnihriiy of subject matcer and bein^j 
between the same parties they were consolidated by giving 
common number as 36/2002. After recording common 
evidence and arguments 1 am passing a common Award. 
On receipt of the notice. GO and 151 parcel porters as per 
list, through theft Union nt^d the statement of claim with 
the following contentions, 

G r That they work at various Railway stations in 
Nagpur Division continuously, barring some artificial 
breaks, directly under ibe administrative control of the 
S-E,Railways since 1994. hach worker has completed more 
than 240 days every ymr si ill the Management did not 
provide the job security and benefits of regular employee. 
The Management enlisted and appointed them as per 
selection process on interview and posted them at various 
places for loading and unloading parcel opening and 
resealing the wagons, cm vying the parcels from station to 
the wagons and from wagons to stations they being under 
the adm in istrati ve con no l. Its o tfi c er supervises ihei r work „ 
Earlier the Puy Master of Mnnagemenf used ttf pay them 
salary on monthly basis Now it is paying at Central Govt, 
rate as per Minimum Want;* Act under regular pay orders. 


ID, 200B/^7tre 20, 1930 


Th# work is permanent and of perennial nature Union has 
raised demand to absorb them as regular parcel porters to 
. the Stations of their working. However the management ft 
not treating them at par with the casual labours and illegally 
treating them as licensed potters whose service conditions 
are totally different. They are performing similar duties of 
the parcel porter Hamals who are the .regular railway 
employees in the pay scale of Ra. 750-940 fRPSr'Rs. 250 - 
3200(VPS). They were initially given work daily in alternative 
months. Later on the working hours were increased to 8 by 
reducing their pay without disturbing others pay. The 
respondent has started die process of filling the vacancies 
of Safaiwala and other group ‘D* (Class-lV) of other 
Departments, It is violative of the guidelines of the Ministry. 
They finely prey to declare them as railway Employee, direct 
the management to provide 8 hour, to grant difference of 
wages from 1994 and regular them by giving temporary 
status and regular scale of pay paid of Group D on the post 
of Safei wale as per their Qualifies!km and Suitability. 

7. The management while resisting, claim in Written 
Statement contended that though they are working as 
parcel porters in feet they were engaged as licensed porters, 
on payment of license fee, for carrying the luggage of the 
passengers by issuing spec?' 1 notification. Each petitioner 
executed an agreement which are the terms and condition 
of their services. They were neither enlisted nor 
interviewed . Thus they are not parcel porters or even 
workers, They being licensed porters get the remuneration 
from the respective passengers at the rate fixed by it. The 
Minimum wages Act is not applicable to them. They are 
given out door medical treatment and leave facilities only. 
In exceptional cases, on their requests they were 
transferred also but it has no effect on their status. The 
incompetent officers of the Management have issued them 
experience certificates which will not confer any right on 
them. Thus the managements pleads that the petitioners 
are neither the workman nor entitled for any chimed relief. 
They prayed to dismiss the reference by answering it in 
the negative. 

8. Heard both advocates for the parties, perused 
the evidence, documents and written notes of their 
arguments. Hie management claims, that the petitioners 
are licensed porter appointed by it without following the 
recruitment process for carrying luggage of the passengers 
at the fixed rates, paid by the passengers directly. Thus 
according to it they are coolies , in a red uniform having, 
budges permitted to work on accepting the licensed fees 
and they are not their workmen. For these purpose it is 
harping qn the agreements executed by the petitioners and 
allotment Of the duties by rotation. However the evidence 
Is totally against management. Ho doubt both the 
management witnesses say that they were'engaged as 
licensed porters but it is neither cogent nor reliable to 
accept There is basic difference in both posts because the 
licensed porters are the licensees permitted or given the 

licenses to cany the luggage of the passengers at the rate 
fixed by the railway administration alter accepting the 
prescribed amount directly from the passengers. The railway 
administration, provides them uniform and Badge who are 
popularly known as coolie. They are not the workman of 
the railways but the licensees paying to the railway while 
the parcel porters are the workman getting salary or 
particular amount as remuneration, may be on daily basis, 
ftbm railway. The work of the parcel porters is to cany the 
parcels from and to the office and load and unload it in the 
wagons. Thus they do the work of unloading* also and 
carrying the parcels from office the wagon to the office as 
per directions of the railway administration for which they 
are paid by railway. 

9. If the evidence Is scanned and tested, on the 
above basis, nb body will dare to say that they are not the 
workman of the railway. They were appointed by calling 
applications, after screening tests and interviews. The 
petitioner’s witness, who was the member of the selection 
committee, has admitted to that effect. They were never 
given badges, buckles and uniform. Their presence was 
marked in the Muster roll. Initially titey were given four 
hours duty later on it was increased . They were working 
undsT direct control Of the Railway administration. Similar 
thing regarding the work they were asked to perform the 
work like handling the panels including loading unloading 
and even opening and rerealing the wagons. The Most 
important and undisputed thing is that the Railway was 
paying wages to them on monthly basis through 
supervisors, station masters instate of recovering the 
license fee from them. They were paid as per Minimum 
Wages Act In case of licensed porters there is no question 
Of paying any remuneration by Railway. No evidence is 
produced to show that petitioners have paid a license fee. 
Beside it there are examples of even effecting thetr transfers 
by the railway which can not be a event in case of licensees. 
In fact the stand of the respondent management is not 
certain about the work provided to the petitioners but it is 
seems undisputed that they were handling parcels ■ Had 
they been appointed as licensee of coolies they were not 
even entitled to touch the parcels. No doubt they have 
signed the agreements separately but they will not prove 
them as licensee. On the contrary they are incomplete and 
seem to have obtained only to avoid their rights. They 
were provided with identity cards as parcel Porters and 
experience certificates . It is contended on behalf of the 
management that the certificates are not issued by its 
incompetent officers, alleging thereby that they are bogus. 
But no evidence is adduced to show that any action has 
been taken against erring officer, even their names are not 
declared much Less about their incompetence. In fact for 
issuing licenses to the coolies there was* no need of 
effecting recruitments process on publishing a special 
notification as issued on 08-08- 1994 They cannotbe called 
as coolies as claimed by the management. 

1536 G10B—f» 



[Pact II—SEC.3(ii)] 

10. Aft Attempt has been made in the evidence by 
Shri Murtbi to show that to the petitioners were favoured 
by dip management by asking them to work as parcels 
porters. However it is not the case or the defence of the 
Management. There would again a question as to how the 
discrimination was made leaving other coolies. Another 
attempt is made by the management with a view to avoid 
the liability by submitting that they were not working as 
causal labours, therefore they are not entitled for 
regularization. I have already concluded that they are the 
workmen of railway and have completed 240 days 
contiipious service. The management has admitted that 
the petitioners were paid the wages as per notification of 
the Labour Ministry. If they were licensee what was the 
reason for paying them. One more theory is introduced 
that they were absconding and therefore their services 
were terminated. In one breath it is saying that they were 
not their workmen and in another breath it is contending 
that they were terminated, if they were not the workmen 
then bow they were terminated is the question. U falsifies 
the stand of Railway Management. 

] I. it appears that in 1994 Railway has started the 
recnnJrmefiio fParceJ Porters by issuing special notification 
after cancelling the earlier practice of taking the work of 
panel potters through private contractors. However when 
the petitioners raised demand for job security, the Railway 
Administration started harassing them. The evidence 
clearly shows that they were appointed as parcel porters 
and were workman of the railway right from the day of their 
respective appointments. They are appointed in the year 
1994'1995 and undisputedly each of them have completed 
more than 240 days. The nature of their work is purely 
manual I and unskilled. They will have to be treated as 
workmen as defined it's 2 (s) of I.D. Act 1947. 

12. It seems the petitioner Union has claimed 60 and 
151 as Older Nos. L-4101 l/28/97-lR(B l)Dtd. 28-08-1998 
and Order No. L-41011/9/99-IR (B-l) Dtd. 16-08-1999 
respectively total 211 parcel porters are entitled for the 
regularization. Even the above referred orders of the Central 
Govt of India has also given the similar number of the 
paste] porters. The list of the 60 petitioners in the first 
order is in conformity of number given by the petitioner. 
However the actual number as per appended lists with the 
QtderNo. L-4101 L/9/99-]R(B-I)D«l,16-08-1999 is less by 9 
parcel porters It does not confirm the claimed number of 
15lporterc. It comes 143 only totalling to 203 in all. The 
petitioners have given the lists of the porters working at 
particular stations as under:— 

(l)Kamthi Rly. Station, 16 panel potters, (2) Bhandara 
Road 09,{3)Tumsar road 11, (4) Tiiuda 04, (5) Gondiya 59, 
(6) Rajnandgaon 08 and (7) ltwarl Rly Station 36 parcel 

porters. Thus the total comes to 143 porters besides the 60 
porters/petitioners in reference No. 203/1998 makbiggrand 
total of203 parcel porters. 

13. The evidence is dear enough to show that the 
petitioners were regularly working and the work is also of 
perennial nature, Since they have completed more than 240 
days they are entitle to regularization. No doubt they were 
provided with ihe work for 4 hours on each day and some 
times more than it but it was deliberate attempt to deprive 
them From regularization. It is not at all scare of the railway 
that their appointment was of some other cadre. In my view 
though they were working 4 hours or some times for 8 
hours they were on daily wages and are entitled for 
regularization and declaration that they are the employees 
of rail ways. 

14, So far as back wages are concern the petitioners 
have worked as per directions of the authority and they are 
already paid as per their working hours. If is pertinent to 
note that in remaining time they were not prohibited to do 
their work, In fact they were working in addition to the 
regularly appointed parcel porters hence in my view they 
are not entitled to back wages as prayed. I proceed to pass 
the following order. 


The respondent party No. 2 The Divisional 
Commercial Manager S.E. Railway Nagpur is here by 
directed to — 

1. Regularize the 60 petitioners as per list 
submitted Reference No, 203/1998 along with 
order No. L-4!011/28/1997-lR (B-l) Dtd 
28-08-1998, and 143 petitioners giving them 
temporary siatus and regular pay scale of 
Group D at par with the regularly appointed 
parcel porters as per their qualification and 
suitability, treating them as railway employee. 

2 To fix their pay in die above regular cadre from 
the date of their respective appointments and 
giving the regular increments pay the salary 
with prospective effect from the date of 
notification of this award, 

1 The lists of 60 and 143 parcel potters appended 
along with the above numbered orders of the 
Ministry shall form part and parcel of this 

Dated: 28-03-2008 

A.N, YADAV, Presiding Officer 


WIJI i 10 , 2008^ra 20,1930 



Hnto titer rhzht 

HHiy^ ftrtw 



1 2 

3 4 




Rw*( Fni^ 






*tkih''i ipiA 

tj. fte^l,9t#SI5lf 

4 Hlstel, fa »fero 



■gjfrr 'iiFiq? iq»il 

tj. tji.tftTOnd, 

4 giKH, fit W&RI 




<hi-wh TfflMT qqf 

wmt, 4 ^d*MK 




P|<H*h<d dlM4i< 

^ Yltf £4+17, [^l€l] 




Tfifat Fq^riLCi WFt 

4ffll B l T l > K J TlMMlTp 

TfFf, 'FFT^ 

tj^i rft 



^pFTC <flkTH 

gro gWPRp 





*ikW*i Hlft 

JNYlqilf gn^uTte <*qi€l 




*ft*T MYi^W 

YTai [ifeRTTte] 
a *ftfll^, fa *fSRF 

HR rft 




^ ■'ft. ^iefjt 

fa ^ 3ffR A 




ni-H4i ^c^ft oflMflu 

^ 4^Sj 7T 

1 ft* 3Wft wip fa injt 

HR rft 




U'ftjfl *11 


7t ^ UYTTC te f fa *TERF 




*U0wra ttaitai 

Tffe^ 4. Rreit, 
hl ’gRTRp fa i rau 




■HI^Y uhwI 

TL HhS +< *, 'ft. RTS^t, 

71 TpfTTC, fa sfelU 





317™! T^t 

tj *iiw p 4 ^nsnl 

7i Tprrc, fa ^feiu 




g*tai W'Kftjfl ftYTO 

^ ^Ho[] n TOT,*M*«jl p 

71 4tMcfl > fa^FlJt 

HR Rt 




TWlTRT Tfaf* 

g, ^PrrR,[g^ifft] 

'ft. ^ HHi'il’Sp fa Wny 



■ ^ 


*7173 ^ 


71 1^. '7ERT 




^ Itiml Rt-iiii ’TO, 

’'ft. Tft.SfllVfWfr 1 !, 

HH ift 



7T fa TFTJJ 


[Past [I—Sac, 3(ii)l 









vzrts Ript Am 

g his41, 

TT. f<1<lsi, fa. RSRI 




sfalR TRTR^RT 

faafcRIT, RPiy 

t^T- ^ff. 






tisit 3ot #n,4n 
fag^fo, BWlM 

RPTft, ^1# R.87 



Tc^Rt^ R’lrfH'l, 

Tfl& 7+1^5, 13/4 li*l u 1 . 

3fr ^fr 


■■RiqinH H|Ht5 

3#5RRR1^ nfps.^i 

C fa TWh faOTI '&& 







TR1. R. 32/2, g^. <JR*R 

OH, R fJHtR tW 






g ’ll. rMItt, uMltieil, fit. Rttci 



ttMi4 ’ c TCfr3l7T 

g Rt Rrafa, n. wteft, fa-Rsm 



ft. ftaiR ^3TTR 

C/o ft. «J|'1**K 7TR gR^FPR, 
rt£ «hfaM ^atf t. 

T5R.3iiq r ^. 88, RRt Tl£ 
rI. ^'-Hd^i^LTRiy 




T®5iml rh£t, faRRpR. 

Ri RRT, TRgt 

gR. A\ 



d'HWNR -ill^lKiH 

t\. RTR^irsi, Rf. ’wit, 
fT. <pRR, fa, rsto. 




ftrifc jRrefa R?*nR 

T+IRKtcfl. RT. nft’H'ffl 
tn. gsRiT, fa. 1c f S1 ^ 


4^ii< wfngrt 

gRl. mdio, rt. 

’HtSTrft, fa, RSIR 



^TT^T tt^T^ -^TfcRT 

g [ ^T5t] 

Rt. HIS* it (1. fa. H5H.1 





g +kdi"«l, ’ll Vmiai 

R. ftRter, fa. RSR! 




-i i f i ■^ TJ T RniiI 

g i'k.<r»xsl, m. hIpisI , fa. Hsn .1 

3f* Bft 





nH^I TT^ 

g # 3 #,r 1 wl, 
rl fa, hirt 




^t. 3tR.^t. 


RRjrn fangi 

1J, p tjt, ^Vr-l'liq 

m w*fa\ fa. gsra 


H+I¥l sIhciIcT "93 

nTinsil dt ,i i*i ns! t 
«?ffa T."Rl/25/6 -ih^. 

m A 




W-SHI i.HI'fll ■*U*iqiS<JJt 

g [Rffa] ,4 ^m, 

m Ritfim-il, fa. ■=Tmgr 

YH. ^ 




fafar ’srn^t "rot 

g Rt. rr# [gsr], 

it. fttei,fa. ’teraftr’i. 4419H. 





58/2 Tl. ’if^n-iHT, TPigt 



[iimit-^a*Z3(ii)l 2008/^ra 20, 1930 2107 

mhIh ^ Ttorfr 















ftW, p fKKI |J l, TT5T7T. 

fttflviN ^wl-ft "^fWtwn 

tfiji: m ft 9171116 
ftl ftsfun 





3i¥ u i 

4fl'n I'H ^W6[ ^P((l<i1pi ^ 

■*8# %|vii -strsTR ^d 

aft to.Tft. 






13*1, wswt*r. 

TJ. HUH IL Ql+H it ^(1^1 
fror Ham 

Tinrt 1* ITl* 1RT 

4*^hi"i *iny it hhw 

3ft ftl 7ft; 



^ 31R 3ft 

4 snr^t 


■g»R w ft? 4«iicMi4ft 

IFiy 26 it 

151 . tfr 

02 - 02-95 



"7^1, Tsft. 

onil^u wwii fomi 

toft **1Rft 60S ftty-HHHlJ 






mfTj 9flFT. fit. 96 ^ifl fl # K 

I^PR fte lt|U4414l£) ^TFFJH 26 





TftftT. *1^7, 'Sl-lUHl} 

■ C/O ^K*il p l4 iJj4J£| 

sTwihnflh ^ lH 

’(praisr 0^ mi rq 5tfinr 





T&H W I 1'4 

Tnj wfi^i Tfa^rm 
’ ? rni3^ 




IwiH ;ft *104 

^ q;itH ffr inf 

cL qjrat f^lOT ^TERl it ^u*dl 



HP 311? 


162 **Tiril4 

■ii'iy 1+1^. it 

^1 ttL 

10—01 -95 


TI^TT, Wl, 616 |ul 

TSfrl, H iWnETlT ’11*1^ 17 





"ftftjl 7W1, 

Tlrf W irft ^ IPty it 





4ih, J ilh^w 'yi%t 

-315311 W "1KI ll^ 

^iftlTTT *1 ri^i it HftlTCl 




ft1 3 ro;*)ft v I'K 

i^ r <HI*(^96 fJ a M i J K fl*Tt 


^ T^l 3TR 


<l^'fll 4 H, P4 <ikjh ^TRft 

md IT. iff ft. 
hski it^ii^l 

01-11-94 - 

3l ^7T 3T|7 



*t ^ST^t ^ ^RR 

ft irtro it. 

4fllof*i tcT^ ^rrit’ii T5W4SU1 
my it ’i^RiFT 




^l r ’^*T 3^17 


»lft*,4|1Sll4 *** 



my it 4vnin my 





[Past II —Sec, 3(ii)] 




Name and Address 

Dale of Appointment. 







^ 4 



1, ' 

Sri. Sunil Kumar Hariprftsad 

Ya(fav h 

Rfr, Qtr.No,C7*/l 

Motibaglh Nagpur, 

16 Nov. 1994 




Sri, Anin Ramlal Wanjari 

K. K. Nagar Ramlek 

1 Oct. 1994 




Sri. Jagdish Sewarai 


Rly. Qtr. Na L-7/6 

K.K. Nagar Ramtek. 

1 Oct. 1994 




Sri. Rajesti Sam&rth Banscd 

Rly.Qtr 77/7 

Motibagh Nagpur 

J Jan. 1995 




Sri Fulchand Arjun 


Rfy. Qtr. 38/5,Itwari 

Near Rly. Hospital. Ngp 

1 Oct 1994 




Sri. Mahendra Daulatrao 



Hudkoo Colony Nara Road 

Jaripatak, Nagpur. 

16 Oct. 1994 






Sesh Nagar Khare Road 

Hasonbagh Nagpur 

16 Oct. 1994 





Sri. Sanjay Mahadeo 


Rly. Qtr. No, CTL/39/17 

Hamal Kholu Itwari, 

Lakadganj. Ngp. 

16 Oct 1994 




Sri. Rajesh Kesho Washik 

Rly. Qtr.No. 170/3 

Motibagh, Nagpur. 

16 Oct. 1994 




Sri. Radhesbam Kallo 


Khtshan Colony Near 

Maodhir Bezonbagh- Ngp. 

16 Oct 1994 




Sri Hansraj Khandekar 

Santiih Vdo Sutting Bada 
IndoraBhima Chowk 

Nera Road. Nagpur, 

16 Oct. 1994 




Sri. N, Srinivasa Rao 

C/oN. L. Naidu, S.E, Rly. 

Qtr, No. GL 57/4, 

Bczanbagb (Post) - 440054. 


25 March 1995 




IQ, 2008(^!W20,1930 







5 6 


Devendra Bhagwaudas Rangari 
RJy.Qtr. No. 172/2, Mount Rood 

16 Oct. 1994 




Sri. Aran Baburao Waghado 
Gandhi Wand Deawadhi 
P.O.Tumsar Rood Tumsar 

16 Oct. 1994 




Sri. DeepakNagorao Kathara 
Empress Mill's Co tony Block No. 

106 Bezan Bogh, Nagpur 

l6Qct. 1994 




Sri. Satanam Singh S/o Rattan 
Singh Motibagh Qtr. Na 171/1 

Id Oct 1994 








Fttfwr o«*e 

Pitt of 

dais of 

Addran C«t* Qiiflilftcatun 




birth A 




ff union 






* 7 8 





ChimanGajbhiye 22 

Nandkiahor SC. 



At+PO- Retail wady, 

Tha GoodiaDi. 






Bakaram Feodre 


Vikas BFendke, CBC 



At+Post: Mohadi 

Tha. Mohadi 

Oandh Wand Dia. 




Sanjay Sahaliknin 



Sanjay CBC 




Nanvwdiya, Sunil 
Kirana Store,Near 
ofSmol Datha 

4, Aravind Kumar 

Ambika Prasad 


18,10.94 Aravind Kumar Other 

Ambika Prasad 


Tiwari C/o Shri 



Colony Qtr No. 

C/15 Bhandara 

Road Post, 


Bhandara Pin. 

441905 (MS) 

1 Harikisan Natthuji NattujiBhurc 


18.1054 Harikisan OBC 



Natthuji Bhure 

At SonoLi, P.O, 

Di, Bhandara Pin. 

441905 (MS.) 


& Keshav Pandurang 

Pandurang Meshram 

Me shram 

7. Kaneha Ram prasad 

Ramprasad Gupta Gupta 

8, Manoj Kumar Jagdbh Prasad 27 

Jagdish Prasad Shukla 


9. Shiva Bhaderaka Bhadaraka 44 
Meshram Meshram 

[Past II—Sec, 3(ii)l 
9 10 

1-2-95 Keshav S,T. 4th Pass 

BJwla School 
Back up Potcr 
Rume ChaJeT 7/4 
23-10-94 Kaneha OBC, 

Ram Prasad Gupta 
At+Post Bhandara 
Road, Tha. Mohadi 
Subhash Ward 

1-2-94 Manoj Kumar OBC, 9th Pass 
Jagadish Prasad, 

Shukla, Moribagh 
Bhoslewadi 14 
Near uf Post: 



1-11-94 Shiva SC. 

Meshram At: 

SuWiash Ward 9 

Dist: Bhandara 




01. Aiay Yadav 

Father name 

Chotelal Ysuiav 

Dale af Date of Address 

Billh & Appoim- 

Au merit 

0£* Kashi Ram Sathavne Slutaram Salhavne 
03- Ajay Gajbbiye Sambahj i Gajbhiye 

04. Sanjay Yadav Chotelal Yadav 

05h Ghanshyam 


1-12-94 Moribagh Qi. NT 
No, L 47/1, 


NehamMarg, SC. 
Bhandara Rd. 

16-11*93 MotibaghRly. 
P r 03ezanbagh 
C/o, Kalamamdir 

Gandhi Wade 
P r O. Dewadi Teh 






9 10 



W^iTTNOT; ^ 10, lOOSdrra 20,1930 




3 4 

5 * 7 




’ 06- 

Marati Kttmble 

Gandi Wade^.O. 


Dewad 1, Teh. 

Tunuar Road. 


Raja Shadeo 

Shadeo Sbendc 





Post. DevadL, OBC 
Tumsar Road. 


Anish Khan 

Rahim Khan 25-5-70 

1-11-94 Plot No. 5em, OBC 


Gandhi Layout 








Chou dtary 



Vithoba Kotangle 






Fattier Name Dele of 

Dele of AAlnest Cure 





Birth or 









3 4 

5 6 T 





Dilip Dongre 

Nathuji Dongre 

i ll-94 KamieeRiy. SC 

Colony Tah. 

Kamptee. Distt 




1-1294 Rly. Station 

Tiro da Tah. 

Tiroda, Dim. 
Bhandara. . 


Pramod Savaji 

Dhondusa Savaji 

1-11-94 Rly, Police 

Office Jori Wadi 

Plat No. ID. Ajni* 


Avinash Mobile 

Shuklal Motile 

1-11-94 HamalKhoK, 

Qlr. No.8, Jtwflri, 


usroFiicfliRcafOHfisit working at gohdi a railway station. 




Appoint Slvtlon C*rtc 











4 5 6 





Anil Kuhdu 


8-H-94 G NX 




Post. Madgi 

Th. Tiimsar 


2172 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA:MAY 10, 2008/VAISAKHA 20,1930 [P«ti II—Sec. 3(ii)] 






6 7 






At Motibagh 






Runesh Murlidhar 

Vishally Nagar 

1 CM 1.94 


OBC 9th Pass 



Anil Chandrabhan 

Betty shop 

Quarter Bezenbagh 





Prakadi Kewaldas 

J.P. Nagar Kamtee 
Th. Kamtee 

Dtett Nagpur. 












$ibh Govindno 



Jaibbim Chowk 

Dist Nagpur. 







At. Godekhari 

Post. Kawalewada 
Th. Goregaon 






Sanjay Mahadeo 

At Mothakamtce 
Tb + Kamtee 

Dist Nagpur 






Nathu Mahadeo 

At, Mothakamtee 
Th* Kamtee 

Dist Nagpur 






Prakash Yadeo 

Basant Nagar 

Dist Bhandara* 






Sbrini was Veer 





Mahesh Prajapoti 






Shrikrishna Ramaj i 

At, Kard£ 

Post. Kardi 

Th. Mohadi 

Dist. Bhandara. 






At. Lodhitola 

Post. Cbutiya 

TIl Gondia 

Dist Bhandara 





Suraj A rondos 

At. Ram jjiad Good 
Shed Kamtee 

Dist Nagpur. 

034045 . 





Rokesh Fakirchand 

At. NayaGootfcm 
Shed: Kamtee 

Din. Nagpur 





(iotii— w3(ii)) 

^ 10, 2008/*71W20,1930 







6 7 



RqjuNadnyi Doagre 

Railway Station 
Railway Quarter 

No. 1 Kamtee 

Dial Nagpur 






Iswarsingh Gokul 
Sinih Madbvi 

Civil Line Rly. 

Ward, Con dia 

Dist Bhandara. 











&.C. Xth clan . 



Ashok Mansaram 

avil Lire Rly. Ward 

DiaL Bhandara 






Nageshwarran ‘ 





Axhok Oavindi 

Dbt Chandrapur 







Post. Berdipar 


Dist Bhandara. 









Abdul Kalam 


Basant Nagar 

Dist Bhandara 






Satnbhu Ysdeo 

Civil Lino Rly. Ward 

Dist Bhandara 




2 1 



At Post Darakara 
Th. Sakkua 

Dht Bhandara 








Rly, Colony Near 
Rest House Condia 
Dist Bhandara. 








Laxnol Nagar Wd. 16 230695 

Dht Bhandara 






Civil UneRly.Wd 

Diat Bhandara 








At. Mndgi Th.Thora 264)695 
Dist Bhandara 







Silesh Shrawan 





[Part II—Sbc. 3{ii>] 






6 ^ 




Babuiao Chandankar 

Civil Line, Goodia 
Diet Qhandara. 



O B.C. 


Sunil Jairam 


Doubling Colony 1 






Dist. Bhandara 


Preibchand Bathawa 

Civil line near 
Dist. Bhandara 




Ralwsh Madavi 





Rakesh Madavi 





Ramkrishna Sakaram 

Civil Line near 

Loco Sbed Gondia 
Dist. B bandars 






Paras Gyaniram 


Ambedkar Ward 

Dist. Bhandara 





Jitendra Dashral 




Ravi Tejram Raul 










Ravindra Anandrao 

Master Colony 
Near Haniunan 
Dist. Bhandara. 






Iswarrao Chhinarao 






Shankar Jivlane 




Paras Manohar 

57, Skrinagnr near 
Darshan Colony, 

Disl. Nagpur 






SHvaji Punjabrao 

Ambedkar Wd. 

DisL Bhandara 




12th Passed 31 


Manoi Par ashram 






New Indora 
Jaripatka. Nagpur 
Dist. Nagpur 




12th Fail 27 

32. Bhusan Ganesh 



S.C. 12th Passed 25 

iwnwn io, 2oo8/imr 10 , imo 














At Mandhad 

Post Madgi 

Dist Bhandara. 




10th Fail 




Sadashivji Tbawkar 

At Mandad 
post Madgt 
. Tli. Tkimsar 

Dist Bhandara. 




4th Fail 






Kalmna, Nagpur 
Dist Nagpur. 




Tejram Balaam 

Near at Water Pilfer 254345 

Kntangikala, Gcndia 

Dist Bhandara. 






Vikas Mitnram 


G . 




Shailesh Shavan 

Indont Nar& Road, 



f &c 

9th Passed 





Aifibcdkar Colony, 




9th Passed 







Filler Name 

Dale of Birth 

Date of 

Address Caste 











6 7 








Kalmuna OlRC 


N,C C. 




Passed CertL 




/5/A Old 








Duswant Kumar 




VUIJfcFost 03.C.. 
















Vill.&Fost OBjCL 



dgoan (M.P) 



2176 THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10, 200&/VA1SAKHA 20,1930_[P*RT II—SbC. 3(ii)J 






6 7 




Shod Chowan 





New SjC. 

Khalashi Line 
Kanqrtee 441002 











NewNakasha Other 
Cfo Rafique 








ShyamUl [tout 





Darekasa, ST. 



Dist. Bhandaia 



Sanity Khcbragade 





Hiwari Ngy, S,C. 
Plot No .47 





Pramod Khabragade 




Newlndora S.C 

Nagar, Jari 

Patlca, Nagpur. 











1 . 

Rajesh Paudc 

Chocks Colony, Nagpur 


12th Pas* 


Anad Naidu 

Buddha Ngr, Nagpur. 



Klshor Maroti 

S.E. Riy. Colony, 

Motibagh, Nagpur 


12th Pass 


Rajesh Shripat 

Panidurgawali Ngj\ 



9th Pas* 


Dioesh Ehymaro 

S.E.Rly. Colony, 
Motibagh, Nagpur 


10th Pass 



Damodhar Budhe 

A.P.Tumser, T, 

Tumsar, Dist.Bhandara 





Devidas Hari 

S,E. Rly. Colony, 

Itwari, Nagpur 


10th Pass 


Gopal Buddharam 

Model M i It Chal No-4, 
Ganeshpeth, Nagpur 


10th Pass 


Dipak Devman 

Kapil Ngr, Nari Road, 


12th Pass 




Shanti Nagar, Nagpur. 


9th Pass 


Madhukar Ramaji 

Anguli Mahal Nagar, 

9th Pass 

10, soowfcro 20,1930 








7 8 9 




Ran Nagar, Nagpur 





Shaikh RaAq 

Shanti Nagar, Nagpur 



8th Pass 


Shaikh Babbu 

Shanti Nagar* Near Garden* 



Keshav Kove 

Shanti Nagar, Nagpur 



9th Pass 


Damodhar Kot*ngte Rqjfv Gandhi Nagar, Nagpur. 




Near Bhmtiya Akhsda, P.Q 
Nayapura, Nagpur 




Minimata Nagpur, 





Babin DoUet 

Shanti Nagar, Nagpur. 




Behind Pest Office, 



9th Pass 


PA). Narapura, Nagpur 



Rani DwigttwauNgr., 






New Buddha Vihar, 





Bankeda, Nagpur 



S.E. Rly. Colony, 



12th Pass 


Kamtee, Nagpur* 


Sharad Haridas 

Behind Kabrastan, 



10th Pass 


Jarfpatta; Nagpur 


Abhay Nipanc 

Nandanwan Colony, 



12th Pass 


Ashok Radhumrfh 

Panchashed Nagar, 



12th Pass 





S.E. Rly. Colony. 


Shymarao Ingole 

MotOugh, Nagpur 




At Mandat, P jO. Badgj, 



AtUsarla, P.O.Tumsar, 

Dist. Bhandara 




JagdiriiNgr, Xatol Rd. 



10th Thus 







3$, Ayodhya Ngr, Nagpur. 



10th Pass 



Bhuiesbwar Nagar, Nagpur. 


. t- 







Near Buddha VBiar 
Indore, Nagpur 



12th Pass 


Rlvinder WssnBc 

Phamnudeep Nagar, 



9th Pass 




Jaripadca, Nagpur 






[Pari ll— Sec, 3(ii)] 

^ IS 2008 

mao, 1044,—sufaftRir, 1947 (1947 
7114) ^ TO 17^ 

^ irtwftr ^ tw® r^Wl sfa Titf 4»tS+i(f $ IN, 
if P|ftM sfaftfror |il4ll4 ^’sQh TOR 
afflWEWSR -4WW4,TtMjjl^■cfms 11/199$) 

7*1 u^iftm «tfl t, - ^ <6 h 041 *K4ii*7rt i i - 4-2008 
137 *tu 

[U T^T-12012^64/94-^131R<U-TI) ] 

«fc4k, iw 4rfMw*|fl 

New Delhi, the 15th April, 2008 

SAX 1044—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Mnttrtal Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref. No. 11/1995) 
iHw Ci pfcsl Government industrial Ttibunal-cum-Lubour 
0e*nt, Kanpur as shown in the Annexure, in the industrial 
dispute between the employers in relation to the 
management of Allahabad Bank arid their workmen, which 
wu received by the Central Government on ] 1-04 2008 

[No, M2Q12/264/94-IR(MI)] 





Industrial Dispute No. 11 of 1995 
In the matter of dispute between 


lMtf£*A4^vil Limes Kanpur. 

The Chief Manager, 

Ailrintod Bank, Zonal Office, 



1, Central Government, MOL, New Delhi, vide 
uotificadonNo.L-l2012/264/941.RB-II dated 12-01-95, has 
referred the following dispute to this Tribunal for 

Whether the action of the management of Allahabad 
Bank Kanpur in dismissing ShriNatwar Lai Tan don 
clerk from the service of the bank w.e.f,25-08-94 is 
legal and justified? If not what relief is the said 
workman entitled? 

2. The case of the union on behalf of the workman as 
setup in the statement of claim in short is that a fraud is 

alleged to have been committed at Pheelkhana Branch of 
the Bank at Kanpur in which the Manager and Assistant 
Branch Manager viz Sri K. L, Tandon and R, R. Bajpai 
respectively were reportedly involved and both the officers 
named above are under suspension from the bank and are 
on bail where after neither any action against them has 
been initiated by the bank nor by the-CB.I. which has been 
investigating the case so for The manager remained posted 
at the branch for about six years against the term of three 
years prescribed in the bank for their posting at a place for 
the officers including manager? and after that he was 
transferred to LajpatNagar Branch of die Bank at Kanpur 
and in a couple of months he was again posted at 
Pheelkhana Branch of the Bank. In the same fashion Sri 
Bajpai the Assistant Manager was transferred to Rania 
Branch of the Bank and thereafter he was again allowed to 
be posted at Pheelkhana Branch of the Bank, The manner 
in which bolh the officers of the bank were retained at 
Pheelkhana Branch proves that the Assistant Genera! 
Manager, Kanpur and the Regional Manager of the branch 
were mvolvedneck deep in the alleged fraud The Regional 
Manager of the bank unfortunately happened to be the 
disciplinary authority in die case of the workman and the 
Assistant General Manager also happened to be the 
appellate authority and both of them remained silent so far 
relating to in itiation of disciplinary action against the Branch 
Manager and the Assistant Manager of Pheelkhana Branch 
of the bank but preferred to proceed against the workman 
and some other employees of the bank. The workman was 
placed under suspension by the bank on 17-3-94 and later 
on served with a charge sheet dated 39-05-94, by the 
Regional Manager / Disciplinary Authority. 

3. it is the further case of the workman that a regular 
departmental inquiry was ordered by the disciplinary 
authority by nominating inquiry officer vide letter dated 
20-06-94 and the enquiry officer issued a notice fixing date 
of enquiry as the date of preliminary hearing. After the 
same enquiry fixed on day to day basis from 12-97*94 to 
16-07-94 and on ail these dates the workman participated in 
the inquiry. However, on the next date of inquiry i.e. 
19-07-94, the workman who had been the old patient of 
diabetes, hypertension and heart ailment being unable to 
bear the tension and strain of the inquiry fell ill and 
submitted an application supported by medical certificate 
of his illness, seeking adjournment of inquiry, which was 
highly objected by the presenting officer regarding grant 
of adjournment on the pretext that the workman should be 
got examined by the Chief Medical Officer, Kanpur. The 
enquiry officer agreeing with the demand of the presenting 
officer ordered the workman to be got examined by the 
Chief Medical Officer and to produce his certificate the 
same day Le, on 19-07-94 latest by 4,00 p.m. It was intimated 
by (he defense representative to the enquiry officer that 
the medical certificate will be dependent upon the 
availability of Chief Medical Officer. Kanpuir. However, the 
enquiry was adjourned by the enquiry officer to 20-07-94, 
for hearing in the case. 

[■Rm ll-^« 3(ii)] 

W tUVR t 10, 2008/$¥lW 20, 1930 


4. It is further alleged that die defense representative 
on 204)7-94 deported the enquny officer that the condition 

wwtanm had deteriorated totto 
and therefore he had to be rushed to the Cardiology 
Institute, Kanpur, where Sri S. S. Sin glial, Professor end 
Director of foe Institute checked foe workman end in 
support of foe same, prescription prescribed by foe doctor 
was also enclosed with foe application moved before foe 
enquiry officer on 20-07-94, which was strongly opposed 
by foe presenting officer and font during foe course of 
discussion in foe enquiry it was also informed by foe 
defense representative that foe Chief Medical Officer will 

not examine any employee unless he has been referred by 
the bank or hl$ employer. On fob the emptily was adjourned 
to 23-07-94, whir direct km to the presenting officer to 
arrange bra letter of reference front the bank to foe Chief 
Medical Officer and foe same was arranged on 21-07-94, 
which was delivered ait the residence of foe workman at 
4.00 21-07-94, The workman with foe help of the 
said fetter dated 21417-94 of the bank approached the Chief 
Medical Officer, Kanpur, on23-07-94, as in the said letter a 
direction was containing that workman may submit the 
certificate of foe Chief Medical Officer by 25-07-94. The 
Chief Medical Officer, Kanpur, telephoned foe authorities 
of the bank to depute some officer to identify the workman 
as there was no mark of identification of foe workman on 
foe letter dated 214)7-94, thereafter, the presenting officer 
went before foe Chief Medical Officer for Identifying the 

workman and did not report back and got recorded this 
fed in foe proceedings recorded on 23-07-94. The Chief 
Medical Officer observing that foe workman is heart patient 
referred the workman before Dr. V.M. Khare, Heart 
Specialist, of the District Hospital of Kanpur who after 
examining foe workman referred some pathological tests 
and in fob way workman remained busy for his medical 
check up from 23-07-94 to 27-07-94. 

5. It Is alsofoe case of fee workman feat on 2B-07-94 
the Chief Medical Officer, Kanpur, fatally examined the 
workman end advised that the medical report will be sent 
to the bank directly by him in due course of time. The 
enquiry officer adjourned the enquiry to25-07-94, to bring 
the certificate of foe Chief Medical Officer, Kanpur, and 
aenda copy of the proceedings to fee workman by speed 
post which was received by fee workman. 

fc It is also alleged that foe enquiry officer instead of 
waiting for the certificate of fee Chief Medical Officer, 
Kanpur, held the enquiry on 25-07-94, behind the bock of 
fee workman, of which, copy of proceedings were received 
by the workman on 29-07-94, purported to have been 
dispatched by foe bpnk on 264)7-94. Being unaware of the 
proceedings of the inquiry the workman continued visiting 
to the doctor and the enquiry was finally concluded by the 
enquiry officer on26-07-94. 

7. Coming to know about fee closure of the 
proceedings by foe enquiry officer, the workman wrote a 

tetter to foe enquiry officer on 01 -09-94 which was received 
by hini on 02-08-94«t his resid en t at Meerut end tin this 
corentunkation ir was made elere by foe workman that as 
the doctors had advised him rest for two weeks, therefore, 
the proceedings of the inquiry may be stayed until the 
recovery ofthe workmen. No actiononfee stid Application 
j ofthe workman Was tskenbyfee enquiry officer; Still he 
submitted his findings on 93-0S-94; to fob-Regional 
Manager of the Buk. Subsequently vide bankaletter, the 
workman was informed that instead of Regional Manager 
of foe Bank, Chief Manager wifi operate as disciplinary 
authority in the care of fee workman. It is alleged feat it is 
without any authority, and therefore, is notopstaiubfe in 
the eye of few, 

I. The Chief Manager bsued a show exuse notice to 
the workman proposing the punishment of dismissal from 
the service of the bunk. It wu also htdkmed in foe said 
show cause notice feat fee workman wrll alro bc given 
persona! hearing on 244W-94 before paasiag final orders in 
the case, but said opportunity could not, be availed of by 
foe workman due to development of hqgi.feknd pressure 
as a resug of which he was rushed to the hospital, where 
foe attending doctors considering' the seriousness ofthe 
ailment of the workman admitted him in emergency on 
224»94. ■ 

9. The wife of foe workmoh wider (he facts end 
circumstances of the case informed fee Chief Manager 
about foe workman's critical condition with request to 
postpone the date of personal hearing or that he may hold 
fee persortal hearing at the hospital, 1 

10. The union raising the present industrial dispute 
looking to the high handedness of the authorities of the 
bank raised an industrial dispute before Regional Labour 
Commissioner (C), Kanpur, still the Chief Manager and the 
Disciplinary authority ofthe bank passed Qn25-Q8-94, final 
order in the case dismissing die workman from foe .service 
ofthe bank without providing him. opportunity of. being 
beard on fee quantum of punishment. In the lost it is alleged 
that the entire action of fee bank in, the naipe of the 
disciplinary action against the workmen is Illegal^ arbitrary, 
discriminatory, against roles governing the service 
conditions and rules of natural justice, therefore, fee same 
cannot be .form basts of awarding capital punishment. It 
has also been prayed that fee punishment awarded to the 
workman on the basis of illegal enquiry be set aside and he 
be reinstated in the service of foe bank with fill back wages,' 
continuity of service and all other consequential benefits. 

II. Ti e claim ofthe workman has been countered by 
the opposite party bank vehemently on a number grounds, 
interalia,that while the workman was work(rtgatPhrelkharia 
br inch of fee bank at Kanpur, a fraud worth Rs. 22,70,00,000 
■ is detected in the month of February 1994, wherein 
ontribution of gross negligence ofthe concerned workman 

in discharging his duties was also revealed and 
consequently the wurkmai was placed under suspension 

1520 GWOB—11 



[Past II—Sec. 3(ii>] 

on 17-03-94 p followed by charge sheet dated 3D-Q5-94 P to 
which no reply was submitted by the workman, He was 
due for his retirement on 31-0S-94, and therefore, with 
ulterior motive he opted to create hindrances in timely 
completion of domestic enquiry instituted to probe into 
the charges leveled against him and he also avoided 
opportunity of personal hearing against the proposed 
punishment so that the same may not be completed before 
he retires from service and It is in this perspective that the 
attitude of the workman right from the stage of domestic 
inquiry need to be looked into and judged. 

12. It is also alleged by the opposite party hank that 
the inquiry against the workman was instituted by the 
Regional Manager of the Bank vide order dated 20-06-94, 
wherein enquiry officer and presenting officer were 
appointed simultaneously by the Regional Manager and 
Disciplinary authority of the bank in the ease of the 
workman. The proceedings of the enquiry were conducted 
by the enquiry officer with due intimation to the workman 
and on the request either by him or by his defense 
representative the proceedings of the inquiry were 
adjourned almost for 7 times and finally the workman 
abstained from participating in inquiry from 19-07*94 
onwards on the pretext of health ground which was 
obviously with malafide intention to get the inquiry 
proceedings lingered on till he retires on 3 l-flfl-94 and it is 
so that the workman did not cooperate with the inquiry to 
escape infliction of the warranted punishment for hi & gross 
negligence on duty. The enquiry officer was under the 
facts and circumstances of the case was left with no option 
but to conclude the inquiry by proceeding exparte against 
him as the workman was due for his retirement on 31 -08-94, 
Having come to the conclusion that the charges against 
the workman stands proved and also that the workman 
was bent upon to delay the disciplinary action deliberately, 
he was awarded the punishment of dismissal from service 
on 25-08-94 under cteuse 196(a) of First Bipartite Settlement 
dated 19-10-66, which was got published in the leading 
newspapers of wide range Like Dainik Jagarart and Pioneer 
of 26th Instant of August 1994, It is also alleged that the 
enquiry officer provided all reasonable and possible 
opportunity to the workman in the matter of his defense 
during the course of domestic inquiry and followed the 
principles of natural justice and rules governing the service 
conditions applicable on the workman. Enquiry findings 
are perfect and legal and there is no perversity there, 
therefore, the same docs not call for any interference. 

13. The workman himself avoided personal hearing 
for the reasons given above. There is tio illegality in the 
inquiry against the workman and the workman was awarded 
punishment which commensurate with the gravity of the 
proved misconduct. Lastly it has been prayed that the case 
of the workman is devoid of merit end is liable to be rejected. 

14. In the instant case the tribunal vide its order dated 
20-02-9$, has framed a preliminary issue to the effect as to 

whether domestic inquiry conducted by the management 
was not fair and proper and the arguments on the 
preliminary issue were heard by the tribunal r Thereafter* 
the tribunal vide its award dated 16-11-98 answered the 
reference against the workman holding that the inquiry 
conducted by the management was fair and proper and it 
was also held by the tribunal that the dismissal of the 
workman isjustilled. 

15. It is pertinent to point out that the award dated 
16-11-98 of this tribunal was challenged by the workman 
before the Hon'ble High Court at Allahabad by way of 
filing Civil Misc Writ Petition No.4896 of 1999. The Hon'ble 
High Court vide itsjudgment and order dated 03- L 0-07 was 
pleased to quash the award of the tribunal and was further 
pleased to remand back the case to thb tribunal for deciding 
it a fresh after providing opportunities of hearing to the 
contesting parties. 

16. After receipt of certified copy of the judgment of 
the Hon'ble High Court, registered notices to the 
contesting parties were issued by the tribunal. On 
29-11-07, when the case was taken up for hearing both 
contesting parties advanced an arguments before the 
tribunal that they are not inclined to adduce any evidence 
oral ordocumeniary and that they will confine their 
arguments only to the point of quantum of punishment. 
Ultimately final arguments in the case were heard. 

17. Since both the sides have no objection with regard 
to the fairness of the enquiry by the enquiry officer, the 
finding with regard to the fairness of the enquiry obviously 
goes against the workman. Now simple question with regard 
to the quantum of puni&hmeni has to be looked into. 

IS, It is alleged by the learned representative of the 
workman that the workman was not in the authority of 
passing any cheque or giving the amount to any customer 
and be was only the person who was making entries in the 
long book with regard to the alleged cheques through which 
the transactors for the amount alleged io have been 
defrauded by other persons have been done and they are 
involved in the alleged fraud, 

I9h The learned representative for the management 
submitted that due to gross negligence of the worker the 
fraud had been committed and if the worker would have 
been vigilant the fraud could have been detected at the 
initial stage and the gross loss to the bank could have 
been avoided, 

20.1 have given anxious thought lothe arguments of 
the patties and have carefully gone through the evidence 
on record. The sole allegation against the workman Is that 
he wus not vigilant and careful in entering the said cheques 
in the Long Book through which the same were duly passed 
by die higher authorities of the branch. In the charge shuel 
there is no mention I hut the workman had any hand in 
making loss of Rs. 22 Croreto the bank. It is also alleged 
that tie did not receive any benefit out of the said fraud or 

*m vrtwnr: io» 2 D 0 */ 4 vra 20, 1930 


he had engulfed this amount forhb own use. In each charge 
mentioned in the charge sheet it Is mentioned that one IUL 
Bajpai and anodier K. L. Tandon had countersigned the 
different cheques or the payment of the cheques were made 
without proper clearing etc. Some cheques wen with held 
illegally and payment of them was made. But (here is no 
mention in any of the charges that the worker who Involved 
In die above acts. Only allegations hi these charges are 
that due to hb negligence such transaction took piece and 
frauds werecomnhted upon the bank. For example charge 
no, 7 it» categorically mentioned dial on Q24)6-93 Sri Satijai 
Somani the prime culprit and the mastermind behind the 
fraud perpetrated on the bank, and presented cheque for 
Rs.36,00,000 drawn by M/s Sukesh Investments Private 
Limited favouring self drawn on Punjab National Bank 
U.P.Stock Exchange and another cheque for Rs. 35,00,000/ 
laces drawn by M/e Somani Investment. U revealed that 
the said cheques were not sent in clearing for collection 
and the said Sri Somani was fraudulently accommodated 
by crediting of Rs. 91,00,000 in his respective account at 
the branch. The allegations against the workman is that 
while writing credit entries in the long book he negligently 
over looked that the relative voucher of such a high value 
was single handedly passed by Sri K.L. Tandon, aforesaid, 
he negligently ignored that the said vouchers were oat 
counter signed by Special Assistant which could have 
been noticed by him had he been folly vigilant but be failed 
in discharging his duty honestly and deligently as a result 
of which perpetration of fraud could be detected. In other 
charges also similar allegation of omission and negligence 
has been made. In other words it was"the act of other 
officers who actually committed fraud, manipulated the 
accounts, fabricated the cheques and not the workman 
who actually did not do any act of fraud or manipulations 
in the cheques for getting any benefit for himself or to his 
associate. He simply could not notice the fraud of others 
who were high authorities to him. He was not authorized to 
check deeds ofhis superior officers. It was also not possible 
because no duty was cast upon him to cancel the entries 
made by his superior officers such asR. R. Bajpai and K. L. 
Tandon. It is admitted by the learned authorized 
representative of foe bank that these peoples win were in 
hand and glove with each other are still working in the 
bank. The poor workman has been dismissed for his 
negligence only. Had be been the person who defrauded 
the amount of Rs. 22 Crore Jcapital punishment of dismissal 
from service would have been justified but this punishment 
on the fads and circumstances of the case is too harsh and 
cannot be allowed to be sustained- It is argued by the 
learned representative for the bank that as the retirement 
date of the workman was nearing therefore he was awarded 
capital punishment as die recovery of the defrauded amount 
was not possible under short period oftime. This arguments 
of learned representative of the bank cannot be accepted 
for the simple reason that in cose a person was going to 
retire, the amount regarding which fraudwas committed 
could not have been recovered from bun during die service 
so he should be awarded extreme penalty of dismissal. 

Even by the dismissal of the worker the bank could not be 
able to recover whole of foe amount, in other word* dm 
circumstance cannot be held to be pressing circumstance 
as to award punishment of dismissal. 

21. Considering die fact that foe workman was not 
directly involved in the alleged fraud due to which a k>» of 
Rs. 22 c*ore was caused to the bank, ends of just ice would 
be met if the extreme punishment of dismissal from sendee 
awarded to foe workman by the punishing authority is 
modified to the extent that be be treated to have been 
compulsorily retired from the service ofthe bank from the 
date from which final order was passed by the punishing 
authority. The workman shall be entitled for all 
superannuation benefits following his retirement. 

22. Accordingly for the reasons discussed above, 
the punishment order dated 25-0£-94 as aforesaid awarded 
to the workman for his dismissal from service is hereby set 
aside and it is awarded that he shall be treated retired from 
service from 25-8-94 with superannuation benefits and other 
consequential benefits attached with foe post, 

23. Reference is answered according in favour of the 
workman and against the opposite party, 

R. G SHUKLA, Presiding Officer 

^ Wt, 15 silei, 2008 

WJSKT, 1045,—afaiHH) PWK OllWRqH, 1947 (1947 
foT 14) ttS MTU 17 ^ wnn, tItjvi 4e» 

tflTer sTsHi^TWMtnt^ Pill'd wT afrr 


vft i re i ft ET TE S TKMi’t 1 l : 4-200* 

[*l M^T-12011/204/2005-3^ ’Rrc(’fo-lI)] 
tilw’H iLS srfljqirtt 
New Delhi, the 15th April. 200* 

S.O. 1045.— In pursuance of Section 17 ofthe 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), foe. Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref. No, 1/2004) 
ofthe Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-La hour 
Court, Kolkata as shown in the Annexure, in the industrial 
dispute between the employers in relation to the 
management of Allahabad bank and their workmen, which 
was received by the Central Government on 11-04*2008. 

{Nb:L-l2011/204/20Q3-IR (B-Il)] 


Reference No. 01 of 2004 

Parties: Employers in relation to die management of Central 
Bank of India 


Their workmen 

Present; Mr, Justice C,P. MISHR A, Presiding Offish 


[Part II—Sec, 3(ii)] 


On behalf of the 

On behalf of the 

Mr, K, Tarai, Manager, 

Mr, K, Sen, Assistant 
Secretary of the Union. 

State: West Bengal. Industry: Banking. ^ 
Dated: 31st March, 2008, 


By Order No.L-1201 l/204/2003/IR(B*II) dated 
l 94) 1 -2004 the Central Government in exercise of its powers 
under Section 10(lXd) and (2A) of the Industrial Disputes 
Act, 1947 referred the following dispute to this Tribunal for 

“Whether the action of the management of Central 
Bank of India in terminating the service of Shri 
Babulal Roy is justified? If not, what relief the 
concerned workman is entitled to?" 

2. This reference has been made at the instance of 
Central Bank of India Employees Association, hereinafter 
to be refereed as the Association. The case of the workmen 
as it appears from the statement of claims of the Association 
is that the Central Bank of India, hereinafter to be referred 
as the Bank is a Public Sector Bank and the service 
conditions of the workmen of the Bank are governed by 
Sastri Award as modified subsequent Awards and industry- 
wise bipartite settlements and other relevant labour law s. 
There are in-house settlements also between the Bank and 
the workmen governing certain aspects of service 
conditions, mainly promotions etc. The Bank appointed 
on 17-08-1998 Shri Babulal Roy the concerned workman in 
the permanent vacancy of sub-staff at its Bhawanipur 
Branch under Kolkata South Region, His service was 
terminated cm the dose ofbusiness on 30-04-1999 without 
any notice to deny him the benefit of regularisation in the 
post and pemiaittftt status as required under law and service 
conditions of the workmen in banking industry. The 
concerned workman served Bank in the permanent vacancy 
ofsnb-ataff for about 243 days from 17-8^-1998 to 30-4-1999 
continuously and in interruptedly with full satisfaction of 
his seniors and the Bank In this connection some 
documents have been referred to by the Association. It is 
categorical case of the Association that the Bank 
terminated and retrenched the concerned workman 
unlawfully without complying the conditions precedent to 
retrenchment as prescribed under Section 23 F of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, hereinafter to be referred a* 
the Act. The Association and also the concerned workman 
protested against such action of the Bank and demanded 
his reinstatement in service, but without any effect, 
hereinafter the Association raised an industrial dispute 
before the Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central), 
Kolkata and the said conciliation officer held conciliation 
in the matter which ended in failure and ultimately the 
present dispute has been referred to this Tribunal for 

adjudication. According to the Association it is well settled 
Jaw that when the provisions of Section 25F of the Act are 
not complied with the retrenchment is ab initio invalid, 
void and inoperative and the workman is entitled to be 
reinstated in service. It is accordingly prayed that an Award 
may be passed declaring the termination of service of the 
concerned workman by the Bank as voidab initio, improper, 
unjustified and unlawful and directing the Bank to reinstate 
the concerned workman in service with full back wages 
and consequential benefits from the date of his termination. 

3. The case of the Bank as it appears in its written 
statement is that the present reference is not maintainable 
as there was no employer -emlployee relationship between 
the Bank and the concerned workman. The reference is 
also stated to be not maintainable because the workman 
did not specify the date of reinstatement, nor such date is 
mentioned in the schedule of reference. On merit the case 
of the Bank is that the concerned workman was engaged 
by it through the Head Peon/Jamadar at its Bhawanipur 
Branch as Coolie to do some jobs as and when required 
and he was paid for the same through vouchers which 
were duly signed by the said workman in token of receiving 
the amount mentioned therein. He was engaged for 
supplying drinking water in the absence of the concerned 
regular staff during the year 1998-99 intermittently and 
payment for such work used to be made through petty 
cash vouchers by the Head Peon^Jamadar of the Bank. 
The Bank had to recruit a regular sub-staff through local 
Employment Exchange against any permanent vacancy 
after following certain procedures for recruitment, but the 
concerned workman was not appointed through 
Employment Exchange, nor he was appointed after following 
such procedure for recruitment. The Batik has denied the 
claims and contentions of the Association in seriatim. Jt is 
staled that since no appointment letter was issued to the 
concerned workman for his such engagement, termination 
of his service without notice does not arise. The Bank has 
admitted the existence oflhe letter dated 04-09-2000 of the 
concerned Branch of the Bank, but It is stated that writer of 
this letter in fact counted Ihe total calendar days for the 
period 17-8- 199S to 30—4 -l 999 without consulting the petty 
cash vouchers relating to the concerned workman. It is 
further stated that he was not engaged against a regular 
vacancy and it is not a case of termination from service but 
a case of de-engagement from service and as such he 
cannot claim any bene tit for such de-engagement. He does 
not come within the purview of '"workman" as defined under 
Section 2(s) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 by virtue 
of his nature of work with the Bank and as such he is not a 
workman. The prayer made on behalf of the workman is 
slated to be unsustainable and not maintainable, 

4. Both the parties have exhibited certain documents. 
Out of the documents filed on behalf of the workmen Ext. 
W-L is the letter dated 04-09-2000 ofthe Bhawanipur Branch 
of the Bank addressed to the PRS. Department of the Bank. 

10, 2008/$TIW20, 1930. 

ExtW-2 isthe tetter dated27-12-2000 written by the Chief 
Manager (PRS) to toe Central Office oftheBank. Ext. W-3 
is another letter dated 01-01 *2002 written by the Chief 
Manager (PRS) to tbeCaniral Office Of theBank. Ext W-4 
is the letter of theAteociation dated 274I6-2DQ3 addressed 
to the Assistant Labour CoatniissioiKtfCcfitral) raising the 
industrial dispute in question. Ext W -5is the letter dated 
28-08-2003 written by fte Conciliation Office to the Central 
Cowl regarding Mure of coocttiatioiL Ext. M-lis the same 
as Ext W-3. Ext M-2 iaa letter dated 01*12-2001 written by 
the Chief Manager (R&P) of the Bank to the Chief 
Manager(PK5)i Zonal (Mice, Odcutta-Eat. M-3 is same as 
Ext W- 2 .Ext M*4 ba letter dated 14-07-2000 written by the 
Regional Manager addressed to the Assistant Labour 
Commissioner (Central), Kolkata. EXL M-5 is same as. 
Ext. W-5. Ex. M-6 Jstbe letter dated 12-07*2003written by 
the Senior Manager of the Bank to the Regional 
Offlce(South) of die Bank Ext M-7 is 40 Petty Cash Slips 
showing payment to the concerned workman. 

5. Both the sides have examined two witnesses each. 
On behalf of the workmen die concerned workman Shri 
Babuhd Roy has been examined as WW-1. He has staled in 
his deposition that he joined the Bbawantpur Branch of 
the Bank in the year 1902 when he was. engaged by the 
contractor. Bright India Chemicals for dusting and cleaning 
ofthe office premises. In the year 19S8 the earlier contractor 
was disengaged. After 1988 he used to go to the Post 
Office for posting letters and also making over cheques to 
Cassoram Industries Ltd. He was also doing the work of 
Peon h the office in the absence ofthe regular Peon. As a 
Peon be was doing work in the Mini Deposit Dept of 
Savings Dept and also in the Current Deposit Dept, in the 
absence of the regular sub-staff He was doing all these 
work opto April, 1999. He has also stated that some 
temporary staff in other branches of the Bank were made 
permanent. He also requested the Manager for making him 
permanent, but the Manager retrenched him thereafter. He 
then approached die union to take up his cause. In cross- 
examination he has stated that he was working as 
contractor's man b the Bank and he was domg die job of 
cl ea ni ng and dusting and he was disengaged in die year 
1998. He was doing be work b die Bank as die regular 
staff wert doing. He was working in the Bank, throughout 
the month and Ms working hows were flwn 10.30A.M. to 
5 P.M. His payment was on daily rate end he was hot paid 
b the sahuy register, but through voucher. He has also 
staled that be was not engaged in the Bank through 
Employment Exchange. He could not say whether the Bank 
Marni er had the authority to engage auch staff in the 
Bank and bow. He also does not know how the temporary 
staff are paid- He has sttMad that he was engaged by the 
Manager but not Jamadar. He was getting Rs.25 per day 
and the payntem used to be modem him through vouchers. 
According to him be was terminated on05-04-1999. 

WW-2, Pn rimal Chancha Das was working b the 
Bhawampurfiranchof the Bank from 1988 to July, 2004 as 


Stenographer-ciim-Typist He has stated that the concerned 
workman was working there as a member ofthe sub-staff 
andbe used to go to tMOeurmg House, Regional Office, 
Post Office etc. He also worked indlfteremsectionsjofthat 
Branch. The concerned workman was directly under the 
supervision and control of die management of the Bank 
and he was paid through vouchers signed by either 
Manager or Accountant. According to him as per Bank’s 
norms if a workman works for 24ft days continuously within 
a period of 12 months, he can claim permanent absorption 
ip the Bank. In cross-examination the witness has stated 
that the concerned workman was not appointed in the Bank 
following, the procedure. There was no muster roll in the 
Bank lor recording his attendance. He, however, cannot 
say who employed the concerned workman or whether he 
worked continuously or whether he was serving glasses 
of water while perfomiilg his duties! He also does not know 
whether the concerned workman got his service through a 
contractor. According to him he had heard that the 
concerned workman worked for240 days in a year. 

6 . On the other hand, MW-1, Samir Kumar Das die 
witness for the management was a Clerk oftheBank posted 
at Bhawanipur Branch from November, 1984 to December, 
2000 . He has stated in his evidence that in die said Branch 
there was no sub-staff named Babulal Roy. He does not 
know whether Babulal Roy was working the Bank as a 
daily-rated worker. He also cannot say how he was 
appointed iii the Bank. He has stated in his evidence that 
in the said Branch there was no sub-staff named Babulall 
Roy. The said concerned workman used to serve water 
amongst the staff and his work was not similar to the woik 
of other members ofthe sub-staff. His attendance was not 
kept like die attendance of the other members ofthe sub- 
staff, but the witness has not been able to say who used to 
mark his attendance. He used to get @ Rs. 10 or Rs. 15 per 
day as his payment through petty cash voucher or 
miscellaneous voucher on daily-rate basis. TTiis witness 
has however stated later that the concerned workman Was 
entrusted with the Bank’s work by either Jamadar or Head 
Peon and be used to serve water and also asked to do 
oiher jobs. According to the witness the rules applicable 
to the regular members of the staff are not applicable to the 
casual workers. In cross s- exam in atioo the witness has 
stated that concerned workman used to work when regular 
members of the sub-staff, were absent. The concerned 
workman used to work under suspension of the Jamadar 
and Jib work was also partly under the supervision of the 
management. He has also stated that one Sukumar Das 
was working in the concerned Branch as a Peon and 
probably he got the service after working for 240 days. Hie 
also stated about one Sital Kianar Banetjee who was working 
as * bay-cura-Fetm & toe Bonk rad in b& place the 

concerned workman used-to serve water amongst the staff 
members. He admitted that in such circumstance the 
concerned workman was virtually working in the post of 



[Paft U—Sec 3{u)] 

substaff. He also admitted that as per Ext. W*1 the 
appointing authority of concerned workman was the 
Branch Manager. He has further stated that probably any 
employee cannot apply for the post of sub-staff in the 
Bank unless he had worked for 240 days continuously and 
the rule is that after proper inspection the concerned 
workman's name was recoinmertdcd to the Central Office 

MW-2, Kalyan Chowdhury was the Branch Manager 
of (he concerned Branch of the Bank from November, 2003 
to July, 2006 and he has seen the concerned workman 
working there as a Canieen Boy. He has stated that as 
Branch Manager he never engaged him as a sub-staff in 
the Branch and it was not in his knowledge for what reason 
the concerned workman was engaged as he was not 
engaged during his tenure there. During his tenure in the 
concerned branch there was 7 or 8 sub-staff. He could not 
say for how many days per month the concerned workman 
go* the job in the Bank on daily rate basis. According to 
him Head Peon engages she daily labourers for Bank's Job 
but not the Brunch Manager and Head Peon or Jamadar 
supervises the job of such laboured The salary of the 
daily rated workers are usually disbursed through petty 
cash vouchers. Further, daily rated workers cannot be 
treated as temporary or casual workers. He ha£ stated that 
the daily rated workers do not get the same facilities like 
the regular sub-staff of the Bank, no appointment letter is 
issued to them and the circulars issued by the Ministry of 
Finance are no4 applicable lo them and they cannot get the 
benefits of the Industrial Disputes Act. He T however* docs 
not know whether the concerned workman was paid on 
monthly basis because he never worked under him. 
According lo him the concerned workman cannot be 
considered as a regular sub-staff of the Bank as per Bank's 
service norms. In cross-examination the witness has stated 
that he was in the Zonal Office ofthe Bank from September, 
2000 to June* 2003 as Senior Manuger*PRS. He has admitted 
that whatever written in Ext. W-2 regarding the concerned 
workman are correct L He has also stated that whatever 
information they receive from the Branches are sent to the 
Central Office ofthe Bank. 

7h On the perusal of the aforesaid evidence led by 
the parties and their respective claim in this regard it is 
evident that the concerned workman admittedly did not 
work after 30th April, ! 999 in the Bank, According to the 
workman he had worked for more than 245 days from 
17th August 1989 to 30lh April, 1999 in the Bhawanipur 
Branch under the Calcutta South Region of the Bank till 
30lh April 1599. but h is services were terminated thereafter 
to deny him the benefit ofregularisatiort The management, 
however, has challenged the aforesaid fact by saying that 
he was never appointed as per recruitment rules of the 
Bonk through Employment Exchange against permanent 
vacancy, but he was first engaged for supplying drinking 
water during the said period and for that payment was 
made to him throng petty cash vouchers through the Head 

Peon ofthe Bank. His engagement was intermittent and 
not on regular basis. His hours of work was also not like 
other regular sub-staff and he was paid on nowork-nty- 
pay basis and so even if he had worked for 240 days in a 
calendar year there is no question of he being regularised 
as a regular staff as he was never appointed in any 
pernwra/tf vacancy ofthe Bank as its sub-stall The alleged 
letter dated 4th September, 2000* Ext. W -1 referred to above 
by the workman was in fact sent by the Branch Manager of 
the concerned Branch who had no authority as Branch 
Manager to engage any person against a regular vacancy 
without following the formalities and procedures applicable 
for making such appointment like that of a regular sub- 

4L All these facts and evidence as led by the parties 
in this case show that the workman admittedly had never 
been so appointed by way of any regular appointment that 
applies to the appointment of a regular sub-staff As per 
his own statement the workman himself has slated that he 
had joined the concerned branch of the Bank in the year 
1982 as engaged by The contractor and in the year 1988 he 
was further .engaged for posting of letters ofthe Bank, in 
the absence ofthe regular Peon. Ln the cross-examination 
he has admitted this tael ihu lie was working as contractor^ 
man in the Bank and his payment was made on daily rate 
basis and not through the salary register, but ihrough the 
vouchers only from time to time, [t was also admitted that 
he was not engaged in the Bank through Employment 
Exchange for his appointment as a regular sub-staff. So is 
the statement of other witness Parunal Chandra Das on his 
behalf who also stated that the workman had not been 
appointed in the Bank following the procedure as per rules 
and also that there wa* no muster roll in the Bank for 
recording his attendance. According lo him he had only 
heard that the concerned workman had worked For 240 
days in the Bank for a year bui has got no peramaL 
knowledge about the same. 

The evidence led by the management in this 
connection on the contrary is quite clear to show that the 
workman had only worked in the Bank a$ a daily rated 
worker and for that he was paid @ Rs. 10 or 15 per day 
through petty cash vouchers on daily rate basis. The rules 
applicable to the regular members of the sub-staff could 
not be applicable to his case. The statement given by 
MW-2* Kalyan Chowdhury who was the (hen Branch 
Manager of the concerned branch also go to show that a^ 
Branch Manager he had never engaged the concerned 
workman as a sub-siatT in the Branch and for that no 
appointment letter was issued to him. So far as ihc detail 
information as given vide Ext. W-2 regarding the concerned 
workman, it has, however been stated by him to be correct 
one which also goes to show that the workman had worked 
for more'than 240 days in the branch in that capacity. 

9 All these facts as stated on behalfofthe concerned 
workman and his witness and the witnesses examined on 


TITO : ^ 10, 2008/fclW 20, 193Q 


behalf of themanagement together with file documents 
dearly go 10 show diet the workman had never been 
appointed as a member like that of a regular sub-staff after 
Mowing the due procedure of recruitment under the roles. 
These abo go to show diet die workman bad woriced for 
more than 240 days fat a year in the concerned branch as 
per Exts. W -1 and W2, which is so admitted by the 
management wHneasM'2, KatyanChowdhuiy as well. The 
nature of appointment of the workman goes to show as 
such that he was just a daily rated worker engaged from 
time to time by the Branch Manager not on any permanent 
poet or vacancy but he was just paid a small amount through 
petty cash vouchers in the Bank for the service as it was so 
rendered by him in this regard. It also goes to show that he 
was not engaged by the Bank a$ such after 30th April, 
1999. It is an admitted fact that no notice was given for 
such disengagement or retrenchment by the Bank though 
the period of more than 240 days work had been done by 
the workman in the Bank after which he was permanently 
disengaged without paymg any compensation as required 
under Section 25F of the Act in this regard 

10. In view of the facts on record it is clear that the 
termination of service of the concerned workman was not 
in conformity with the provisions of Section 25F nfthe Act 
and it cannot be said to be legal. As regards about the 
relief as claimed by the workman for reinstatement with foil 
back wages etc. it is evident that even if the termination of 
his services is held to be not justified as per provisions of 
the Act it is not necessary that in afl such cases the general 
rule is that of reinstatement with back wages as the 
Hon’ble Supreme Court in number of cases has laid down 
about the legal principles to be applied for such cases by 
taking a pragmatic view in the matter and by keeping number 
of factors in mind viz. that an industry may sot be compelled 
to pay to the workman for the period during which he 
apparently contributed a little or nothing at gll. It has been 
held by the Hon T ble Apex Court in Haryana Roadways v. 
Rudhan Singh (2005 AIR SCW 4634) that the workman 
who bad worked for a short period, i.e,, less than a year or 
so and having regard to his other basic qualification etc. 
bock wages were denied to him although the termination of 
his service was found to have been made in violation of 
Section 25F of the Ad The Hon’ble Apex Court observed 
that the principles to be considered for awarding bock 
wages or compensation etc- is to be guided by number 
of factors to be considered for the same It was observed 

"There is no rule of thumb that in every case where 
the Industrial Tribunal gives a finding that the 
te rminati on of service was in violation of Section 
25-F of the Act, entire back wages should be awarded. 
A host of factors like the manner and method of 
selection and appointment, i.e., whether after proper 
advertisement of the vacancy or inviting applications 
from the Employment Exchange, 1 nature of 

appointment, namely, whether ad hoc; short term, 
daily wage^ temporery or permanent bi chtracter, apy 
special qualification required for foe job and the like 
should be weighed and balanced in taking a decision 
regarding award of beck wages. One of the important 
Actors, which has to be taken into consfderatieQ, is 
the length of service, which the workman had 
rendered with the employer if the workman has 
rendered a considerable pc, !od of service and his 
services are wrongfully terminated, he may be 
awarded foil or partial bocfrwiges keeping in view 
the fact that at his age and the qualification 
possessed by him be may not be in a position to get 
another employment. However, where the total length 
of service rendered by a workman is very small, the 
award of back wages for the complete period, i.e., 
from the date of termination tiU the date of the award, 
which our experience shows is often quite large, 
would 'be inappropriate. Another important Actor, 
which requires to bo taken into consideration is the 
nature of employment. A regtikr service of 
permanent character cannot be compared to short or 
intermittent daily wage employment though it may 
be for 240 days in a calendar year." 

In Allahabad Jal Sansthan V. Days Shankar Kai, 
(2005)5 SCC 124:2005 AIR SCW2646after considering the 
relevant cases on the point the Hon’ble Apex Court 

“We have re feted to certain decisions of this Court 
to highlight that earlier in the event of an order of 
dismissal being set aside, reinstatement with foil 
back-wages was the usual result But now with the 
passage of time, it has come to be realized that 
Industry is being compelled to pay the workman for 
a period during which he apparently contributed little 
or nothing at all, for a period that was spent 
unproductively, while the workman is being 
compelled to go back to a situation which prevailed 
many years ago when he was dismissed. It is 
necessary for us to develop a pragmatic approach to 
problems dogging industrial relations. However no 
just solution can be offered but the golden mean 
may be arrived aL” 

11. Considering the aforesaid facts and 
cireumstances of the present case it is evident that the 
workman had only worked for a short period from 
17-08-1998 to 30-04-1999 in foe Bank as a daily rated worker 
and his such appointment was not like that of a regular 
sub-staff according to the established procedure of the 
Bank. He was asked by the Branch Manager to do the job 
of a Peon on daily rate basis for which he was paid by the 
Bank through petty cash vouchers, In view of foe settled 
legal position by a recent decision of the Hon’ble Supreme 
Court (2006) 4SEE 1 (Secretary, State of Karnataka & Others 
Vs. tjmadevi(3) and Others) any person who has been so 

218 6 


[Pakt II—Sbc.3{u)] 

appointed not inaccordance with the proper procedure or 
as per recruitment rules* any such benefit of regularization 
or absorption cannot be extended to him merely by hfc 
long period of service in the establishment since he was 
not appointed as per procedure applicable to the 
appointment of its staff. It has been observed therein that; 

“43. Thus, it is clear that adherent to the rule of 
equality in public employment is a basic feature of 
our Constitution and since the rule af law is the core 
of our Constitution, a court would certainly be 
disabled from passing an order upholding a violation 
of Article 14 or in ordering the overlooking of the 
need to comply with the requirements of Article 14 
read with Article 16 of the Constttutionn Therefore, 
consistent with the scheme far public employment, 
this Court while laying down the law* has necessarily 
to hold that unless the appointment is in terms of the 
relevant rules and after a proper eompetitian among 
qualified persons, the same would not confer any 
right on the appointee. If it is a contractual 
appointment, the appointment comes to an end at 
the end of the contract, if it were an engagement or 
appointment on daily wages or casual basis* the same 
would come to an end when it is discontinued. 
Similarly, a temporary employee could not claim to 
be made permanent on the expiry of his term of 
appointment It has also to be clarified that merely 
because a temporary employee or a casual wage 
worker is continued for a time beyond the term of his 
appointment, he would not be entitled to be absorbed 
In regular service or made permanent merely on the 
strength of such continuance, if the original 
appointment was not made by following a due 
process of selection as envisaged by the relevant 
rules. It is not open to the Court to prevent regular 
recruitment at the instance of temporary employees 
whose period of employment has come to an end or 
of an ad hoc employees who by the very nature of 
their appointment, do nor acquire any right.*' 

In this view of the settled legal position by the 
decision of the Horf ble Apex Court the concerned workman 
is not entitled to got any relief for reinstatement or 
regularization as it is so claimed by him even if his 
disengagement is held to be otherwise being not in 
accordance with the provisions of Section 25 F of the Act 
for want of any notice or for want of any compensation 
paid to him in this regard* 

12. Some relief, however* deserves to be given to the 
concerned workman as he was not served with any notice 
or paid any compensation before he was so disengaged 
though be had admittedJy worked for 240 days in the 
Sank in that year vide Ext. W -2 and 50 it was required for 
the Bank to have paid him the necessary compensation as 
required under Section 25f of the Act, The workman as 
such is entitled to get the amount of compensation looking 
at nature and period hrs work Instead o f grant mg a re i ief 

of reinstatement to him with back wages, a lump sum 
compensation of Rs. 15,000 (Rupees fifteen thousand) 
deserves to be awarded to the workman in the given facts 
and circumstances of the case of this nature. The 
aforementioned amount shall be paid to the workman fay 
the Bank within a period of a month from the date of fills 
Award becomes enforceable. 

The reference is answered accordingly. 

C. P. M1SHRA, Presiding Officer. 

Dated, Kolkata, 
the 31st March, 2008. 

fe'vft, 15 2008 

351 , 311 , 1046.—1947 0947 

14) ^ tJTTT 17 ^ ^fj i*i> ^ 

^ TRTO 7^ c n-4'Ti Ml ^ 

^ it TTrra; (wf WfT 20/2006) 
y^iTVici ^ 11 -4-2008 ^ hi 1 ^ 


[H. T?a -12012/127/2005--M ) ] 

New Delhi, the 15th April, 2008 
ShO. 1046,—In pursuance of Section 17 of ihe 
Industrial Disputes Act., 1947 (M of 1947)* the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award {Ref 20/2006) of 
the Central Goverment Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labour 
Court* Chennai as shown in the Annexure, in the industrial 
dispute between ihe employers in relation to the 
management of Canara Bank and their workmen, which 
was received by the Central Government on 11-04-2008. 

[No. L'12012/127/2005-lR(B'l!)] 




Tuesday the 26th February* 2008 
Present: K + JAY ARAM AN, Presiding Officer 
[In the matteT of the dispute for adjudication under 
clause (d) of sub-section (1} and sub-section 2(A) of Section 
10 of the Industrial Disputes Act h 1947(14 of 1947), between 
the Canara Bank Management and their workman] 

Sri M V elay tidbam : Pethioner/l Party 

No. 3S n Vanniampathi Street 
Raja Annamalaipuram 


The Assn. Manager : Respondent/ll Party 

Canara Hank Circle Office 
563/1, Anna Salai, 

Teynampet Chennai-60001K 


qinr^npni? :nf io, 20o&4tiitiT2o, 1930 

21 ST 

For the Petitioner : M/s T.R. Safeiyamphan 

For the Management : M/s. Ba|an Haridaa, 



Hie Central Government, Ministiy of Labour vide its 
Order No. M2012/)27/2005-{m<B-If) dated24-02-2006 
referred the following Industrial Dispute to this Tribunal 
far adjudication. 

Hie schedule mentioned in that older is: 

“Whether the action of the Management ofCanai* 
Bank b imposing the punishment of Compulsory 
Retirement upon Sri M. Velayudham, Ex-Clerk is kg&l 
and justified? If not, to what relief the workman is 
entitled to7" 

2 After tike receipt of the Industrial Dispute this 
tribunal has numbered it as ID No. 20/2006 and issued 
notices bob sides. Both sides altered appearance through 
their advocates and tiled their claim A counter statements' 
. respectively. 

3. Hie allegation In the claim statement are briefly as 

The petitioner joined the service of the Respondent 
Bank as sob-staff on 19-12-1979. Ha was promoted as a 
Clerk duriqg the year 1967. While be was working in 
Mowbrays Road branch, he was placed under suspension 
by an enter dated 09-07-2002 on the allegation of some 
misconduct Subsequently, charge sheet dated 16-01-2002 
was issued'to him. Hie substance of the charge is while 
checking with the LCCH (Local Clearing and Cash 
Remittance) slips dated 04437-2002 issued by the Accounts 
Section, Chennai and received by the bank on 03-04-200(2, 
there was a difference of Rs. 20,000/- and it was further 
alleged the petitioner tampered with the IjCCR, removed 
the cheques already lodged in the clearing waste and 
thereby helped the patty deriving undue pecuniary gains. 
The above acts 1ms caused considerable interest/inemne 
loss to the bank and the action of the petitioner was 
prejudicial to the interests to the bank. A domestic enquiry 
was ordered to be conducted against him and m that the 
Enquiry Officer ha* given a finding dated 29-11-2003 
holding the petitioner guilty of the charges levelled against 
him. The Disciplinary Authority imposed the punishment 
of Congndsary Retirement by an order dated 14-01-2004. 
Even though, the petitioner preferred an appeal, the same 
went against him. The allegations levelled against the 
petitioner are without any substance! He was entrusted 
wife mamjaldeoringwtAaa tKtwa* not qualified to opentte 
computers. Only die Brandi Manager was discounting fee 
cheques of M/s. Orion Form on regular basis. The cheques 
so discounted were issued by M/s Indian Appareb having 
ar count wife Syndicate Bunk, KK Nagar, Chennai. The 
Branch Manager, Mr. Stidham was fee person who was 

receiving the cheques for being discounted from Ms. Poqja 
Shamnugham who was authorized by M/s Orion Forms to 
discount. The said Manager had! been doing all kinds of 
undue favour to tills customer for quhe long period. Only 
based on the particulars furnished to fee petitioner, he will 
prepare LCCR bar and also make corresponding entry in 
the LCCR register. After LCCR prepared by the petitioner 
in fee first floor, it was sent to the ground floor for being 
signed by the concerned Officer. After LCCR be mg signed, 
they were tagged slangwife fee cheques and they were 
put in a bag and placed inside a pigeon hole. All these, 
processes will be completed by I P,M. end immediately 
thereafter the bag was taken from fee pigeon hole by the 
sub-staff for delivery to fee Abhiramapuram Branch for 
encoding. Thus, in fee entire transaction, the role of the 
petitioner is very limited. No instruments come to hint white 
preparing LCCR. Further, fee LCCR so prepared were 
checked by the concerned Officer and they authorize die 
same. Further more, periodical LCQR Reconciliation 
Statement were also prepared by fee petitioner and also 
the same has been checked and authorized by Sri 
Ramarafeinam (Officer) and by Sri Sridbaran, Branch 
Manager. Thus, the petitioner was not handling arty of the 
instrumenta/cheques. In fee enquiry, there was absolutely 
no evidence to fee allegation that fee Petitioner removed 
the cheques discounted by M/s Okm Forms. It Is only the 
Branch Manager who was in fee helm of fee affairs had 
been conniving wife M/s Orion Forms and fee petitioner 
had been made a scapegoat for the illegal transaction 
happening at fee instance of fee Branch Manager. The 
Branch Manager after helping Orion Forms, to wriggfb out 
fee situation had disowned the entries in fee LCCR. No 
doubt, the petitioner has altered fee LCCR or prepared 
supplementary LCCR but only at the instance of the 
superiors. The witnesses examined in die enquiry were 
’ tutored by the Management to give evidence against the 
petitioner. The petitioner being sealed in fee first floor had 
no access the instrument. Further, the Branch Manager 
had recovered all fee money from fee customer M/s Orion 
Forms alongwith interest, therefore, there was no substance 
in fee allegation feat fee petitioner had caused loss to fee 
Respondent Bank.The 2nd charge in the enquiry that in 
the O.D. and in fee S. B. Account of the petitioner, there 
was transaction, disproportionate to his income is also 
without any substance. All fee transactions of the petitioner 
were through hisO.D. A/c. The petitioner had been making 
repayment of all loans. AH fee loans were within fee means 
of fee petitioner and they were not disproportionate wife 
hh income s Mugh witness were examined on fee side 
of the - ;mcnt, none of the witnesses tendered any 
evidence to prove fee charge levelled against die petitioner 
W* tie so, the Enquiry officer by presumption and 
a5 mnptioti had held that the petitioner guilty of charges 
ir a most perverse manner. Further, the Enquiry Officer 
had assumed the dual role of being judge-cum-prosecutor, 
This indicates he was biased and he was not conducted 

1S26 01/06—12 



[Part II—Sec 3(ii)] 

the eaquiiy fairly and properly. Therefore, the findings of 
the Enquiry Officer is perverse, contrary to the evidence 
on record and without any legal basis. The Disciplinary 
Autiwriiy also in an illegal manner irnposed the punishment 
of Compulsory Retirement without reference to the 
unblemished past record of the petitioner. As such, it is a 
case of no evidence against the petitioner. The Appellate 
Authority in a most mechanical manner confirmed the 
punishment of Compulsory Retirement without applying 
his mind. Anyhow, this Tribunal is having powers to 
Interfere with the quantum of punishment under Section- 
11A of the I.D. Act and the punishment imposed is grossly 
disproportionate to the charges levelled against him and 
hence, for all these reasons the petitioner prays to reinstate 
him in service, backwages, continuity of service and all 
other attendant benefits. 

4, As against this, the Respondent in his counter 
statement alleged the petitioner herein was worked as a 
Clerk at Mowbrays Road Branch, Chennai since 12-11-I98E 
and he was placed under suspension w.e.f, 09-07-2002 in 
connection with certain misconduct committed by him while 
working atthe said branch. On a routine check-up of LCCR 
slips with relevant batch ticket no. 129 darted 04-07-2002, 
there was a difference of Rs. 20,000 noticed by the branch 
authorities. The branch verified the records thoroughly 
and after verification they found the discrepancies of LCCR 
slips with cheques to Accounts Section, Chennai records. 
M/s, Orion Forms, a partnership firm an-* a ::si unit was 
dealing with the Mowbrays Road Branch. Chennai, On 
perusal of LCDB records, it was giving cheques for huge 
sums for discounting and most of the said cheques were 
drawn on Syndicate Branch, KK Nagur, Chennai by M/s. 
Indian Apparels. The four cheques of Orion Forms were 
not presented till 20-07-2002 and upon verification it was 
observed that on several days all the cheques lodged in 
the clearing waste were not sent for encoding to Accounts 
Section, Chennai, Further* one or two cheques pertaining 
to M/s. Orion Forms drawn on Syndicate Bank and 
discounted on that day were removed after the preparation 
of LCCR. The LCCR copies in duplicate meant for Accounts 
Section were either altered or a separate LCCR for reduced 
amount were prepared and sent to encoding center/ 
accounts section. On the other hand, the office copies of 
LCCR which was used as debit slip for the lot was not 
altered nor was their any alteration in the computerized 
account-wise summary based on which the LCCR was 
prepared. On investigation, it was revealed that all the 
alterations in theAccount* Section copies (duplicate) were 
done by the petitioner and LCCR for reduced amount were 
also prepared by him. The alteration in the LCCR were not 
authenticated by any official and the signature in the LCCR 
for the reduced amount did not belong to any of the 
authorized signatory of the branch. Il was also found that 
the cheques so removed, a supplementary LCCR was 
prepared by the petitioner and the original LCCR and the 

cheques were sent on a subsequent date to the Accounts 
Section, Chennai by him presumably after getting the 
indication from the party that the cheque could be presented. 
Even in the LCCR Staicmcnt and Monthly Reconciliation 
Statement which were prepared by the petitioner from 
February* 2002, he had made corrections in Monthly 
Reconciliation Statements also. Therefore* a charge sheet 
was issued to Tiim. Further^ a perusal ofthe petitioner s (X 
D, Account 10113 and STL A/c 30020 reveal that huge 
operations of high value cheques disproportionate to his 
net salary credited to his account were carried out having 
dealings with 12 financial institutions. During the course 
of interrogation* he was not able to give a convincing reply 
for his acts. Thus, by his above actions, he had caused 
considerable interest/income loss to the bank and there 
was willful damage to the property of the bank and acted 
prejudicially to the interests of the Respondent Bank. The 
Departmental Enquiry was conducted in a fair and proper 
manner in conformity with the principles of natural justice. 
The Enquiiy Officer has given his finding after a detailed 
analysis and consideration of all relevant materials available 
on record and held the petitioner is guilty of charges 
levelled against him and the Dijciplinaiy Authority after 
following the procedure have imposed the punishment of 
Compulsory Retirement. Therefore, the imposition of 
punishment is justified. There is no reason to interfere with 
the punishment. Purely for the purpose of escaping from 
liability* the petitioner has claimed that only under certain 
instructions, the number of instruments that were to be 
sent for clearing were delayed. It is the petitioner who was 
squarely responsible for deliberately altering tjie amounts 
mentioned in the LCCR and for withholding the discounted 
cheque from being sent for collection with an ulterior motive. 
If the petitioner is innocent as claimed by him* there is 
absolutely no explanation from him as to what made him to 
alter only the original and duplicate of the LCCR without 
altering (he office copy knowing full well that the LCCR bar 
is in set of three (triplicate). Even assuming that the 
petitioner's role is limited, yet the same being one of crucial 
nature* he is supposed to have refused alteration or 
intimated higher officials of the bank in order to protect the 
interests of the bank whenever any such instructions were 
said to be received. Thus, the petitioner has been Indulging 
in such activities fully knowing the consequences of the 
same. It is evident from the records also and from the 
evidence of the witnesses that the petitioner would have 
removed the concerned discounted cheque after leaving 
the branch and prior to reaching tile Abhiraroapuram 
Branch. The allegation that the amount was recovered from 
the customer is of no answer because the recovery of the 
money from the customer is immaterial. The petitioner has 
been indulging in tampering of records and was also 
responsible for causing delay in realization of the amount 
by the bank. The said delay has certainly caused 
considerable loss of income/inlerest to the bank. Et it 
evident that the salary of the petitioner is in the range of 


wwwn 10 , aoos^nnao, ism 


approximately Rs. %200 but FTVs in the range ofRs, 30,000 
per month are seen debited in die account It also came to 
light thtfdetttageffcigh value cheque of Rs. 1,50,000 has 
also been credit to his S.B. Afc. Apart from diet, many 
cheques that have been utilized for repayments of all 
payment to financi al institutions are noticed every month 
in his account The petitioner has been having tram actions/ 
dealings with 12 financial Institutions. These transaction 
clearly shows that the petitioner has been having huge 
operations of Ugh value amounts fljlty di sp roportionate 
to the net salary credited to his accotmt. Therefore, the 
action taken by foe Respondent Bank is folly justified and 
legal Accordingly, the order of fop Disciplinary Authority 
imposing foe punishment of Compulsory Retirement and 

foe order of foe Appellate Authority confirming foe order 
of foe Disciplinary Authority are perfectly legal and 
justified. Hence, for all these reasons foe Respondent prays 
that the claim may be dismissed with costs. 

5. As against this, foe petitioner in his rejoinder has 
alleged four the Respondent Bank in order to safeguard an 
Officer who had been extending the favour and to moke a 
scapegoat for foe same had proceeded against the petitioner 
and punishment was imposed without any justification. 
The petitioner has obeyed foe work under foe instructions 
of the Branch Manager and the Officer .who were m foe 
helm of affairs. Further, there is no necessity for the 
petitioner to alter ICO or prepare supplementary LCCR 
as he has nothing to do with any of foe customers. Without 
foe knowledge of the Branch Manager or Officers, the 
petitioner cannot alter or prepare the LCCR or 
supplementary LCCR, The credit entries made in foe 
account of the petitioner relate to borrowing made from 
financial institutions, therefore, the allegations to the 
contrary made in this regard are without any basis or 
substance. Hence, he prays an award may be passed in his 

Points fbrdetermination are: 

(D Whether the action of the Respondent Manage¬ 
ment in imposing foe punishment of Compulsory 
Retirement upon the petitioner is legal and 

00 To what relief foe petitioner is entitled to? 


6. The charge alleged against foe petitioner is that 
when checking foe Local Clearing and Cash Remittance 
(LCCR) slips with relevant Batch Ticket No. 129 dated 
04-07-2002, there was & difference ofRs. 20,000 noticed by 
foe bank authorities and after verification they came across 
with soma discrepancies in the presentation of LCCR slips 
with cheques to Accounts Section, Chennai records and 
subsequently on perusal of Local Cheque Discounting 
records (LCDB), it was found M/s. Orion Forms, a 
partnership firm which was dealing with Mowbrays Road 
Brandi have given cheques for huge sums for discounting 

and most of the said cheques were fonwn on Syndicate 
Bank branch, KK Nagar, Chennai by M/l Indian Apparels 
and it was timber found that some of foe cheques were not 
presented till 20-07-2002, Further verification revealed (hat 
on several days all the cheques lodged in the ckaringwaste 
were not send for encoding to Accounts Section. One or 
two cheques pertaining to M/s Orion Forms drawn on 
Syndicate Bank, KK Nagar Branch discounted on that day 
were removed star foe preparation of LCCR. ft was farther 
found that LCCR copies in duplicate meant for Accounts 
Section, Cbeonai were either altered or a separate LCCR for 
reduced amount were prepared and sent to Encoding 
Center/Accounts Section and it was also found office copy 
of the LCCR which was used as debit slip for foe Let was 
not altered nbrvras there any alteration in foe computerized 
accountwise summary based on which foe LCCR was 
prepared. It was found foe alterations in the Accounts 
Section copies (duplicate) were done by the petitioner and 
the LCCR for foe reduced amounts were also prepared by 
turn, At the same time, the alterations in the LCCR were not 
authenticated by anybody and further the signature in foe 
LCCR for reduced amount do not belong to any authorized 
signatories of the branch. For the cheques removed, a 
supplementary LCCR was prepared by the petitioner and 
the original LCCR and the cheques were sent on a 
subsequent day to Accounts Section, Chennai by him 
presumably after getting the indication from the party that 
foe cheque would be presented. Thus, the petitioner by 
his above actions had caused considerable interest/income 
loss to the bank and he has willful damage to the property 
of the bank and acted prejudicially to the interests of the 
Respondent bank. Since the misconduct committed by the 
petitioner are serious in nature, a charge sheet was issued 
and a Departmental Enquiry was ordered to be conducted 
against him. But on behalf of the petitioner, it is contended 
it is only the Branch Manager, one Sri Sridharan was the 
person who was receiving foe cheques for being discounted 
and he alone has received the cheques from Ms. Pooja 
Shanmugham, the authorized person of M/s. Orion Forms. 
The Manager alone has been doing all kinds of undue 
favour to this customer lor quite long period and he has 
also supported all these acts and misconduct. The petitioner 
who was seated in the first floor has no doubt prepared foe 
LCCR bar but he has prepared this based on the particulars 
furnished to him and he has also made corresponding 
entries in foe LCCR Register. On many occasions, after 
preparation of foe LCCR bar and makirq* entry in the, LCCR 
Register, instructions were given to him for preparing the 
supplementary LCCR bar or for making alteration in the 
already prepared LCCR for reduced value and no reasons 
was given to the petitioner for preparing such 
supplementary LCCR or for reducing the value of the 
LCCRs. After its preparation, it was Sent to foe ground 
floor for being signed by the concerned Officer and after 
being signed by the Officer, they were tagged atongvrith 
the cheques and they were put m 3 l ag and placed tttlkk 




iplgeoaholA* AllfaesepioceswiUbea>rapk^ PM. 
md immediately thereafter the bag will be taken from the 
pigeon hole by the sub-staff for delivery to the 
Abhiramapuiam branch for encodings Thus, in the entire 
transaction, the role of the petitioner is very limited and no 
frtitniment comes to him while preparing the LCCR The 
Branch Manager who was the helm of affairs had been 
conniving with M/s. Orion Forms and the petitioner had 
been made a scapegoat for illegal transaction opening at 
the Instance of the Branch Manager. Thus, the Branch 
Manager after helping M/s Orion Forms and to wriggle out 
the situation had disowned the entries in the LCCfL No 
doubt* the petitioner had altered the LCCR or prepared 
supplementary LCCR but it was done only at the instance of 
his superiors and the petitioner is in no way connected with 
any of the transactions of M/$> Orion Forms in Mowbrays 
Road branch of the Respondent Bank. It is vehemently 
argued on behalf of the petitioner, that the petitioner being 
seated in the first floor of the branch had no access to the 
instrument nor to the customer and therefore he cannot 
remove the cheques as alleged by the Respondent Bank 

fr But as against this, it was argued on behalf of the 
Respondent, no doubt the petitioner alleged that he has 
no access to the instrument because he was placed in the 
first Boor but he has not stated before the Vigilance Officials 
nor before the Domestic Enquiry as to who actually 
intimated him over phone or through messenger to delay 
the instruments to be sent for clearing or who gave the bit 
paper or who inform him over phone advising alterations 
in the LCCR or asking him to send supplementary LCCR It 
is clearly established before the Domestic Enquiry that no 
such instructions over phone or through a bit paper was 
given to the petitioner by any of the Officers or staff 
employed in the said branch at the relevant time. Therefore, 
it is clearly established that purely for escaping from liability; 
the petitioner has alleged that only under certain 
instructions from higher officials the number of instruments 
that were to be sent for clearing were delayed or the LCCR 
were altered or supplementary LCCR were prepared. Since 
the petitioner a i’^ed that he has done these alterations by 
preparing supplementary LCCR, it is for him to establish 
before the domestic enquiry who has given the alleged 
Instructions or who has asked him to alter the LCCR entries 
but on the other hand, the petitioner has not established 
these (acts with any satisfactory evidence. Therefore, the 
petitioner alone who was squarely responsible for 
deliberately altering the amounts mentioned in the LCCR 
and for withholding the discounted cheques from being 
sent immediately for collection with an ulterior motive. No 
doubt, he had alleged so many tilings against the Branch 
Manager and it is also true that the Branch Manager is 
responsible for discounting the cheques, on that ground it 
cannot be presumed or assumed that be has given the 
instructions to the petitioner to alter the LCCR statement 
or to prepare a supplementary LCCR. Under such 

circumstances* it is the petitioner who has all along 
voluntarily and deliberately without any instructions 
whatsoever have been making alterations in the LCCR and 
has prepared the supplementary LCCR as contended by 
the Respondent Bank. Further, if really the petitioner is 
innocent as claimed by him, there i$ Absolutely no 
explanation from ft mi as to what made him to alter only the 
original and duplicate of the LCCR without altering the 
office copy knowing fully well that the LCCR barb in set of 
three copies. Thus, it fa clearly established fa preparing the 
LCCR, the roleofthe petitioner is certainly crucial, fa that, 
he is required to prepare LCCR and only be the record 
retained by the bank with respect to the cheques which are 
sent for clearing. As such to make a alteration in the LCCR 
or preparing supplementary LCCRs, after the original 
preparation of LCCRs in triplicate and forwarding one copy 
of the same to the Accounts Section of the bankalongwith 
the cheques sent for clearance is certainly unbecoming of 
a responsible clerk whose duty is to simply prepare the 
LCCR strictly after the instruments being posted in the 
computer/tnachine by the clearing cleric and based on the 
computer summary of the JieadwEse details only. While so, 
even assuming that the petitioner's role is limited yet the 
same being one of a crucial nature, he is supposed to have 
either refused to make the alterations or intimated the higher 
officials of the bank in order to protect the interests of the 
bank whenever any such instructions were said to be 
received. But on the contrary, the petitioner has been 
continuously altering the LCCR and preparing 
supplementary LCCRs which dearly established that there 
are absolutely no such instructions were given as alleged 
by him. Further, even fa the Departmental Enquiry he has 
failed to disclose as to who were the Officers or persons 
who gave such instructions. Thus, the petitioner has been 
indulged in such activities knowing fully well the 
consequence of the same. 

7. But oil behalf of the petitioner it was again argued 
that the petitioner whose duty ts to prepare the LCCR as 
per the instructions and, he has nothing to do with any of 
the transactions alleged by the Respondent Bank and in 
the Domestic Enquiry there was no evidence of any sort to 
the effect that the petitioner removed the instruments which 
were discounted for M/s, Orion Forms. The instruments 
alongwith the LCCR Bar were fa a bag and placed in the 
pigeon hole and the sub-staff Mr. Dayanidhi had clearly 
stated in the enquiry that there was no opportunity to 
anybody to meddle with the instrument when the same 
was in his custody. Neither the Branch Manager nor 
Mr. Ramarathinam who had been taking care of the entire 
LCCR nor Mr, Dayanidhi who had been carrying the bag 
consisting of LCCR and instruments were not questioned 
in respect of delay in sending the instrument which had 
been discounted for M/s. Orion Fturns On the other hand, 
the petitioner who had nothing to do with the delay in 
sending the discounted cheques for clearing had been 


W TT WR J qf 10 , MQS/fclW 30, 1930 


charge sheeted without any basis and an extreme 
punishment of compulsory retirement had been im pos ed 
on him. When it is his evidence that the alterations in the 
LCCR, preparation of supplementary LCCR and alteration 
in the LCCR register were done as per the instruction’s 
bom the Branch Manager or the Officer, no action was 
taken against the Branch Manager or the Officers. Further, 
the weekly LCCR Statement and Monthly Reconciliation 
Statement which were prepared by the petitioner have not 
been questioned either, by the Branch Manager or by 
Ramarathinam. [t is* not questioned because LCCR 
alteration and supplementary LCCR were made under their 
instructions, therefore, -the allegation that the petitioner 
tampered with the LCCR is without any substance and the 
Respondent Bank has not proved the allegations with any 
satisfactory evidence in the Domestic Enquiry and the 
Enquiry Officer has come to the conclusion with 
presumption and assumption. Further, it b argued that the 
Brandt Manager had recovered all the money from the 
customer, M/S Orion Forms alongwith interest and therefore 
there was no substance in the allegation that the petitioner 
has caused loss to the Respondent Bank. Therefore as 
such the petitioner is not in atiy way responsible for the 
alterations and the preparation of die supplementary LCCR 
or alterations in the LCCR register and therefore die 
punishment imposed on the petitioner is illegal. 

8, With regard to the second charge. It is further 
argued on behalf of the petitioner, even though the 
Respondent Bank alleged that in the Overdraft Account 
(OD) and the Savings Bank Account ofthe petitioner there 
had been transaction disproportionate to his income, in 
the Domestic Enquiry the petitioner had produced 
document to show that there had been up brisk transaction 
disproportionate to his Income. And on 02-01-2002, the 
petitioner has taken a loan for Rs. 39,200 from Countrywide 
Finance and Rs. 24,500 on 03-01*2002 towards puberty 
function of his daughter, it is established that he had 
received Rs. 15,000 on 18-01-2002 from his Current Account 
and on Q5-03-2002, he had received Rs. 26,000 in his account 
which was towards rental advance. The petitioner had 
borrowed Rs. 75,141 cm 09-03-2002 and the same was 
returned to Mr. Thangamani, the Ek Manager Similarly, on 
16-05-2002, he has availed a loan for Rs. 86,602 from 
Cholamandalam. Finance for purchase of a car and all these 
transactions of the petitioner were done through his OD 
Account and the petitioner had been making repayments 
of all loans and all the loans were within the means ofthe 
petitioner and they were not disproportionate to his income. 
It is further argued on behalf of the petitioner that apart 
from the salary income the petitioner having received a 
rental income of Rs, 7,000 per month and he and his wife 
was also earned substantial amount through her cab 
services. Therefore, there is no substance in the contention 
of die Respondent Bank that he was guilty of the second 
charge alleged against him. 

9. As agamst this, on behalf of the Respondent it b 
contended there is no substance in the contention ofthe 
petitioner that he has nothing to do with the removal of the 
instrument from the bag. In the Domestic Enquiry, the 
Branch Manager, the Officer* and the Peon who were 
examined as MW5, MW2 and MW4 clearly stated the 
petitioner was entrusted with the work of taking the 
instruments/cheques to Abhiramapuram branch chi quite a 
few occasions on way to his house for lunch. Further, the 
petitioner himself has admitted at the time of interrogation 
before the Investigation Officer that on some occasions he 
had also taken the instruments to Abhiramapuram branch 
on his way to his house for lunch. While tills being the 
admitted feet, it is false to allege that there is no scope for 
him to remove any of instruments when the petitioner has 
admitted that he had made the alterations in thKCCRand 
also prepared supplementary LCCR. It is duly die bounden 
doty of the petitioner to prove that they were done only on 
the instructions of the higher officials, But on the other 
hand except the held allegation, he has not established 
this feet with any satisfactory evidence. The question of 
recovery of the money from the customer is immaterial. 
The petitioner who has been indulging in tampering of 
records and was also responsible for causing delay in 
realization ofthe amount by the, Bank by ensuring that the 
discounted cheque is sent for clearance belatedly. Thus, 
the said delay has certainly caused considerable loss of 
income/interest to the Bank, therefore there is no substance 
in the contention of the petitioner that he has not caused 
any loss to the Respondent Bank. With regard to hts 
transactions disproportionate to his income, it j$ clear and 
on perusal of his OD and SB Account that he has received 
a net salary in the range of approximately Rs. 2,200 per 
month but FTVs in the range of Rs. 30,000 are seen debited 
from his account. It is also clear that a high value cheque of 
Rs. 1,50,000 has been credited to his SB A/c, that apart 
many cheques that have been utilized tor repayments of 
card payment of financial institutions every month from 
his account. It is also clear that he has transactionAJealings 
with about J l financial institutions and these transactions 
will dearly show that the petitioner is having huge 
operations of high value amounts tolly disproportionate 
to the net salary credited to his account without prior 
permission or authority. Thus, the petitioner not having 
performed his duties properly and having indulged in the 
tampering of records, causing delay in, sending the 
cheques for clearing has been made responsible for causing 
loss/interest to the Bank. Therefore, the action taken against 
him fay the Respondent Bank is tolly justified and therefore 
the petitioner is not entitled to any relief as claimed by him. 

10. On consideration of (he entire evidence in this 
case and also the arguments of the J earned counsels of 
both sides, r am of the opinion the arguments put forth by 
the counsel for the Respondent is well founded. When the 
petitioner has admitted that he has made the alteration and 



[?kxt II— Sec. 3(ii)J 

also prepared supplementary LCCR and altered the LCCR 
Rugister, therefore, the burden of proving that be has made 
these things only on the instructions of the Brandi Manager 
or die Officers of the Bank but as I have already stated 
except the wild and held statement that he has made these 
dungs only on the instructions of the Officers or the higher- 
ups, he has not specifically stated who has instructed him 
to alter the LCCR bar or to prepare a supplementary LCCR. 
or to alter the LCCR Register. Under such circumstances, 1 
am of the opinion that only to wriggle out the situation the 
petiti on e r has made the allegations that he has made the 
at tention and also prepared the supplementary LCCR on 
the instructions of the higher officials. Therefore, 1 am not 
inclined to accept the contentions of the petitioner that he 
was innocent and he has nothing to do with the charges 
alleged agJtlfet him. As such, I find this point against the 

Point Nik 2 

The next point to be decided in this case is to what 
relief the petitioner is entitled? 

1 L In view of ray foregoing findings that the action’of 
the Respondent Management in imposing the punishment 
of Compulsory Retirement against the petitioner is legal 
and justified, I find the petitioner is not entitled to any 

12. Thus , the reference is answered accordingly 

(Dictated to the P.A., transcribed and typed by him, 
rmw fifd and pronounced by me in the open court on this 
day foe 26th February, 200E) 

K, JAYARAMAK Presiding Officer 

Wjfofttges Rxam inedi 

For foe I Party/Petitioner None 

For the II PartyjManagement None 

Documents Marked: 

On the petitioner’s side; 

EX.No. Date Description 

ExWj - LCCR Register Folio 

28-02-2002 to 04-07-2002 

ExW2 - LCDB Register, Folios 

From30-11-2001 to 21-06-2002 
(Ex. DEI) 

EX.W3 - Statement of accounts of 

M/s Orion Forms from 
November2001 to December 
2 JWE(ExDE2) 

EtW4 - Pass Sheet of M/s Pooja 

Shanmugham, SB Ate No. 
32407 tiom 01-01-2002to 

On the Management's side 

Ex, No 





Charge Memo 



Enquiry Proceedings 



Lnquiry findings 



Letter to l^t Party forward 
enquiry findings 



Proceedings of the personal 
hearing given to the 1 st Party 



Order of Punishment 



Appeal petition preferred by 

1 st Party 



Orders of the Appellate 



Proceedings of the Deputy 
General Manager 



Batch Ticket 



LCDB Orient Forms 



Debit slips dotal clearing and 
cash remittance slip 



Statement of Account for the 
period from 01-11^2003 to 

07 11-2003 



Outward clearing waste 

Ex. MIS 


LCCR re-corKtUatktf 
statement for February, 2002 

EX.M 16 


Report on actuaVsuspected/ 
attempted frauds {to be 
submitted by branches) 



Letter from Manager 
Mowbrays Road branch to 
DGM Circle Office, Chennai 



Letter from Manager, 
Mowbrays Road branch to 
DGM Circle Office, Chennai 



Statement of allocation of 
work to the staff 



Investigation Report 
submitted by Investigation 


BURR*! <IRH1 *.10, 2008/^119 20,1930 


16 949,2008 

m.m, 1047.—teftfoff, 19470947 
W14) 4® WO 17 ^ NJHtel ^4H4ilT&4l3ft£fLV,'M. 

3 ftRid 4faiPn> 3 ^s*IN rwk $toilflte» 3ffiw*<r 

CC II) WTO* ^ t9R (tftf TOT 17/2001) ^JWRlrt 
te«fl "f, tel ^hO 1 ! *w»rt n*l 16-4-2008 4^ 1TTCI <01 

[tf ^I-200I2/397/2000-8|^STO(Tft-I)) 
“Ptw 9Br rrki, &05 atfaatifl 

New Delhi, the 16th April,2008 

SLO. 1047'—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the sward (Ref. No. 17/2001) 
of (he Central Government Industrial Tribunal ( No. II), 
Dhanbad now as shown in Araiexiire in Industrial Dispute 
between the employers in relation to the management of 
M/8 B.C.C.L.and their worinnan, which was received by 
theCadrelGoveniiaatton 16-4-2008. 

[Na U20012OT7flOOO-lR(t>OJ 





SbriNagndnt Kumar, Presiding Officer 

In the mater of an Industrial Dispute under Section 10(1) 
(d) oftfae LDAct, 1947. 

Reference No. 17of2001 

PARTIES; Employers in relation to the mnmgement 

ofM/s. BOCLand their workman. 


On behalf of the workman: Mr.T_P.Jha, Advocate 
On behalf of the employers: Mr, S.N. Sinha, Advocate 
State: Jharkhand Industry: QnL 

D ban bad, (be 1st April, 2098 

The Govt oflndte. Ministry ofLabour, in exercise of 
the preen conffemed on diem under Section 10 (1) (d) of 
the I.D- Ad, 1947 has referred the following dispute to this 
Tribunal fr adjudication vide their Order No. L-20012/397/ 
200<HR(C-1) dated, the 25th January,2001. 


“Whether die action of the management of Putki 
Collieiy of M/S. BCCL, Dt Dhanbad in not accepting the 
date ofbirth of Sri Pundeo Upadhyaya as 10-6-54 asperbis 
Mining Sfrdar, Certificate and with reference to LI,No.76 of 
JBCCl is justified? If not, to what relief is the workmen 
concerned entided?" 

2, The case of Che concerned workman as disclosed in the 
Written Statement in short is that the management had 
permitted concerned vrcutanan following the nofm* of Mmfls 
Act, 1 952 toappew in Mining Sirdw Certificate examination 
conducted by the D.G.M.S, in the year 1981. He was 
declared successful candidates under the provision of 
Mines Act, 1952 and Cod Mines Regulation, 1957. The 
Director General of Mines Govt, of India issued him a 
Sirdarship certificrae which is a Statutory Certificate to hold 
thPjMst of Mining Sirdar which indicates his date ofbirth 
as 18-7-54. As per requirement of Mining Sirdars and 
accepting genuineness of the certificate and its validity 
the management conducted a selection test foe Mining 
Sirdars and be was declared a fh candidate io die year 1981 
and was given work as Mining Sirdar which is a statutory 
post It is the further case o£the workman that due to 
write™ of entries in different records special ly with regard 
to age made in statutory records and certificate the mater 
was discussed at National Coal W^ge Board level on 
16-1*1981. As per decision Implementation Instruction 
No. 37 was issued. With regard to age determination there 
was further discussion at Joint Bipartite level in 1988 and 
the JBCCl issued further instruction called as J.J.No. 76 
giving dean cut guidelines to all the Coal Companies that 
Mining Sirdarship, Winding Engine or other statutory 
certificates where the Manager had certified die date of 
birth wilt be nested as authentic. The concerned workman 
was in etnpJoymerrt of dte company since 16-1-73. Ht could 
not appear in the Mining $ iitbrship ceitificateexaiijiiiation 
without being recommended by tiie Manager of the colliery 
and accordingly the provision of 1-1-76 is fully applicable 
in his case and the BCCL management has no right to make 
any change whatsoever in accordance with the provisions 
as contained itt I.I.No. 37 or I.L76. After receipt of I.L76 
issued by JBCCl for implementation considering the Muting 
Sirdarship certificate as well as statutory certificate, the 
BCCL Management issued office Order No. 1 S3 dt, J 3-6-89 
informing the candidate that his date of birth as Mining 
Sirdarship certificate has been corrected as 10-6*64. Prom 
further statement made in the W,S. of die concerned 
workman it appears that inspite of the prevision of JBCCl 
circular the BCCL management in the Form B Register 
changed the date ofbirth which whs communicated vide 
Memo. No, [0109 dt 3/J-7-99 is illegal, malafide, unjustified 
and motivated. It appears that as per case of the concerned 
workman, Shri Pundeo Upadhyaya the date of birth 
recorded on the Statutory Mining Sirdarship certificate and 
corrected by the local management vide office order 



[Part II— Sec 3(ti)] 

dt 13-6-89 in accordance with the provision of U No.76 is 
to be treated as final. 

3, Management has filed W.S,dtfiyinK all the claims and 
allegations made by the concerned workman in his W,5, 
The concerned workman was appointed &s Haulage 
Operator on 14-6-73 and at the time of employment his age 
was recorded in the Form B Register as / ell I.D. Card 
Register as February. 1949 in which he has signed as token 
of acceptance. He was literate who can read and mite 
English. He has not submitted the documentary evidence 
in support of his date of birth before the Chairman of the 
Board of Mining Examination and recorded his date of birth 
as 19-6-54 which is totally false and without any basis. 

Durlng the periodftoo 1973 to 1981 he never objected 
about recording of date of birth in From B and I.D,Card 
After passing Mining Sirdarship Examination he requested 
for correction of his date of birth. The matter was put up 
before the competent authority and the same was regretted 
vide letter dt. 10-12-1999 which was issued by the GM VC 
(P A R) T BCCLKoy la Bhawan, So far question of LI. 76 of 
JBCCl is concerned it has been mentioned that the age 
recorded iu Matriculation Certificate and in Mining 
Sirdarship Certificate Ex^nmarton will be accepted who 
have parsed before the appointment but not after the 
appointment in employment. As per para 37 of the certified 
Standing applicable for BCCL that the entry of date of birth 
made in service record of the establishment shall be the 
sole evidence ofhis in relation to his service including 
fixation of the date of hi s ret irement from the service o f the 

4, In the rejoinder portion the statements made in pate 
1,2,3,4 and 5 of the W,S. of the concerned workman it h 
said that these are matter of record and anything contrary 
are dented. About para-6 it is said that the same is denied 
and there is no variation in recording the date of birth. 
About para 7 h 8,9 it is said that the concerned workman 
entered in his service on 14-6-73 and he pnt his signature 
in Form B Register where his date of birth has been 
mentioned as February, 1949 and the question to consider 
the case under JBCCl 1,1 .No.76 does not arise. The 
statement made in para 10 and I! has been denied and it 
has been clarified as to how there is no merit in the case of 
the concerned workman and prayer has been made to reject 
the claim of the concerned workman. 

5 + A rejoinder has al&o beeu filed by the concerned 
workman, li has been further staled the details as to how 
the claim of the concerned workman is justified and he is 
entitled for the relief and to pass Award in favour ofthe 
concerned workman to correct the date of birth as on 
10-6-J4 in the Form ft Rioter. 


"Wfflwtiitr * of the tff ftr tkt y 

of M/s BCCL. !X Dhanbad in not accepting ihe date ol 

birth of Sri Pundeo Upadhyaya as 10-6-54 as per his Mining 
Sirdar, Certificate and with reference to LI.No,76 of JBCCl 
is justified? If not, to what relief is the workman conc&ne d 

7, Tie concerned workman in support of his claim has 
produced himself as WW-1 and another witness Vijay 
Shankar Pandey as WW^2 h Onhts behalfExt, W-l certificate 
of Mining Sirdarship issued by DGMS t Ext,W-2 letter dt. 

13-6-89 issued by the Agent. Putki Collieiy, Ext r W-3 Service 
Exceipt, ExLrecord note tif discussion dt 16-11-97, 
ExtW-4/1 Implementation o! agreed points of discussion 
dt. 16-11-97 and the correction of date of birth by the 
Authority of the colliery Ext,W-5 have been brought on 
record. On behalf of the management one witness Robert 
Lakra has been examined a* MlWd. Copy of From B 
Register SI No, 2641 as Ext M-l, date of birth of the 
concerned workman in Service Excerpt Exf M-2 d letter 
addressed to the ALC [C) by the Project Officer Ext. M-3 , 
letter issued in the name of Dy, Chief P.M, BCCL on 
23/24-11-2000 marked as ExkM-4, date of birth recorded as 
Feb., 1949 in From B Register as ExtM-5, photograph and 
signature ofthe concerned workman marked as Ext. M-5/1 
have been brought o, L record. 

8, In support ofhis claim the concerned workman during 

I he course of his evidence has stated that he passed the 
Mining Sirdarship Examination in the year 1981. He 
produced Mining Sirdarship Certificate which is Ext W-l 
and according to this his date of birth is 10-6-54+ His 
appl teat ion for appearing as M irting Sirdar Examination was 
forwarded to the IXG.M.5. and the examination was held 
by the DGMS. "Hiercafter he got his posting as Miring 
S irdar in the month of Sepi en iber n i 981 at Balihtt i Col liery 
He submitted application to the management for correction 
ofhis date of birth as per date of birth recorded in the 
Mining Sirdar Certificute, as 10-6-54 which was corrected. 
In the year 1987 management issued a service excerpt where 
his date of birth was recorded as 1-2-1949. After this He 
submitted representation to die management to correct his 
date of birth but the nv^iigemcut refused to correct the 
lame. He also submit Led application to the Headquarters 
for correction of date of birth as per date of birth recorded 
in the Mining Sirdar Certificate. There had been a discussion 
on 16-11-97 regarding implementation of agreed points. 
The management corrected the dale of birth ofthe Mining 
Sirdars of Putki Colliery a* per J E3CC1 circular. The dale of 
birth of some Mining Sirdars us per JBCCl was corrected 
but it was refused so far ft* the toticernsd workman is 
concerned. His claim ^justified. He raised industrial dispute 
which ultimately resulted reference to this Tribunal During 
cross-examination he has stated that in the year 1973 he 
got his appointment as Pmkr colliery as Haulage operator. 
His all particulars including JateoFbinh were recorded in 
die From 13 Register. He ihc entries made ar 

N&.2641 to From ft ..-i, ] httcte' 

■ h *:tein E 919. I Iis p!■■■?.raph -is ,4 ^ *i;_>ned and all■.it 


BRA *>nr3m: IQ, awsAnWiO, 1930 


He lead upto Class VII. It b not a feet that die date of birth 
recorded m the Fomi B Register is correct. He has no ai^y 
paper except Mining Sirdar Certificate to show that his 
date of birth is 10-6-54. He has denied die aiggestion that 
he is suppressing the original date of birth and has arranged 
to record his date of birth as 10-6-54 in the Mining Sirdar 
Certificate. He has flatter stated that for correction of date 
of birth recorded in the Form B Register he never raised 
any protest till obtaining of Mining Sirdar Certificate. 

9. As far as die evidence of WW-1 is concerned it 
appean that hb date ofbitth has been recorded as February, 
1949 in the Statutory Form B Register. It also appears that 
he has put his signature where entries have been made. 
From perusal of ExtM-1 as well as ExtM-5 and M-5/1 as 
well aa evidence of this concerned workman it appears that 
the photograph of the concerned has been pasted in the 
Statutory Form B Register. He has put his signature. From 
his evidence it also appears that for the first time his date 
of birth was recorded as 10-6-54 in the Mining Sirdarship 
Certificate and on this basis his dale ofbirth was corrected. 
However, It also appears that he was appointed in the year 
1973 and he did not raise any objection or take any step for 
correction of his date of birth till he passed the Mining 
Sirdarship examination in the year 1981. However, on the 
basis of entry made in Mining Sirdarship examination an 
order was issued regarding his correction of date ofbirth 
by the Agent, Putki Colliery on 13-6-89 in terms of 
nmplementation Instruction No. 76 of JBCO vide Ext. 
W-2. However, later it also appears that a Service Excerpt 
on 15-5-87 was issued to the concerned workman in which 
there is mention of date of birth as 1-2-1949. In this Service 
Excerpt he has written that his date of birth is 16-6-54 
(and not 10-6-54) and due to mistake in Form C and 1. D. 
Card the date of birth has been mentioned as 1949. 
Therefore, the date ofbitth may be corrected It further 
appears from bis evidence that he had submitted a 
representation regarding change of his date of birth. 
However, the management refbsed to correct his date of 

10. From the evidence of WW-2 it appears that at 
Putki Colliery the date ofbirth of9 Mining Sirdars were 
corrected at per date of birth recorded in Mining 
Ceitificate. However, when he has put question by the 
Court he has admitted that Form B Register is the Statutory 
Register as per Mines Act The particulars including the 
dale of birth recorded therein are binding on, both sides. 
He has further stated regarding issuance of Service Excerpt 
in the year 1987 which was different from the date ofbirth 
recorded in Mining Sirdar Certificate. From the evidence of 
this witness it appears that in the year 1987 Service Excerpt 
was issued in which there was different date ofbirth than 
the dale of birth mentioned in the Mining Sirdarship 
Certificate. Though he has stated about wrong entry of 
date of birth in Service Excerpt hut he had not disclosed 

any fect/materfal document on (be basis of which he is 
saying that he has knowledge aboia the date of birth of the 
concerned workman in any other way other than the date 
of birth recorded in Mining Sirdar Certificate. From the 
evidence and materials on record it does not appear how 
be is aware of date of birth of (he concerned workman 
beside the entry mode m Mining Sirdar Certificate. 

11. MW-1 who has deposed on behalf of the 
management has denied the claim of the concerned 
workman. From his evidence it also appears that the 
conooned workman raised objection regarding dam ofbirth 
after receipt of Service Exempt oo the year 1987. As per 
clause 37 (v) of Certified Standing Orders for workman of 
EaaWishmeni imder BCCLthe workman should have raised 
objection about his dale ofbirth recorded in Form B Register 
within 3 months from its recording. The claim of the 
concerned workman is not justified. During cross- 
examination he has stated about the forwarding of 
application for appearance in the Mining Sirdar examination 
through the department to the DGMS, He has also stated 
that he has no knowledge about the change of date ofbirth 
as per date ofbirth recorded in the Mining StrdarCeitfficate. 
On recall be has stated about the entries made in relation to 
the concerned workman and his signature which are E8t.M- 
5 and M-5/1. He has also stated that there b no interpolation 
or any mark In the Register, During cross-examination he 
has denied the suggestion (hat instead , of recording the 
date ofbirth as 10-6-54 wrongly the date ofbirth has been 
recorded as February, 1949. 

12. Much argument has been advanced on behalf of 
the concerned workman that hb date of birth has been 
recorded as 10-6-54 in the Mining Sirdar Certificate and hb 
application was sent through the management to thd 
D.G.M.5. for his appearance in file c\aminatioit Thereafter 
his date of birth was corrected in accordance with the 
Implementation Instruction No. 76 ofJBCCI by the Agent 
Putki Colliery. appears that in Mining Sirdar Certificate which 
has been issued on 16-10-8 J the date of birth of the 
concerned workman has been mentioned as 10-6-1954, This 
feet has not been disputed os well aa this also appears 
from Ext. 

W-3 that the date of appobitmentoftfae concerned workman 
was 16-J-73. Thus it appears that this is not the first 
occasion regarding (he entry of date of birth in any 
statutory document. In the Form B Register which is a 
statutory document the date ofbirth has been recorded as 
February, 1949. Thb feet has abo not been disputed. In 
this statutory Form B Register there is also photograph of 
(he concerned workman and there is also signature of the 
concerned workman which has been admitted by the 
concerned workman. Theree is nothing on the record to 
show that the ,:tncerned workman has raised any. 
objection/protest between die period of his appointment 

1526 Gl/Ofl—13 


[Part 11—SEC.3(ii)] 


and appearing at the lime of examination in the year 1981. 
Curiously enough nothing has been explained that how 
the date of birth 10-6-54 has been mentioned in the 
application which routed to the D.G.M.S. through the 
management No witness has been examined or no any 
material has been brought on record to show the 
circumstances as to how the date of birth 10-6-1954 was 
mentioned in the Mining Sirdar Certificate. No any other 
document has been brought on record to support the date 
of birth as IO-6-54oftheconcemed workman. On the other 
hand in the Service Excerpt the concerned workman has 
himself mentioned thaL his date of birth 16-6-1954 (and not 
10-6-1954) and due to mistake in the Form C and inl.DCard 
1949 has been mentioned. Thus it appears that the date of 
birth February, 1949 of the concerned workman was not 
mentioned only in Form B Register rather in many other 
statutory register As stated earlier* there is nothing to 
- show that the concerned workman had raised any objection 
at least before 19SI. On the other hand it appears that the 
concerned workman gave representation for its correction 
in the year 1987 after he received the Service Excerpt. Jt 
further appears vide Ext W-2 that his date of birth was 
corrected vide Ref No, EOTD^9/183 dt 13-6-89 as 10-6-54 
instead of 1-2-1949 as recorded in the Mining Sirdar 
Certificate However, it has been mentioned that this has 
been issued with the approval of the Personnel Manager, 
Putki Balihari Area, Nothing has been shown that the 
Manager* Personnel, PB, Area is the competent authority. 
On the other hand from the evidence of the management 
witness and Ext.M-4 as mentioned in para-7 the 
representation regarding correction of date of birth was 
put up before the Competent authority and the same was 
rejected vide letter dt, 10-12-99 issued by the General 
Manager, Incharge, P & LR,, Koyala Bhawan, Thus it 
appears that with regard to the change of date of birth the 
competent authority had considered the matter and had 
rejected the same in the year I999 r 

1 4. Para-3 7 C lausc ( v) of the Certi i fad Standing Order 
for the workman of Establishments under BCCL speaks as 

w The date of birth of a workman, once entered in the 
service curd of the establishment shall be the sole 
evidence of his age in relation to nil matters pertaining 
to his service including fixation oflhe date of his 
retirement from the serv ice of ihe estab I i shment. A Ti 
formalities regarding recording of date of birth shall 
be fmalished within three months oflhe appointment 
of a workman . v 

15. Nothing has been stated on behalf of the 
concerned workman that any dispute/representation was 
filed within three months of the appointment of the 
canconed workman for correclk>n ofdaleofbirth r However, 
it has been argued that his dale of birth should be treated 
us 10-6-54 in accordance with Ihe provision contained in 
Implementation Instruction No. 76. It has been submitted 
on behalf of the management that (his is not applicable in 

ihe case of the employee who is already in service. 

16, Wh ile going through copy of the Implementation 
Instruction No, 76 it appears that clause (A)deals regard ]ng 
the matter of determination of age at the time of appointment 
while clause (B) relates review/delermination of date of 
birth in respect of existing employees. This appears to be 
relevant for the purpose of disposal of this case and the 
concerned workman has also relied on the provision 
contained in this Clause Relevant portion of this Clause B 
reads as follows:— 

(B) Revtew/detemtination of date of birth in respect 
of existing employees. 

(1) (a) In the case of the existing employ we Matriculation 
Certificate or High Secondary Certificate issued 
by the recognised Universities or Board or Middle 
Pass Certificate Issued by the Board of Education 
and or Department of Public Instruction and admit 
cards issued by the aforesaid Bodies should be 
treated y* correct provided they were issued by 
the said Universitics/Boards/ Institutions prior 
to the date of employment, 

(i) (b) Simiiariy H Mining Sirdarship, Winding Engine or 

similar olhcr statutory Certificates where the 
Manager h*d to certifly the dale if birth will he 
treated as authentic : 

Provided that where both documents mentioned 
in (i) fa) and (i) (b) above are available, the date of 
birth recorded in (i) (a) wi II be treated as authcnl ic. 

(ii) Wherever there is no variation in records, such cases 
will not be reopened unless there is a very glaring 
and apparent wrong entry brought to the notice of 
the Management. The Management after being 
satisfied on ihe merit* nfthe case will take appropriate 
action for correction through Dclernrination 
Committee'Medical lkiard H 

17. Much argument has been advanced thal in 
accordance with dauM? (I) (b) the date of birth should be 
treated as 10-5-54 which has been entered in the Mining 
Sirdar Certificate. 

IS. In the inuam case as mentioned the date of birth 
has beer stated as 30-6-54 in the Mining Sirdarship 
examination. It further appears that this date of birth has 
been corrected instead of 1-9-49 vide Ext. W-2 by ihe 
Personnel Manager, P.B. Area, It has already been 
mentioned that it does not appear that the Personnel Area is the competent authority to decide 
the age dispute whereas from ExL.M-4 it appears that ihe 
competent authority has rejected the prayer for correction 
of date of birth. 

19. However, the provision (i) (b) of the 
Implementation Instruclion No. 76 shows that Matriculation 
certificate will be treated authentic in case Mining Sirdarship 
certificate is also available. In the instant case the 
Matriculation certificate has not been filed probably due 


]0, 2008/^?n®20, 1&3G 


to the reason that the concerned workman is not a 
Matriculate. However, it farther appears that in case there 
is no variation in the record such cases an not reopened 
unless there is very glaring and apparent wrong entry 
brought to the notice of the management. Thereafter on 
satisfaction of the management appropriate act km for 
correction through age determination commiltee/taedical 
board has to be taken. From perusal of clause C of the said 
Implementation Instruction No. 76 shows that in case the 
date of birth cannot be determined in accordance with the 
procedure mentioned in (B) (]) (a) or (B) < 1) (b) above the 
date of birth recorded in the records of the Company viz. 
Form B KegisterChLPP. recardsam) LD.Card will be treated 
as final. It also appears that in case there is variation in 
these records the matter will be referred to the age 
determination oommitteehnedical board constituted by the 
management for determination of the age, 

20. From the evidence and materials available on record it 
appears that it is not a case of the concerned workman that 
his date of birth recorded in Form fi Register, C.MJVF. 
records and l.D.Card there is variation. From plain reading 
of the entire provision contained hi the Implementation 
Instruction No. 76 it appears that when there is dispute 
regarding entry of date ofbirth in different records of the 
management then only farther steps regarding age 
determination has to be taken by die management and that 
too through age determination committechncdical Board 
constituted for this purpose. Thus it appears that the entry 
regarding date ofbirth made in Mining Sirdarship certificate 
is the basis of the review of dale of birth only in a 
particular circumstance which is not die case here. 

21. To sum up, the following facte have been noticed:— 

(1) “ 10-6-1934” date ofbirth has been mentioned 
in the Minng Sudar Certificate oflhe concerned workman. 
Nothing has been slated or no material has been brought 

on record to show «s ro how the date of birth mentioned 
regarding the basis of dale ofbirth ns 10-6-1954 of die 

(2) Vide Ext.W-2 dt. 13-6-89 as per office order 
the date ofbirth has been corrected as 10-6-54 instead of 
1-9-1949 on the basis of Mining Sirdarship Certificate and 
farther order has been Issued with the approval of the 
Personnel Manager, P.B, Area who does not appear to be 
the competent authority. In the services records i.e, in the 
Form B Register and in other document and in the Service 
Excerpt Ext. W-3 the date ofbirth of the concerned workman 
has been mentioned as 1-2-1949. In die Form B Register 
ihere is photograph of the concerned workman and he lias 
also put his signature at tile time of appointment but no 
objection has been raised earlier. 

(3) It appear* that competent authority has 
rejected for correction of date ofbirth of the concerned 
workman during foe year 1999. 

(4) As per Implementation Instruction No. 76 the 
date ofbirth can be reviewed only when there is variation 
in the Form B Register, CMPF and l.D.Card which is not 
the care here and that too the matter has to be referred to 
age determination committee/Medical Board. 

22. One farther point has been raised by the concerned 
workman that the date of birth of some other workman has 
been corrected on the basis of entry of date ofbirth made 
in the Mining Sirdarship Certificate in spite of the fact that 
the dale of birth mentioned in the Form B Register was 
different. In this context Ext.W-5 has been referred. From 
perusal of Ext.W-5 it does not appear what were the other 
facts and circumstances on the basis of which such 
correction were made. It also does not appear that the case 
of those workmen is standing on the same footing, of the 
concerned workman. Hence on the basis of Ext.W-5 the 
concerned workman cannot be granted relief particularly 
in the facts and circumstances mentioned above, 

23. Besides the above facts the concerned workman has 
raised the dispute and has preyed for correction of date of 
birth at the fag end of career after long lapse of time. 

24. Ld. Lawyer for the management has filed a number of 
decisions report in2001 Lab I.C. page 28, FLR2007 (] 13) 
page 105, FLR 2007 (140) page 9426, FLR 2007 (112) page 
(14,2001 Labl.C. 1400. FLR2D0S(116) page 673 toshow 
that the prayer to correct the date ofbirth cannot be raised 
at the fag end of career. From perusal of the aforesaid 
judgment of the Hon’ble Courts it appears that at the fag 
end of career the prayer to change date ofbirth as recorded 
in the service record cannot be allowed. However, in this 
particular case the facts and circumstances are different In 
the instant ease wrong change of date of birth/correction 
of date of birth has been claimed on the basis of entry 
made in the Mining Sirdarship Certificate which is a 
statutory certificate issued by the D.G.M.S, and also the 
date ofbirth was corrected by the Agent, Putlti Colliery in 
Ihe year 1989. However, the prayer for change of date of 
birth was rejected by the competent authority. In this 
particular case the concerned workman had taken stq» for 
correction of date of birth on receipt of Service Excerpt So 
the facts and circumstances are different in this particular 
case but from the derisions referred to above it appears 
■bat change of date ofbirth cannot be made at the fag eat 
of service career which fa also the case here, 

25. In the facts and cirtumstanc ts of the case the concerned 
workman fa not entitled to get any relief. Accordingly the 
following Award is rendered:— 

“ The action of the management of Putfci Coliiety 

of M/s. BCCL. Dt. Dhanbad in not accepting the date of 

birth of Sri Pundeo Upadhyaya as on 10-6-54 as per his 
Mining Sirdar Certificate and with reference te LI. No, 76 of 
JBCCI is justified. Consquentty, the concerned workman is 
not entitled to get any relief.” 

NAGENDRA KUMAR, Presiding Officer 



[Part J[— Sec. 3£ii>l 

kmf p 16 sritrf 2008 

w.ot, 104 B.—alteirtiRi 1947 {1947 

14) *IRt 17 ^ ^f P HW* fefeEt ^ 

PlK^ ^R3>R sShdtfrRt ^TfinR^I 

(B, II) tRT^ ^ w (#pfwn 30/97) s*lftw 

16-4-2008 Wl 

[^ t^- 2001 2/15/96-3<m(tft-l)] 
^Rfl ^TR, 3jfelfr 

New Delhi, the 16th April, 2008 

S O, 1048.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act h 1947 (14 of 1947X the Central 
Government hereby publishes the award (Ref No. 30/97) 
of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal { No. II). 
Dhanbad now as shown in the Annexuro in the Industrial 
Dispute between the employers in relation to the manage¬ 
ment of M/s. TISC0 and their workmen, which was received 
by the Central Government on ]<M-2G08 h 

[No.L. 200!2/15/96^IR{01>] 
SNEH LATA JAWAS, Desk Officer 




SHR1 NAGENDRA KUMAR* Presiding Officer 

In the mater of an Industrial Dispute under Section I (HI) 
(d^flhel.D.Act, 1947. 

Reference No. 30 of 1997 

PARTIES 1 Employers in relation to the management 

ofDigwadih Colliery of M/s, TlSCOand 
their workman. 

Appre rentes: 

On behalf of the workman: Mr, P.M. Prasad, Advocate 
On behalf of the employers: Mr. P. K. Verma, Advocate 
State: Jharkhand Industry: Coal. 

Dated, Dhanbad, the 4lh April, 2008 


The Government of India, Ministry of Labour* in exercise 
of the powers conferred on them under Section 10 (J)(d) of 
the LD, Act, 1947 has referred the following dispute to this 
Tribunal for adjudication vide their Order No, L-20D12/15/ 
96-[R (C-l) dated, (he 5lh March, 1997. 


“Whether the action of the management of Digwadih 
Colliery of M/s. TISCO in dismissing Shfi Bharat Singh, 
Sr, Trammer from service is justified? lfnot, to what relief is 
the concerned workman entitled ?" 

2. The case of the concerned workman in short is that a 
false and vague chargesheet was issued against him. He is 
innocent and has been victimised as he was claiming hb 
right on transfer from 6/7 Pits Jamadoba Colliery to 
Digwadih Colliery, The management did not take into 
consideration the explanation of the concerned workman 
and did not assign any reason for declaring the same 
unsatisfactory. The Enquiry Officer was biased. No fair 
and proper enquiry has been held in accordance with the 
principle of natural juslicc. The concerned workman was 
not given opportunity to cross-examine the management's 
witness and to lead evidence in his defence. He had joined 
service in the year 1974. He has been dismissed for depriving 
of Gratuity* P.F. and ether benefits. Prayer has been made 
to reinstate the concerned workman Ln service setting aside 
the order of dismissal with continuity of service and ad 
back wages and benefits, 

3_ On the other hand the management has filed W.S.- 
cum-Rejoinder stating therein that the present reference is 
nol legally maintainable. The concerned workman while as 
Sr. Trammer at 6/7 Pits Colliery in the year 1992 was 
transferred (o Digwadih Colliery w.e.f )-6~92. He was issued 
letter dt. 28-3-92 for his posting in the Digwadih Colliery 
on 1-6-92. He was also released from 6/7 Pits Colliery by 
letterdt, 30-5-92, Thereafter he did not report at Digwadih 
Colliery on 1-6-92 and continued absenting from his duty 
after receipt of letter of released!. 30-5-92. Several directions 
were given to him to report to Digwadih Colliery but he 
refused to carry out the order of transfer even after his 
release from 6/7 Pits Colliery and continued absenting from 
his duties without permission and information. Accordingly 
management issued a chargesheet dt, 11 -1 -94 under c lauses 
19 (J) and 19 (16) of the company's Standing Order for dis¬ 
obedience of instructions and absenting without 
permission and satisfactory cause for more than 10 days. 
The concerned workman submitted reply on 1-2-94 which 
was found unsatisfactory and enquiry officer was 
appointed to conduct a departmental enquiry h Several 
notices were sent to the concerned workman to participate 
in the enquiry but he did not participate and avoided to 



'IRcf'W 4MW 10, MQfc^TOt 20^1 930 

receive the letter of enquiry. Notices were also published 
tn the newspaper. Finding no other alternative an ex parte 
enquiry was held and enquiry report was submitted which 
is dt 11-6*94 and the concerned workman was found guilty 
of the charges levelled against him. After examination of 
the enquiry proceedings and a]] refated document the order 
of dismissal was passed against the concerned workman 
with effect from 15-6-94. Fair and proper enquiry was held 
The consented workman was dismissed from service on 
earlier occasion for commission of misconduct under clause 
19 (6) of the Company's Standing Older. An industrial 
dispute was raised over his dismissal for which there was a 
reference to Industrial Tribunal for adjudication beating 
No. 101/1981. An Award was passed on 18-6*86 directing 
the management to reinstate the concerned workman with 
50% back wages as measure of good gesture. The 
concerned workman was reinstated offer the award and 
50% back wages was paid. The concerned workman 
deliberately avoided (o join at Digwadih Collieiy after his 
transfer and release from 6/7 Pits collieiy with some ulterior 
motive and remained absent for his personal work and has 
raised the present dispute after his dismissal with the motive 
of canting wages by not doing “>y wk purdy with the 
help of litigation. 

4. In the rejoinder portion about para 2 it has been 
said that the above para 2 of the W,$. of the workmah is 
incorrect and denied. About other paras it has been stated 
that the same are not fully correct. However, frets have 
been disclosed to show that the concerned workman was 
dismissed for die misconduct after holding fair and proper 
enquiry giving sufficient chances to him to defend him. It 
has also been staled that he is not entitled for any relief. 

5. A rejoinder by the concerned workman to the 
W-S.-cum-rejoinder of the management has been filed. In 
this rejoinder para 2,3.4,J ) 6,7 I 8 it has been stated that the 
same are not correct and denied- The statement made in 
para 10 is ill motivated. Giving further details it has been 
prayed dint the Award in favour of the concerned workman 
directing the management to reinstate him with full back 
wages and consequential benefits may be passed. 


“Whether the action of the management of 
Digwadih Colliayqf M£. TISCO in dismissing Sh. Bharat 
Sing h, Sr. Trammer from service is justified ? I foot, to what 
relief is ihe concerned workman entitled T 


7. Before proceeding further it may be mentioned 
here that there has been an order on preliminary point m 
7-O-20O6 after considering the enquiiy report, evidence and 
other materials on record it has been held that the Enquiry 
Officer conducted the domestic enquiry fairly, properly 

and in accordance with the principle of natural justice 
Thereafter the case was fixed for hearing on merit, and 
accordingly the same was he*rd on merit, 

& Ld, Lawyer for the management has submitted 
that once the enquiry proceeding was found fair, proper 
this Court has jurisdiction only to consider the quantum of 
punishment on the basis of materials available on record in 
accordance with the provi sion of Section i \ A of the L D. 
Act, 1947, He has further referred a decision reported in 
2005 Lab lXL1 9t6 to show diat th is Court has jurisdiction 
only to consider the quantum of punishment imposed upon 
the concerned workman. He has further submitted that in 
the instant case the punishment awarded to the concerned 
workman for the misconduct is not harsh and shocking 
rather considering his previous conduct also the 
punishment awarded ts just and proper He has specifically 
submitted that once the concerned workman was 
transferred be ought to have joined to his new place of 
posting and thereafter should have submitted any 
representation, if any, but instead of doing so in ^pile ol 
ordertdijectUm of the management he did not join to his 
new assignment and remained absent for long time without 
any reason or information or permission or justification. Jn 
this situation the punishment of dismissal awtirdcd to the 
concerned workman is just and proper and in accordance 
with the provision of Certified Standing Order ofCompany. 

9. On the other hand Ld* Lawyer for the concerned 
workman has vehemently submitted that ibe concerned 
workman has been victimised os be had approached this 
Tribunal on earlier occasion and an Award was passed in 
his favuur with an order of reinstatement with 50% back 
wages. This has annoyed the management without any 
reason he was transferred to another colliery where there 
was no requirement. In fact his transfer was made only to 
victimise him due to the Award passed tn his favour. Not 
only this the concerned workman represented before the 
management repeatedly and requested to allow him to his 
new assignment but he was not allowed. Not only this a 
biased enquiry was held against the concerned workman. 
He was not given any opportunity to defend and to lead 
evidence in his defence, A perfunctory enquiry was 
conducted on the flimsy ground and ultimately he was 
dismissed with a view to victimise him. It has been 
submitted that in these tacts and circumstances of the case 
order of dismissal of the concerned workman may be set 
aside with foil back wages and other consequential 

10. In this case it appears that during the course of 
domestic enquiry the concerned workman did not 
participate. From enquiry report Ext,hM4 it also appears 
that in spite ofhavtng^knowledge of the enquiry proceeding 
(he concerned workman did not participate. It appears that 
only on one occasion during the course of enquiry on 



(PMT It—$EC-3(ii)l 

10-9^94 the concerned workman was present but he did not 
put hh signature on the enquiry papers and refused to 
participate in the proceeding. 

IL From order dt. 7-6-2006 it appears that there has been 
order on preliminary point regarding fairness and pnoprjpty 
of the domestic enquiry. On consideration of the materials 
it has been found that the domestic enquiry was fair, 
proper and in accordance with the principle of natural justice 
and thereafter the case was fixed for hearing argument on 

12. In acordance with Section 11A of the 1. D. Act, 1947 in 
the present (acts and circumstances of the case the only 
question remains for consideration regarding quantum of 
punishment to the enquiry has been held fair and proper. 
In this connection on behalf of the management a decision 
reported in2005 Lab 1C 986 has beeniiled, From perusal of 
this decision h appears that once domestic enquiry 
conducted against ihe concerned workman was found to 
be legal and valid by l abour Court it cannot subsequently 
consider whether find jug of the domestic enquiry were 
correct or sustainable or not. In such circumstances it can 
exercise its jurisdiction under Section 11A of the l,D, Acl p 
1947 only to consider whether on charges proved the 
punishment awarded was not reasonable or was too harsh, 

13_ Much argument has been advanced on behalf of 
the concerned workman that the order of dismissal has 
been passed only to victimise the concerned workman 
and in this sequence he was transferred to another colliery 
without any ba?is. This lias happened because earlier an 
Award was passed in hi:- favour. 

14. From perusal of the record as well as from 
submission made on behalf of the parties it appears that in 
the year 1986 an Award was passed in favour of the 
concerned workman directing the management to re instate 
the concerned workman with 50 per cent back wages as he 
was dismissed from service. It appears that honouring the 
Award of thi$ Tribunal the management has reinstated the 
concerned workman alomg with other benefits It will be 
relevant to mention it appears that no any Writ application 
or Review application was filed by the management and 
the concerned workman was reinstated. Since the 
concerned workman did not participate during the course 
of enquiry there is no materia] on his behalf to shew that 
on account ofthe aforesaid Award the management started 
to victimise him. 

15, The question of victimisation if any has to be 
taken into consideration on the basis of the materials 
available on the record. From perusal ofthe record as well 
as from Ext.M-5/16 it appears that the concerned workman 
was transferred to Digw&dih colliery on the ground that 
the concerned workman was rendered surplus as Time rated 
Trammer at 6/7 Pits Colliery. Ho was. directed to join 
DigwadUl Colliery w.e.f. 1 -6-92. However it appears that 
the concerned workman did not join to his new assignment 

rather he absented without giving any information to the 
management or taking any permission. Accordingly he was 
asked to explain the matter and he submitted his explanation, 
From his explanation Ext.M-2 it appears that he has said 
that the transfer order was illegal, without jurisdiction and 
in this conned Ion petitions on his behalf dt, 5-5-92, 
31-1-93 were filed. It also appears that another 
representation was filed on 8-6-92 stating that the matter is 
pending regarding illegal transfer. It further appears that 
on 26-7-93 a petition was filed regarding pending matter 
and he had personally met and made oral request for 
solution of the matter. This explanation has been filed which 
appears lo have been filed and after the enquiry had started 
and chargesheet was submitted to him, Vide Exl.M-5/23 it 
appears that the concerned workman had not replied 
within the stipulated time at the lime of initiation of 
departmental proceeding. The representation was received 
by the management on 7-2-94. From perusal of this Ext. 
which is dated 28-5-94 wherein it has been stated that the 
allegation (against the management} is absolutely incorrect 
and he (the concerned workman) has given lame excuse to 
explain the gross misconduct committed by him. It further 
appears that this reply was forwarded to the Enquiry Officer. 
As mentioned earlier the concerned workman did not 
participale in the enquiry proceeding. He has not brought 
any materials in support of the fact bow his transfer was 
illegal and without jurisdiction as stated in his explanation. 
It will be further relevant to mention that vide aforesaid Ext. 
M-^5/23 it has also been mentioned that the concerned 
workman was directed to report for duty to the Dy. 
Divisional Manager, Digw adih Colliery. U is also mentioned 
that under the circumstances (he question of not allowing 
the duty not arise. The concerned workman was once again 
advised to report for duty to the Dy. Divisional Manager 
without any flirt her delay. I'hrs letter Is dated 28-5-94 and it 
appears to have been issued a Hct the enquiiy proceeding 
had already started. The concerned workman has submitted 
his explanation making allegalion against the management. 
It will be relevant to mention that on the basis of materials 
available on record it appears the concerned workman did 
not report for duty in spile of Issuance of such further 

16- Ld. Lawyer Cor the management has vehemently 
submitted tliat the concerned workman was surplus at 6/7 
Pits Colliery and accordingly he was transferred to Digwadih 
Colliery as per requirement but he deliberately did not join 
the duty in spite of repeated direction from the management, 
He has also submitted that ihc transfer is the prerogative of 
the authorities concerned He has submitted this by a 
decision reported in 2005 Supreme Court case L& 5 55. 

17, From perusal olthe albresaid judgement It appears 
that the transfer is the prerogative of the authorities 
concerned. It appears that rhe facts and circumstances of 
this case is different than the circumstances mentioned 
above. However, it appears that the management has every 

[wm— OT*C3(iL)] 

’TRfT^T U) r 2008^W 20 P i930 


right to transfer its every employee according to 
requirement. There is no material on record to suggest 
that the concerned workman was transferred to 
Digwadih Colliery not as per requirement father to victimise 
him on the ground that earlier an Award was passed in his 

1S + It will be relevant to mention that easier an Award 
in favour of the concerned workman has been passed in 
the year 1986 and it appears the same was implemented by 
the management without fijling any Writ Application/ 
Review petition. Thereafter in the year 1992 the concerned 
workman appears to have been transferred as per 
requirement in Digwadih Colliery. It is not the case here 
that the concerned workman was immediately or after 
sometime of the Award in favour of the concerned 
workman was transferred with a view to victimise him. The 
period of transfer does not indicate in any way that the 
transfer has been made only to victimise to the concerned 
workman. In this context ExLM + 5/ J 7 shows that six other 
employees of 6/7 Pits Colliery were also transferred to 
Digwadih Colliery along with the concerned workman and 
it b not the case that only this concerned workman was 

19* It is not a case of habitual absemism. But it 
appears to be a case of disobedience of superior officer 
and absentism for long period after transfer of (he 
concerned workman. In this context it will be relevant to 
mention the relevant portion of the Certified Standing Order 
of the Company which reads as follows:— 

- Clause 19.1 

Any employee may be suspended, fined or 
dismissed without notice or any compenstion in lieu of 
notice ifhe is found to be guilty of misconduct* provided 
that suspension without pay, whether as a punishment or 
pending an enquiry shall not exceed ten days. The following 
shaft denote misconduct 

1. Wilful insbordination or disobedience* whether 
alone or in combination with another or others, of any 
lawful or reasonable order of a superior 

Clause 19*16 

Continous absence without permission and 
without satisfactory cause for more than 10 days.” 

20. As mentioned earlier it appears that the 
concerned workman did not join to his duty after transfer 
and subsequently after initiation of departmental 
proceeding he has tried to raise that the transfer is illegal 
and without any jurisdiction but there Is nothing to show 
that how the transfer is illegal and without jurisdiction. It 
appears that such a statement in his explanation/ 
representation has been brought only to make out a case 
for not join ing new place of posting. It is not the matter to 
he decided here. Even after such representation/ 
explanation he has advised to report for duty but once 

again he did not join the duty. There is nothing on record 
to show thflt the management did not allow him to join the 
duty rather the materials and circumstances suggest that 
management ha* given direction to join to his new place 
of posting. + 

21 From the enquiry report Ert.M-4 as weft as from 
other exhibits tt appears that the concerned workman did 
not participate in the proceeding deliberately and having 
fell knowledge about proceeding of the case even be did 
not try to bring the material on record in his favour. The 
enquiry report and the materials speak that the enquiry 
officer had taken all possible pain to procure attendance 
and participate of the concerned workman but the 
concerned workman did not like to participate in the 
proceeding. This also shows that the conduct of the 
concerned workman. 

22, Ld. Lawyer for the management has submitted 
that if the concerned workman had any grievance he 
could have raised it before the management after joining 
to his new assignment but he absented for a long period 
without any information or prior permission from the 
management. f£vL-n ho did not join to his new 
assignment in tpiii? of the fact that he was advised to 
join after initiation of the departmental proceeding 
when he submitted his explanation. There appears force 
in the submission of the Ld, Lawyer for the management 
that the concerned workman could have submitted 
representation or approached the management for 
redressal of the grievances after joining to his new 
assignment but he failed to do so without any basis* 

23, In the aforesaid facts and circumstances of the 
case considering the materials available on record and also 
considering the submission of Ld r Lawyers for both the 
parties it appears that the concerned workman not only 
absented continuously without permission or without^ 
satisfactory cause from rhe date of his transfer to his new 
assignment i r e. front 1-6-92 he also disobeyed the 
order of the management regarding joining to his 
new assignment even after repeated direction without any 
basis. The conduct of the concerned workman in not 
participating in the enquiry proceeding in spite of 
giving all opportunities for the same also shows that he 
did not like to cooperate with the management in the 
administrative affairs, 

24, In the aforesaid facts and circumstances of the * 
case the concerned workman is not entitled for any relief. 
Accordingly the following Award is rendered:— 

''The action of the management of Digwadih 
Colliery of M/s. TISCO in dismissing Sh. Bharat Singh* 
Sr. Trammer from service is justified* Consequently* the 
concerned workmen is not entitled to get any relief.” 

NAGENDRA KUMAR, PresidfagOffioer 



[Part 11—Sec. 3(h)) 

!5 209S 

■^I + OT, 1049 h ™^^T^T^^ atfafipR 1947 (1947 
UT 14) ^ (7 ^ aqETT R. &m\ 

RhTm^s , ^ ^ afo 

3^ ^FR? ^ ^T h f^TR 3 

^tr ^ ^ 

TEfTT ^ ^ *t-!6/fc994) ITTfTKI^frtp 
# J#hA*I WHt ^1 lti-4-2008 sill 

[ti ^-29012^9/1993-^ aWftjO] 
ip + n^l ^l, 3rfWt# 
New Delhi, the 1 6th April, 200ft 

SX). 1049.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publisher the Award (Ref, I D. No. 16/ 
)994}ofthe Central Goverment Industrial Tribunal/Labour 
Court-II, New Delhi as shown in (he Annejture* in the 
industrial dispute between the employers in relation to the 
management of M/e, Haryana Minerals Ltd. , Faridabad 
and their workmen, which was received by the Central 
Government on 16-04-2008. 

[No. L-29012/1 9{ 1993-[R(M)] 
N.S. BORA, Desk Officer 




Sh, Rohtas, 

Sfa. 5h, Soban Lai, 


Tehsil: Nantoul, 

Distt: Mahendargarh. .. + Claimant 


1, Haryana Minerals Limited, 

Farfdat^d (Haryana).. 

2, The Chief Mining Engineer, 

440* Sector: 21 - A, 

Earidabad (Haryana). .., Respondents 


The Ministry ofLahour by its letter NOhL -29012/19/93IR 
(Misc.) CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DT,03-G2-1994 has 
referred the following point for adjudication: 

The point runs as hereunder- 

u Wheiher the action of the management of M/ s. 
Haryana Minerals Limited, Faridabad in relation to 
terminating the services of Sh. Rchta$, Ex. Bill 
Clerk w,e.f, 26-02-1992 is just, fair and legal? Ifnot 
to what relief he is entitled and from what date*” 

The workman ap pi leant has filed clai m statement, I n 
the claim statement it has been stated that the petitioner 
was appointed as Security Guard in the Haryana Minerals 
Ltd. at Faridabad and had worked against that assignment 
torn KMM 939to 14-12- I9S9. 

That the work and conduct of the petitioner as 
Security Guard was appreciated by the Respondents and 
keeping in view the ability and performance of his job, the 
petitioner was appointed Bills Clerk by the Respondents 
on 15-12-1989 and he worked as Bills clerk upto 25-2-1992 
at various places of posting at the Instance of the 

That during ibis period the work and conduct of the 
petitioner was satisfactory. The petitioner during these 
periods was not given any adverse remarks to his discredit 
and his service record is without any blemish, which would 
speak for itself. The respondents also did not find any 
wrong petitioner, 

That according to the provisions of Industrial 
Disputes Act, and employee attains a status of a regular 
employee after completing 240 days and the services of 
the Petitioner are also governed by the aforesaid Act. ITte 
petitioner has completed 240 days service and has thus 
achieved the requisite condition for being regularized as 
an employee of the Corporation - Respondents. 

That the Petitioner had not absented himself from 
duties and on the date of inspection of the Flying Squad, 
the Petitioner was very well on duty and the Flying Squad 
wrongly reported the matter to the department against the 
petitioner that the petitioner was absent and some 
unauthorized person was working in his place. 

That the petitioner was issued a letter dated 6-1-1992 
by the Respondent No. 2. The contents of the letter states 
That* during the inspection it was observed that HML T s 
tokens were issued by the staff of private contractors 
whereas the same should have been issued by Shri Shiv 
Ram, Security Guard or the bill clerk, Shri Rohrtas thus both 
have eschwed from duties and they have committed a gross 
mistake being absent from the important Check Post where 
cash transactions are made. Shri Rohtas Bill Clerk and Shri 
Shiv Ram, Security Guard are required to eKplain their 
conduct, within 48 hour* of the receipt of the letter as to 
why severe disciplinary action should not be taken against 
them* fail ing which manageme at may take action as deemed 
fit. Thereafter issuing this memo the petitioner was placed 
tinder suspension with immediate effect. 

The petitioner submitted his reply before ihe 
Respondents on 9th January, 1992. The petitioner has stated 
that he was on duty on thru date when Flying Squad made 
inspection. He has further slated that when Flying Squad 
made inspection. He has further stated that when the Flying 
Squad was inspecting the petitioner was preparing bill of 
vechile No. HR 29-31 i I, He has further slated in his reply 
that according to instructions of Project Manager they 
were instructed that whenever a truck loaded with stones 
reaches the gate they submit HML h s token and private 
contractors token and make entry in the register as out. 
Thereafter they submit the HlML’s token to bill clerk and 


qiaviwn -M io, 200 S/fc?rra 20,1910 


cafototen, which ti»blU clerk makes bilL This is the reason 
when Flying Squad came HML's token was in the band of 
Private contractor and Ibe Flying Squad sited me who is 
he. 1 had told than Out be is a private contractor uni when 
a loaded unde readies then private contractor receives 
HML’s taken end subunit cash taken to them, thereafter 
die bill k made, we woe working an die instructions of 
Project Manager. Therefore, the allegations made against 
me k totally wrong. 

Hut die Petitioner was not supplied with die copy 
of the report of the Flying Squad by the Enquiry Officer. 
Farther, die reportofthe Enquiy Officer was never supplied 
to the petitioner before the tennmntion and lastly no 
personal hearing was given to the petitioner before 
termination order against the petitioner was passed. 

It is submitted that the above three conditions are 
mandatory. Further die petitioner was prevented from 
submitting bis proper defence before the Enquiry Officer 
without die copy of the report of Frying Squad. Therefore, 
the termination order dated 25-2-i 992 issuedby the 
Respondents against die petitioner is wrong, illegal, 
arbitrary, mala fide and against the principles of natural 

The Management has filed written statement. In the 
written statement it has been stated that the claim ant/ 
petitioner was working as daily wager employed as setnl- 
stilled mining workman w.e.f. 18-*-19*9 and uospaid daily 
wages atthe ratepresmbedby the Control Government for 
this category from time to time. He was engaged as skilled 
category workman w.e.f. 15-12-1989. At the relevant time 
be was unsigned the job of billing clerk at Chek post No. 3 
at ibe mining establishment of Lnkkarpur-IT of Haryana 
Minerals Ltd. He was required to issue bills and tokens to 
the in c o min g and outgoing trucks carrying the road metal 
soul masonary stones from the mines. 

That on 1-1-1992 the Flying Squad constituted by 
the Managfog Director HML consisting of Geologist and 
Corporate Mwuger of the answering management, had 
carried out surprise checking at die work site of the 
petitioner at stone mines Lnkkarpur - Tl, During the 
inspection the Flying Squad had observed that the 
petitioner, SfariRohtas wasabseutfromthe important check 
post Le. Ids duty place and the tokens to be issued by him 
were befog issued by the staff of private contractors 
whereas the same should have been issued by the S/Gusid 
or the Sh. Rahim in absence of the S/Guard. 

Thus the petitioner was found negligent in discharge of 
his duties because the records of the answering respondent. 
-and tokens were misused by the persons of private 
contracuas financial loss to the respondent, thus 

the petitioner was found negligent in performance of his 

A show-cause notice/including chargesheet was 
issued to the daimant/petltiotier vide Ref No. HM-CME/ 
92/4105 dated 6-1-1992. Since the charges levelled were 
serious in nature the services of claimant/petitioner were 
suspended with immediate effect After bolding a proper 
legal enquiry theservices of the claimant/petitioDer were 
terminated vide artier of tenufoatioii dated25-2-1992, 

1526 GI/Q8—14 

That this Hoa'bk Tribunal Court at New Delhi has 
no jurisdiction as the reference has not been sent by the 
appropriate Government 

That (be claimant/workman k doing service after 
termination from the respondent establishment and k 
gainfbUy employed, 

That the action of the managemeut/respondent 
terminating the workman from its establishment due to 
serious charges is very much in accordance wtifa law and 
principles of natural justice, the claimant/woriunan is 
estopped to come be for the Hcu’ble Tribunal by his own 
acts, conduct and omissions. That the claim is bad for 
non-joinder and tnb-joinder of necessary panics. 

That the claimant was enagaged as semi-skilled 
workman on the rate of wages prescribed for mining 
workman by the Central Government fr o m ti me to time w.e.f 
18-8-1989. He was engaged as skilled workmn wx-f. 

of-these pans are voting a»d.foisicti.rieniiai.- 

The clai mant/ workman is trying ^) nrisfoj 
Hon'ble Tribunal. He has not crane arid) QiiimhUOT 
specifically denied that at the time of foqwcticn by fii it- 
Flying Squad the claimant/workmm wasnotpr w ea fi tltk 
place of duty Le, Check Post No. 3 of stone minas T riAapor-g, 

The show cause/charge sheet dated 6-L-1993 
mentioned in this para was rightly issued to the claimant/ 
workman as a consequence of his having eschewed from 
duty in the circumstances stated hereinabove. As' the 
charges were serious so be was placed under suspenskm 
and s proper legal enquiry was constituted. 

The petitioner was working in collusion with the 
persons of private contractors who used to extract and 
Lay the mineral from the mines of the answering 
management on truck basis. The petitooer absented himsetf 
from bis duty place, where tokens were to be issued. 
However, the tokens were being issued through the 
contracture for his gainful consideration and thus baa been 
causing financial fora to tire answering respondent 

In view of the misconduct of die petitioner, a proper 
enquiry has been conducted and foe charges wnepoved 
against the ctaimare/woikmin hence Ibe termination order 
has been passed in accordance with kw. ft«further denied 
tint tbe petitioner has not been given proper opportunity 
to defend himself before the Inquiry Officer. 

The services has been bom terminated in accordant* 
witit law and natural justice adopting prescribed pmcctfore; 
of enquiry and foe order dated 15—26-2-1992 tsttnimteag 
the services ofthe clafount/woifcmsin. In vkw ofthe greet 
misconduct is just, legal and in accordance with principle 
of natural justice. 

It Ls submitted that the Management hod filed proper 
reply dt 11-5-1992 to the representation of Sbri ftoht ee 
petitioner before ALCf C) -cmn-CttKitiatum Officer. If the 
Conciliation Officer could have applied his mtod the matter 
would have not been referred for adjudication before tins 
Hon'ble Tribunal since the action of the management« 
just, legal and’acc tiding to the principle of natural justice. 


[Pmt H—Sec. 3(ii)i 

THE GAZETTE OF INDIA: MAY 10, 2008/VA1SAKHA 20 t 1930 

The report dt, J 7-7-1992 by the Authority was not at all 
required for reference to the appropriate Government and 
the reprsentation dt 3-3-1992 could not be considered in 
view of the submissions made hereinabove. Moreover it 
should have been filed at the conciliation stage. 

The workman applicant has filed rejoinder. In the 
rejoinder the workman has reiterated the averments of his 
claim statement and has denied most of the paras of the 
written statement. The management has also denied most 
of (be paras of the claim statement. 

Evidence of both the parties has been filed. 

Heard argument from both the sides and perused the 
papers on the record. 

It was submitted from the side of the workman 
that he was engaged as Security Guard cm 10-Oft- 19S9 to 
14-12-1989. He was again appointed on 15-12-1989 and he 
worked as Bill Cleric up to 25-02-1992 at various places of 
posting at the insiaiice of the respondents. 

It was further submitted that the management alleged 
that he absented himself from duty and on the date of 
inspection of flying squad the petitioner was very well on 
duty and the flying $quad wrongly reported the matter to 
the department against the petitioner that he was un- 
aruihorisedly absent and some other person was working 
in his place. He was on duty on the date when the flying 
squad made inspection. It was wrongly reported that at the 
time of the visit of flying squad (he workman was absent. 

That the workman was not provided with the report 
Of the flying squad by the Inquiry Officer, The report of the 
Inquiry Officer was not supplied to him before ihe 
termination of his services. Mo personal hearing was given 
and he was not permitted to adduce his defence evidence. 
The termination order dated 25-0(2-1992 was Illegal, arbitrary, 
malafide and against the principles of natural justice. 

It was submitted from the side of the management 
that during the surprise cheek this workman was found 
absent He was not discharging his duties and the tokens 
to be issued by him were being issued by the staff of private 
contractor. He was found negligent in discharge of his 
duties. Tokens were mis-u&ed by the contractor's workmen 
and caused financial loss to the respondents. His services 
. were terminated after conducting proper and fair inquiry. 

The documents regarding inquiry have not been 
annexed with the record, ivappears that summary inquiry 
was made. The workman was not given opportunity of 
personal hearing and he was not given opportunity to 
cross-examine the witnesses and to adduce evidence in 
defence. Thus, the inquiry is not fair and proper. 

It was further submitted from the side of the 
management that the Tribunal has no jurisdiction as ihe 
respondent are situated in Haryana. The HML is an 
undertaking of the Central Government and the CeniraE 
Government is the appropriate government. The CeniraE 
Government may send any reference to any Tribunal/ 
Labour Court. The reference has been validly seat to this 
Court and (he court has jurisdiction. 

It was further submitted from the side of the 
management that the Hon'ble Apex Court by judgement 
dated 15-05-1992 ordered that the Mechanical Stone Cruscr 
in the Faridabad, Ballabhgarh etc. operating at various 
places should stop operating w.e.f. 15-08-1992. 

In compliance of the orders of (he Hon’bEe Apex 
Court, the units were closed in die end of(992 and all the 
workmen were found surplus and they were retrenched. 
The units in Faridabad ? Ballabhgarh etc. were stopped. 

It was further submitted that even if inquiry was 
not found fair and proper there is no question of 
reinstatement as the units have been closed down in 
compliance of ihe directions of the Hon’bte Apex Court, 
The workman at best would have worked up to the last of 
1992, His services were terminated in February, 1992. He 
could have further continued up to December, 1992, so 
had he remained in service he would have got £ -10 months 
more wages and compensation for his previous 2 - 3 years 

From perusal of ilie tecords it transpires 1hat Ihe 
principles of natural justice have not been followed during 
the inquiry and the inquiry stands vitiated. The unit in 
which (he workman working was closed down in the 
end of 1992. He could have at best got wages up to 8 - 10 
months till his retrenchment at ihe end of 1992 and 
retrenchment compensation for 214 years. In the 
circumstances there is no question of reinstatement of the 
workman even incase flic inquiry is invalid. The workman 
is entitled to compensation of Rs. 35,0000 (fts. Thirty Five 
Thousand Only) [8-10 month's salary + 15 days wages for 
every completed year) and costs of the case. 

The reference is replied thus: 

The action of the management of M/s. Haryana 
Minerals Limited. Faridabad in relation to terminating the 
services, of Rohtas, FI\. Bill Clerk w,e f 26-02-1992 is not 
absolutely just nor lair nor legal- The workman is entilled 
to compensation of Rs.35,000 (Rs. Thirty Five Thousand 
only). The managcmcnl should pay him this compensation 
amount within two months from the date of the publication 
of the award. 

The award is given accordingly. 

R.TT RA1, Presiding O flic or 

16 2008 

W.-31F. 1050.—alaiRi*. anfafwt, 1947 (1947 

14) ^ W 17 ^ 4f r 

ut,% Wiftnt <£ #4® M«m>T 

w<sk alii#i* w 

Wll # t-2ZJ95) wfmi ^T!Tf 1 ^fj 

T1WT ^ 16-4-2008 ^ ure? *111 

[*f. tt^i- 2 (J012/125/1994-4^ 3TK(T?0] 

H"i. M.+1 “fkl, 


WHTWH. 10 , 2008 /^hflia 20, 1930 


Mew Delhi, the 16th April, 2008 

S.O. 1050. —Id pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref. CJTNo. 22/ 
95) of the Central Covens cut Industrial Tribunal/Labour 
Court, Jaipur as shown indie Arvneaure, in the industrial 
dispute between the employers in relation to the 
management of Udaipur Mineral Development Syndicate 
Pvt Ltd. and their workmen, which was received by the 
Central Government on 16*04-2003, 

[No. 1^29012/125/1994-IR.{M)] 
N.S. BORA, Desk Officer 

■scfho’l F* ret* •eitiiliwttij 
^7T If, lfr.3ITf.ftlt 22/1995 
^4? «wn, 44 4f ffJWft 44 3tt^?F 4t*(f4 

I5ft"29012/125y94-3lli3tlt(1iw> fcWT 19-6-1995 
tft ^ life ^ sl 4MH ftfe 4*14144 'SRI NRtflfl 
4m ftu, (ira.) 

— 1 wiftf 

4^ 4ft gw wfaift «ifw?n (44ft), 7443 ; 
fN'KH frRgnftz 9lftl,, ftlt14ldl i 

1 —sraiftt 

410(41-1 ah' ftkw 'duiiw ynrf, 

9iftf4ft3ikft: nftf 

STOlftf 4 ft ftR ft: 41 4 *flH 4 *M 1 

ft* W»lft: 05-05-2008 

1. *ino min ^ si *iw(ts nil 3T17T 
29012/125/94 t** 19-6-95 ft ftl*4 «tJ*J*ft 4U ftt414 
4ft|f4ftq atflii4kfe4ft wofRit: 

“Whether the action of the management of UDMS 
Pvt Lid, Bhilwara in terminating the services ofShri 
Devi Singh from l-l 1-93 is legal and justified? If not, 
to what relief (he concerned worker 1$ entitled to?” 

2. ft 14M>KIH 4fr 3(kft wi* 
4ft*cii4r fttetfe3jhr4ftR4>i44i4ft7igaii i 

4^4 ^ atgpit ftfev $ftM*feftiftF gp44 4Rfcr 4n=T 

tw Iwwr ftluuwi tci «s**< *8 • ftt44fr brf 

ijiiite. ^41 ftig 4ftftui ftRfer l-l 1-93 fel ft 

WflVf 4R ^ fawn! W4U if ttU^fttll 4* ¥W ftiis 

73141. 481 imftttll 4t(T lytf 47 4ft wigital ttflVdtlQ SRI 
Siawti 4fef W viffl RRiR 4 ffttT 44 

61^414>tfil414 M+gd ^41 fr 1 *ic4e 3fl«F 4^4 ftf 
474 if. 4 ^ ‘31 ft7* 4 Wtuff 4>1 3(k "4 3H#pl 4* 3(1417 
4ttrt *lft |f Iftllft «n«R flrfro ^fttfife fclfln* ft 44 47 v 

.10-4-72 ft ft* 4J 4 4ft 1980 ft ftt^. 4fl4f4Tl 

4nft ftrci ftw 7511 w mgK 1993 4 # ftftt fife 

4ilft ft <DW4I ftUKfl ftftfeT 4>T <RflWH4 iJHflM 
slwtec fr4R 4*lft ft Wifi ftft ftt 44Ph T4 4Slft ^ 3TJ44 
RlftF ^ Wf 41 I ta 4|4 ^ 44 ^ v(Pi*e ^ hncfl 4 

'll flm ftg araiftf m j- 10-93 4 6- 10-93 ^ 4 ^ 

44 ■ftdl 1 14T ftrottl PtaildKM WSi wft 4ftT "4 ^ 1^41 TPIT t 

Mw* i-n-93 ad itm. a i te Ri 4fa-t ftRi 

fetftfttfea 4 HlftH ^ KFlff 4i| 4*0 ^ 4 f^R 1>7 

1^ 191^ 4 1W4 ^ ftw fls^ 44 4w 4f 4tff 

ftm W I 3Rn4f SRI PTtff 4& 4niR 1-11-93 4 HRIRf 

4i Pi (new 4ft URt 4ft 314^11414ft 4 

44Rt ^4 m ^i 4fetr 4^ ^ 4 154 ? w 

^ah nrfT ft4i to nffhdi 4 ft tl4ft( Phi Pwfl I4wil4 414 

4ft 4»id4i^ ■fiFft.nriptt 4ft 4| 4 thnt4 ift 4 rt HRlPtl 4»l 
3H^tT WIRI 4 Otgl-flf ^ IV>« 4 RR 4“ 
ft4(hf 4ft 4 4 ^pr ft I "JRr 44^44 4iT IftftRR 

fufUl ft I 

3, sntraf 4ft 4k 4 iftsnte 414 44 r tw 44Ht ftn ^an 

fttuft 4441 ftf 9t*ff 4iT 4*l41^454 4?f 41 R?1 , 31t414f44T 
4tf tft ^if4(ewi 4H1I t(l 411 Ut*ft 149 ^'ilV-fl 4ni yf4d mm 
4R^4rft OTTiintff 30-10-93 4?14n4 4nr turt ^!i ft 
41lJ 4iw»i 4F 4^T twlvtn ?lft 4b4 4ftf ft I Tfl4f ft 4441 
IbtilU 1041 4Rft ftg ftft$ UI«Hl 44 ftu 4Sf 1<li4T I fS 445R 
Hd( Entil ift cRW 4ft 1184 4lft 44 3tftt45fft Rtff ft I 

4. 4414^ 4ft ’3fff5rrV)<4it3ff 4ft ftuft 4 4l4t TJpRR 4 ft 
nwftg 4^ ««iwc l^ft 4ft ftB*5 Ttl4f ipiun 4ft 3tk4 4ft^ 
Ultpt Trtf ^ aicT: Rll4» 22-9-2000 4ft 41*ff Wft Rk 
4ft ^ 4k writ 4ft 4 4ft[ Wlft'H ft) ftn Rtflf I 
aiwi*ftft *ft ipi ftg 4i6t -mifl 3ik4 fttitraFi 
ftll Rtff ftlft 4 dH4ft 15nW 14 4 ft 4^ HUH"! 45^ afttlH TR 


j, ^ttft^l4!l ft-riti 15-7-2002 ^ ■Jt^ttH M4l4fft 44H 
ig 11-10-02 4ft 74 ft 4# *444144ft 11 -10-02 4ft ftll 
19-8-04 4ft 9TjpT ^ 3Rf: 4V*KK 
M<eK"i 4 ft 4 1 nMi*i >1110 Pitft J lft tkpftft* 4-11-06 4ft 
arartf 4ft aft? 4 41 4ft*R 4^r 44 ^ 44 94r®i 

14^ 31-1-2007 ^ ftRf 4«T JJHWy VBl T411 44 4^ 
dltfl ift 3t®w tft Orq-IKN 0 ! IRlf 44ft*W 4 J "34; 
44OT 2-3-2007 4ft 4 fTW 414fiFT 4^ 

TjtfRnpi 4lft 4lft 4 44R4I suft 4ft ^4 Pl4f 

^j4444ft4ift^ I 3RRT: f^HMh 1-1-20084ft4941144=1 
■34fi*Rl Rift 4(141 414: K4RVT 29-1-2008 4ft ^-Wl| 
ftg 4«t|PM4 4T 7W 4411 ftHRh 29-1-2008 4ft ^44T TStft 
^p44 4ft Ml* 23-1-2008 4ft Ttranft^ft 41 tftftiH .1^-44 
29-1 -2008 44fkq!r4^T 317ft I ftnftt 29-1-2008 4ft 

7J44T til 23-1 —08 4ft *i*J 4 4141 Fl if dsn 

4ft 4ftl 3lfktR4 ■ft 29-1-08 4ft WQ 4^T ^ 3(4: 44^ 



[Part II—Sec. 3(i<)] 

23-2-2000 Wt W TO TO ^ ^ ^JWl 

TXtft 411^1"»rt ftpj hM^h 4*k nfil TOI 'R 
wn TO t f* 29-1-2008 <i«IHI UI«fT Vf 23-1-2008 *?k 
TOI'fl'^k'ift 3TcT: M* 29-1-2008 TOT? ^ ^nff »lrt 

Tt '$& w*r wf ksiNt to q urif TOftro sirar $ra: 

TORI 3 yi*fi ^ IffeT TOT TO I 

6, TO ^ TOT TOT qf'fa f<T f ST^TTH 
irofl ni«if ^ ww q^T 3nf t to q ft ararof qfk 

TTOT 3n$ $ i firare *|Fhh q*k ®fft ^ a<ji<ii tot $ -sutt: 

W faTO ^ "*k TTOT Ul^ff TT MWJfl <*>*,i"l «jt TO fTO4 

iff ifatTO i Itorito ^ IqfMn qk*q qtf 11 
OTT®r4'snMt otto wf qHf qft ofe'A qftf qt 
iqHfqtfqSklJWiqTOqik'lO t^^RTOif 
it vRIVaRpTf qi ^sik to qref qik 3mi *k1h f^*s < ftn *n 
qUrok to ik q?lf tot to 1 1 arc: tori 'if 

uNf qflt qro qi^ q*r oiflwfft qtff t ofe ^ q^ fNtyr qq 

OTR “P(R TOR ^ iTO RRH t: 

M (*niei 4 wi^ 6 ftl., ^ 

toto "Bra *fro *& ftfe q*k l-i 1-93 

^ TOR I qW i aft i n gffrTfr I MPeff ^ 080 qri 4* 


% TOlrf 3IR ftror 3-3-2008 q?k ^ ^TOrPT 3 
ftNWI ^iWiT '^TOl TO # ■+>< ±K4»W qJTTORIil^ pTOl^K 

'Nil Kl^ I 

'felH TORI TPlf, TOIT*ftTl 
16 2008 

mm. 1051,—afcilPw* feWK aiflrtTOT, 1947 0947 
’0*1 14) TOT 17 ^ '*tjw. u i ^f, TOR 
Phih -iq^'iikd ftrst^ in fa. ^ pw # trs 
jfe 444* ^4s+>i0 ^ ^ PiR*d aferitfro 1*raR 

^N^towr sJhartro 3rflRiT<n/9R Riron TOigr ^ tot 
( iW Wvii ill 3Rli zf _ 0S/%) H!l Wlftlif liR® 

TO*R 16-4-2008 ^ WT^ait m 

[^ ^-29012/65/1995-3^ STRCRq) ] 
Tfl i^tt. ^kn, 3 tT^tS 

>Jew Delhi, the 16th April, 200& 

S.O, 1051-—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act* 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref + No. C1T 5/ 
96) of ibe Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum- 
Labour Court, Jaipur as shown m the Annexure, in the 
industrial dispute between the employers in relation to the 
management of Udaipur Mineral Dvelopment Syndicate 
Pvt Ltd. and their workmen* which was received by the 
CeniraJ Government on 16-4-2008. 

[No Lr29012/65/1995-lR(M)] 
N. S. BORA, Desk Officer 

■#^hr sftykPi* -ymifWui, 

^1T #,3(TltA 5/19W 

WlfiMs w4*K, 4FT TOcRT, f^ft 5R1^7T TOfar 
T^-29012/65/95-3Tli3TR Cftl^) 14TO30-H996 
,9ft ifeT ^ $ft iTMflHIiH flTIS 5RT TOfeT OTT TO^I 
TOf^rrwIti^i (TR.) 

^ nw <Ti|*i , wO CTOlf), 

’f'TTOT , tTO’rifH UT.iH., *(1(14141 I 



TTkrofei wftrarfk: wk Tfom tort nuf, 

aRl'ff sfe ^1: ifk ^Ph tottoi 

awrf: 03-03-2000 

1. *lRff swh ^ ITR h'hicth ^fk 3TR1 TFRIR 

29012/125/94 feTO 19-6-95 ^ 1<W W 

3Tft1¥fq fes W TOR |3TT t: 

'‘TOIRTO, fiRTH i«l<844d TT. 1h. f 

^ ski i-i^t ^ ^k *ii'{lnin ^ 

ftii 1 * 1-4-92 ^ ch* 1 661 iS <k(ii isf ^HT 

T^of ^ i 7 ^ ^ cik srfro fror tot -^i arfrorik 


2, I^TO 25-5-94 ^ fclRT 23-1-2007 TO TOT^T 

TH®ff ^ri^i ^*k ni*il<n ^ TOFTT TST I 3Un*ff ^*k 3Tkr 

^ ^k flKI JMiwfTT ^TT 3TFtfTOT3Tf 

t I TORT ^ ^,814. 31 -1-2007 4 T®I 

TO, ^(T ^ St TTtTOTOI wl 

5TFI TO ^T ^T TOk TT*T*T TOT, TORT 2-3-2007 ^ 
^tq JJHNIJTI TOT TO I fTTO 2-3-2007 ^ 
arfTOit ^ 3TTOT71 m ^ ^ Tjprogn tot qeT 
^m; 30-3-07, 9-4-07, 14-5-07 *k TORI TFTOJTT 
r-,^ t=ri<n TOT TO T^T "TO 1 ! ^ TTlMf ^1IJIRT 

’9Tl(f wjJ*in ’fl r ’^ B T gnWjJl] ^FTT ^3TT I 

■faTO 22-5-07 ^ TORT ^*T TOT TO rikf4*1 ^ET 

^ar -Rk toiT ii ^ ^ qspNi^k 

i fe: ttmT ^k ^ ^rfer wfk 1^^29-1-2008 
^ tort ^sqiriiT qr ^k toi to to 29-1-OS ^k 

’Ej^rr qitff ^fTOr ^ qrk 23 - 1-2008 qkk ?k ^qik *kk 

^flR 29 _ T - TOOK 4Tt ^314i HWf 4>l ®ik kt 

^ ■iHfRTd 3TFTT I TORI 23-2-2008 ^T TOT TOT, 
qlfTO qrk ^rfr ttTtt 29-1-2008 w TOT q^F ff *ft. 


10, 2008/ft3HV 20,1930 


•ft 696*6 % jii<# ^ 4tfl $ «ftir M 

6% I23-2-2008 6fl 'flordlh atfttelft mflOH 4 I 
2-2-2008 » l %few frqft'tf aijtlrc 29-1-2008 6ft ^661 

Wff 6% 23-1-200B 6% 6161 ’flft tft *R1: Rpfl 6% ^611 
ftNi bri ’’ph t?4 1-3-2008 6% y*H*i Pi<jh Pt>*«i ’■rat i 
1-3-2006 6ft 4 Britf 6ft 9(tl ^ 6%^ 43^6(1 6^1 3H6F 616; 
6# 63 }f> 6*^ ft**l[ 661 1 dUltelT ift fkl'M 63NI 

64ftel(l % I 

3. nix' 1 ) 4f ’’ft? 661 I 1996 

ft14H 64 fl4* 01*11*1 'ftftt"65Rli <81 '44flb vfl ^4165T^ 
tpF Jiftt hhkii tfLanft. d. ITOP’T’tf. 22/95 *ft cifta ffl 
TJrtff *|jWi6ft 3%? ?f ^ ft7T £34 Pt>-g s«4 a'rfi SfftT *nff 
ITO*ft'3 , RRl'ftTII*ff6ft29-l-20O86ftTj6 i llf^Wr 
23-1-2008 6 ftlF 67 i aft #86 29-1-2008 ^ W# 
3ik ^ »H * q R«M rtfff -arrort 6 tft i 

afc it 6ftJ ooh ftn b<! ftift % ararff 6ft aft? % 

4414 %4T fftift Blft 6ft 4Wg44»4f4ftf *fr I 

4. 66 16616 4l %6T6*8 444*) "fal 4*% 63 
BK Rl%f ’JPriH 6141 P+*i Ml41 *f*HH 6ft 3k^6 4>.4*l$ 
6# to$306ftt6S| WH%4 aft?’ 5 lftt4ilftBrerftjl^ 
*1 «6 Tfe 5TCB ifwff *1684^4 *%l4»Kftl%*iNBtffft 
dftl 116)4*1 ■% 'PlR 4Wli '({ftfl fain BIHl ft : 

"6664*, B^UgT f*H«1 ft£t& HL fk, ‘ 

4 ott 36^ *Pw flft ft* 33 tft BMten* br 6ft 
frlMi 1-4-92 ft 44% 665/ 6ft #6 *^RW Bftf 1ft4T BHT 
dfafl ^%4 "ft ? Rteft *lf 686 61% 63 4lftl43& 6ff ft?" 

7. oorf 616 %66 3—3—2008 6%^ •4I4IWI ft 
felW4l 4I4H (J'lW >KH “ft ^61 1U4 iK^ IHilVHI^ pNH^JUK 

%616lft I - 

H617T TPlf, 

M 16 *ft*r, 2008 

m« 10 S 2 .—4lhlPn« km 1947 (1947 

6*1 M) ^ 610 17 4tJ4U6 %, 4*%4 W6*K 6»l«6*l(ll 
^ 6661T6 ^ 1T66* f6%Nwf i»*rfi w>4w>nT 6* 
%l6, 4%IPW* l%6Rft 6^6 646.K 

6PWR6/66 -6'4K14,6^OTmt ^ , ^6IZ (^6^82699) 
6*1 IHillftlO 6i0(l ft, 6i ^4^4 4K61U 4*1 16-4-2008 ^*1 m'fl 

D4 ^1-4001204W-6% ancA^)] 
646^3lt F ft66;3lf663ft 
N«w Delhi, Om 16thApdl,2008 
$.0. 1052 .—Id purs mince of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref, No. 26/99) 
Of the Central Government Industrial Tribunal-cum-Labotr 
Court, Kolkata aa shown in tbeAiuwxure, in the industrial 
dispute between the employers in relation to the 

management of Kolknta. Telephones and their workmen, 
which was received by the Central Government on 

[No. L40012/24W-IR (DU)] 
AJAY KUMAR, Desk Officer 

Reference No. 26 of 1999 

Parties; Employers in relation to the management of 
Kolkata Telephones, Kolkata 


Their Workman 
Present: Mr. Justice C. P. Mlshia 

—Presiding Officer 


On behalf of tiie Mr. T, Chowdhury, Advocate 


On behalf of the Mr. K. Chattetjee, Advocate 


Dated: 27th Match, 2008 Industry : Telephones 


By Order No. L-400l2/24/99/IR(DU) dated 21-7-1999 
the Government oflndia. Ministry of Labour in exercbe of 
its powers under Section 10( 1 Xd) and (2A) referred ihe 
following dispute to this Tribunal for adjudication; 

“Whether the action of the Chief General Manager, 
Kotkata Telephones Kolkala in retrenching Sh. Brojo 
Kishore Behan, Casual Labour is legal and justified? If 
not, to what relief the workman is entitled?" 

2 . When the case is colled out today none appears 
for the workman, nor any step is taken on his behalf to 
proceed with the matter. Learned Advocate for the 
management, however, is present sod has staled feat name' 
is appearing pn behalf of the workman since bog nor any 
step is taken by him so that die matter can be proceed 
further and so it is clear that the workman is no longer 
interested in the matter, He accordingly has proyed that an 
appropriate order,may be passed for matter. 

3. On a perusal of die record it appears feat the no 
one is appearing on behalf of the workman since 22-1-2007 
in spite of notice, nor any step is also taken on his behalf 
so that the matter can proceed further. It is accordingly 
clear that the workman is no longer interested in the present 
matter under reference. In such view, of die matter, this 
Tribunal has no other alternative but to dispose of die 
present reference by a “No Dispute ” Award. 

4. A * No Dispute” Award is accordingly passed 
and the present reference is disposed of. 

C. P. MISHRA, PresidingCflncer 

Dated, Kolkala, 
fee 27th March, 2008 



[Part 11—Snc.3(ii)j 

3^ [srcil, 16 2008 

1053.“—Eta'll* w ftWK 1947 (1947 

in 14) W*T 17 ^ -aiwi 54^1^ 

jjlli'i ^ ^ fi^•allt <n<ti ^ 

sfWlpRilfeRR'^ +H4>K ifliiiPi* 
aflftffiWWT -4KIM4 * 11 , 4“5lMS "9> TTS41 

853/2005} ^ t, ^ tlt+U ^T 

10-4-2008 ^ TIM 1311 *01 

[TL T^f-42012/222/90-3«£ 31TC ) } 
3Rn 4j*rrc, ^+*t> 

New Delhi, ihc 16th April, 2008 

S.O. 1053.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of I947) h the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award Ref. No. 855/ 
2005 of Ihe Cent. Govt. Indus, Tribunal-cum Labour Court 
No-ll, Chandigarh as shown in the Annexure, in the 
industrial dispute between the employers in relation to the 
management of Equine Breeding Stud and the it workman, 
received by the Central Government on IE-04-200S. 

[No, L42012/222/90-1R (DU)] 
A JAY KUMAR. Desk Officer 




CASE ED. NO: 855/2K5 
Registered on: 9-9-2005 
Date of Decision: 4-4-2008 

Manjcct Singh S/o Inder Singh 
r/o V0L Piran Wall* P.O.NyoU Kalan, 

Distt Hissar. —PPTTHONER 


The Commandant, Equine Breeding Stud, Hissar. 



For the Workman Mr, Raj Kaushik, Advocate 

For the Management Mr. K.K.Thakur, Advocate 

Workman is not present. Management appears 
through counsel. Mr. Raj Kausbik, Advocate, who had 
been appearing for the workman till now states that as per 
his information the workman has died and his legal 
representative have not approached him* despite his best 
efforts* to get them substituted for the deceased workman. 
The record of the file also shows that the workman appeared 
in foe case in person only on 21 st of Dec, 2006 and in this 
between lie did not appear in person and his counsel 

represenied him. Now when foe counsel, engaged by him, 
has reported his demise. ho I noses the authority to 
represent him. The Legal representatives of the deceased 
have not approached The Tribunal to get themselves 
substituted for him. Who knows whether the workman has 
left behind any L.R or nm. in this situation the reference 
cannot be left like that and has lo be answered. 

Government of India. Ministry Labour, vide their 
Older No: L-420 ] 2: ; 2229li-lRi D V) dated 3/30lhofDx., ] 996 
referred the following dispute for the adjudication of the 
Industrial Tribunal, Chandigarh which was transferred to 
this Tribunal and was regime red on 9-9-2005: 

u Whether the uchvnie* of the Equine Breeding 
5tud n HEssar, coi lsH-ulo to be that of an industry 
under Li ic ID Act ;md if su whether the action of 
the Maiiagrmeni of Equine Breeding Stud Hissav 
in terminating the services ofShn Manjeet Singlf 
S/o Shri Judei' Sineh T daily rated worker is just, 
fair and Segal nni whether the action of the 
Munagcmvni of L-.t,n ine Breeding Stud, Hissar in 
deny ini 1 equnl 'Arises for equal work to the 
workman is ju^L and fair? IJ'iiuf, to what re lief the 
workman concerned isenticled coT* 

On getting lbe notice the parties appeared through 
tlieir representative and counsels and filed foelr pleadings 
in lhe shape of statement of claim, the written statement, 
rejoinder and supported ihc ;.aine with the affidavits of the 
persons they wished to ermine as their witnesses in the 
cas^ However* the record of die flits shows Uial the parties 
have not produced all their evidence. The workman was 
leading the evidence and now he is stated to have died, lie 
got his statement recorded, bin he warned to produce more 
evidence. The reference has to be answered on the basis 
of evidence available on record. 

The claim of Lhc workman, is that the Management 
farm is an Industry as defined by the Industrial Dispute 
Act, 1947 5 iiicc the sum l* i s bei ng run in a systematic manner 
for the production of higher quality of horses for the Army. 
The workman was engaged as die wki darby a verbal order 
in the year] 935 and he continuously worked for them till 
February, 1990 and each year ho performed duty Tor more 
than 240 day's, but he w;is nor paid lhe Minimum wages as 
were paid to the workers in oilier farms at Hissar, The 
workman along with eo-workers raised a combined claim 
for Minimum wages to the Management in March, 199D. 
The Management instead of giving Minimum wages 
disengaged all the work men who had raised Ihc claim by a 
verba! order dated 8 th of March. 1990, in violation of law 
and rules. The Management later on granted mi turn urn 
wages to foe workers when they put up their claim For that 
before the authorities. The Management further violated 
the law and rules by not preparing the lists of workers 
before disengaging them, by following the principle of first 
come Iasi £ 0 , According to the workman, his tern [nation 



W t ^ 10, 2008/4ws 20, 1930 

from services is bad in law, therefore, (he seme is required 
to be quashed and the workman should be treated in service 
and be also given regularization in service and grade under 

The management kas opposed the claim of the 
workman by raising a number of preliminary objections 
and also by denying die claim of the workman on merits. It 
is claimed by them that (be Management being performing 
Sovereign functions is not an industry. It is further claimed 
by them that the workman was engaged as daily labour as 
per the requirement of the farm and in accordance with the 
standing orders. The labour used to be informed a day 
earlier whether their services would be required on the next 
day. They denied that the workman had served the 
Management for 240 days each year. They have further 
denied that the services of the workman were disengaged 
due to malice or for the reasons that he had raised the claim 
of Minimum Wages, As per the practice whosoever was 
present in the morning was engaged for the day and there 
was no question of engaging some one else in place of the 
workman. They further denied die ebun of the workman for 
regularization in service or for giving him regular grade. 

In support of his claim die workman appeared as 
witness and proved his affidavit exhibit WWl and relied 
upon documents marked as WWl to WWLTO' In cress- 
examination be admitted that he has lost the Identity card 
issued to him. He claimed that he was getting rupees 23/- 
as wages per day and was paid for the days/he had worked 
for the Management and that he was disengaged on the 
8th of March, 1990. Barring this statement of the workman, 
there is no evidence produced by him to show that he had 
worked fin-(be Management from March, 1985 to 1990 ;and 
tfarhc had worked for 240 days each year or at least during 
12 months preceding the date of termination of his services. 
The record produced by the Management though is only 
Photo copies'of the documents and the same not proved 
since the Management was yet to enter upon their evidence 
when the workman died, prims facie go against die workman. 
If we count the days he saved twelve months before the 
date ofhis termination in March, 1990, he is shown to have 
served for 166 days as per the record produced by the 
Management. Against this record the workman has 
produced nothing and Providence has also no; given him 
the opportunity (o lead more evidence. The position has to 
be taken as it is. On record there is no evidence to show 
that the Management had violated the previsions of Law 
while terminating tbe services of the workman. Since the 
workman has failed to show that he had served the 
.Management for 240 days in twelve months preceding the 
date of termination of his services, therefore, he is not 
entitled to the benefit of section 25-F of the Industrial 
Dispute Act, 1947. The workman has further tailed to prove 
that he was not given equal wages for equal work. Similarly 
the workman bas failed to produce any evidence that the 
Management is an industry. 

In view of the discussion made above 1 am of the 
opinion that the workman has failed to show that the 
Management had violated the provisions of Industrial 
Dispute Act, 1947 in terminating his services, in not paying 
him equal wages for equal work. He is, therefore, entitled to 
no relief. The reference is answered against him and the 
award is passed. 

Let a copy of this award be sent to the appropriate 
government for necessary action and the file be consigned 
to records after due completion. 

KULDIPSINGH, PresidingOfficer 

^ 16 3fT^, 2008 

■ 1054.—Gwn atfaPraq, 1947 (1947 

^ 14 ) ^ qnr n ^ 

firitrr T3E ^ TflftRR ^ sffc ^ 

afottro fam* 3 mm ailiftfw 

srfiPEpiT m 2 , 4 u it j r<s it to (*M too 

85&20Q5) qri y+iftid t, ^ wt^it ^ 

16-4-2003 etfl 

E*. TST-42fll2/208/90-aai$ 3|R 0^) ] 
srro flgfirc, arfifiifl 
New Delhi, the 16th April, 2008 

S.O. 1054,—In pursuance of Section J 7 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award Ref. No. 858/ 
2005 of the Cent Govt, Indus. Tribunal-cmtt-Labour Court 
No-2, Chandigarh as shown in the Annexure, in the 
industrial dispute between the employers in relation to the 
management of Equine Breeding Stud arid their workmen, 
which was received by the Central Government on 

[No. L420L2/208W-IR(DU)] 
A)AY KUMAR, Desk Officer 




CASE J.D. NO: 858/2K5 
Registered on : 9-9-2005 
" Date of Decision: 4-4-2008 

Balbir Singh S/o Sher Singh C/O The President, Dtstt.. 
Agriculture Workers Union, Gali No. 5, House No 123, 
Jawahar Nagar,Hissar, —Petitoner 


The Commandant, Equine Breeding Stud, Hissar. 




[Part II—Sec. 3<iiJ] 


For the Workman Mr. Raj Knushik, Advocate 

For the Management Mr. K.K.Thakur T Advocate 

Workman is not present Management appears 
through counsel. Mr. Raj Kaushik. Advocate, who had 
been appearing for the workman till now states that as per 
his information the workman has died and his legal 
representative have not approached him, despite his best 
efforts, to get them substituted for the deceased workman. 
The record of the file also shows that the workman appeared 
in the case in person only on 21st of Dec, 2006 and in this 
between he did not appear in person and his counsel 
represestted him. Now when the counsel, engaged by him, 
has reported tus demise* he looses the authority to 
represent him. The Legal representatives of the deceased 
have not approached the Tribunal to get themselves 
substituted for him. Who knows whether the workman has 
left behind any LR or not. In this situation the reference 
cannot be left like that and has to be answered. 

Government oflndia, Ministry of Labour, vide their 
OrderNo. L 42012/20S/9(MR(D1J) dated 3/30th of Dec, 1996 
referred the following dispute for the adjudication of the 
Industrial Tribunal* Chandigarh which was transferred to 
this Tribunal and was registered on 9-9-2005: 

“Whether the activities of the Equine Breeding 
Stud, Hissar* constitute to be that of an industry 
under the ID Act and if so whether the action of 
the Management of Equine Breeding Stud, Hissar 
in terminating the services of Shri Balbir Singh 
S/o Shri Sher Singh P daily rated worker is just, fair 
and legal and whether the action of the 
Management of Equine Breeding Stud, Hissar in 
denying equal wages for equal work to the 
workman is just and fair? If not, to what reliefthe 
workman concerned is entitled to?” 

On getting the notice the parties appeared through 
their representative and counsels and filed their pleadings 
in the shape of statement of claim, the written statement, 
rejoinder and supported the same with the affidavits of the 
persons they wished to examine as their witnesses in the 
case. However, the record of the ftle shows that the parties 
have not produced all their evidence. The workman was 
leading the evidence and now he is stated to have died. He 
gothis statement recorded, but he wanted to produce more 
evidence. The reference has to be answered on the basis 
of evidence available on record. 

The claim of the workman is that the Management 
farm is an industry as defined by the Industrial Dispute 
Act, 1947 since the same is being run in a systematic manner 
for the production of higher quality of horaes for the Army. 

The workman was engaged as Beldar by a verbal 
order on 1st of Manch T l987 and he continuously worked 

for them till 6th of March* 1990 and each year he performed 
duty for more than 240 days, but he was not paid the 
Minimum wages as were paid to the workers in other farms 
at Hissar. The workman along with co-workers raised a 
combined claim for Minimum wages to the Management in 
March, 1990. The Management instead of giving Minimum 
wages disengaged all the workmen who bad raised the 
claim by a verbal order dated 8th of March, 1990* in violation 
of law and rules. The Management later on granted minimum 
wages to the workers when they put up their claim for that 
before the authorities. The Management further violated 
the law and rules by not preparing the lists of workers 
before disengaging them, by fol lowing the principle of first 
come last go. According to the workman^ his termination 
from services is bad in law* therefore, the same is required 
to be quashed and the workman should be treated In service 
and be also given regularization in service and grade under 

The management has opposed the claim of the 
workman by raising a number of preliminary objections 
and also by denying the claim of the workman on merits, h 
is claimed by them that the Management being performing 
Sovereign functions is not an industry. It is further claimed 
by them that the workman was engaged as daily labour as 
per the requirement of the farm and in accordance with the 
standing orders. The labour used to be informed a day 
earlier whether their services would b* required on the next 
day. They denied that the workman had served the 
Management for 240 days each year. They have further 
denied that the services of the workman were disengaged 
due to malice or for the reasons that he had raised the claim 
of Minimum Wages. As per the practice whosoever was 
present in the morning was engaged for the day and there 
was no question of engaging some one else in place of the 
workman. They further denied the claim of the workman for 
regularization in service or for giving him regular grade. 

In support of his claim the workman appeared as 
witness and proved his affidavit exhibit WW1 and relied 
upon documents marked as WWl to WWl/HL In cross- 
examination he admitted that he has lost the Identity Card 
and the appointment order issued to hint He claimed that 
he was getting Rupees 2V- as wages per day and was 
getting work for 25/26 days a month and that he was paid 
wages for the days he had worked for the Management; 
and that he was disengaged on Eth of March, 1990, Barring 
this statement of the workman^ there is no evidence 
produced by him to show that he had worked for the 
Management from 1st ol March, 1987 to 8th of March, 
1990; and that he had worked for 240 days each year Of at 
least during 12 months preceding the date of termination 
of his services* The record* produced by the Management 
though is only Photocopies of the documents proves that 
the workman had put in 264 days service when the 
Management had terminated. They have nowhere claimed 
that the Management had followed the provisions of 



WVTTmV 10 , 2008/4*19 20, 1930 

Section 25-F offoe industrial Dispute Act, 1947, hereinafter 
to be referred to os ‘‘Actf* before the termination of services 
of the workman. The Management is bound by their 
pleading* and the docume n ts. They cannot go bock from 
the stand taken and evidence produced by (hem. What is 
left to be exercised was the tight of cross examination of 
witness of the Management by die workman who is now 
dead. The position has to be taken as it is. In view of (be 
law laid down by dm Hon’Me Supreme Court of India In the 
case of Bangalore Water Supply and Sewerage Board 
verms A. Rajappa reported as 1978 Lab-LC 778 followed 
by mimerow Judgement of foe Apex Court such as Des 
Raj versus State of Punjab repotted as (1988) 2 LLJ 149, 

- General Muager, Telecom versus Srinivasan Rao, civil 
Appeal No 7*45 of1997 decided on Nov. 18,1997, there 
remains no doubt to bold that the Management is an 
industiy since it was engaged in systematic activity, 
organized by co-operation between the employer and the 
employee for production of high quality of hones. 

In view of foe discussion made above I am of the 
opinion that die termination ofservices of the workman by 
the Management was in violations of Section 25-F of die 
Act, therefore, tbe terminal km was bod in law and is hereby 
quashed. The question now comes as to what relief dm 
workman Is entitled to. As stated earlier, foe worianau is 
dead. From the evidence available on record it is clear that 
his engagement was not under due procedure of law, 
th er e fo r e, the question of his reinstatement does not arise' 
in view of foe dictum ofHonTrfe Supreme Court of India in 
foe case of Secretary, State of Karnatka versus Uma Devi 
and other* reported as (2006) 4 SCC 1. He is however, 
entitled to compensation which in the circumstances of 
foe case I assess at rupees fifty thousands. The Manage¬ 
ment is directed to pay this amount to the Lit* of the 
deceased workman within force months from foe date this 
award becomes enforceable, foiling which foe LRs shill 
also be entitled to interest on the said amount @ 9% P.A. 
from the sard dale. The refe re nce » answere d hi these terms. 

Let a copy of fob award be sent to the a ppr opria te 
government for necessary action and foe file be consigned 
to records after due completion. 

KULDIP SINGH, Piwiding Officer 
16 3|fcr, 2008 

W.SR 105R—ate&PHi Rtw 1947 (19+7 

qa 14) qft qm i? ^ ^ftq totc jqqanfr 

ftliq tw q> gq'Mtfr ^1+ a>tfa>it! q» 

tilq, ai^t ff RRn afcilPi* flfdN i| qidflq -Ht+tK <tteilPl4» 
2,4«4|qq^tNlE 861/2005) ^ 

JW»lR(1(l q) 4»*l0q qtf 16-4-2008 qft 9TC1 

T&n *ot 

[Tt W-420I2/244J90-M SIR Ht.%) ] 

New Delhi, foe 16th April,2008 

S.0,1055.—bi pursuance of Section 17 of foe 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), foe Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ret No. 861/ 
2005) of foe Cent. Govt Indus. Tribuul-cun Labour Com 
No, 2, Chandigarh as shown in foe Annexurt, in the 
industrial dispute between the employers in relation to foe 
management of Equine Breeding Stud and their workmen, 
which was received by the Central Government on 

[No. L42012/244tf0-IR (DU)] 
AJAY KUMAR, Desk Officer 



CASE LD.NO: 861/2K5 
Registered on:.9-9-2005 
Date Of Derisknu 4-4-2008 


Dal ip Singh S/o Sunder Singh C/o Tbe President, District. 
Agriculture Workers Union, Gall No. 5, House No, 123, 
JawnharNogat, Hissar. ^ 



The Commandant, Equine Breeding Stud, Hisw. * 



Forfoe Workman ; Mr. Rjy Kaushik, Advocate 

For the Management : Mr. fCIUTtakur, Advocate 

J Workman is not present. Management appears 
through emaBcl. Mr. Raj Kaushik, Advocate, who had 
been appearing for foe workman till now states that as per 
his information the workman lias died and his legal 
representative have not approached him, despite hb best 
efforts, to get them substituted fot* the deceased workman. 
Tbe record of foe file also shows that foe workman appeared 
in the case in person only on 21st of Dec., 2006 and in this 
between he did mot appear in person and his counsel 
represented him. Now when the counsel, engaged by him, 
has reported his demise, he looses the authority to 
represent him. Tbe legal representatives of the deceased 
have not approached tbe Tribunal to get themselves 
substituted for him. Who knows whefoerfoe workman has 
left behind any LR or not. In fob situation foe reference 
Cannot be left like that and has to be answered. 

GovenunrtH of India, Mialtoy of Labour, vide their 
Order No. -L4mTM«0-lR<DU)daied BGOfoofDcc. 1996 

1526 <31/00—15 


[Pa*tIT— Sit. 3{ii)] 


referred the following dispute for the adjudication of the 
Industrial Tribunal, Chandigarh which was transferred to 
this Tribunal and was registered on P-9-2005: 

"Whether the activities of the Equine Breeding 
Stud, Hissar, constitute to be that of an industry 
under the ID Act and if so whether the action of 
the Management of Equine Breeding Stud, Hiasar 
m terminating the services of ShriDalip Singh s/o 
Shri Siuinder Singh, daily rated worker is just, fair 
and legal and whether the action of the 
Management of Equine Breeding Stud* Hissar in 
denying equal wages for equal work to the 
workman is just and fair? If not, to what relief the 
workman concerned is entitled to?" 

On getting the notice the parties appeared through 
the? representative and counsels and filed their pleadings 
in the shape of statement of claim, the written statement, 
rejoinder and supported the same with the affidavits of the 
persons they wished to examine as their witnesses in the 
cas£r However, the record of the file shows that the parties 
have not produced all their evidence. The workman was 
lending the evidence and now he is stated to have died. He 
gothis statement recorded* but he wanted to produce more 
evidence. The reference has to be answered on the basis 
of evidence available on record. 

The claim of the workman is that the Management 
form is an industry as defined by the Industrial Disputes 
Act, 19+7 since the same is being run in a systematic manner 
for the production of higher quality of horses for the Army, 
The workman was engaged.** chowkidar on 3rd of March, 
1995 and tie continuously worked for them till 8th of March, 
1990 and each year he performed duty for more than 240 
days* but he was not paid the Minimum wages as were 
paid to the workers in other farms at Hissar + The workman 
along with co-workere raised a combined claim for Minimum 
wages to the Management in March* ]990. The 
Mraagcmttrt instead of giving Jfonmum wages disengaged 
all the workmen who had raised the claim by a verbal order 
dated 8th of March, 1990, tn violation of law and rules. The 
Management later on granted minimum wages to the 
workers when they put up (heir claim for that before the 
authorities. The Management further violated the law and 
rules by not preparing the lists of workers before 
disengaging them, by following (he principle of first come 
last go. According to the workman* his termination from 
services is bad in law, therefore, the same is required to be 
quashed and the workman be treated in service and be also 
given regularization in service and grade under rules. 

The management has opposed the claim of the 
workman by raising a number of preliminary objections 
and Also by deny ing the claim of the workman on merits, it 
fa claimed bythem that the Management being performing 
Sovereign* functions is not an industry r It is further claimed 
bythem that the workman was engaged ^ daily labour as 
per the requirement of the farm and in accordance with the 

standing orders. The labour used to be informed a day 
earl ier whether their serv ices would be requi red on the ne*t 
day. They denied thal the workman had served the 
Management for 240 days each year. They have further 
denied that the services of the workman were disengaged 
due to malice or For the reasons that he had raised the claim 
of Minimum Wages, As per the practice whosoever was 
present in the morning was engaged for the day and there 
was no question of engaging someone else in place of the 
workman. They farther denied (he claim of the workman tor 
regularization in serv ice or for giving h im regu lar grade. 

In support of his claim the workman appeared as 
witness and proved bis affidavit exhibit WWI. [n cross- 
examination he admitted that he has lost (he identity card 
issued to him. He claimed that he was getting rupees 23/- 
as wages per day and was getting work for 20 to 24 days a 
month. Barring tins statement of the workman* there is no 
evidence produced by him to show that he had worked for 
Management from March* 1985 to 1990 and that he had 
worked for 240 days each year or at least during 12 months 
preceding the date of termination of his services- The 
record produced by the Management though is only Photo 
copies of the documents and the same not proved since 
the Management was yet to enter upon their evidence when 
the workman died, prima facie go against the workman. If 
we count the days he served twelve months before the 
date ofhis termination in March, 1990* he tg shown to have 
served for 180 days as per the record produced by the 
Management Against this record the workman has 
produced nothing and evidence has also not given him the 
opportunity to lead more evidence. The position has to be 
taken as it is. On record there is no evidence to show that 
the Management had violated the provisions of law while 
terminating the services of the workman Since the workman 
has foiled to show that he had served the Management for 
240 days in twelve months preceding the date of termination 
of his services, therefore, he is not entitled to the benefit 
of Section 25-F of the Industrial Dispute* Act, 1947. The 
workman has further failed to prove (hat he was nol given 
equal wages for equal work. Similarly the workman haft 
failed to produce any evidence that the Management is an 

In view of the discussion made above I airt of the 
opinion that the workman has failed to show that the 
Management had violated the provision* of Industrial 
Disputes Act* W7 tn terminating his services, in not paying 
him equal wages for equal work. He is T therefore, emitted to 
no relief. The reference is answered against him and the 
award i$ passed. 

Let a copy of this award be sent to the appropriate 
government for necessary action and the file be consigned 
to records after due completion, 

KULDIP SINGH, Residing Officer 



WlUMI ttif 10, 2i008/#?ira 20, 1930 

«An. aooa 

w^n, 1056,—f^5 rNPpir 1947 (1947 
14) tiRT 17 ti* 4*3*1111 ^f, 3jl INK 

fotim ^ iwmbu r» ifru PimMmJ aftr i*|tfc (Mfeii? ^ 
4N, '* 154 * 1 4 Mfye sArtflwflwR^ <jS*i?N uotr <4hilPw 

4|R|4)<V| 9n *m<IR(4 *f, 2, titiflqg ^ ifal? (iW TWR 

(st/ 2005 ) w) iviftn ^ tk4>*i ^ 

16-4-2008 tift ira Tplf PHI 

[7L ^400i2r|79aooi -onf m tft^)] 

NewDebi, to 16th April, 200* 

3,0, lW(,-Hbi ponwMKf of Section 17 of (he 
BndiwAfUiU, Disputea Apt, 1B47 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government turetypublitos the Award Ref No. 658/2005 
of the Cent Govt. Indus. Tribunal-uim-I^baur COyrtNo. 2, 
Chatidigartt as showy in the Annexurc, in the industrial 
d^mte between IheecDpJctyein h idaiinn to to ma na ge m ent 
of Deportment of TeUcom end (heir workmen, which wk 

[No, Lr40OI2/17tkQOOl«IR(pU)] 
AJAY KUMAR, Desk Officer 




PreddlngOOktr SkHKiUlpSiifb 

CASEiD.Np- 65&2R5 
Registered on: 24-8-2005 
Dole ofDecdskm: 7-4-2008 

Mllap Chand Cfo Shit N JL J«t, 

Lai SinghBnstl Rood; Bhatbdh. ....Petttoner 


The General Manager, Telecom, 

E lO-B^Buldin^Bluitiodr. ^.Re^wndeot 


For the Workman: 

Mr.N.KJeet, AR 
For the M&niggHxan 
Mr, G-C.Babbar, Advocate 


The wmrieman Is not present He was not present on 
the last dote also. His representative appeared in otfcer 
cmet, but stated that he has no instruction to appear in 
the case. Today again he has made a simitar statement at 
bar. On the last date It was directed that the workman be 
summoned again and the notice was sent to him vide this 

office No. 945 dated 19th of Feb, 2008, He is not present... 
owed today. The previous cood uct of the workman suggests 
that he has lost interest in the case as despite getting 
opportunities he has failed to produce any evidence, Even 
he hiipaelfhas not come to make the statement proving his 
affi davit or certifying dteebim made by him. On the request 
ofhia representative, the Tribunal allowed the prayer and 
directed the summoning pf his witness on certain 
QandiUons. The workman did not fulfill these coadfeitts. 
Therefore, his witness was not summon&l The position it 
that hb representative has also withdrawn from appealing 
on his behalf. Government of India, Ministry of Labour 
vide their orderNo: L-40012/179/2001-lR(DU)li« desired 
to know “Whether the action of Management of Geieral 
Manager, Telecom, Bhotinda in terminating the services of 
Sb Mi lap Chand S/o Sh. Psrsihda Ramis just and legal? If 
not to whet relief the workman is entitled toand from which 
date?” The workman, in support of his claim, that he had 
worked b Telephone Exchange, Gamboa, Bhatfndafiom 
25th of August, 1994 to 1st of Match, 1999 on a monthly 
salary ofngiees 2138/- and ihe Management had temunated 
his services without notice, charge sheet, enquiry or 
compensation and that the Management retafoed his 
juniors but terminated his services illegally, has pofeced 
no evidence not even has examined himself to prove his 
affidavit, nor appeared to answer the quarries of the 
Management The claim made by the workman has been 
denied by the Management and they have supported their 
claim with ihe affidavit of their witness, Th? parlies hare 
come to the same platform on facts. The looser in this is the 
workman as there is no evidence on record to show that 
the workman was engaged In' the Management and ft is 
they who had term inured his services illegally. Therefore, 
the workman is not entitled to any relief The reference is 
answered against him and die award is passed, 

Let s copy of this award be sent to the appropriate 
government for necessary action and the file be consigned 
to records after due completion. 1 

KULDIP SINGH, Presiding Officer 
^ 16 eliflT, 2008 ! 

W.4R 70S7.-^fllliPWi flWR RfaPflti, 1947 (1947 
tifl 14) tift tilll 17 tit 4, tii-lftti TWR ift 1 ft 

^ tiwtitfi* fttiNnif ate tintoaf i wK 

snjsm 4 ftfte Rhn 4 45-die tiwk ^triHhtir 
atfMtiRti/titi -tiWIflti ti. 2, ftwft ^ ’'ftiR (Ttof "TOff 
127/(994) ueilftn tiroft t, tit afafar trajr wt 
16-4-2008 tirt TIPS fW till 

[it t2PT-420i2/17*91-«^«R «fc^)] 
arstit "iltir aifitasHt 
New Delhi, the 16th Apt 11,2008 

S-O. 1057,—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Centre! 



[Part II—Sec, 3(1 i}] 

Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref,127/94} of 
the Central Government Industrial Tribunal-ciiin Labour 
Court No. 2, New Delhi as shown in the Aimexure, in the 
industrial dispute between the employees in relation to the 
mmageiDejit of C.P.W.D. and their workmen, which was 
received by the Central Government on 16-04-2008. 

[No. L-42012/17493-1R (DU)] 
AJAY KUMAR, Desk Officer 


Presiding Officer: R. N. Rat 
I.D. No. 127/1994 
Complaint Nou 06/2004 
In the matter of:—> 

Shfi Suresh Kumar, 

C / o the General Secretary. 

CPWD Mazdoor Union, 

Room No. 95, Barracks No. 1/10, lam Nagar House, 
SahqfafaanRoad, New Delhi -110011. 


The Chief Engineer, New Delhi Zone-UL CPWD, Sewa 
Dhawan, 1st Floor, R.K. PuranuNew Delhi 


The Ministry of Labour by its letter No. L-42012/174/93 
CENTRAL GOVERNMENT DT. 17/29-11-1994has referred 
the following point for adjudication. 

The point tuns as hereunder 

“Whether the action of the management of 
C.P-W.D. in not regulating the services of the 
workman &h. Suresh Kumar, Sewerman w.e.f. 
9.5.1988 is justified? If not, to what relief the 
concerned workman is eat it led?” 

That the workman wasuutially appointedou9th May, 
1988 as Sewerman on Work Order in R.K. Puram Enquiry 
under Bub-division-4 of'M* Division under the control of 
above management That the workman has not been paid 
even minimum wages by the management till dote thereby 
taking forced labour which is not permissible under law of 
the lamLThat the old pay scale of regular Sewerman in the 
CPWD is Rs. 2 10-250 and new pay scale is Rs. 810-1150 
and subsequently the Government as per Arbitration 
Award, have revised the pay scale w.e.f 1st April, 1981 as 
Rs, 260—400 and the new pay scale is Rs. 950-1500. 

That the management treated the workman as 
contractor calling his work as Work Order, but the foots are 

That the workman himself was performing die work 
of management under the control and supervision of the 
Management in the case of Sim Suresh and other 
5ewermen,all are performing duties under the control and 
guidance of Junior Engineer of the concerned Sob-division, 
That Sbri Suresh Kumar is workman within the definition 
of Section2(s)<ofthe Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. 

That the management wantonly and camoufiagedly 
indulged in unfair labour practice with a view to deny the 
proper pay scale to the workman as indicated above,That 
in the C.P.W.D., the daily rated workers were called as 
Master Roll Hand Receipt Work order. These type of 
nannescannot supplant the character of the workman under 
Section 2(s) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.That the 
Hon'ble Supreme Court vide their order on 17-1 -1986 in case 
of Surender Singh and others Vs,Engmeer-m-Chief r CPWD 
have directed the management to pay the petitioners and 
all other daily rated employees the same salary and 
allowances as are paid to the regular and permanent 
employees w.e.f. the date they were respectively employed 
and the Hon'ble Supreme Court also hoped that 
Government will take appropriate action to regularize the 
services of all (hose workmen who have been continuous 
service employed for more than six months.That the 
management has regularized the services of many junior 
persons to this workman on die time scale but the concerned 
workman discriminated after the orders of the Hon'ble 
Supreme Court 

That the management is indulging in unfair labour 
practice and exploiting the workman belonging to S/C 
community.That the demand of the workman Shri Suresh 
Kumar to regularize him in the time scale is justified as well 
as legal also. 

That it is strange to note that in CPWD the daily 
rated workers have been getting wages In die time scale in 
their respective employment but Shri Suresh Kumar 
belonging to SC community was not even paid minimum 
wages which action of the Government department is not 

That this Hon'ble Tribunal has the jurisdiction as 
envisaged in Schedule 111, Item 7 i.e. “Classification By 

That the workman is legally entitled and justified lo 
be regularized as Sewerman in the proper time scale w.e.f. 

The management filed written statement stating 
Iherein that there is no such person in the name of Shri 
Suresh Kumar working as a Sewerman under the work 
charged category of Muster Roll/ Hand receipt category, 
in any offices under this zone and, therefore, il is not very 
dear as to how there be any dispute regarding alleged 
regularization of Shri Suresh Kumar w.e.f. 9*5*84. 

|E$H), 20084*19 20, 1930 


III facAAerebttKStoSurefoKiHi9,wQri£niga*a 
contractor in MJJ. voder PCC:VL Hetakcs small/ petty 
works vs Work Order basis and attends such items like 
cteanfag end imncwalof drtkage in gaffy traps, dmin p^es, 
waste plates etc. and sudi nvfebob which &1I under the 
jurisdictifoi of CPWD as stipulated in Woik Order from 
time to time on item rate basis. Obviously, payments are 
released to this contractor against wink done based on 
such Work Orders strictly as per the relevant rules and 
regulations currently b vogue. 

Therefore, these is no case whatsoever with regard 
to any employment of Shri Surah Kumar as a Sewennan in 
CPWD. Accordingly, there could be no bsuewilfa regard 
to ihe alleged ngularizHdnn of the said Shn Surest Kumar 
as a Sewennan w.e.f. 9-5-88 or any other date. 

Under the aforesaid facts and circumstances of this 
case, h prana facie amo u nts to misuse of the process of 
conciliation proceedings at the forum of Assistant 
C ortyn is,'U mMf / Regional I^x njr QnnniisrinMr under the 
Ministry of Labour. Union of India. 

The workman applicant has filed rejoinder. In die 
rejoinder he has reiterated the averments of his claim 
statement and has denied most of the paras of the written 

Evidence of both the parties has been taken. 

Heard argument from both the sides and perused tbe 
papers on the record. 

From perusal of the pleadings of the putties the 
following issues arise for adjudication: 

I. Wbefoer the worionan applicant haa completed 240 
days wrek during the tenure of his employment and 
wfaefoerthereia employer and employee relationship 
between the management and the workman? 

2 Whefoo- foe claimant is workman in view of section 
2{s) Of the 10 ID Act, 1047? 


3. whether the claimant j$ entitled to reinstatement 

A Whether foe workmen applicant is entitled to Equal 
Pay for Equal Work, to what amount nfback wages 
foe workman is entitled ? 


It was submitted foam the side of the workmen font 
he was engaged as Sewerman w.e.f 09.0S.198S. He was not 
paid even minimum wages. He was not pakl the scale of 
regular Sewennan in CPWD. 

The management treated tbe workman as contractor 
calling his work® work Older. He was himself performing 
tbe work of the m an agement under the control and 
supervision of the management 

It was submitted from foe side of the management 
that foe workman was working as Sewennan under the 
work charge category of Mister KoO/hnnd receipt category. 

He was made payment on foe wort order basis and be was 
deputed an cleantog and removal ofebokage b gully trapes, 
drain pipes, waste, plates etc. and such manholes which 
fall under the jomdictan of CPWD. 

The management witness has admitted in his cross 
examination as lmder— 

“It is correct that the name of the workman 
Sh. S. Kumar appears m foe complaint register starting 
from 09-05-1988,’* 

it has been further admitted by the management 
witness as under 

Tt is correct that sewtraan job has been given to 
the workman as per our record” 

It was also admitted by foe management witness ns 

“I have brought previous record also today. He was 
engaged on daily wages @ Rs. 18.80 per day. Tender is 
called for six months to one year (witness states that the 
work had been given to the workman on basis of some 
tender since09-05-1988 till date). This is very important to 
determine as to whether foe workman is the regular 
employee of foe management or b only a contractor to 
whom work is assigned on the basis of tenders. 
Management witness b directed to prepare a chart from 
09-05-1988 up to his last assignment indicating as to how 
many people filled foe tender and opted for doing this 
work and whether there was any break in foe continuity of 
foe service of this workman from 09-05-1988 till date. He 
shall also produce copy of the documents on which his 
attendance used to be marked. He shall also indicate as to 
from which date he was being paid mocSvly and front which 
date he was being paid on the basis of complaints attended 
by bun. Terms and conditions of the tender foaQ also be 
filled by tbe management There was no difference in foe 
quantity of work done by him and he used to be paid go 
tbe basis of foe complaint attended by him. Whatever 
complaints were being received were being given to him. 
Tbe per complaint rate is Rs. 6.30 p. the presence offegular 
employment were being entered In this complaint book 
who were assigned the duties of die sewerage. Similar type 
of diary has been issued to foe regular employees doing 
this job. There are regular employees also doing same type 
of sewerage job. Those regular employees are being paid 
foe grade as per government rates. The workman was not 
working in the multi/storyed building. Tbe buildingjob of 
which was entrusted to the workman belonged to tbe 
Central Government. 

Tbe fflanogjoraenl has admitted I tat fab name of tbi? 
workman has been altered in fat complaint register starting 
from 0£-05-1988. Tbe management witness has admitted 
that the job of se^rtmun has been given to the workman as 
per their record. The management witness baa further 
admitted that tbe workman has been continuously working 



[Part 11—See* 3(Si>] 

as Sewerman. The management witness has also admitted 
that he was engaged on daily wages and he was being paid 
an monthly basis. 

It is settled Law that even the contractual workers 
engaged through contractors for perennial nature of work, 
becomes the employee of the Principal Employer. In case 
contract is sham and ruse and in case it is found that a 
workman is working under control and supervision of the 
management and his services are integrated to the 
management and payment to him is being made by the 

Uhasbcen held in (1992)4 SCC J IS,"'Regularization 
Ad hoc/Temporary govt, employees - Principles Laid 
down—Those eligible and qualified and continuing in 
service satisfactorily fur long period have a right to be 
considered for regularize ion - Long continuance in service 
gives rise to a presumption about need for a regular post - 
But mere continuance fur one year or so does not in every 
case raise such a presumption - Govt, should consider 
feasibility of regularization having regard to the particular 
circumstances with a positive approach and an empathy 
for the concerned person." 

It has been held in 1997 AIR SC W Page 430 that the 
industrial adjudicator should decide whether there is valid 
contract or it is a mere ruse/camouflagc and if it is found 
that the contractor is only a name lender the management 
should be directed to regularize the workmen. In JT 2003 
(1) SC 465 the Hon'ble Supreme Court has held that 
industrial adjudication is appropriate remedy for the alleged 
contract workers. In (2000) 1 SCC 126 - the Hon'ble Supreme 
Court has held that there are multiple pragmatic approach V 
factors which should be considered in deciding employer 
and employee relationship. According to the criieria there 
should be control and integration. The management has 
doubtless control over the alleged contractor's men as 
they work-in the establishment of the management. They 
are integrated to the service of the management. There are 
no terms and conditions of the contract so there is master 
and servant relationship. The creation of contract labour is 
only sham and camouflage and the employer cannot be 
relieved of his liabilities. 

In Pollock Law of Torts a servant and an independent 
contractor has been defined as under t— 

The distinction between a servant and a independent 
contractor has been the subject maiter of a large volume of 
case-law from which the text-book writers on torts have 
attempted to lay down some general tests. For example, in 
Pollock's Low of T orts. (Pages 62 & 63 of Pollock on Torts, 
15th Edit.) the distinction has thus been brought out: 

4 A master is one who not only prescribes to the 
workman the end of his work, but directs or at any moment 
may direct the means also, or, as it has been pul, retains the 
power ofcontrollmg the work, a servant is a person subject 
to the command of his master as to the manner in which he 

shall do his work...An independent contractor is one who 
undertakes to produce a given result but so that in the 
actual execution ofthe work is nut under the order or control 
of the person for whom he does it, and may use his own 
discretion in things not specified beforehand..*...*, 

In Salmond’s Treatise ou the Law of Torts the 
distinction between a servant and independent contractor 
has been indicated as under: 

“What then, is the icsi of this distinction between a 
servant and an independent contractor? The test is the 
existence of a right of control over the agent in respect of 
the manner in which his work is to be dune. A servant is an 
agent who works under the supervision and direction of 
his employer; an independent contractor is one who is his 
own master A servant is a person engaged to obey his 
employer's orders from time to time; an independent 
contractor is a person engaged to do certain work, but to 
exercise his awn discretion as to the mode and time of 
doing it - he is bound by his contract, but not by his 
employer's orders 

The test regarding independent contractor and 
intermediaries have been laid dawn in Hussainabhah Calicut 
V. the Alath Factory ThczhiEali Union Kozhikode [AIR 197® 
SC 1410 (3 Judges)) ^Tbe true lest may, with brevity, be 
indicaled once again. Where a worker or group of workers 
labours to produce goods or services and these goods or 
services are for the business of another, that other is p in 
fact, the employer. He has economic control over the 
workers subsistence, skill, and continued employment. If 
he, for any reason, chokes off, the worker is, virtually, laid 
off The presence of intermediate contractors with whom 
the workers have immediate or direct relationship as 
contract is of no consequence when, on lifting, the veil or 
Looking at the conspectus of factors governing 
employment, we discern lho naked trulh, though draped in 
different perfect paper arrangement that the real employer 
is the management, not the immediate contractor. Myriad 
devices, haLT-hiddcn in fold after fold of legal form 
depending on the degree of concealment needed, the type 
of industry, the local conditions and the like may be resorted 
to when labour legislation casts welfare obligations on the 
real employer, based on Articles 38 „ 39,42 ± 43 and 43-Aof 
the Consttlulion. The Court must be astute to avoid the 
mischief and achieve the purpose of the law-and not be 
„ misled by the maya of legal appearances." 

This case Jaw has been affirmed by the Constitution 
Bench Judgment in Steel Authority of India. Ln case the 
security job chokes off the workmen would be laid off. 
Such contract is prohibited; it is not a contract for a given 

My attention was drawn to another Constitution 
Bench Judgment - Steel Authority of India. It has been 
held as under:— 

* Where a workman is hired In or in connection with 
the work of an establishment by the principal employer 


WIN'!* 10, 20,1930 



through a contractor, be merely acts as an agent $o there 
win be master and servant relationship between the principal 
employer and the workmen. But where a workman is hired 
in or in connection with the work of an establishment by a 
contractor, either because he has undertaken to produce a 
given result for the establishment or because he supplies 
workmen for any work of the establishment, a question 
miglOC arise whether the emtaact is a mere cunouflagtas 
In Hiissainahhai Calicut's case (supra) and in Indian 
Petrochemicals Corporation's case (supra) etc^ ifdie answer 
is in the affirmative, the workmen will be in fact an employee 
ofthe principal employer, but if the answer is in the negative, 
the workmen will be a contract labourer," 

In the instant case the workmen have not been hired 
in connection with the work of a contractor but they have 
been hired by tiKoontmctnr for the went of foe respondents. the instant case there is contract of service between 
the principal employer and the workmen. 

The Constitution Bench Judgment of Steel Authority 
of India is squarely applicable in Ibe instant case. In JT 
2001 (7) SC 268 it has been held foat u l21 (5) On issuance 
ofprohibits notification under Section 10( [) ofthe CL RA 
Act prohibiting employment of Contract Labour or 
otherwise, in an industrial dispute brought IOC before it 
by any contract labour in regard tp conditions of service, 
■be industrial adjudicator will have to consider the question 

whether the contractor has been interposed either on the 
pound of banting undertaken to produce any given result 
for the estsNdishmeni or for supply of contract labour for 
work of the establishment under a genuine contract or is a 
mere ruse / camouflage to evade compliance with 
various beneficial legislations so as to deprive the 
workers ofthe benefit thereunder, If foe contract is found 
to be not genuine but a mere camouflage, die so-called 
contract labour will have to be treated as employees ofthe 
principal employer who shall be directed to regularize the 
services of the contract labour in the establishment 

It has been held la this case that whether there is 
prohibition of contract labour or otherwise the industrial 
adjMfcator will have to consider fovqueslion and in case 
the contra# appears ruseand camouflage to evade compli¬ 
ance with various beneficial legislations the so called 
contract Uxair will have to be treated as the employee of 
the prmcipal employer and he shall be directed $o regularize 
the services of the contract workers. 

Engagement of contract workers for perennial and 
regularualue of job is prohibited. The security function is 
a perennial nature of job. So long as the respondents exists 
there would be need of security for them,so foe work is of 
existing, continuous and perennial in nature for such work 
contract workers cannot be employed. 

According to well reorganization definition of 
contract it is ah agreement for a given result The result 
should be visible. Contract labourers can be engaged for 
the work of contractor only and not for the work of any 
establishment. In the present case the work is of the 
establishment and not of the contractor. The term supply 
of labour by a contractor Is against human dignity. No one 
can be a supplier of human labour to any establishment. It 
is the duty of State to give employment to citizen and not 
of the contractors. 

, It is admitted by the management that the workman 
was engaged on 9-5-1988 and h e has worked continuously 
up to 1-6-2004. During the pendency of the reference the 
management illegally removed foe workman in 2004 
violating Section 33 ofthe ID Act, ] 947. 

The management witness has admitted that by 
Circular letter dated 18-08-1993 the engagement of work 
order basts, hand receipt basis and contract basis was 
prohibited fay the government The workman has worked 
under the control and supervision of the managienvent. 
MW 1 has not denied foe continuous working of the 
workman from 9-5-1988 to I -6-2004The workman is not an 
independent contractor. He worked as per direction ofthe 
management authorities, so there is employer md employee 
between foe management and the workman and the 
workman has completed 240 days in every year of his 

This issue is decided accordingly. 

ISSUE No. 2 

It was submitted from the side of foe management 
that foe workmen are independent contractors. 

My attention was drawn to the judgment ofHcm'ble 
Delhi High Court WP{Q No,7032 of 2005. The Hon’ble 
Court has placed foe reliance on order dated 20-43-1993. 
The workmen wotted under the direction of foe Engineer 
Incharge, m foe above circular the management directed 
foe authorities of CPWD to send the list of such daily 
rated muster roll workers engaged on hand receipt or work 
ordier or any other basts defining foe existing government 
instructions ensuring interalia termination of services of 
all such workers who have not completed 240 days services 
in two tonsequetive ycare.The probable demand requiring 
appointment of such workers may also be intimated to this 
Directorate. As such in the circular of 1993 a complete ban 
was imposed on engagement of workmen on work enter or 
hand receipt and it was also directed font the list of those 
workers who have completed 240 days of services should 
also be intimated to the directorate The Hoo’ble High Court 
held font the workers engaged on work order basis shall 
also be daily rated workers and provisions of Section 
25 - F of the lD Act, ] 947 would be attracted. 



[PAffi II— Sec. 3(*i)] 

The claimant in this case is workman in view of 
sectian2(s)ofthe ID Act, 1947. 

This issue is decided accordingly. 

ISSUE No. 3 

It was submitted from the side of the management 
that the workmen were engaged as contractors for cleaning 
the sewe Hines. Even if it is found that there is direct relation 
of employer and employee the workmen may be given 
compensation in lieu of reinstatement. 

- It was submitted from the side of the workman (hat 
compensation is payable in cases where an undertaking 
has become sick or it has been dosed or it is in economic 
loss. It has not been established that the bankis in economic 
loss and it is a sick Indusay.My attention was drawn by 
the Ld Counsel of the workman to 2000 LLR 523 State of 
UP and Rajender Singh The Horf ble Apex Court ordered 
for reinstatement with full back wages as the services of 
the daily wager cleaner who worked for 4 year* was 
spensed with without following the procedure for 
retrenchment. In the instant case also no retrenchment 
compensation has been paid. This case law squarely covers 
(he instant case. 

It has been held in 197* Lab 1C 166* that in case 
service of a workman is terminated illegally the normal tuLc 
is to reinstate him with lull back wages. 

My attention was fiirther drawn (o AIR 2002 SC 1313. 
The Hon'ble Supreme Court has held that daily wager 
even if serving tor a short period should be reinstated. 

U was submitted from the Side of the workman that 
in the instant case Sections 25 F p G of the ID Act are 

In Section 25 of the ID Act it has been provided that 
if a warkmanhas performed 240 days work and if the work 
is of continuous and regular nature he should be given 
pay in lieu of notice and retrenchment compensation. 

It has been held by the Hon'ble Apex Court that 
there Is no cessation of service In case provisions of Section 
25 F are not compliedn In the instant case no compensation 
btt been paid to the workman. 

In case a workman has worked for 240 days in a year 
and the work is of continuous and regular nature he should 
be paid retrenchment compensation, In case retrenchment 
compensation is not paid Section 25 F of the ID Act is 
attracted. There is no cessation of his services. He is 
deemed continued in service in the eye of law. In case there 
ia breach of Section 25 F the service is continued and 
reinstatement follows as a natural consequence. 

ID Act r 1947 has been enacted to safeguard the 
interest of the workmen belonging to poor segment of 
society It appears that legislature wanted that such 

workmen should not be harassed un necessarily so Section 
25 F, If, T and Clause 10 ofVth Schedule have been enacted. 
The objects and reasons of ID Act, 1947 show that the 
respondent management should not be permitted to 
indulge in any unfair labour practice. The workmen should 
not be engaged for years and then they should be removed 
all of a sudden. There is provision of retrenchment 
compensation for his removal. Retrenchment compensation 
is for compensating him otherwise so that he can survive 
long interregnum of unemployment. In the instant case no 
retrenchment compensation has been paid. 

It was submitted from the side of the management 
that the Hon 1 ble Apex Court in 2006 (4) Scale has put down 
a complete ban on regularization and reinstatement. The 
Hqrfble Apex Court has held that employment can only be 
made on the basis of procedure established in that behalf 
envisaged by the Constitution, Equality of opportunity is 
the hallmark and the Constitution enshrines affirmative 
action to ensure that unequals are not treated equals. So 
public employment should be in terms of constitutional 

It was further submitted that the Constitution Bench 
Judgment has afforded a right according to which the 
government is not precluded from making temporary 
appointments or engaging workers on daily wages. 

The Government has got no license to make always 
appointment of daily wagers and to continue them for life 
time. Fixed term tenure appointments and temporary 
appointments cannot be the rule of public employment. At 
the time of making temporary appointments Articles 14? 16, 
21,23* 226 & 309 are in fringed. There is no constitutional 
mandate that the government is at liberty to go on giving 
fixed term appointments for the entire tenure of service of 
an employee. 

The Government or Public Sector units cannot 
continue incessantly to give temporary and fixed term 
appointments again and again. Since fixed term 
appointments and temporary appointments are not 
governed by any constitutional scheme, such 
discrimination wilt amount to vicious discretion. The 
Government of Public Sector unit will go on resorting to 
the method of pick and choose policy and give lemporaty 
and adhot appointments to their favorites and thus the 
principles of equality enshrined in the constitution will be 
given a go bye. Such is not the intent of the Hon'bte Apex 
Court. However, in this judgment the provisions of the 
ID Act governing the services of the workman have not 
been declared unconstitutional. Reinstatement is the 
remedy provided in the ID Act for breach of several 
provisions enumerated there in or for breach of service 
rules provided in various labour welfare legislations. 

A three Judges bench of the Hon’ble Apex Court 
has held in 1993 * II * LJ that tetmination of services affects 
the livelihood of not only of the employee but also of the 


dependents. So in case of illegal termination of service the 
workman should be reinstated. 

Hie workman was engaged as casual labour w.e.f. 
9-5*1988 and when be mbed the dilute his service were 
illegally terminated by the management in 2004* The 
workman has worked continuously from 1988 to 2004. 

The workman was initially was initially engaged on 
09-05-1988 and he has rendered continuous service up to 
“26thOctober, 2004, As such he has served the management 
from 09-05-1988 to 26th October, 2004 and thereafter the 
management has illegally terminated die services of this 

. The workman is a manual labour. He must b« 
performing some duties of cleaning sewer etc., so be Is 
entitled to 5014 back wages. The workman is entitled to 
reinstatement along with 50% buck wages since the 
termination of his sendees i.e. 26th October, 2004. He is 
further entitled to regularization. 

It has been held in Constitution Bench Judgment in 
Uma Devi’s case that m case a temporary employee has 
worked for 10 years even temporarily and not without the 
orders of the court die government should consider the 
feasibility of regularization. This workman has admittedly 
worked from 1988 to 2004, so he has rendered continuous 
service for 15 - 16 years. The Hon*ble Apex Court had 
directed for regularization of the services of the workman 
who have'completed 10 years of service. This workman 
worked continuously for 15 16 yvarstbeteafler his services 
have been terminated, so this workman js entitled to 

This issue is decided accordingly. 

ISSUE Nix 4 

It was submitted from the side of the workman that in 
viewof 1966LU134, AIR 1991 page 173 in vtewof Directive 
Principles of Suite policy has confirmed in Article 30(d) of 
the Constitution a casual workman cannot be denied the 
same salary of class - IV emptoyees when they performed 
the same duties on regular basis. There should be equal 
pay far equal wtirk add it should be treated as a fundamental 
right in service jurisprudence. 

It basbeenheldb (2003)6 SCC123 asunder; 

The principle'of “equal pay for equal worif is not 
always easy to apply. There are inherent difficulties in 
comparing and evaluating the work done by different 
persona in different Organizations, or even in the same 
organization. K is a concept which requires for its 
applicability complete and wholesale identity between a 
group of employees Claiming identical pay scales and foe 
other group of employees who have already earned such 
pay scales. The problem about equal pay cannot always 


be translated Into a mathematical formula. It is obvious 
from the judgment that the principles of equal pay for equal 
work cannot be applied everywhere. A daily wager holds 
no post. Scale of pay is attached to-* definite post' This 
workman was not holding any definite post, so be cannot 
be compared with the regular tnd permanent staff for equal 
pay and allowances. 

[t has been fiother held in (2003) I SCC250as under; 

“Equal pay for equal work - applicability of the 
principle of held, depmds not only on the nature or volume 
of work but also on the qualitative difference in reliability 
and responsibilities as well—evpn in case of same 
functions, responsibilities domake a real and substantial 
difference-It is for the claimant of parity to substantiate a 
clear - cut basis of equivalence and a resultant hostile 
discrimination - In absence of requisite substantiating 
material, High Court e rred in granting the NMR workers' 
daily wagm/casual woricere parity in pay with the regularly 
employed staff merely on presumption of equality of the 
nature of work - However, such workers, held, entitled to 
payment of prescribed minimum wages.” 


It has been held in this case tint equal pay for equal 
work would depend iqun not only die nature or the volume 
of work but also on the qualitative difference as regards 
reliability and responsibilities though the .functions may 
be the same. 

The workman was engaged on work order basis. He 
was not a regular employee, so he is not entitled to Equal 
Pay For Equal Work, 

. It has been held in the other issues that the workman 
has worked for 240 days every year during the entire period 
of bis engagement. His services ware illegally terminated 
on 26-10-2004 while thlt reference was pending. The 
workman is a manual worker. He must be doing some sort 
Of work off and on. In the circumstances .the workman is 
entitled to 50% back wages from 26-10-2004. 

This issue is decided accordingly. 

The reference is replied thus 

The action of the management of CPWD in not 
regularizing the services ofthe workman a, Stevsh Kunw, 
Sewermkn is not Justified. The workman Is entitled to 
reinstatement along with S0% back waps since the date of 
termination ofhis services Le.26-10-2004. He is oho entitled 
to regularization we £26-10-2004 The management dtouid 
reinstate the workman w.e.f 26th October, 2QW and pay 
him 50% back wag es and reguferoc his services with in two 
months from the date of the publication of the award. 
Complaint no06/2004*s decided accwdrogly. 

The award is given accordingly. 

Dsed 31-3-2008 

R. N. RA], Presiding Officer 

tiRcTqil TRTT 10, 2008/^lTH 20, 1930 

1526 GI/06—16 



[Part II—SecJ(l)] 

16 2008 

W.CT, 1050,—aHfiilPl* fcWK 4ll»l!H*W, 1947 (1947 
^1 14) VTT17 ^ 

^ JW'lJl ^ -flili ^ 41^, 

FiPta afftdtfirar ftupj ^ m$Ai afttilThtb 
aiftwi 9 pt ^wiwj 2* M f^Mrfl 
62/96)^ 16—1-2008 
■^Tira mi 

[K T^-420lI/65/96-3Hf m. {^)] 
'^HK t -iw* srfi^nft 

New Delhi* the 164b April, 200B 

S+O* 1058.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref. 62/96) of 
the Centers! Government Industrial Tribunal-cum Labour 
Court No-2. New Delhi as shown in the Annexure, in the 
industrial dispute between the employers in relation to 
the management of C, P, W.D. and their workmen, received 
by the Central Government on 16-04-200*. 

[No. L-4201 ltf 5/96-lR(DU)J 
AJAY KUMAR, Desk Officer 



Presiding Officer: RlN. Rai I.D. No. 62/1996 


Shri Hari Ram p Represented by 
General Secretary, 

GPWD Mazdoor Union, 

B26(OidQrtr), Raja Bazar, 

Baba Kharak Singh Marg, 

New Delhi -1 1000]. 


Director General of Works* C.P.W.D. 

Niivnan Bhawan* New DeBu -1EO00L 


The Ministry of Labour* Government of India vide 
its Order No. L4201 l/65/96-IR(DU)clated 30-5*96 have 
referred the dispute between the above parties for 
wljudkadon and the schedule is reproduced below: 

41 Whether the action of the managenwiit of CP WD 
in not regularizing the services of S/Shri Hari 
Ram, Rajender Singh, Masons and 
S/Shri Des Raj and Dbawmvir, Plunders is 
justified? Jf not, to what relief the concerned 
workmen are entitled to?” 

That S/Shri Hari Ram and Rajinder Singh were initially 
engaged as Masons on full category and 
S/Shri Desh Raj and Dharamvir were initially engaged as 
Plumbers on full category and they were working under 
Delhi Avialion Division, CPWD, R, K, Puram, New Delhi 
and posted at Jharoda Kalan. 

That Shri Dharamvir* Plumber was transferred w.e.f 
24-9-92 from Delhi Aviation Division to lowahor Lai Nehru 
Stadium* Asian Games Division-Ill at Lodhi Road, New 

That full particulars of the workmen are given as 

S. No. Name of the 
Father's Name 
Date of Engagement 

I, Hari Rain 

Prabhu DayaL 



2. Rajender 

Man Singh 



3. Des Raj 

Mool Chand 



Dbaram vir 

Salag Ram 



That the above workmen have been performing their 
duties continuously without any break. 

That the name of Shri Hari Ram was registered as 
Mason in the employment exchange. Copy of the same h 
marked as annexure "A" with this application. 

That the name of Shri Rajender Singh was registered 
Mason in employment exchange. Copy of the same is 
marked as Annexure ’B 1 with this application. 

That the name of Shri Des Raj was registered as 
plumbeT indie employment exchange. Copy of the same is 
marked as Amiextire LE C" with this application. 

That the name of Shri Dharamyir was registered as 
Plumber in the employment exchange. Copy of the same 
marked as Annexure “D 1H with this application. 

That the above workmen have been performing their 
duties as skilled artisans in the divisions or the above 
management and same is confirmed as per the experience 
certificate issued by the officers concerned as under: that 
the o^ncemed Engineers has issued certificate that Hari 
Ram ts doing the job of full Mason in this campus since 
long time and the same is exhibited as Annexure A-L 

That the concerned Engineers has issued certificate 
that Rajender Singh is doing the job on full Mason in this 
campus since long time and the same is exhibited as 
Annexure B-l. 

That concerned Engineer has issued certificate that 
Shri Des Raj is doing the job of full Plumber since long time 
and the same is exhibited as Annexure C-T, 


10 , 200S/$¥IW 30,1930 


That Shri Dbararavir has pertbnned work of Sill 
Plumber upto 24-9-92 in the Delhi Civil Aviation Division 
and thereafter in the Asian Gomes Divi5ion-IU,J.N. Stadium. 

That all the four workmen have been working 
independently as Masons and Plumbers. 

That in the assistant category. Masons/ Plumbers 
were getting wages in the time scale of Rs. 210*290 upto 
31*12*85 and w.e S. 1*1*86 in the pay scale of Its. 800*1 ]QQ. 

That in fheCPWD, the wages of skilled workmen in 
the category of Mason/ Plumber have been getting in the 
old pay scale of Rs. 260-400 and w.e.f. 1-1-86 in the pay 
scale of Its. 950-1500. 

That alter the implementation of judgment of 
Hon’ble Supreme Court in the matter of Surinder Singh 
and others Vs. Engineer -in - Chief, CPWD dated 
17-1-86 for equal pay for equal worit, the daily rated 
workmen/ muster roll in the category of Mason/Plirmber 
are getting wages in the fillL scale i.e.Rs. 260-400/950-1500 
as skilled workmen. 

That the management has not been paying the wages 
to the above workmen in the pay scale of Rs. 260-400/950* 
1500. but their wages are fixed arbitrarily in the assistant 
category as unskilled workmen in the pay scale of Rs. 210 
290/—Rs. 800*1100 but the workmen have been performing 
their duties as full Mason/P lumber and working 
independently so come whhin the definition of skilled 
workmen as per CPWD Work charged Manual Vol. Ill nnd 
also as per the categorization under the Minimum Wages 
Act, 1948. 

That the workmen have been performing the same 
duties as their counterparts have been doing on regular 
and work c har ged categories but the concerned workmen 
discriminated in the payment of pay and allowances for 
skilled category. 

That at the time of filling up the vacancies through 
sponsorship from employment exchange, the Executive 
Engineer had conducted ‘trade test for the above four 
workmen and after qualifying die said teat conducted by 
the said authority, they were engaged for the work of 
M ason/Pl umber, respectively. 

That S/Shri Des Raj and Dhnramvir, Plumbers had 
also qualified the trade test as prescribed by the 
Coordination Circle under the management of Plumber and 
the same is marked as Annexure -E with this applicatfon. 

That . Shri Ram Singh was appointed as Asstt. Mason 
but his services were regularized as Mason in the year 
J 986 in the pay scale of Rs. 950-1500 but S/Shri Hari Ram 
and Rajmder Singh, Plumbers, were discriminated even in 
the payment of pay and allowances in the scale of Rs. 950- 
1500 and till date their services have not been regularized 
by the management. 

That the workmen have been performing their duties 
relating to masionaiy/Plumber works for maintenance of 
buildings which are of skilled nature. 

That more than 25000 workers have been working 
under the above management in different divisions on the 
work of mabuenance of buildings. 

That according to Model Standing Rules under 
Industrial Employment Act, a workman having completed 
90 days of continuous service deemed to hove attained the 
status of permanent workman and the management has 
been want only denying the facilities to the workmen and 
thereby discriminating them amongst the same 
employments which is nothing than the hostile 
discrimination against the workmen concerned with this 
dispute.That as per Model Standing Orders under the 
Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946, in 
Schedule -I, the operative portion is reproduced as under 
n st 

Management filed written statement stating therein 

Contents of this pant are nutter of record. 

In foot, Shri Hari Rom S/o Shri Prebhu Dayat was 
initially appointed on Muster Roll on 5-10*79 in the category 
of Assistant Mason and Shri Rajendra Singh S/o Shri Man 
Singh was initially appointed on Muster Roll on 4-3-85 in 
the category of Assistant Mason. They were never 
appointed as Mason as alleged in this para. ' 

In reply to para 3, it is respectfully submitted that 
Shri Dharamveer, Assistant Plumber was transferred on 
24-9-1992 from Delhi Aviation Division to'Asian Games 
Division No. Ill, who was also Initially appointed on Mirier 
Roll as Assistant Plumber. 

Contents of para 4 are not correct The workmen 
were never appointed as Mason/ Plumber but as Auutu 

M ascitfAssistant Plumber, particulars of their engagement 

are matter of record. 

Contents of para 5 are wrong and denied. The 
workmen were engaged as Assistant Mason and Assistant 
Plumber in the category of Semi-skilled workers. The 
workers were performing their duties as per norms laid 
down for the respective categories. 

Contents of para 6 ore not correct. It is not 
understood as to how the workers have .obtained the 
certificate, as alleged in fob para. 

In reply to para 7, it is wrong and denied that all the 
four workmen have been working independently as Mason 
and Plumbers. They were never deputed as such. They 
were deputed for foe duties as per norms of their category 
of Assistant Workers i.e. Assistant Mason and Assistant 

In reply to para 9 , it- is submitted that foe scales 
mentioned in this para Were meant for skilled workmen 
whereas foe workmen to this ease pertains to Semi -skilled 
category and not skilled category. 

Pare 10 needs no reply. However, it is respectfully 
submitted that, the four workmen of fob case were in foe 



(Part 11-Sec. 3(li)l 

assistant Category and they were given the scale meant 
for them. 

In reply to para 11 it is again reiterated that the 
workmen were engated as Assistant Mason and assistant 
Plumber and have not been working independentlyn They 
are nut covered by the definition of Skilled-workmen. 

Contentions raised in para 12 and 13 are wrong and 
denied. The workers were engaged as Semi-skilled workers 
in the category of assistant Mason and Assistant Plumber. 

Contentions raised in para 14 are wrong and denied. 
Qualifying the trade-test does not mean full scale, until 
and unless they are so appointed. Passing the trade test 
means that they can be appointed to the post of Plumber 
and Mason as and when vacancies are available according 
to their seniority. 

In reply to para 15 it is submitted that S/Shri Hari 
Ram, Rajinder Singh are Assistant Masons and not 
Plumbers. The matter of their regularization is under process 
and active consideration of the competent authority. 
Regularisation depends upon the availability of posts and 
el®bilhy of workers. 

In reply to para 16 it is respectfully submitted that 
regularization depends on various factors and as already 
stated the regularization is under consideration depending 
upon various factors such as sanction of posts* availabi lity 
of vacancies/posts and eligibility of the workers. 

Para 17 and 1S need no reply as no citation has been 
given and full judgement has not been attached. Hence, 
the respondents are unable to state anything in this case. 
There has been no discrimination. No names of junior 
persons regularized have been disclosed. Hence 
Respondents are unable to say anything in this regard. To 
the best of their knowledge, no junior person has been 
regularized h If there is any* workmen may be directed to 
supply the names of such junior persons for consideration 
and investigation of the matter. 

In reply to para 19 it is respectfully submitted than 
the workmen are performing petty repairs of Semi-skilled 
nature and not the construction of maintenance work of 
government Buildings r The workers are being paid 
according to the Wages Act and Industrial Employment 
Act and Rules made thereunder. 

Contentions raised in para 20 and 21 are wrong and 
dental The workers have been performing (heir duties 
relating to the Assistant category* which is not of skilled 

Contents raised in para 22 and 23 are wrong and 
d?ry*d However* it is respectful ly submitted that the matter 
of regularization is already under active consideration of 
competent authority depending upon their eligibility and 

[n the facts and circumstances of the case, the prayer 
of die applicants cannot be granted. It is accordingly prayed 

that the application, being misconceived are wrong, may 
kindly be dismissed with costs. 

The workman applicant has filed rejoinder. In the 
rejoinder he has reiterated the averments of his claim 
statement and has denied most of the paras of the written 
statement. The management has also denied most of the 
paras of the claim statement. 

Evidence of both the parties has been taken. 

Heard argument from both the sides and perused the 
papers on the record* 

It is admitted to the management that Sh< Hari Ram 
was engaged as Mason on 05-10-1989 and his services 
have not been regularized so far. Sti. Rajinder Singh was 
engaged as Mason on 04 -03-19KS and he has been still 
working. Sh, Desh Raj was engaged as Plumber on 
13-11-1986 and bis services have been continued- 
Sli. Dharamvir was engaged as Plumber on 1 l-02-19EGand 
his services are still being continued. 

From the above it becomes quite obvious that the 
workman Desh Raj has rendered 21 years of service. This 
workman is still working as temporary employee. Payment/ 
Grade of skilled workman has not been made so far. 

MW 1 has admitted in his cross-examination that the 
orders dated 20.10.2000 were issued by the S.C. 
Co -ordination of CPWD for the regularization of SJl Han Ram 
&Sh r Rajinder Singh w.e f 17.10.1996 in Assistant Cetegoty. 

Sh. Rajinder Singh was engaged on 04.03.1986 and 
his services have been regularized in Assistant Category 
since 17,10-1996. It was also brought to my notice that Ihe 
services of Sh. Dharamvir has also been regularized. The 
management has not regularized the services ofSh, Desh 
Raj. He has been working continuously as Plumber From 
13, M ,1986. Sh. Dharamvir is junior to Sh. Desh Raj and, his 
services have been regularized. The workman Sh, Desh Raj 
has served the management for 20 - 21 years. 

It was submitted from the side of the management 
that in Manika DevPs case the judgment of Hon'ble Apex 
Court of seven Judges Bench has held that the government 
should follow the principles of reasonableness in execution 
of action. The services of other three workmen of this case 
has been made regular. This workman has worked for almost 
20-21 years. The Hon'ble Apex Court in2007 (12) Scale 
has held that rt would surely not be reasonable if claim of 
regularization is denied even after such a long period of 2 L 
years. The management has violated Article 14 of the 
Constitution of India on ihe grounds of arbitrariness and 
un reasonableness. If an employee has put such a long 
service* benefit of regularization cannot be denied to him 
and he could not be made to face the same selection which 
fresh recruiters have to face. 

The management has taken the plea that the posts 
are not sanctioned and appropriate action will be taken 
when po$t$ are sanctioned. It is admitted to the management 


RWH3TNPI8 10, 2008/^ira 20, 1930 


that a junior employee to Sh. Desh Raj engaged as Plumber 
has been regularized. In the circumstances non- 
regularization of the services ©fSh. Desh Raj is violative of 
Article 14 of Constitution of India. 

It is no doubt, the prerogative of the government to 
sanction posts but in case posts are not sanctioned for 
20 • 21‘years it would be on-reasonable and arbitrary and 
violative of Article 14 of the Constitution of India. No 
employee can be keptteniporaiyfar20-21 years even in 
view of (he recent judgment of Uma Devi's case of (be 
Constitution Bench Judgment. 

It has been held m this case that in case a workman 
has worked continuously for 10 years, the government 
should consider the feasibility of regularization. Sh. Desh 
Raj deserves regulftizetkm in view of die regularization of 
the services of Sh. Hari Ram and, Dharamvir and 
Sh. Rajiixfer Siighw.e.£ 17-10-1996. This workman » also 
entitled to regularization and all (he emoluments from 
17-10-1996 as the management-has done in the case of 
Sh. Rajender Singh. 

The reference is replied thus: 

The action of the management of CPWD in not 
regularizing the services of Shrl Desh Raj, Plumber b not 
justified. The management Should regularize the services 
of Sh, Desh Raj, Plumber from 17-10-1996 and pay him 
arrears accordingly within two months from the date of the 
publication of the award. 

The award is given accordingly. 

Dote: 2*.C33t)0* 

R. N. RAJ, Presiding Officer 
16 3^,2008 

W.OT. 1059.—Hwn auftPlWT, 1947 11W7 
ail 14) ^ RKT17 ^ 3, <6d&*l 4H«K 

atjWs 3 fflSvj ^ 0*494 +H4iK dAfeilPiai 

Jt(W«i 2,^1$ ■'Nie (TM’staii 

6/96) "Si nwiftiu wvil f", mw 'ml16-4-2008 

. [ll t^t-42011/229/94-31^ SIR 

arzq ^HK, siflimifr 
New Delhi, (heldth April, 2008 

S.Q. 1059.—It) pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), {he Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award (Ref.6/96) Central 
Government Industrial Tribunal-cum Labour CourtNo-2, 
Now Delhi as shown fai the Annexure, in the industrial 
dispute between tho employers in relation to the 
management of C.P.WJ). and then- workmen, which was 
received by the Central Government on 16-04-2008. 

[No. L-4201 l/229/94-|R(Dl))l 
AMY KUMAR, DeskQfficer 



LABOtmooiiKr*n, newdlehi 


LD, No. 06/1996 


Shri Rattan Laland Vijay Pol, 

C/o CPWDMazdoor Union, 

E*26(6idQitr),RjjB Bazar, 

Baba Kharak Singh Maig, 

New Delhi. 


Tbe Executive Engineer, 

*G’ Division, CPWD, 

East Block-II, Level H, 

R.Kj’uram, New Delhi 


The Ministry of Labour by its letter No.L42011/229/ 
. 94.UUDU) dated 27/2&ti December, 1995 DT27/28-] 2-1995 
has referred the following point for adjudication: 

The point runs as hereunder: 

“Whether the action of the management of 
Executive Engineer, CPWD in tenffittating 
the services of Shri Rattan Lul and Vijay Pal 
Sweeper and Sewtemanrespectfvelywx.f 1-9-93 
-is justified? If not, to what relief the workmen are 
entitled T 

The workmen applicants have filed claim statement. 
In the claim statement it has been stated (hat they were 
working under the direct control of Director General of 
Works, CPWD, Nirman Bhewan, New Delhi 

That tbe management of CPWD has been recruiting 
Daily Rated workers by calling them Muster Roll-Workers, 
Hand Receipt woken and Work order workers and all the 
workmen have been performing same and similar duties as 

they counterparts in the regular category ofworkcharge in 
the time scale. . 

That this feet is confirmed by letter no34/17/93-EC.X 
dated 18th August, 1993 issued by the Director of 
Administration, CPWD to all the Chief Engineers and their 
subordinate offices not to engage daily rated workmen on 
muster roll, hand receipt or work order. The copy of the 
said order is enclosed herewith and marked as Anuexure- 
A with this claim application. 

Thai as per Hon’bie Supreme Court Older dated 
17-1-86 in the matter of Swfcider Singh A Ors Vs. Englneer- 
in-Chief, CPWD, all tbe daily rated workers have got the 
areats of equal pay in the lime scale as their counterparts 
have been getting in the time scale attached with the 
respective postsand are still daily rated workers in the said 



[Part II— Sec. 3(ii)] 

establishment but the daily rated workers engaged on the 
socallcd nomenclature of work order have got only wages 
fined under the Minimum Wages Act fixed by the 
appropriate government from time to time* 

That full particulars of workers connected with this 
dispute are given as under: 

(I) Shri Rattan Lai £/o Shri Shyam Lai was engaged as 
Sweeper on unskilled work w,e.f. 6-1-86 and he 
worked continuously himself under the direct control 
and supervision of the above management upto the 
date of termination i,e. 1-9-93 without any 
compensation^ notice, notice pay etc. as provided 
under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. 

(II) Similarly, Shri Vijay Pal S/o Shri Cham pat was also 
engaged as Sewerman w.e.f. 1M-1990 with the 
management and worked continuously himself under 
the direct control and supervision of the above 
management upto the date of termination i.e. 
I -9-1993, without notice, notice pay, compensation 
etc + as prescribed under the provisions of Industrial 
Disputes Act, 1947. 

(III) That as per the classification of the management of 
CPWD* regular Sewerman has been classified as 
skilled workman and getting the wages in the pay 
scale ofRs. 950-1500 but the concerned workman 
Shri Vijay Pal was paid only minimum wages 
fixed for unskilled workmen for the work 
performed by him during his employment with the 

That the management did not servo proper nolice, 
notice pay or gratuity as per Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 
and Also violated Section 25(f) of the said act 

That many junior workmen working in the CPWD 
were retained in service and the above workmen have been 
terminated when they demanded wages in the proper pay 
scale as equal pay for equal work which the management 
was already paying to the daily rated workmen whose 
nomenclature were termed by the management as Sweeper 
ehheron muster roll or hand receiptor Sewerman on . 

roll or hand receipt 

That the management discriminated in payment cl 
wages even between the daily rated workmen which L 
also unfair Labour practice as envisaged In the Fifth Schedule 
of Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. 

That the establishment of the management to 
undertake work of maintenance and construction nf 
buildings, supply of electricity and water etc. is covered 
under the Payment of Wages Act thereby covered under 
the Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946 and 
as per the said Act, the workmen are entitled to permanent 
status after completion of 90 days of service. 

That the management with a view to deny the 
workmen permanent status after completion of 90 days of 

service terminated their services which also unfair labour 
practice under the iaid provisions of the Act. 

That the workmen are not only entitled to be 
reinstated in service but also are entitled tube reinstated in 
the time scale as daily rated workers have been getting 
wages in the time scale except increment as per the order of 
DOW, CPWD complying with the judgment of Hon'ble 
Supreme Court in the matter of Surender Singh & Others 
Kn Engincers-in-Chief, CPWD for the payment of equal 
pay for equal work to ihe daily rated workers. 

That the action of the management for terminating 
the services of workmen S/Shri Rattan Lai and Vijay Pal 
Sweeper and Sewerman respectively w.e.f 1-9-93 neither 
justified nor legal. 

That both the workmen are entitled to be reinstated 
in the time scale attached with the respective posts w e.f. 
1-9-1993 with full back wages, continuity h service with all 
consequential benefits. 

The management has filed written statement. In the 
written statement it has been stated that the above said 
claimants have no locus standi to file this claim against the 
respondent management being there is no industrial dispute 
between the parties. 

That there is no relationship of Employer and 
employee and that a master and servant either existing or 
otherwise exists between the claimant and (he respondent 
management i.e. C.P.W D, 'G* Division. 

That there is no industrial dispute between the parties 
and there is no relationship existing between the claimants 
and the management as an employee and employer. 
Therefore the present reference is not maintainable and is 
liable to be quashed on this short ground and the claim of 
the claimant is not supported by an affidavit therefore the 
claim is not maintainable in the eye of law and in the interest 
of justice at all 

That this court lias no jurisdiction to entertain such 
references being the reference made in the present case is 
not maintainable and is not entertainable, Therefore, it is 
liable to be rejected/dismissed. 

That by virtue of the position of the applicant-claimant 
and (he status of the applicant-claimant as a contractor, 
they did not answer the description of the word '^workmen” 
as defined in clause(s) of Section 2 of the Industrial Disputes 
Act 1947. In view of this position of the matter the application 
of the applicant-claimant is utterly misconceived and the 
same deserve to be dismissed outrightly in limine. 

I hat the above said claimants were engaged as a 
contractor and they were awarded the contract for cleaning 
of sewerliues on complaint basis and they were never 
engaged as an employee or a workman on daily wages and 
they were never designated as a sewerman. 

That the above said claimants were engaged as a 
contractor workmen and they arc bound and governed by 


IQ, 2008/^m 20, 1930 


Chapter lit of Contracts of CPWD Manual and the 
Arbitration and Litigation cases of Section 34 of the said 
volume. Therefore, when dispute arises between the parties 
then they can approach the management to appoint the 
arbitrator only. 

That without prejudice to the above, it is submitted 
that the present dispute referred by the Government of 
India to this honourable courtAribunal for adjudication is 
not an industrial dispute as defined under section 2(k) of 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 because it ia not a case of 
discharge, dismissal retrenchment or termination of the 
services of the claimant As already submitted above that 
it is a case of contractor ship which is not come under the 
purview of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 and the 
provision of the industrial Depute Act, 1947 does not apply 
in this case. Therefore, the present reference made by the 
government in that respect is without jurisdiction and is 
liable to be quashed out rightly by this honourable court 

The workmen applicants have filed rejoinder. In the 
rejoinder they have reiterated fee averments of their claim 
statement bid have denied most of file paras of file written 
statement. The management has also denied most of the 
paras of the claim statement. 

Evidence of both the parties has been taken. 

Heard and perused the written briefs and fee papers 
on the record. 

From perusal of the pleadings of the patties the 
following issues arise for adjudication: 

1. Whether the workmen applicants have completed 
240 days work during the tenure oftheir employment 
and whether there is employer and employee 
relationship between the management and the 

2. Whether the claimants are workman in view of 
Section 2(s) ofthe ID Act, 1947. 


3. Whether the claimants are entitled to reinstatement/ 

4. Whether the workmen applicants are entitled to 
Equal Pay for Equal Went? 

5. To what amount of back wages the workmen are 


It was submitted from the side of fee workmen that 
the workman Sh. Rattan Lai was engaged as sweeper on 
unskilled work w.e.f. 06-01-1986 and he worked 
continuously himself under the direct control and 
supervision of the above management upto the date of 
termination i.e, 01-09-1993 without any retrenchment 
compensation, notice pay etc. as provided in Section 25-F 

of the ID Act, 1947, Sh, Vjjay Pal was also engaged as 
Sweeper w.e.f. 18-04-1990 with the m an agement and he 
worked continuously under the control and supervision of 

the management tilt 01-09-1993. His services were 
terminated without any retrenchment compensation or pay 
in lieu of notice. 

It was ftulher submitted that the Administrator of 
CPWD issued an order dated 18-08-1993 to aD the Chief 
Engineers not to engage workmen on muster roll, hand 
receipt or contract worker and accordingly the management 
terminated the services ofthe workman on 01 -09-1993. 

It was submitted from the side of the management 
feat the status of the claimants was as a contractor. They 
did not answer the description of die wont “workmen" as 
defined under clause 2(s) of the ID Act, 1947. 

It was further submitted that these workmen were 
awarded the contract for cleaning of sewerlines on 
complaint basis and (hey were never engaged as an 
employee and they wore never designated as Sewenneti. ‘ 
The workmen were engaged under Chapter- ITT Contract of 
CPWD Manual and the Arbitration and Litigation Cases 
33 ofthe said volume. 

The workmen have filed photocopy of work order 
which bears the seal and signature of the Asstt Engineer 
frontpages 37 to 229. These photocopies establish feefeet 
that they have received payment directly from the 
management and these photocopies have been signed by 
the officials of fee management and these photocopies 
have been admitted by the management. So these 
photocopies have fee force of the original ones. The 
originals cannot be said to be in Hie possession of (he 
workmen, so they have filed the photocopies and these 
photocopies have been admitted by the management, so 
these photocopies are admissible tn evidence. , 

From perusal of these photocopies it becomes quite 
obvious feat the workmen have worked under the control 
and supervision ofthe management. The management has 
decided what is to be done and bow it is to be done. 

It is settled law that for perennial nature of work 
engagement of contract labour is prohibited as per Section 
10(4) of the CLRA Act, 1970. Cleaning of the seweriines is 
perenhial nature of work and contractors or contractor’s 
men cannot be engaged. 

The management witness has admitted feat (he 
documents produced by them are correct including (he 
work diaiy marked “X", Hehas also admitted ttotfee inquby 
clerk used to tell fee workman where to go for fee job. This 
witness has further admitted (hat payment used to be 
made (o the employees on fee monthly basis cm fee basis 
of work done by them at the relevant period. This witness 
has admitted the working of these two wotftmen and 
payment of monthly wages. 

In case a workman engaged as contractor, worked 
under the supervision and control of fee management he 
becomes an employee of the management 

It has been held in (1992)4 SCC118. “Regularization 
Ad Aoc/Temporaiy goVermcut employees—Principles laid 



[Fait II—Sec, 3{ii)] 

dawn - Those eligible and qualified and continuing in 
service satisfactorily for long period have a right to be 
considered for regularization - Long continuance in service 
gives rise to a presumption about need for a regular post - 
But mere continuance for one year or so does not in every 
cue raise such a presumption - Goverment should consider 
feasibility of regularization having regard to the particular 
circumstances with a positive approach and an empathy 
for the concerned person." 

It has been held in 1997 AIR SC W Page 430 that the 
industrial adjudicator should decide whether there is valid 
contract or it is a mere ruse / camouflage and if it is found 
that the contractor is only a name lender the management 
should be directed to regularize the workmen. In JT 2003 
(1) SC 465—the Hau’ble Supreme Court has held that 
industrial adjudication is appropriate remedy for the alleged 
contract worker. ln(2000)TSCC 126' the Hon'bJe Supreme 
Court has held that there ore multiple pragmatic approach/ 
factors which should be considered in deciding employer 
and employee relationship. According to the criteria there 
should be control and integration. The management has 
doubtless control over the alleged workmen as they worked 
in the establishment of the management. They are integrated 
to the service of the management. The creation of contract 
laboir is absolutely sham and camouflage and the employer 
cannot be relieved of his liabilities. 

In Pollock Law of Torts a servant and an independent 
contractor has been defined as under; 

The distinction between a servant arid a independent 
contractor has b«n the subject matter of a large volume of 
case-law from which the text-book writers on torts have 
attempted to lay down some general tests, 

For example, in Pollock's Low ofTorts* (Pages 62 & 
63 of Pollock on Torts, 15th Edo.) the distinction has thus 
been brought out: 

“A master is one who not only prescribes to the 
workman the end of hk workout directs or at any moment 
may direct the means also, or, as it has been put, retains the 
power of controlling the work, a servant is a person subject 
to the command of his master as to the manner in which he 
shall do his work. An independent contractor is one who 
undertakes to produce a given result but so that in the 
actual execution of the work is not under the order or control 
of the person for whom he does it, and may use his own 
discretion in things not specified beforehand." 

In Salmond’s Treatise on the Law of Torts the 
distinction between a servant and independent contractor 
has been indicated as unden 

41 What then, is the test of this distinction between a 
servant and an independent contractor? The test is the 
existence of a right of control over the agent in respect of 
the manner in which his work is to be done. A servant is an 
agent who works under the supervision and direction of 
hi$ employer; an independent contractor is one who is his 

own master, A servant is a person engaged to obey his 
employer's orders from time to time; an independent 
contractor is a person engaged to do certain work, but to 
exercire his own discretion as the mode and time ofdoing it 
he is bound by his contract, but not by his employer’s 

The test regarding independent contractor and 
intermediaries have been laid dawn in Hussainabhai, Calicut 
V, the A lath Factory Thezhiteli Union kozhifcode [(AIR 1978 
SC 1410 (3 Judges)] H+ the true test may, with brevity, be 
indicated once again. Where a worker or group of workers 
labours to produce goods or services and these goods or 
services are for the business of another, that other is, in 
fact, the employer. He has economic control over the 
workers subsistence, skill, and continued employment, If 
he, for any reason, chokes off, the worker is, virtually, laid 
oft The presence of intermediate contractors with whom 
(he workers have immediate or direct relationship as 
contract is of no consequence when, on lifting the veil or 
looking at the conspectus of factors governing 
employment, we discern the naked truth, though draped in 
different perfect paper arrangement, than the real employer 
is the management* nor the immediate contractor. Myriad 
devices, half-hidden in fold after fold of legal form 
depending on the degree of concealment needed, the type 
of industry, the local conditions and the like may be resorted 
to when labour legislation casts welfare obligations on the 
real employer, based on Articles 35,39,42,43 and43-Aof 
the Constitution. The Court must be astute to avoid the 
mischief and achieve the purpose of the law and not be 
misled by the maya of legal appearances '" 

This case law has been affirmed by the Constitution 
Bench Judgment in Steel Authority of India. In case the 
security job chokes off* the workmen would he laid off. 
Such contract is prohibited; it is not a contract for a given 

My attention was drawn to another Constitution 
Bench Judgment - Steel Authority of India. It has been 
held asunder:^ 

bl Where a workman is hired in or in connection with 
the work of an establishment by the principal employer 
through a contractor, he merely acts as an agent so there 
will be master and servant relationship between the principal 
employer and the workmen. But where a workman h hired 
in or in connection with the work of an establishment by a 
contractor, either because he has undertaken (o produce a 
given result for the establishment or because he supplies 
workmen for any work of the establishment, a question 
miglOC arise whether the contract is a mere camouflage as 
irt Hussainabhai Calicut’s case (supra) and in Indian 
Petrochemicals Corporation's case (supra) etc; if the answer 
is in the affirmative, the workmen will be in feet an employee 
of the principal employer, but ifthe answer is in die negative, 
the workmen will be a contract labourer.*' 


ot vnm* $ vtf iq, jooMflnrzQ, 1930 


In the tostantcaee foe workmen haw not bten hired 
in correction with the work of a contractor but they have 
been tired by the management for (he work of the 
respondents. So fat foe Instant cue then is contract of 
sendee betwrai the prificipel employenmd foe workmen. 

TbeC<KUdtutkniB<iKhiiidginentofSU«l Authority 
of India is squarely applicable in foe instant cue. la JT 
2001 (7)SC 268 hh« been lwtd font “|2I(5) On f issuance 
ofprohibilknnotiBcatkni under Section 10(1) pffoeCLHA 
Act prohibiting employment of Contract Labour or 
otherwise, to an industrial dispute brought IOC before it 
by any contract labour in regard to conditions of service, 
the industrial adjudicator will have to consider foe question 
whether (he contractor has been interposed either on foe 
ground of having undotakem to produce any given result 
for foe establishment or for supply of contract labour for 
work of foe establishment under a genuine contract or is a 
mere rusetemouflnge to evade compliance with various 
beneficial legislations so as to deprive foe wotfcen of foe 
benefit thereunder. Iffoe contract is found tube not genuine 
but & mere camouflage, the so-called contract labour will 
have to be treated as employees of foe principal employer 
who shall be directed to regularize foe services of foe 
contract labour in foe establishment concerned.” 

It has been held in this erne that whether there is 
prohibition of contract labour or ofoerwiae the industrial 
adjudicator will ha veto consider the question and incite 
the contract appears ruse and camouflage to evade 
compliance with various beneficial legislations the » called 
contract labour wilt have to be treated as the employee of 
foe principal employerand he fonU be directed to regularize 
the services of foe contract workers. 

Engagement of contract woiken for perennial and 
regular nature of job b prohibited. Tbestfawege work is a 
perennial nature of job. So long u the respondents exists 
these would be need of sswennen,»the work toofaxultog, 
eonttonous and penminl in nature tor siudi worit contract 
workers cannot be employed.. 

According to well reraganimtion defimtiffliof contra* 
ftqnegmemientffiragivmiesuk. The resuh should be visfole. 
Contract labouten canbc engaged forfoe work of enmnetor 
only jpd nut for the work of any establishment. to the praam, 
case the week is of foe establishment and not of the 
conuuor. The lens supply of labour by a cortr&ctor is 
aplnst hmnn dignity. No cue can be a supplier cf human 
labour to any estoblishment It is foe duty of State to give 
employment to its citizen and not of the contract™*. 
Contractors cannot afply labour to any establishment 

That workmen have worked under the control nd 
s^Mtvisianoffoeaian^enem. They hove not been nqjplied 
by any other attractor. There is no contract ogrement as 
per foe pmviirm of foe CLfla Act, 1970-The workmen 
perfumed regular natwo of wmk. They were engaged by foe 
■osnagetnent and foey worked according to their (factions. 
They received monthly payment from the management 

In foe tacts and ctrmnutmces of the case there is 
master and servant relationship between foe management 
and foe workmen and foe workmen have completed 240 
days in every year of foeir employment u per even foe 
admtsshm of MW 1 in his onremtiiMtloa. Thus, foey 
have served foe m anag ement for240 days every year during 
foe tenure oftheb employment There is master and servant 
relationship between foe management and the workmen. 

This issue is decided accordingly. 


It was submitted from foe side of foe management 
that foe workmen ire independent contractors, 

■1 . 

My attention was drawn to foe Judgment of Hon’ble 
Delhi High Court WP(C) No. 7032 of 2005. The Hon’ble 
Court has placed the reliance on the circular dated 
20.03.1993. The workmen worked muter the direction of the 
Engineer In-charge- In the abo ve circular foe management 
directed foe authorities of CP WD to send foe list of such 
daily rated muster mil workers engaged on hand receipt or 
work order or any other basis defining the existing 
government instructions ensuring fotealia termination of 
services of all such workers who have not completed 
24D days services to two consequetive years. The probable 
demand requiring appointment of such workers may also 
bo intimated to this Directorate, As such la foe circular of 
1993 a complete but was imposed on engagement of 
workmen on worit* order or band receipt and it was aim 
directed that the list of those workers who have completed 
240 days of services should also be intimated to the 
directorate. The Hoo’ble High Court held that fop workers 
engaged on work order basis shall also be daily rated 
workers and provisions of Section 25 -F of the 10 Act, 1947 
would be attracted.. 

The claimards have been continuously engaged on 
work order basis. They worked under foe direction of foe 
mauptMM. The management decided what ww to be 
done ami how was it to be done. The time and mode of 
work was decided by foe management 

In foe ciremiiatmKies these ctoinaots are workmen in 
viewofsectkn2^)offoc 10 Act, 1947, 

This issue is decided accordingly. 


It was submitted flan tbs side of foe management 
foattheWOTkm«wnre engaged as corXractort for ejeaniog 
foesewerfaes-Eveatfit isfomwlfoatfoere isdhtna rotation 
of employer and employna the workmen may be given 
condensation in lieu ofrefnaWarnent 

It was autontod from foe ride of foe workman that 
compensation is not payable to caae* where an tmdertoktog 

has become sick or it W been closed or h Is in oconomre 

loss. It has not been established that foe bank b to economic 
loss and it is a sick Industry, My attention was drawn by 
the Ld. Counsel of the^orianan to 2000 LLR523 State of 


THE GA2ETTE OF INDIA; MAY 10 p 200&VAEAKHA 20 } 1930 

[Part II—Sec 3(ii)] 

UP nod Rajender Singh- The Handle Apex Court ordered 
for reinstatement with full back wages as the services of 
the daily wager cleaner who worked for 4 years was 
dispensed with without following the procedure for 
retrenchment. In the instant case also no retrenchment 
compensation has been pakl This case law squarely covers 
the instant case h It has been held in L97S Lab 1C 1668 that in 
case service of a workman is terminated illegally the normal 
rule is to reinstate him with full back wages. 

My attention was further drawn to AIR 2002 SC 1313, 
The Hon'ble Supreme Court has held that daily wager even 
if serving fur a short period should be reinstated. 

It was submitted from the side of the workman that in 
the instant case Sections 25-F p C of the ID Act are attracted. 
In section 25 of the ID Act it has been provided that if a 
workman has performed 240 days work and if the work is of 
continuous and regular, nature he should be given pay in 
lieu of notice and retrenchment compensation, Et has been 
held by the HorTblc Apex Court that there is no cessation 
of service in case provisions of section 25-F are not 
complied. In the instant case no compensation has been 
paid to the workman. In case a workman has worked for 
240 in a year and the work is of continuous and regular 

nature be should be paid retrenchment compensation. In 
case retrenchment compensation is not paid section 25-F 
of the ID Act is attracted. There is ih> cessation of his 
services, He is deemed continued in service in the eye of 
law. In case there is breach Of section 25-F the service is 
continued and reinstatement follows as a natural 
Consequence. ID Act, 1947 has been enacted to safeguard 
the interest of the workmen belonging to poor segment of 
society. It appears that legislature wanted that such 
workmen should not be harassed um wessarily so section 
25 F* U, T and Clause 10 ofVth Schedule have been enacted. 
The objects and reasons of ID Act, 1947 show that the 
respondent management should not be permitted to indulge 
in Ady unfair labour practice. The workmen should not be 
engaged for years and then they should be removed all of 
a sudden* There is provision of retrenchment compensation 
for his removal. Retrenchment compensation is for 
compensating him otherwise so that he can survive long 
interregnum of unemployment. Tn the instant case no 
retrenchment compensation has been paid. 

It was submitted from (he side of the management 
that the Hobble Apex Court in 2006 (4) Scale has put down 
a complete ban on regularization and reinstatement. 

The Hon ‘ble Apex Court has held that employment 
can only be made on the basis of procedure established in 
the* behalf envisaged by the Constitution. Equality of 
cpfwrtunity isthe hallmark and the Constitution enshrines 
affirmative action to ensure that unequal* are not treated 
equals* So public employment should be in terns of 
constitutional scheme. 

It was further submitted that the Constitution Bench 
Judgment ha3 afforded a right according to which the 
government is not precluded from making temporary 
appointments or engaging workers on daily wage?. 

The Go has got no license to make always 

appointment of daily wagers and to continue them for life 

lime. Fixed term tenure appointments and temporary 
appointments cannot be the rule of public employment. At 
the time ofmakirgtemporary appouitments Articles 14,16, 
21,23,226 & 309 are infringed. There is no constitutional 
mandate that the government b at liberty to go on giving 
fixed term appointments for the entire tenure of service of 
an employee. The Government or Public Sector units cannot 
continue incessantly to give temporary and fixed erm 
appointments again and again. Since fixed term 
appointments and temporary appointments are not 
governed by any constitutional scheme, such 
discrimination will amount to vicious discretion. The 
Government or Public Sector unit will go on resorting to 
the method of pick and choose policy and give temporary 
and ad hoc appointments to their favorites and thus the 
principles of equality enshrined in the constitution will be 
given a go bye. Such is not the intent of the Hon'ble Apex 
Court. However, in this judgment the provisions of the ID 
Act governing the services of the workman have not been 
declared unconstitutional. Reinstatement is the remedy 
provided in the ID Act for breach of several provisions 
enumerated therein or for breach of service rules provided 
in various labour welfare Legislations. 

Section 11 A of the ID Act stipulates that in case the 
Tribunal is satisfied that the order of discharge or dismissal 
was not justified, it may, by its award, ret aside the order of 
discharge or dismissal and direct reinstatement of the 
workman on $uch terms and conditions* if any, as it thinks 
fit or give such other relief to the workman including the 
award of any lesser punishment in Lieu of discharge or 
dismissal as the circumstance of the case may require* 
According to this benign provision this Tribunal has the 
authority to set aside the order of discharge or dismissal 
and reinstate the workman on the terms and conditions as 
it thinks fit. 

A three Judges bench of the Hon’ble Apex Court 
has held in 1993 - II - LLJ that termination of services affects 
the livelihood of not only of the employee but also of the 
dependents. So in case of illegal termination of service the 
workman should be reinstated. Reinstatement should not 
be misconceived as regularization. By the order of 
reinstatement the status quo ante'of the workman is 
restored. He is given back wages in order to compensate 
him for his illegal disengagement. This is a special remedy 
provided in ID Act and it has not been annulled and set 
aside by any judgment of the Hobble Apex Court. The 
provisions of the ID Act are still constitutional and they 
are to be given effect too. 

In care the workman is reinstated with back wages 
the respondents have every right, alter payment of back 
wages and reinstatement^ to retrench him validly as 
following the principles of first come last go so that section 
25, G & H of the ID Act are not violated. 

These workmen have worked for 4 - 6 year* and it 
has been held while deciding the issue no. I that there is 
master and servant relationship and the workmen worked 
under the control and supervision of the management. The 
management is the master and the workmen are the servants 
The workmen have not been paid retrenchment 
compensation or one months pay in lieu of notice* 


tercn for Tpm : ^ 10 , iOO&^ira 20,1930 


From the above discussion it becomes quite obvious 
that the workmen have been engaged for cleaning the 
sewerlines. The work is of permanent nature, Contract 
labour is prohibited for a work which is of continuous and 
perennial in nature. Engagement of workmen as a contract 
workmen by foe management is absolute^ illegal and 
against the provisions of CLRA Act, 1970. The workmen 
have themselves been made to sign work order. The 
management by its circular of 1993 prohibited the 
engagement of workmen on hand receipt basis or work 
order basis. The workmen have worked for 4 - 6 years. The 
work is at it) existing. lathe circumstances foe workmen are 
entitled to reinstatement 

This issue is decided accordingly. 

ISSUE No. 4 

It was submitted from the side offhe workman that in 
view of 1966 LLI134, AIR 1991 page 173 and lu view of 
Directive Principles ofState policy has confirmed in Article 
30(d) of the Constitution a casual workman cannot be denied 
the same salary of Class - IV employees when they 
performed the same dudes on regular basis. There should 
be eqnal pay for equal work and it should be treated as. a 
fundamental right in $dvic* jurisprudence. 

It has been held In (2003) 6 SCC 123 as under 

"The principle of "equal pay for equal work" is nut 
always easy to apply. There are inherent difficulties in 
comparing and evaluating the wmk done by different 
persona in different organizations, or even in foe same 
organization. It is a concept which requires for its 
applicability complete and wholesale identity between a 
group of employees claiming identical pay scales and the 
other group of employees who have already earned such 
pay scales. The problem about equal pay cannot always 
be translated into a mathematical formula. 

It is obvious timn foe judgment that the principles of 
equal pay for equal work cannot be applied everywhere. A 
daily wager holds no post Scale of pay is attached to a 
definite post. This workman was not holding any definite 
post, so be cannot be compared with the regular and 
permanent staff for equal pqy and allowances. 

(thus been further be Id in (2093) l SCC230 as under 

"Equal pay for equal work - applicability of the 
principle o£ held, depends not only on foe nature or volume 
of work but also on the qualitative difference in reliability 
and responsibilities as well- Even in case of same functions, 
responsibilities do make areal and substantial difference- 
It is for the claimant of parity to substantiate a dear ctit 
basis of equivalence and a resultant hostile discrimination 
In absence of requisite substantiating material. High 
Court erred in granting the NMR workera/dsily wagers/ 
casual workers parity in pay with foe regularly employed 
staff merely on presumption of equality of the nature of 
work -However, such workers, held, entitled to payment of 
prescribed minimum wages.” 

It hos been held in this case that equal pay for equal 
work would depend upon not only foe nature or foe volume 
of work but also on the qualitative difference as regards 

reliability and responsibilities though foe fractions may 
be foe same. 

The workmen have worked as casual labours for 4-6 
years. They are not entitled to Equal Fay for Equal Work. 

This issue la decided accordingly. 


it was submitted by the management that payment 
of full back wages is not foe natural consequence $fthe 
onkr of discharge or dismissal being set aside. It has Men 
held fat (2003) 6 SCC 141 font it is incumbent upon me 
labour court to decide foe quantum of luck wa^s. 

It has been further held in this case that payment of 
back wages having discretioaaiy element involved it Is to 
be dealt with the facts and circumstances of foe case. 

No definite formula can be evolved. 

It has been timber held in this case that payment of 
backwages in its entirety is foe statutory sanction. In (2003) 
4 SCC 27 foe Hon’bte Apex Court held that in vkwofdelqy 
in raising foe dispute and initiating foe proceedings back 
wags need .not be allowed. In the Instant case there is no - 
delay at least on the part of the workman in raising the 

lu 197S Lab IC 1963 • three Judges Bench of the 
Hon’ble Apex Court held that payment of full back, wages 
is the normal rule. In case services have been illegally 
terminated either by dismissal or efisdmrge or retr enchm e n t, 
in such circumstance the workman it entitled to full back 
wages except to the extent he was gainfully employed 
during tbe enforced idleness. In the instant case the 
workman was always ready to work but he was not 
permitted on account of invalid act of foe employer. 

In 2005 IV AD SC 39^-fhree Judges Bench of foe 
Hon’ble Apex Court held that reinstatement with foil back 
wages is justified. In this case Ibe workman has performed 
more than 240 days work and he lyis been retrenched 
without payment ofcompensalfoti and pay in lieu of notice. 

The workmen are manual workers. They must be 
doing some sort of work off and on. They are not employed 
in any establishment. They must have been doing some 
sort of work for their own survival and fw the survival of 
their family, In foe facts and circumstances of the case foe 
workmen are entitled to 25% back wages as there is delay 
m raising foe dispute. 

This issue is decided accordingly. 

The reference is replied thus; 

The act km of the management of Executive Engineer, 
CPWD in terminating the services of Shri Rattan Lai and 
Vijay Pal Sweeper, Seweimen respectively w,e.f 1.9.93 is 
not justified. The management should reinstate these 
workmen along with 25% back wages within two months 
from foe date of publication of foe award, 

The award b given accordingly. 

Date; 31.03^003 

R. N. RAJ, Presiding Officer 



[Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] 

^ K^fl, 16 31^1,2008 
1M0.— JriPi* Emq aifqlwT, 1947 (m? 
^)| 14) ^3 Hl<l 17 ^ ^ 

iwkrilDwitf ^ ^ tto fNNrcS 

-ilk ddi STJW *f tnl^m ^AtilFW faqi^ 

itctr 3freftPrer aft 11 , ^ 

1W?TI ^ •fali (TR*f tlwi 45/95 ) III jmifcici 'fciol $, 
W*H ^ 16-4-2008 TIM fW *HI 

[it 153-4201 2/195 w- 3 n$ «nr &L \)} 
3OT ^pIR, ^14i nftPFltl 
New Delhi, the 16th April, 2008 
3,0, 106Ql —in pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes die Award (Ref No. 45/95) 
offfce Central Government Industrial Tribwial^um-Labour 
Court No. IT, New Delhi ss shown in the Annexing in the 
Industrial dispute between the employees in relation to 
the nmagetnent of Central Silk Technological Research 
Institute and their workmen, which was received by the 
Central Government on 16-4-20Q& 

(No- b42012/195^IR(DU)] 
AJAYKUMAR , Desk Officer 

Presiding Officer: R. N. RA1 !.D.Na45/l995 

SIl Pradeep Barmola, 

S/o. Sh. M.N. Baimola, 

Type-S7 t New Forest FRI* 

Dehraduo. —Claimant 


L The Assistant Director, 

Silk Technological Research Institute, 
DeiBOfBtkm-cum-Training Centre, 

Silk Board, 4 Special Wingh, 


2*Th*Dy. Director, 

Central Silk Technological Research Institute, 

Regional Office: Central Silk Board, 

Gram; Rochipur Majra, 


3, The Director, 

Central Silk Technological Research, 

Central SilkBoard, 

GamandiBilla, Bangalore. —Respondents 


The Ministry of Labour by its letter No. L-42012/ 
195 j i 94*IR(DU) CENTRAL GOVERNMENT Dt >2-3*1995 
has referred the following point for adjudication: 

The point runs as hereunder: 

u Whether the action of the management of Central 
SilkTechnological Research Institute, Nation 
Serculturc Project, Central Silk Board, Dehnufun in 
terminating the services of Sh + Pradeep Prasad 
Barrnola, S/o. Sli.KLN. Barmola* Casual Labour w,e H f 
31-5-1993 is legal and justified ? If not, to what relief 
the workman is entitled" 

The case of the workman is that he was engaged on 
daity wages w.e.f. 16-7-1991 on a permanent nature of work 
His services were terminated on 31-5-1993 illegally without 
holding any inquiry. No show cause notice was given to 
the workman before termination of his services. He has 
worked for more than 340 days in every year of his 

The case of the management is that the workman 
was engaged as daily rated casual labour on casual nature 
of work' He did not perform his duty sincerely and honestly. 
He has been given warnings several times still he did not 
improve, so his services were terminated. 

The workman applicant has filed rejoinder. In the 
rejoinder he has reiterated the averments of his claim 
statement and has denied most of the paras of the written 
statement. The management has also denied most of the 
paras of the claim statement. 

Evidence of both the parties has been taken. 

Heard argument from both the sides and perused the 
papers on the record. 

It was submitted from the side of the workman that 
no inquiry has been held against his un satisfactory work. 
The workman was removed after giving warnings only. 

The workman has admitted in his cioss^xamination 
that he was a casual labour from 16-7-1991 to 31-5-1993. He 
has also admitted in his cross-examination that he was 
wanted three titties during hi s employment.. 

The management has filed all the warning letters, 
some of which had been admitted by the workman. The 
workman hasaAniffled the letter dated 22* KM 991, Ex. MW2- 
He has not admitted letters dated 23-10-1991,28-5-1992, 
26-2-1993 and 160*1993. He has admitted, Ex. MW 3 in 
which it has been mentioned that the workman has been 
warned severe! times for resuming his duties punctually 
but he went away with the keys of the office. Thus, the 
workman has admitted that several warnings were given to 
him and once ho went away with keys of the office. 

In the cross-examination the workman has admitted 
three warnings given to him. He was a casual labour. He 
was not selected after following the procedure of 
recruitment A casual labour is not engaged against a 
permanent post. He has no right to a post. In case the 
management is obligated to hold inquiry in respect of every 
casual labour there will be no end of inquiries Dqpartmental 
inquiry is held against a regularly selected employee or 
regular employees, The workman was a casual labour. The 

[nFTii—sF*3(in] 10, Hws/fciwao, ism 2231 

period of casual labour is treated as on probation. He has 
admitted in his cress-eaaminfttiofl that tiree warning 
weteghwn to him. Theworiamn was directed to be punctual 
in his duties but he was opt abb to improve hii conduct, 
so the management has rightly di sco n ti nued him. 

The management was duty pay him 
retrerohmem compensation c&lculrted@15 days far every 
completed year and one month’s notice in lieu of pay. The 
management has not admittedly made payment of 
retrenchment compensation and pay in lieu of notice. 
Section 25 F of the LD. Act, 1947 is attracted fin-payment 
of compensation. His services were found not satisfactory, 
so there is no question of reinstatement. The management 
should pry him Rs. 20,000 (Rs. Twenty Thoraand Only) 
by wry of retrenchment compensation and pay in lieu of 

The reference is replied thus: 

The action of the management of Central Silk 
Technological Research Institute, NatfcnSeteulhee Project, 
Central Silk Board, Dehradun m tenua tiling the services of 
Sh. Pradeep Prasad Bannola,S/o. Sh. M.H Barmoia, Casual 
Labour w.e,f. 31-5-1993 Is legal and justified. The 
management should pay the workman Rs. 20,000 (Rs, 
Twenty Thousand Only) by way of retrenchment 
compensation and pay hi lieu of notice within two months 
from fee dale of (he publication of the award. 

The award is given accordingly. 

Date :3l-3-2008 

H N. RAL Presiding Officer 

16 sifeuooa 

WK 1061. lihliPl'h PtfeU OlftfrOT, 1947 (1947 

m 14) m n * w+>K Tft. 

"^T Pif^td dtinVPiti, fhaw, $ al-fda Tnmrc 


7/96) 9l reiftw t, at e^Hi tRUR ^t 16-4-2006 

^ urtrpn 

[Tl ^-42012/212/94-3^ SIR (A^.)] 

aaa Jw afinijl 
New Delhi, the I6lh April, 2008 

S.O, 1061.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Centra] 

Government hereby publishes the A ward (Ref. No. 7/96) of 
the Central Government industrial Tribunal-cum-Laboiir 
CoultNo. II, New Delhi us shown in the Annexure, in the 
industrial dispute between the employers in relation 10 the , 
management of C.P.W.D. and their-workmen, which was 
received by the Central Government on 16-4-2008. 

[No. L-42012/2l2/W-fR(Dtr)] 
AJAY KUMAR, De* Officer 


Presiding Officer 1 R.N.RAI LD. No.07/1996 

Complamt No. 07/2004 

Sh. KafrCbaran, 

S/o. Sh. Amar Singh, 

C/b CP WD Mazdoor Union, 

E-26 (OldQtr.X Raja Bazar, 

Baba Kharag Singh Marg, 

New Delhi. — Clamant 


The Executive Engineer, . 

CPWD. G-division, 

EastBJoek-2, Level-II, 

RJC. Puran, NcwDehi - 66. —Respondents 


The Ministry oflabour by its letter No.L -4201M12/ 
has referred the following point for adjudication: 

The point urns as hereunder 1 

,D Whetherthe'Executive Engineer, G-Drvision, CPWD 

was justified hi not regularizing the services of 

Sh. KaliCharan, Sewermanw.e.f. 4-01.1991? If not, 

to wtrat relief the workman is entitled.” 

That Shri Kali Chanm workman was engaged as 
Sewerman under G- Division ofthe above mana g e m e n t on 
work orderw.e.f. 4-1-1991, 

The workman applicant has filed claim statement In 
the claim statement it hafbeea stated that Shri Kali Quran 
workman was engaged as Sewennan under i G’ Division of 
the above management on work order w.el. 4-1-1991. 

That the above workman ts working under the control 
of DirectoT General Works, CPWD, Named Bhawan, New 

That the workman is performing his duties as 
Sewennan as called by the management an Work Order 
and the workman is doing the work under the direct 
supervision of the Junior Engineer, Assistant Engineer and 
also gelling wages directly from the CP WDManagetnent. 

That the workman is daily rated workman on work 
order and directly engaged by fee management and has 
been performing the duties wider the drect control of above 
management and fee payments are also made directly by 
fee above management. 

That three types of daily rated workmen are 
performing their duties i,e. (a) Muster Rod, (b) Hand Recent 
and (d) Work Older directly under the control of the 



[Part []—Sec. 3(H)] 

management and except the category of workman on work 
Order as Seweiman.all the other wotkmen working on daily 
rated in the categories of Sewemwn on Muster Roll and 
Hand receipt, were getting equal pay for equal work in the 
pay scale of Rs. 950-1500 as per the policy of the 

That dedal of equal pay to Shri Kali Charon, workman 
b discriminatory and unlaw ful, 

.That the Government of India, Central Public works 
Department vide their order No, 38/2/B7-EC.X, dated 
30-$-92 have sanctioned 8982 posts for regularization of 
daily rated workers in compliance oftheorders of Hon'ble 
Supreme Court of India. 

That the management have regularised many Junior 
persons to the concerned workman on the time scale but 
be was discriminated after the order of Hon'ble Supreme 

That the workman is also not paid equal pay for equal 
work after the j udgement of Hon h ble Supreme Court, That 
the workman is legally entitled to be regularized and paid 
wages in tbe proper time scale* 

(c) A ^probationers" is a workman who is 
provisionally employed to ftll a permanent vacancy in a 
post and has not completed three months service therein. 
If a permanent employee is employed as a probationer in a 
new post he may at any time during die probationary period 
of three months be reverted to his previous permanent 

(d) A “badli" h a workman who is appointed in the 
post of a permanent workman or probationer who is 
temporarily absent. 

{e) A ^temporary" workman is a workman who has 
been engaged for work which is of an essentially temporary 
nature likely tobe finished within a limited period. 

(0 A '‘casual* workman is a workman whose 
employment is of a casual nature, 

(g) An "apprentice** is a learner who is paid an 
allowance during the period of hb training. 

XL XX ft 

That as per the above Model Standing Orders, the 
workman acquired the permanent status after completion 
of 3 months service in the grade. 

That (ha workman Shri Kali Charan has been kept on 
daily rated on work Order only to deny him the privileges 
and benefits that of a regular/permanent workman. That 
non -regularization of services of the concerned workman 
by tbe management of CP WD is unjustified oa well as illegal* 

That tbe management has not been regularizing the 
services Of the workman with a view to exploit him by 
denying him the benefits and fruits of regular workman in 
the time scale which is unfair labour practice under the fifth 
Schedule ofthe Industrial Disputes Act, 1947* 

That as per Item No, 10 ofthe Fifth Schedule ofLD. 
Act dealing with unfair Lahour practice, the Hon’ble 
Parliament has disapproved the exploitation of workman 
while inserting the amendments and the same has been 
taken effect w.e.f 21-8-84 as under: 

xn xx »< 

*To employ workmen as l badlis" casual or 
temporaries and to continue them as such for years, with 
the object of depriving them of the status and privileges. 
That the above workman is connected with the construction, 
sanitation work and maintenance of buildings owned by 
Central Government and comes under the definition of 
Payments of Wages Act and so is also covered by Industrial 
Employment (Standing Orders) Act and Rules made 

That the workman has been performing his duties 
relating to sanitation works, maintenance of doors and 
windows and other related works which are of skilled nature. 

That according to Model Standing Rules under 
Industrial Employment Act, a workman having completed 
90 days of continuous service deemed to have attained the 
status of permanent workman and the management has 
been wrongly denying the facilities to the workman and 
there by discriminating him amongst the same employments 
which is nothing than the hostile discrimination against 
the workman concerned with this dispute. 

That there are hundreds of permanent workmen 
(Sewermtn)working in different divisions of CPWD and 
keeping these concerned workmen on daily rated is 
discriminatory and denial of equal status and this action of 
the management is discriminatory and unlawful* That this 
Hon'ble Tribunal under the Act is within its jurisdiction to 
classify the workman by grades end set aside the hostile 
discrimination in the matter of classification by grades of 
the workman by the above management as per Item No.7 in 
the . “Third Schedule" under Section 7A ofthe Industrial 
Disputes Act* 1947. 

That the action ofthe management in not regularizing 
the services of the workman from the date of initial 
employment is illegal os well as unjustified. 

That the workman is entitled to be confirmed by way 
of regular ization w.e.f. 4-1-1991, 

Management filed written statement taking following 
preliminary objections; 

That the above said claimant have no focus standi 
to file this claim against the respondent-management being 
there is no industrial dispute between the parties. 

That there is no relationship of employer and 
employee and that of master and servant either existing or 
otherwise exists between the claimant and the respondent- 
management t.e, CPWD, l G' Division. 

That there is no industrial dispute arise between the 
parties and there is no relationship existing between the 
claimant and the management as an employee and 

[tfrTlI—TO 3 (ii)] 

'ttriJUtT otti : ^ 10, 2008/41119 20, 1030 


employer, therefore, the present reference is not 
maintainable and is liable to be quashed on this short 
ground and ike claim of the claimant is not supported by 
an sffitaritfhmfose die claim is not tnaamtoinebk. in the eye 
of law and inthe Merest aftusticeatalL Thatfois court has no 
jurisdiction to entertain sudi references being the reference 
made in the present form is not maintainable and is not 
entertabiablc, therefore, it is liable to be rejected/ dipniw ed, 

That by virtue of the position of the applicant- 
claimant and the status of-the applicant-claimant as a 
contractor, be did not answer the description of the word 
“workman" as defined in clause (s) of Section 2 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. In view of the position of 
the matter, foe application of the applicant-claimant is 
utterly misconceived and the same deserve to be dismissed 
ouuigbtly in limine. 

That the above said claimant was engaged as a 
contractor and he was awarded the contract for cleaning of 
sewerlines on complaint basis and he whs never engaged 
as an employee or a workman on daily wages and he was 
never designated as a sewerman. 

That the above said Claimant was engaged as a 
coutraCtev and be is bound and governed by Chapter III of 
contracts of C.P.W.D, Manual and the arbitration and 
litigation cases of Section 3d of the said volume. Therefore, 
when dispute arises between the parties then he can 
approach the management to appoint tbe arbitrator only. 

that without prejudice to the above, it is submitted 
that tbe present dispute refend by tbe Government of 
India to this honourable court/ tribunal for adjudication is 
not an industrial Dispute as defined under Section 2<k) of 
Industrial Disputes ^et; 1947 because it is not a case of 
discharge, dismissal, ret renc hm ent or termination of the 
services Of the Claimant. As already submitted above that 
it ba case of contnetorahip which b not tame under the 
peiYkwofdiehukiUTta] Disputes Ac^ 1947 and foe provision 
of the industrial Disputes Act, 1947 does not apply in this 
case. Therefore, the present reference made by the 
Government in that respect is without jurisdiction and is 
liable to be quasbed outrightly by this honourable court 

Thi workman applicant has filed rejoinder. In foe 
rejoinder be has reiterated the avermenta of his claim 
statement and has denied most of the paras of the written 

Evidence of both the parties has been taken. 

Heard argument from both the sides and perused the 
papers on foe record. 

From perusal of the pleadings of the parties tbe 
following issues arise for adjudication: 

1, Whether the workmen applicant has completed 
240 days work during foe tenure ofhb employment and 
whether there is employer and employee relationship 
between foe management and the workman? 

2. Whether tbe claimant bworionai in view of Section 
2(s) of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947? 

3. Whether the claimant b entitled to reinstatement/ 

4. Whether foe workman applicant is entitled to Equal 
Pay for Equal Work, to what amount of back wages foe 
workman is entitled? 


It was submitted hum foe side of foe workman that 
be was engaged as Sewerman under G - Division of the 
above management on work order w.c.f. 04-01-1991. He 
worked under the control of Director General (Works), 
CFWD, N. Bhawan, Hew Delhi, The workman has 
performed his duties as Sewerman as called by the 
management on work order and he is doing foe work under 
foe direct supervision of the ir. Engineer, Asstt. Engineer 
and also getting wages directly from the CPWD 
management. He is a daily rated workman on work order 
and be was directly engaged by tbe management and has 
been performing his dudes under the direct control and 
supervision of die above management and foe payments' 
are directly made by foe management. 

It was further submitted that the management has 
not followed tbe constitutional scheme of Equal Pay for 
Equal Work. The Government of India, CPWD Department 
vide their ortfe WW7- EC 10, dated 30-09-1992 have 
sanctioned 8982 posts for rcgularizatioc. of doily rated 
workers in compliance of foe orders of the Hon’bfe Supreme 
Court of India. Maty juniors have been regularized. Non- 
regiilarimtion of foe services of foe workman b arbitrary 
and illegal. 

It was further submitted that foe workman has been 
performing the duties of sanitation, maintenance of 
buildings owned fay foe Central Government. It was further 
submitted font according to foe Model Standing Orders 
after completion of 90 days of continuous service a 
workman attains the status of permanent workman but the 
management ha^been denying the same to the workman. 

It was submitted from foe side of the management 
that there is no relation of employer and employee and foot 
of muster and servant. There is no industrial dispute 
between the parties as there is no relation of employer and- 
employee. The refere nce is not maintainable. 

It was fiu+ier submitted that foe claimant worked as a 
contractor and he did not answer foe description of the 
word“wuitanen" as defined in clause (s) of Section 2 of the 
I.D. Act, 1947. He was engaged as a contractor and he was 
awarded the contract for cleaning of swerelines on 
complaint basis. 

It transpires from perusal of foe complaint that the 
services of this workman was terminated on HH>I-20O3, 
The workman has filed complaint No. 7 of2004 for illegal 
termination of his services. Evidence has been led in the 
complaint also, 



[Pakt II—SBC,3(ii)] 

Hie management has not denied anywhere the 
working of the workman as Se woman from 04-01-1991 to 
1S*01-2003. I| is also admitted to the management that the 
services of this workman were terminated on 1X-01-2003 
while pendency of the dispute in CG1T * 1 and the workman 
has filed a complaint also. It has also not denied that the 
workman b not working under the control and supervision 
of the Jr. Engineer and Asstt. Engineer It is also not denied 
that the workman has not been paid by the management 

The workman has specifically slated in his cross 
examination that he was provided wotk by the JE and Clerk 
and he was appointed by the SDO, Sh. Vijay Pat Singh- He 
was used to be paid through cheque as well as in cash by 

From perusal of the documents it is proved that the 
workman has worked under the control and supervision of 
the JE and he has been made payment directly by the 

It b settled law that even the contractual workers 
engaged through contractor* for perennial nature of work, 
becomes the employee of the Principal Employer. In case 
contract is sham and ruse and in case it is found that a 
workman is working under control and supervision of the 
management and his services are integrated to the 
management and payment to him is being made by the 

]tbasbeenheldin()992}4SCC llg/'Regulari^ation- 
Adhoc/Temporary Govt, employees- Principles laid down- 
Those eligible and qualified and continuing in service 
satisfactorily for long period have a right to be considered 
for regularization - Long continuance in service gives rise 
to a presumption about need for a regular post - But mere 
continuance for one year or so does not in every case raise 
such a presumption - Govt, should consider feasibility of 
regularization having regard to the particular circumstances 
with a positive approach and an empathy for the concerned 

It has been held in 1997 AIRSCW Pago 430 that the 
industrial adjudicator should decide whether there is valid 
contract or it is a mere ruse / camouflage and if it is found 
that the contractor is only a name fender the management 
should be directed to regularize the workmen. In JT 2003 
(1) SC 465 - the Hon + bfe Supreme Court has held that 
industrial adjudication is appropriate remedy for the alleged 
contract workers. In {2000) T SCC126 - the Hon 1 ble Supreme 
Court has held that there are multiple pragmatic approach- 1 
factors which should be considered in deciding employer 
and employee relationship. According to the criteria there 
should be control and integration- The management has 
doubtless control over the alleged contractor's men as they 
work in the establishment of the management. They are 
integrated to the service of the management. There are no 
terms and conditions of the contract so there is master and 

servant relationship. The creation of contract labour is only 
sham and camouflage and the employer cannot be relieved 
Of his Liabilities. 

In Pollock Law of Torts a servant and an ^dependent 
contractor has been defined as under :— 

The distinction between a servant and an 
independent contractor Has been the subject matter of a 
large volume of case-law from which the text-book writers 
on torts have attempted to Jay down same general tests. 
For example, in Pollock’s Law of Torts, (Pages 62 &63 of 
Pol lock on Torts, L 5th Edn, > the distinction has thus been 
brought out: 

“A master is one who not only prescribes to the 
workman the end of his work, but directs or at any 
moment may direct the means also, or, as it has been 
put, retains the power of controlling the work, a 
servant is a person subject to the command of his 
master as to the manner in which he shall do his 
work,„„„An independent contractor is one who 
undertakes to produce a given result but so that in 
the actual execution of the work is not under the 
order or control of the person for whom he does it T 
and may use hh own discretion in thing* not 
specified be forehand.,.." 

In Salmond's Treatise on the Law of Torts the 
distinction between a servant and independent contractor 
has been indicated as under:— 

*‘Whai then, is the test of this distinction between a 
servant and an independent contractor? The test is the 
existence of a right of control over the agent in respect 
of the manner in which his work is to be done. A servant 
is an agent who works under the supervision and 
direction ofhis employer, an independent contractor is 
one who is his own master. A servant is a person 
engaged to obey his employer's orders from time to 
time; an independent contractor is a person engaged 
to do certain work, butte exercise hb own discretion as 
to the mode and time of doing it - lie is bound by his 
contract, bui not by his employer** orders.” 

The lest regarding independent contractor and 
intermediaries have been laid down in Hussainabhai, Calicut 
V + The Alath Factory Thezhilali Union Kozhikode [AIR 
1978 SC 1410 (3 Judges)] “the true test may, with brevity, 
be indicated once again. Where a worker or group of 
workers labours to produce goods or services and these 
goods or services are for the business of another, that 
other is, in fact, the employer. He has economic control 
over the workers subsistence, skill, and continued 
employment. If he, for any reason, chokes off, the worker 
is, virtually, laid off- The presence of intermediate 
contractors with whom the workers have immediate or 
direct relationship as contract is of no consequence when, 
on (thing the veil or looking at the conspectus of factors 
governing employment, we discern the racked tfvtfr, though 
draped in different perfect paper arrangement, that the real 
employer is the management, not the immediate contractor, 

1CL Wfft 

fee-pffeegwl EDjekertifaKyje^lj be^^to^ytafcfv; 
thfi seiiyipes offee Ctoyrm , jV(rf r ^ } „ 

■>■■■■■■' Stgageinefit of ddnWKt- wwha»> fav pteeeiii aHtod ■■ 

<<> ,Uf bos beep held ; 

depe ndin g ocvtfae degree ef<uoseali»r]fcneedi& fee.type, ptobiWifcifeof: $t v 

ofitdfctt&feefeedeaDdiiteMudfenUlK^ adjtdMeryillb^^ 

towbeoJabaur ksisledioa^oaate'.iMiet^isiiiQW^iiHMM ; the. .centra : *ppe#rs-i*i*o ^..-^gs^e^ i ift-ftfftdft * 

real employe^Jtased paMifd&W, 3S*4&4? jwM^rAflf T ewgitowiwfe w™ I 

the Constitution. The Court must he astute to avoid the coutiw*letoyrw^^ $£„ 

mtsehrefifed =achiev4 tBtf pftptise Of tie' l&WAnd hot be fee-pfiregwl uiqglt^h^the^P ^ , 

. •;' f; : ■ U* ■*-* ^ v>» 

^This ci#e pMt has hed effing ^ toCrttstitthoo > Ihtgigejrietrt efdontmet waters^ fohpmnisliDd ^ 

regular nature tfjobte-pnfeib^ 

j^yyy jfj5 iff”**!*?- a pttfraiialntfun* *rfjob,fl* toni 

ufull -"■ i_ m 1 . :\ a>| : j I w " ! V *■" i J ■ " ^ ■- . : " ■" " , -I : . ."■■■■ ' J - ^ -. ■": " K 

1: tb&SBSgBIUF * 1 ^, 

B™ft( Hdgrifthir - &et Aufeirfity of Indi*. it fei* been' 11 ' s,,ii^ j : if 

i^ij.',, i'.y?i^~---' t ;■■/.' >>-i^yj‘._;y-:'r\*r n-^r :. According to well reorganization definition of 

.■Hjr; i ;.;V-i_ i '-Q^, iv^.f-.;: >■. ,<l = ■ .-■■,■. ..^ ■ contract it is an a g t WiV t i Eiifo irglVftrt ftetfet/THSi Result 

; ■: should be visible. Contract iabourerscen be traced fa i 

-.::■ ^ f fee work of contractor only and hot for the work of any 

employ er oc ww^ , w^mny ja^ as am oifeblisfifedht in fee prewrif cMsb 'SWtWk IS Bf the 

2** W wlffornMetM stf^tri atfoifiadp diidtlfahnieiit Slid bbl: oftheiiiotrddbr^^ 

cinbe as^Herofli^ *> 

j fcffi to is the duty of Stale to‘gi+^ef^dtfetttt f fe cithwnitodiiit*. 

' of lb * W'ntm “™w^: to 

.," /wfpjfipHt v for ; ;any w^rk^o|ffee'.^sl^blipbtoehV ■■ .-.■ *;!a;.T^ ; iyo 

.' ys fttwMi t^e|;iihtfectist's^eif" :: :'i r ' It Lk : adudttedby dte manq^nteat thstthewwfafUftt 
", ' caniauflsige ^^.^uateai3h£i]^a . wa* engaged m 04-01^1-9? h and hp iiBi wgrk<edl 

anil ln ' t r et^dchtthi(dai^ ; C<iij^tfj^'x &isii' eontinuoualy tip to 2dG4. Diaiog fee ^ pendency of rttw> 

iaipraj itc; If dii iihmner' tst W ntferenrt thh^pMflBineptille^ll^»nioT8d ttwh*Mtip»Mf i 

workmen will be In feet an employee ofthe pdlDje^sr in30O4-violHthigsertlon33«f tt»®Apt,'d9il7.'si. ? I, iiuv!. 

• * : ^wiiaiMa «nm« wm»m (*rtr 

.:•••• >or vv.v,, >.:■■; rfmriar ydEtdnhd OUit*&T HitttiMheitinithh 

in conneetieo with the work^a,cottttg<Wf bot JhWihtty# 
been hhed by fee contractor ftrthe wont ofthe respondents. 
Sblnthe ttihAt iwefeem istod^aet of urrteo bitween 
theprtfclfr ^ aitnjHtiy^ ^ k: 

1 TntoConiWWtjdiilJe^ 

of iW teMmateto 

JT^C^sCMt^WilseettheiaOmt-ni 0)diU«Mi>iee 

Act prohlbHlni; tthployiiMjht bf CottWaut teboor or 
othetwMe;^ lit IndhshPiiir^ipdttliTwu^hflOC befbre it 
by any oontmef labour hi regard to eondkions ofaervica^ 

wlMiflheir 'iftie 'qotiltaMitor nith^edeftbiiron fee 

fnpiindii Koivis^^d4mBi^to-priSdi»6d J anriy jffvdnibfolt 
^riAeSsh&IBIMtiUimit'cM^ ^f8r no^piiAy «r ii<MiAnk« £hlbiMir'dbr 

tS^run^ wife VctriOUl 

bsriefldM^liphtfHM'ib tb ftfdeprtvit fee woikenbf dw 
bei rtBt feiife aafc r. ftfeeoMitruotis foubdtobenotgemdni 
who 1 sholl be thweted to r^gidariw the rr/vtaer of the 
oontmet labour In the wtHMfahnwnt cotue«tied; ; ■= 

a peeetjnialnatiimtrf|ob. 9t kngaoflwefepmidhishegdnri - 
them wouldbe need of sealrtty foiffewn;«0tbe wd* iawfo 
exjstj^, c^pt^^^id por^oni^in n^nefbr si^WMk 
contract woriwrs cahiiotbe.eraptqy^ ; , 

■ '■-*"-■ ■ ^ : ^r! ' J t J "J J'>'J 1 

According to well reorganization definition of 
contract it is an ag^tehiiehi‘fth’ Result 

should be visible. Contract labourers can be 
fee work of contractor only and not for the work of any 
eStftbtyuridlit; fn fee- jjreiieilt' ettsbf ■ftW 'Wcrtt -18. Bf the 
miablishmeh* Siidnbl: offee^tdbWdddr™^ 
oflabourby arortrattor isiaghirisi 
can be a si^rHer dfHihiiiri hfodtfttb bny ^btfidkiMfek lt :> 
is the duty of Slate iditlant atHtfckutM^ 

of lb* ^a^swtipQf-; <Pc«nra«!l 9 iiat nanrt^t. ^giply^l^ik^ur to 

W.*feW«hm««r,r...- - ■: ,.V,;v:, ;; ■■ ; : 

■■ : ■:if It is aditrittsdby fee managtmettt festttie wodfetelM 
was: engaged' on; 04-ii3r»HiSt h and : bus. rworked! 

eoBtinuoialy tip'to 26Q4* Diaiog fee ipandeitcy M rtl»> 
teferench febttajfeganiertille^llpwniofedl^^ 
in 2804-violHthigset*tfiO3 3/pf feceffirAfa,'] 947 : : i . Art 

' '‘IbeWiuiitifeinfetit WlfeeiS HW-e'febittisd 1 that fey* 

Cfreuiir tettrrdMid 9^? Mfe engigeitierTfmyterk 

didef'iyt^'lfeiil'Mailiit'lki^S'^ biMtraiefbhll^'iMs^ 
prohlbifedliy fee G^eftfeenC-Tbe #e«*wii1fefrk«irtatd* 
uhdwfee control aod ioperviakitr of'fee rtBrtag«at«t.J 
MW ' i bw ridt deiiied fee dbfetlifedtii 'iv&fkmgof fee* 
wdftmmi ftbm 1&91 ^ 2064/ m%6ifcni» ^ ‘twt : fei-' 
btde^ehdei^copt^^ w dhectiort rffee- 

feife^etfeafeiWni" siDrthm^M^ltiytf4nde^^ 
between feb ' Tndatfetffeimeft wiifd vvs^kmua ■ofe’fet 
workman hu competed 340 ^1^ lit d«*y y##r«f hid 
*W®hWbfl®; : -v 'i ■)■, f..;,. --i. f r -r; ii.v i :.i jTtf pidi ?,■ ; : jjv;; i 

1 '-' 1 .- ThiirbaiM if decided scwofeigly^i^i, j -^i 
ISSUE No; t ■■'•"< '••-■■■'■■■ ; -' !1 --'it i- ^ 

; Ii wi sn MMi 


The workmen wowed imdwfee feb ( Bn|^|totf 

Incherge, In fee above cindiiar'ilK mt^bjteinMt tfndim 
fee aufecdiies ofCPWDtoieaddMiHfeofeoch daily tated 
Uufer niU wOfkeraea#si«! oeiefldf weei^fflriffl&F 
Or My other basis; defining ihi *wrth%rtao¥*i»fe^ 

1520 OU0B-1B 



[Pact II— Sec. 3(ii)l 

instructions ensuring Inter alia termination of services of 
all such workers who have not completed 240 days services 
in two consecutive years. The probable demand requiring 
appointment of such workers may a bo be intimated to this 
Directorate. As such in the circuhrof 1993 a complete ban 
was imposed on engagement of workmen on work order or 
band receipt and it was also directed that the list of those 
workers who have completed 240 days of services should 
also be intimated to die directorate. TbeHon’bie High Court 
held that the workers engaged on work order basis shall 
also be daily rated workers and provisions of Section 25-F 
of the ID Act, 1947 would be attracted 

The claimant in this case is workman in view of 
Section 2(s)ofthe ID Act, 1947. 

This issue is decided accordingly, 


ft was submitted from the side of the management 
that the workmen were engaged as contractors for cleaning 
Iheaewerlines* Even if it is found that there is direct relation 
of employer and employee fbe workmen may be given 
compensation in lieu of reinstatement 

II was submitted from the side of the workman that 
compensation is payable in cases where an undertaking 
■has become sick or it has been closed or it is in economic 
loss. It has not been established that the bank is in 
economic loss and it is a sick Industry, My attention was 
drawn by the Ld. Counsel of the workman to2000LLR 323 
State of UP and Rajender Singh. Hie Hon’bk Apex Court 
ordered for reinstatement with full back wages as the 
services of the daily wager cleaner who worked for 4 years 
was dispensed with without following the procedure for 
retrenchment. In dm instant case also no retrenchment 
compensation has been paid. This case law squarely covers 
the instant case. It has been held in 197$ Lab IC1668 (hat in 
case service ofawotionan is terminated illegally the normal 
rule is to reinstate him with full back wages. My attention 
was further drawn to AIR 2002 SC 1313. The Hon’ble 
Supreme Court has held that daily wager even if serving 
for a short period should be reinstated. 

It was submitted from the side of the workman that in 
the instant case sections 25 F, G oftho ID Act are attracted. 
In section 25 of the ID Act it has been provided (hat rf a 
workman has performed240 days work and if die work is of 
continuous and regular nature he should be given pay in 
lieu of notice and retrenchment compensation. 

It has been held by the Hon’ble Apex Court that 
time Is no cessation of service incase provisions of section 
25 F am not complied. In the instantcaseno compensation 
has been paid to the workman. 

In case a workman has worked for240 days in a year 
and the work is of continuous and regular nature be shouH 
be paid retrenchment compensation. In case retrenchment 

compensation is not paid section 25F of the ID Act is 
attracted. There is no cessation of his services. He is 
deemed continued in service in the eye of law. In case there 
is breach of section 25 F the service is continued and 
reinstatement follows as a natural consequence. 

ID Act, 1947 has been enacted to safeguard the 
interest of the workmen belonging to poor segment of 
society. It appears that legislature wanted that such 
workmen should not be harassed unnecessarily so Section 
25 F, U, T and Clause lOofVth Schedule have been enacted. 
The objects and reasons of ID Act, 1947 show that the 
respondent management should not be permitted to indulge 
in any unfair labour practice. The workmen should not be 
engaged for years and then they should be removed all of 
a sudden. There Is provision of retrenchment compensation 
for his removal. Retrenchment compensation is for 
compensating him otherwise so that he can survive long 
interregnum of unemployment, in the instant case no 
retrenchment compensation has been paid. 

ft was submitted from the side of the management 
that the Hon’ble Apex C ourt in 2006 (4) Scale has put down 
a complete ban on regularization and reinstatement. The 
Hcn’bie Apex Court has held that employment can only be 
made on the basis of procedure established in that behalf 
envisaged by the Constitution. Equality of opportunity is 
the hallmark and (he Constitution enshrines affirmative 
action to ensure that unequals are not treated equals. So 
public employment should be in letms of constitutional 

it was further submitted that the Constitution Bench 
Judgment has afforded a right according to which the 
government is not precluded from making temporary 
appointments or engaging workers on daily wages. 

The government has got no license to make always 
appointment of daily wagers and to continue them for life 
time. Fixed term tenure appointments and temporary 
appointments cannot be the rule of public employment. At 
the time of making temporary appointments Articles 14, 
16, 21, 23, 226 and 309 are infringed. There is no 
constitutional mandate that the government is at liberty to 
go on giving fixed term appointments for the entire tenure 
of service of an employee. 

The Government or Public Sector units cannot 
continue incessantly to give temporary and fixed term 
appointments again and again. Since fixed term 
appointments and temporary appointments are not 
governed by any constitutional scheme, such 
discrimination will amount to vicious discretion. The 
Government or Public Sector unit will go on resorting to 
the method of pick and choose policy and give temporary 
and ad hoc appointments to their favorites and thus the 
principles of equality enshrined in the constitution will be 
given a go bye. Such is not the intent of the Hon’ble Apex 


qratolTFUl lO, 2008/%W20,1930 


Cowt. However, m this judgment the pro visions of the ID 
Act governing the services of the workman have not been 
declared unconstitutional. Reinstatement is die remedy 
provided in toe ID Act for breach of seven! provisions 
enumerated therein or for breech of service totesprovided 
la various labour welfare legislations. 

A three Judges bench of the Hon’bk Apex Court 
has held in 1993-D-LLJtbaftennfDstknofserriceeaJlecls 
the livelihood of not only of the employee but also of die 
♦ dependents. So incaac ofillogsl terpimation of service die 
wofauu should be reinstated* 

This workman was engaged as casual labour w.e.f. 
4-1-1991 and when be raised tin dispute his services were 
illegally terminated by the management in 2003. The 
wortanmhflsworioed continuously from 1991 to2003. 

It bus been held in Constitution Bench Judgment in 
Urns DevTs case that In case a temporary employee has 
trashed tor 10 yean even temporarily mid not without too 
oiden of the Court die government should consider die 
feasibility ofiegnlarialiiin. Hus workman has admittedly 
worked from 4* 1-1991 and up to2004, so be has rendered 
continuous service for 13 years. The Hou’ble Apex Court 
has directed for regularization of the. services of the 
workman who have completed 10 yean of service. Hits 
workman worked continuously for 13 yean thereafter his 
services bevebeeo terminated, so fins workman k entitled 
to leinstirteiiwnt and regularizMiotL. 

This issue is decided accordingly. 


Itwas submitted from the aide of fee workman that fat 
view of 1966 LU134, ADI 1991 page IT3 end fat view of 
Directive Priucqjles of State Policy has confirmed in Article 
30(d) of the Constitution a casual workman cannot be 
denied the emne salary of Class -IV employees when they 
pe rfor med die same duties on regular basis. There should 
be equal pay for equal work and it rbould be treated as a 
fimdanental right m service jurisprudence. * 

It has been bdd m (2003)6 SCC123 asunder: 

‘The principle of'equal pay for equal work' b not 
always easy to appiy. There are inherent difficulties 
in comparing and evaluating the work done by 
different pencils in different organizations, or even 
in the same organization: It is a concept which 
requires for its applicability complete and wholesale 
identity between a group of employees claiming 
identical piy scales trod the otter group of employees 

who hove already canted such pay scales. Hie 
problem about equal pay cannot alw^s be translated 
toff q miftfmrtkd Ffttiwifr 

It is obvious from fbejudgment ftattheprinciplea of 
equal pay for equal work cannot be applied 
everywhere. A daily wager holds no post Soale of 

pay is attached to a definite post. This workman was 
not holding any definite post, to he cannot be 
compared with tte regular and permanent staff for 
equal pay and allowances ” 

Tth m bccn fiulher held in (2003)15CC250 aa under i 

“Equal pay for equal work - applicability of toe 
principle of held, depends not only on the natare or 
volume ofwcrk but also oofoe qualitative difference 
in reliability and responsibilities as wdl -. Even in 
case of same fractions, responsibilities do make a 
real and substantial difference - If is for the claimant 
of parity to substantiate a clear-cut basis of 
equivalence and a resultant hostile discrimination - 
In absenefc of requisite substantiating material. High 
Court erred in granting (he NMR worfcers/daiiy 
wagon/ casual workers parity in pay with the 
regularly employed staff merely on presumption of 
equality of the nature of work - However, such 
workers, held, entitled to payment of prescribed 
minimum wages.” 

It bas been held in this case that equal pay for equal 
work would depend upon not only tte natue or the volume 
of wotk but also on toe qualitative difference as regards 
reliability and responsibilities though the functions may 
be tte same. 

The workman was engaged on work order basis. He 
was not a regular employee, so he is not eat Wed to Equal 
Pay Far Equal Wotk. 

It bas been held intteother issues that the workman 
has worked for 240 days every yeardaing the entire period 
of his engagement His services were illegally termi na ted 
on 18-1-2003 whiletoc reference was pending. The workman 
is a manual worker. He must be doing some sort ofwork off 
and on. In the circumstances toe workihaE is entitled to 
50% back wages from 18-1-2003. 

This Issue is decided accordingly. 

The reference is replied tons: 

The Executive Engineer, G- Division, CPWD was 
not justified in not regularizing toe services of Sh, Kali 
Charan, Sewer man. This workman is entitled to 
reinstafoneni along with 50% back wages and regularization 
of his services since toe date of termination of his services 
i.e. IS* 1-2003. The management should reinstate tte 
workman w.e.f. IS-1-2003 and pay Mm 50% back wages 
from IS-1-2003 end regular late his services w.e.f. 
18-1-2003 within two months from the date of the 
publication of the award. Complaint No. 07/2004 is decided 

The award is given accordingly. 

Date: 31-3-2008 

R.N. RAI, Presiding Officer 


[Part TT—Sec, 3(Ii)] 


^fa#,16«lfa r 2008 

• = .' 1062.—4{iPl+ (iww SlfalWT, 1947 0947 

4>l 14) 17 ^ 3ipw "^f, w»r 

art* It*, mPwta ^ itisfo # 'flgg Fi^hnJf afr 
$ Tm, ai^r*r 3 a?leilPi+ H 
*R3»TC4f|til(j|* 3ffawT/5re-4Nl<rf4, ^ ^ (^ 

57/2007) ^ ^ f, # ^TT ^ 

16-4-2008 ^ w?r isir *rn ■ 

W T^-100I2/44/2007-3n|aiR (A^>J 
3PP[ ijHK, 

New Delhi, the t6th April, 2008 

3,0. 1062.—In pursuance of Section [7 of the 
fyiduacrial Disputes Act, 1947 f]4 of .1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the' Award (Ref. 57/2007) 
Cent. Govt. Indus. -TrLbunaJ-cum-Labour Court, Chennai 
as shewn in the Annexure, in the industrial dispute between 
the employers in relation to the management of 
3u^mutendent of Post Offices and their workman, which 
wit received by the Central Government on 16-04-2008. 

(No, U40D12/44/2007-IR (DU)] 
AJ AY KUMAR, Desk Officer 



: , Thursday, the 31st January, 2008 

Present :KJAYARAMAN p 
Presiding Officer 


{En the [natter of the dispute for adjudication under 
clause (d) of sub-section (I) and sub-section 2(A) of 
Section JO of the industrial Disputes Act* 1947(14 of 1947), 
between the Management and their workmen] 

/ \ t BETWEEN 

Sri j. Shanmugam ■: Petitioner/1 Party 


This Superintendent of Post Offices: Respondent/ 
Dfe^ostp Dharmapuri Division II Party 


For the Petit! oner ; Mis* R. Thamarai Selvan & 

O- Raman 

For the Management : None 


The Central Government* Ministry of Labour vide its 
Order No. L-400J2/44/2^ 

the following Industrial Dispute to this Tribunal for 

The schedule mentioned in that order is: 

qi Whether the action of the management of 

Superintendent of Post Offices, Dharmapurt in 

terminating (he service of their workman Sri J. 

Shanmugham w.e.f. 17-1-2000 is legal and justified. If 

not d to what relief the workman entitled to? " 

2 r After the receipt of the Industrial Dispute, this 
Tribunal hai numbered it ai ID 57/2007 and issued notices 
to both sides. The petitioner appeared through an 
advocate and filed Claim Statement Though one Asstt. 
Superintendent of Post Offices represented the Respondent 
for the first two hearings, he was not appeared before this 
Tribunal for subsequent hearings nor any advocate 
appeared for the Respondent. Hence* the Respondent called 
absent and set ex^parte, 

3. The allegation in the Claim Statement of rhe 
petitioner are briefly as follows: 

The petitioner was working as Branch Post Master 
in Mampatli Village in Dliarmapuri District. And he was 
working in the Respondent Management for 23 years. 
Based on a false complaint, the Respondent issued charge 
memos dated 3 0-9-1999/5-10-19 99 for which ah enquiry was 
conducted The Enquiry Officer has he Id that |he petitioner 
has admitted the charges and concluded die enquiry. On 
the basts of the enquiry report, the Disciplinary Authority 
imposed the punisliment of dismissal by its order-dated 
] 7-1-2QQG. For the same occurrence, a criminal proceedings 
for enquiry in CC 265/2000 was conducted before the 
Judicial Magistrate, Harur and after elaborate trial* the 
Judicial Magistrate has acquitted the petitioner from the 
criminal charges After thaq the petitioner has given a 
representation to the Respondent Authority but with no 
avail Hence, he has raised the dispute before labour 
authorities and ihe matter was referred to this Tribunal 
after failure of conciliation. Though, three articles of charges 
were leveled against the petitioner, all the charges have 
not been proved before the enquiry. The first charge 
levelled against the petitioner is that he while working as 
Branch Post Master* Mampatti* a cash of amount Rs. 811.75 
was short on 14-12-1998, The second charge levelled 
against the petitioner is that the petitioner failed to bring 
into account Rs. 600 abngwith penalty Rs, 7 accepted as 
deposit for the month from Nov. 1997 to Dec. 1997 in respect 
ofRHX A/c No. 277910 of one Mr* K.K- Ramamoorthi, The 
third charge framed against the petitioner is that he failed 
to bring into account a sum of Rs. 14 which he accepted 
towards RD Deposit from Dec. 1997 to Nov, 1998 in respect 
of one Mr. Ponnusamy. The petitioner is ignorant and he 

.. ffifc fct'WaR* * T=Df tffj >30WfltalW Mji f M3D ■ - . n' /■ f .» 


iHs B ofa 

co-employee and he is ignorant of the domestic ttftpfy 

; well 

.>^ 4 iA»'l have ,already /pnMted.iauVwttihe^tjhe 
' Respondeat hdriinayi advocate* appealed foe the 
Resp£>ni?m,:<hd Respondent waacelM abs^ and aet 

•'.<R-p>rth v, j "i rtJV; ::i :'ii.Vi'<.‘\< ii; in~'j\ \ 

1!: ^ ; 1T - ^ 

.1^:. ■■■; i: J^V: ■] ^H/ST'/V/ r.'*T; ( h - :>PTi: !i-v ,<:i\ 'z'-Y;:' T : : :^ . 

:,i\\ ■’■ Shatter that-Rti&po&deut 

=l : ■- 'vM<4ia©ewee* to trstnlrttonjtthe se^toe&ofthe 

'.■■Hi ■ ■■!■'■■■. rpetitioiNiwel;l7'l^!00P ktogda^justifted? 
’ : ’ ; r: i f '(&''' rV '*£&tifeiiL ifejiief& etrUtfedifi? 7 

1 : L' i'i iY' :V: : W'i si biY *?:'Yi V£ i ,r : ^ ■ - H 

*'.■ ^ i V-- -=Jj:" 0':"j J SjfllWCjj'-u'? Ix-T H=V j |' r." .!■'! ;:'iff 

btidirtit' ytoisekWimthhiitire. 


ll: r : v >r 

FWlffllF ?* 11 - UnjUDUVUIIH uu^uil U«U JJiw WOOVmPgw JUttwrt* 

aw&cstte erto^'Wl^ 

‘Of; ■&Lfciil 'ij'i .it? i i Kfiii (iiJiiiiiL. JLr*£iis£3ifi/"t^ 

uw V J .- / Elt^tifiV ▼“ -r —- — 

"wmifflit knowing anything froth the ^Isiebtferit ti i§ ids 

to Eheli^ip fttiuj^fi li^liHficjlwtifitiner 

5 ?^ i=iL J a i a iiiiiE ii i;; .hfi -aer&ninal 

' Harur siSh ft^reiS&fiir&te WcjtfirV, Wife tf^ttitiedirf the 
' cnfniniJ w(>^i^'tfei^^M]^4ikiicr ; cOritehflfcd ftial 

y tSem t^syViit ^ 'ssrtUteHSP ^ 

before the labour afu*tioritiesVJ^^^Il^»j^i^6>S6d cntit'the 

fcei^ifcMrt hanrtifaM^I&eeto this Tribunal to4*ty 
Respondent remahied absent aid > siffee the fcsipoiideht 

I find the petitioner's 
,'jtjasp aeofjiji^dijas such I find this point in frvour of 

the petitioner. 



'f KSMt' «H ■%<->.J /jf I -fi n 3 HI,3JfOw; , „ 

Respondent Managent^^^rpiinstiiig the services of 
the petitioner is not legal and justified. I find he is entitled 
to relief oftotnrtafcuaenfc.Wkb rdtsrdito-ha^CWages, he is 
entitled to the backwajres. With regard to contiouily of 
service and ‘'eEftitSlarit 1 b^iheRetspondwt is 
directed to give service, 

1 ■ ijll, ' f '(tJiitdiMd'fo 0ie P7A: J, trhAi^e^ ? eSs(d tyf»ed : by him, 
'totted me ttWtriJbh this 

1 ^Ty 1 * ii:M r: ' ! :- ! 1)1 

i W-\J. ;! ■>;! 1 

K.JAYARAMAN, Presiding Officer 
Witnesses Eaamined:- 

For'the 1 Farfjfi^^tioner . . None. r "' ‘ 111 

J >" i V?-'!;,.! A -:>..,: U if/I. i;; ■(': ■: ■ j V ! ’■■; :■';: 

For the II Patty/Managemeiit None rfl -,! ;>;>■' : u !.-- : 
Docununb Marked t- o ■; i ^ i 1 . ■ 

On the petitioner's side 

Ex. No. Date Description 

!l ; ’. _: L 1 ; 'l' j ;' r J j r V - ; _i j!--; ^ 

- — ■ ■ 111 |- ; - 

i r } i x/li;: j.'3f; '> 1 h ?■■ 

From the Management side: 

Ex. No. 



Hf? 'J' tA 


r I j*J- y ^:'i y, - 

2 oar- 

Tmi&L jwTt iii: 

14) ’Pi Wl 17 

to («wn srrfst tl-100/2005) 
t, ^rnKHj nd ;US^r4-2attS ,T?^13«MF^i3B. *f« 

' :: *■■-• ■ ■■■ Ll ;h ' -'■ f - 3iR (r*o ] 

:r: ^ s; ' '-■: ; 7 '" ,:? ;-r‘ J ::V : l' 

'•'■* l;:r.!r'!Si.? .-.i (Ai'l > ) T j v'jrViftJUA 

" ! '‘ i; T»e IR ii ; : 20e ft 

£ ; <!! pb'stfilnW'^D 17 of the 

IHdashM Di^ilttiActr 1 1P47 i{l4^ot (1947)./the Cdhtial 
punish tfc*e. A*«d'R#t No.lv0. No. 
■ -lO0i'2O05 : {tf'thfe ! Ceftts CittVl.^tfus i/^PrihiiBakitiittijabour 
Court, Chamsi as shown in the Anrte*rlre> , in’lhh’iiriiio*tf ial 



[Past II—Sea 300] 

dispute between the management of Airport Authority of 
India (NAD)Chennai and their workman, received by the 
Central Governor on 16-Q4-20G& 

[No^L4 mi2/2/2005-IR{M)] 
N. S. BORA, Desk Officer 



Wednesday, the 21st November, 2007 


Presiding Officer 


(In tbe matter of the dispute for adjudication under 
dame (d) of subsection {1) and subjection 2(A) of Section 
10 of tbe Industrial Disputes Act, l947(l4of1947), between 
the Management and tbeir workmen) 



A Venkalcaan ; Fetifiqner/l Party 

120/1, Vembuli Amman KoiJ Street 




The Regional Executive Director : Respondent/!! Party 
Airport Authority of India (NAD) 


For the Petitioner M/s. K.M. Ramesh 

For the Management M/s. Srec Associates 

The Central Government, Ministry of Labour vide its 
Order No + L- U 012/2^005/1R(M) dated 2J-7-2W5 referred 
the following Industrial Dispute to this Tribunal for 

Tbe schedule mentioned in that cider is - 

<0 Whether the demand of Sri A, Veukatesan for 
reemployment by the management of Airport 
Authority of India (NAD) P Chennai is justified 
or not? I f not, to what relief i$ be entitled to 7 

2 After the receipt of Industrial Dispute, this 
Tribunal has numbered it as ID 100 of 2005 and issued 
notices to both sides. Both aides entered appearance 
through their advocates and filed their claim and counter 
statement respectively. 

3. Tbe allegation in the claim statement are briefly as 

The petitioner joined the services ofthe Respondent/ 
Management on 14-7-1995 as contract workman Driver. 
Initially he was appointed through a Contractor by name 
Sri RV. Rajagopalan and he was in service continuously 
upto 16-1-1996. Subsequently, another contractor by name, 
Sri P + Thangavel employed the petitioner as a driver in the 
maintenance and project department of the Respondent. 
The petitioner worked continuously without any break, 
whatsoever, since the date of joining even though 
contractors have been changing every year or so. The 
work performed by the petitioner is perennial in nature and 
the so-called contract between the Respondent and the 
respective contractors are mere paper arrangement The 
work performed by the petitioner was directly controlled 
and supervised by the Officers of the Respondent/ 
Management and tbe so called contractors have no role to 
play except lending their names as contractors. Even the 
payments are made directly by the Respondent. Thus, the 
so-called contract between Respondent end (he contractor 
are only pretence, nominal and sham and a make believe 
arrangement. The contract is a mere ruse and camouflage 
to evade compliance of various beneficial legislations and 
in the matter of payment of wages. The Respondent is 
adopting the device of contract in order to deny the 
petitioner the status of regular workman of the Respondent 
and the benefits available to the workmen directly employed 
by him. Therefore, he has filed a Writ Petition before the 
HtwVbte High Court of Madras in WPNo, 19442/97 to absorb 
him and regularize his services from the date of his initial 
appointment. While the matter was pending before the High 
Court* the Respondent had terminated the services of the 
petitioner without following the mandatory requirement of 
Section 25(F) of the Industrial Disputes Act and the WP 
was disposed of by an order dated 27-8-2003 giving liberty 
to the petitioner to approach the forum under ID Act. Hence, 
tbe petitioner raised a dispute before the labour authorities 
and since the conciliation was foiled, the matter was referred 
to this Tribunal for adjudication. By terminating the 
services, the Respondent/Management has contravened 
Section 25(F), 25(G) of the Industrial Disputes Act. While 
the persons by name Sri Loganalhan, Meghanathon and 
Prabbakaran who have joined in the services of the 
Respondent as contract labour by the Respondent/ 
Management as direct employees as Drivers and Helpers 
respectively, the Respondent/Managenfcnt have already 
regularized foe persons who are engaged subsequent to 
tbe petitioner as illegal and is against tbe provisions of 
Section 25(G). Therefore, the action of the Respondent/ 
Management in removing him from the services is totally 
illegal* arbitrary and unjustified Hence, for all these reasons, 
he prays this Tribunal to order to reinstate him in service 
with bflck-wage&, with continuity of service and with all 
other consequential benefits. 


wmm 14, ams/tarar 20 . i*» 


4. As rn galmt diit, die Respondeat ■ his cornier 
utulcaiem contended th«t the AiiporiiAiriio%ofInda 
iediidivgni He deties have conceived the ides of 
modenuzadm of Ah Traffic Services at various Airports 
ell over Indie end specific projects hove been designed for 
modernization of the various Aiiperts including the 
infrastructure*. One wnoog such project has been designed 
forCbe&nriAiipoitfothcyeer 1994, Airports Aufoority 
of India wanted to construct a new Air Deffic Services 
ConpltthQnndAinNrtdacMdlh. )8crores.To 
monitor the project implementation,*reparetc team was 
formed by the Airports Authority of Indio, Cotporwe 
Office and die Prefect team stated monitoring the progress 
of the project on day-to-efay basil. The team on Manning 
charge of project monitoring felt the necessity of the 
req uir ement of some urinistaial staff tike Stmo-ann-Typist, 
E^-OfBcoAssisteftlMver ((MV), Peonend Raftsman. 
The Headquarters of the Respondent/Managmnaot also 
approved the expendhm for this temporar y engagement 
and permitted the Project Manager to call for quotation 
from different agmeies for tbefauppty of required manpower. 
After thorough scrutiny of the quotations, the least 
quotation was accepted, Aceonfiagty, die contract was 
awarded to it.V. R^ippHnon 14-7-1995, Ihepetfekner 
was mteamoogthe ittsspowtr suppliedby the contractor. 
The petitioner worked as o Driver for the project team, his 
an wnhyutnit terns not involving and not Auctioning 
unddr this JUspondentfoiauagemenL It was formed for a 
spedfe tedeefproject mqdaannatitu ofAirTreffic Service 
Complat at Chennai Hence, neilher dw eonlncfor nor the 
petitioner bed any contract or relationship with this 
Responded. Chi expiry of 90 days, another quotation was 
calMandSriJLV. fegagopatan whoa the lead biddar was 
awarded tbe oontrect foibeequamfy, one SriP. Thangxvei 
became the mcceufol bidder and the coniroct was awarded 
to Inn end the said Thangnvel wssswnrded foe connect in 
the subscqqcnt Inda and in the next hid one Sri Sekar 
becamethe successflil bidder and the contract wroowurded 
to him and tatty foe project wu completed onl2-l1-2001. 
The contract for supply of various cortingsmey manpower 
continued tin foe project was completed through various 
contractors. The categories mentioned bt foe contract are 
not in penuanent requirement The contractor wqnpUcd the 
required manpower only for 90 days at a time. The 
Respondent U not nwme of engagement of any individual 
particularly. Tbe petitioner was not at all employed by foe 
Respondent The petitioner has not been engaged direct 

the Airports Authority of Indie and foe teem has to be 
I as in when foe project !* over. 

period. When the dfod contactor viz. Sri Scfcw became tin 
succeeeM contactor, foe petitioner woriend for only 4 days 

purpose of tide cootrectfor the raesons best know to them. 

In all these engagement, a lumpsum am o unt contract 
m mh knak ai was paid tmy month to foe contractor by 
foe project mo ni ttvfo g teem for aUfocseiviotaicwdgnidby 
the contractor. Tbe petitioner was terminated by the 
contactor at his daendon, in foe year 1998 though the 
coronet ■‘iwiiMiri upto 2001 till the completion .of fee 
project All peymentswere made only to contractors, 
Further, foe work p e r fo rmed by foe petitioner is neither 
permanent nor perennial in nature. The cases of Sri 
ra gpiwfoMi, Mcgjjunudiiii and Fnhyuno mentioned 
by die petitioner are entirely different as they had been 
engaged, as caroal labour in Ahpoita Authority of India 
against the pennaoemfregular vacancy. Their sendees were 
regularized as mandatuy in the taws wbereas foe petitioner's 
engagement was only as contract labour end foe contract 
for a subsequent period cannot be considered for 
regnbufzatton. Since foe petitioner wm not etnpkiyed by 
the Respondent, the gnukii of his wniimn^e does not 

VtKi IHfrwCOPOBCtwlliB Ofly Bf lBC 

period end ss and when the project was over, the prefect 
mon u on nt m toqibw b w ma uxy mn w hxv 
original position. Htintie, for all these rfcuObs, the 
AtspoDONii prays tnu uk emm nay do Quvmssni wm 


j t Agiin, tbe ptfkiwitr Id his rejoinder yfttfmtiiT 
alleged, it is fidse to allege Ibst foe petitioner was engaged 
for s particular project, is for from troth. At no stretch of 
imagination, it can be, said to be of temporary nature. Tbe 
fog book/trip sheet maintained for the jeep owned by the 
Respondent and which was friven by the petitioner would 
prove tbrt the petitioner w» uot engaged for the project 
work but directly by foe tUspoadcTOl^nageuieiit. All 
payments ware nude directly to , foe petitibner 'by the 
Respoodent. The force co-wcriarien mentioned in foe claim 
statement were woridogalong^^ 
aUegpd corotactors and performed foe work ofDrim like 
that of petitioner. The action of the Respondent/ 
Management tn denying foe seme privilege to the petitioner 
is hi bknty,illogal,haict, licprayxwi sward may be passed 
inhlsfovoar, * 

The points for dntonninteionero: 

(ij Whether foe demand of the petitioner for re- 

. justified?* . ■ ^ 

(s) Towhatrefiefiibo entitled to? 

& Util cane « robed by tim petitioner to m umpky 
him-In the Reepondeot Menngapual with bechwagea, 
continuity of service and all other attendant and 
eenseqnentiel benefits. The case cf. the petitioner. is that 
be joined the sendee* of Respondent Managemem on 
147-199J as a contract workman (Driver), Though the 
contractors ware changed, be was ccptiMioni|y weriting 



[Part II— Sec. 3{ii)] 

without any break and the nature of worit he has done is 
perennial in nature. He further alleged that though it is 
alleged that he was a contract labour, the so called contract 
between the Respondent Management and the alleged 
contractors are mere paper arrangements and the 
contractors have no role to play except lending their name 
as contractors. Even the payment of wages are paid directly 
. to hiiiiby the Respondent Management and the so called 
contractors have never turned up to die work spot and it is 
only the Officials of the Respondent Management who 
extractwfrrk from the petitioner directly and therefore the 
so called contract between the Respondent Management 
and the contractor?; are only a pretence, nominal arid sham 
and a.snake believe arrangement. Since die Respondent 
Management is adopting this device of contract in order to 
deny the status of a regular workman to the petitioner, the 
petitipnerbas filed a Writ Petition in Hon'bleHigh Court in 
W.P. No. 19442 of 199? praying the Respondent 
Management to absorb him and to regularize bis service 
from the date of his initial appointment But to his sinpise 
during the pendency of the the Writ Petition in February, 
1998, the Respondent has terminated the services of the 
petitioner without complying with the mandatory 
requirements of Section 25F of the Industrial Disputes Act. 
Subsequently, the Writ Petition was disposed off by order 
dated 27*8‘-2003 giving liberty to him to approach the 
fbrum created under the Industrial Disputes Act. 
Therefore he has raised the dispute and It was referred to 

7. But, as against this, the Respondent contended 
thereisno relationship of Master and Servant between the 
petitioner and. the Respondent Management. While 
mpdetmiration of the Air Traffic Services at various airports 
ail: oyer India, the Airports Authority of India has 
sanctioned specific projects for modernization for Chennai 
Airport and specific funds have been allotted for the 
specific project and time schedule has been framed for 
commissioning and completion of the project. Similarly, in 
the year 1994, Airports Authority of India wanted to 
construct anew Air Traffic Service complex in Chennai ata 
cost ofRs. 16.00 crones for which tenders were floated and 
M/p. Hindustan Steel Construction Ltd., a Public Sector 
Undertaking was the successful bidder for the project 
construction. Further to monitor the prefect implementation, 
■separate team was formed by Airports Authority of India, 
Corporate Office which required some ministerial staff like 
Stenp-cum- Typist, Engg.<Office»Asstt Driver, Peon and 
Draftsman and furthermore the Airports Authority of India 
approved the expenditure for this temporary engagement 
to be met out of the contingency funds for the project and 
the Project Manager called for quotation from different 
agencies for supply of required manpower. Accordingly, 
the contract was awarded to one Sri. R. V. Rajagopalan on 

14-7-1995. Subsequently, it was extended on two occasions 
and in one occasion, one Sri. P. Thangavel became 
successful bidder and the contract was awarded to him on 
9*1*1996 and he was successful bidder for seven periods. 
Subsequently, one Sri S. Sekar became the successful bidder 
add he was awarded the contract during 1996. At last the 
project was completed on 12-1! -2001. None ofdie categories 
mentioned in the contract was a permanent requirement 
constantly throughout the period of the project and all 
these categories are intern littetit. The contract entered into 
by the Project Manager team with various pasties for various 
activities has come to an end when the project was 
completed. The petitioner was hot at all employed*by the 
Respondent Management and he has not been engaged 
directly by the Respondent Management at any point of 
time. Since the Project Monitoring Team not being a regular 
department of Airports Authority of India, the team has to 
be dismantled as and when the project was over, permanent 
ministerial establishment cannot be created for the 
temporary period. The petitioner's services are disengaged 
by one of the contractors and this Respondent has nothing 
to do for the disengagement of contract labour by the 
contractor concerned. The petitioner was worked under 
contractor, Sri S, Sekar only for 4 days during the contract 
and the said contractor disengaged him for reasons best 
known to him and the petitioner. Since the petitioner was 
engaged by the contractor for a specific period, there is no 
question of appointing the petitioner in regular service or 
terminating him from the service. 

S. Since the petitioner alleged that bas received 
wages only from the Respondent and since his contention 
is that only the Officers of the Respondent has given the 
work and the so called contractors have not given any 
instructions for the day to day work, he has ti» establish 
these facts with satisfactory evidence, In this case; in order 
to establish his contentions, the petitioner produced 5 
documents and examined himself as WW2. The first 2 
documents viz. W1 and W2 are the petition filed by him 
before the Asstt. Labour Commissioner in 2605 and the 
reply fried by the Respondent Management for the petition 
Ex. W3 are the copy of the trip sheets of.the jeep of the 
Respondent Management and with registration number 
TN22A7282 from the year 1995-1997. Ex W4 b the logbook 
for the year 19^7 for the jeep TN 22 A 6863, Ex W5 is the 
copy of the order engaging Sri Logan at han on casual basis 
passed by the Respondent. As against this, on this the 
side of the Respondent, one Sri K. Gunssekaran, Dy, General 
Manager {Civil Engg, Department) of Respondent 
Management was examined as MWl and 31 documents 
were marked. The Respondent's documents are the 
sanction order given by the headquarters of the 
Respondent Management for expenditure fra engaging 
ministerial stalTfor the project work and also foe letters of 


WW wra 10, 2008/^nW20, 1930 


correspondence between the contractor and the 
Respondent Management for appointing the contractor 
and also for renewing their contract. Out of the 31 
documents, the petitioner produced Ex. M30,the Technical 
Sanction and also the Measurement Book of the said project 
woik. On behalf of the Respondent, it is contended at not 
paint of time;, die petitioner was engaged by the Respondent 
Management directEy. The contractor alone has paid the 
wages for the petitioner for the work he has done. No 
Supervision was done by the Respondent Management 
and it is only the Contractor who has supplied the 
manpower for the temporary project work. 

9. In this case though the petitioner has produced 
the logbook and trip sheets but on production of these 
documents it cannot be said that the petitioner was 
engaged by the Respondent Management directly. On the 
other hand, the Measurement Book produced the 
Respondent Management squarely shews that on each 
period the Respondent authority has sanctioned the amount 
for the contract work done by the contract labourers. 
Though the petitioner alleged that wages were paid by the 
Respondent Management directly, be has not produced a 
single document to show that wagea were received by him 
from the Respondent directly. Further, be has not produced 
any document-to show that he has bean engaged by 
Respondent Management directly or appointed as Driver 
under the Respondent Management Though, the teamed 
counsel for die petitioner placed much relianceon the copies 
of trip sheets and copy of die logbook produced by the 
petitioner, it cannot be said that by these documents, the 
petitioner has established that he has been engaged by 
the Respondent Management directly because every 
Government vehicle must have the trip sheets and logbook 
for dwmanitcnBnce of die Government vehicle. The Driver 
nf the vehicle Is to maintain tills logbook and to sigh in the 
trip sheets for using the vehicle by Govt officials. Though, 
the petitioner alleged that be is a Driver ofthe Govt, vehicle, 
he has not established that he has been appointed fay the 
Respondent Management dlmtiy. On the other hand, the 
Respondent has established before this forum that they 
haw floated tender to supply manpower Iwcfnrlm g die 
Driver for foe temporary project work and tile project has 
been closed as per schedule and the contract few supply of 
manpower has already been dosed. When such is the case, 
the Respondent establish dint it is ou|y die Respondent 
who has etgagedfho petitioner directly and the contract is 
only sbtm and nominal for the purpose of denying his 
legal rights. But in this case, the petitioner has not 
established this fhet with any satisfactory evidence. The 
teamed counsel for the petitioner farther contended, one 
S/Shri Loganadum, Meghanothan, Sc Prtbhakaran who 
have in service ns contract labour are alongwith the 
petitioner have been absorbed by the Respondent 

Management as tegular employees as Driver and Helpers 
respectively and some of tire persons who are engaged 
subsequent to the engagement of the petitioner have all 
been regularized in service pud they are still fat service and 
thus the Respondent Management has contravened Section 
25-G ofthe Industrial Disputes Act, But on die other hand, 
it is the contention of the Respondent Management that 
foe said persons viz. S/Shri Loganothan, Mughanatfaan & 
Prabhaksran are employed as Casual Labourers under die 
Respondent Management and they have been absorbed 
m the regular vacancies and it is contended ^hat the 
petitioner has never worked as Casual Labourer under the 
Respondent Management he has worked only as a contract 
labour under the contractors and under such 
circumstances, the appointment of those persons cannot 
be compared with the petitioner. I find much force in the 
contention of the learned counsel for Respondent. Further, 
the Respondent has also produced documents. Ex. M27, 
Ex. M28 ft Ex. M29^ which arethepartfetriara gfvai by the 
Respondent Management with regard to employment of 
S^Shri Frabhakaran, Meghanathan as Casual Labourers on 
daily wage basis. Therefore, in this case since the petitioner 
has not established that the contract between the 
Respondent Management and the contractor are sham and 
nominal and since he has not established that he was under 
the control of the Respondent Management directly, 1 
cannot accept die contention of the petitioner that (he 
contract was sham and nominal document and it was taken 
by foe Respondent only to refuse his legal rights. The 
learned counsel for the Respondent has placed reliance on 
the judgement of tire Supreme Court, SECRETARY OF 
2006,4 SOC, PAGE 1 end argued “In that case, the Supreme 
Court has dearly stated the status of temporary employee 
do not have right to regular orpermanent public employment 
and further held temporary, contractual, casual, adhoc or 
daily-wage public employment must be deemed to be 
accepted by tire employee concerned folly knowing the 
nature of it and the consequences flowing from it Further, 
he argued that the Supreme Court in recent judgentf nt in 
2007, 1, SCO, PAGE 408, INDIAN DRUGS * 
end argued that the Supreme Court in that case has held 
“tiie Court camot create a post whether non-existing nor 
issue direction to absorb or regularize temporary 
employment nor continue them in service nor pay their 
salary of regular employment as these are purely executive 
or legislative functions and it farther held such questions 
cannot be decided in Court on basis of emotions and 
sympathies but must be decided on legal principles”. In 
this case since h is established that the establishment is 
only a temporary establishment and since the petitioner 
was engaged as a contract labour in a project work, the 
Respondent Management cannot absorb the petitioner In 

1626 GliOS-ie 



[Pabt [I—Stc. 3(ii)] 

any regular vacancy and the Respondent Management 
has get separate Recruitment Rules (RR) and if any vacancy 
arises, it should be done according to the rules framed 
under RR and as such the petitioner cannot be employed 
intbe Respondent Management. In this case the petitioner 
bas not established that he has been appointed by the 
Respondent Management m any one of the regular vacancy 
temporarily and he has not established the fact of the date 
Ofhis engagement he has been under the direct control of 
the Respondent Management and furthermore he has not 
established the fact with any satisfactory evidence that 
the contract entered into between the Respondent 
Management and the contractor are sham and nominal. As 
such, I find this point against the petitioner. 

Point No. 2 

Hie next point to be decided b this case is to what 
relief the petitioner is entitled to? 

10. In view of my foregoing findings that the 
petitioner is not entitled for reemployment, 1 find that the 
petitioner is not entitled to any relief in this dispute. 

11. Thus, the reference is answered accordingly. 

(Dictated to the P. A., transcribed and typed by him, 
c or re c ted and pronounced by me in the open court on this 
day the 21st Nov., 2007) 

K. JAYARAMAN, Presiding Officer 

Witnesses Examined: 

For the I Party/Petitioner WWI Sri A, Venkatesan 
For the U Party / Man agement MW 1 Sri K. Gunasekaran 

On the petitioner's side 

Ex. No. Date Description 

BtWf 10-1-2005 Petition filed by the first parly before 
the Asstt. Labour Commissioner 
(Central), Chennai 

EX. W2 4-8-2005 Reply filed by die first party before 
the Asstt. Labour Commissioner 
(Central), Chennai 

Ex. W3 - Trip Sheets for Mahindra Jeep TN- 


Ex,W4 - Log Booh of the year 1997 for Jeep 

(Vehicle) No. TN-22-6883 

Ex,W5 7-9-1999 Order engaging M, Logan athan on 
casual basis 

For the n Party/Management: 

Ex. No. 





Sanction letter in Ref. NAA/MAS/ 






Letter in Ref. HE/9/NAA3/411 



office Note Ref. AAI(NADyEngg./ 
Proj/EE (C yMan power 



Letter in No. AA1(NAD)/MAS/ 
E E (C)/ P RQ J/S -5/95/1 from the 



Letter in AAl(NAD)/MAS/PROJ/ 
EE(C )/M ANT #5/17-119 



Letter in A A1/N AD/M AS/(MOD)/ 




Office Note N 0 . AAi(N ADJ/MAS 
PROJ/EE(C)/MANP/S -6/95/1 



Letter No. AAI(NAD)/MAS/EE<C)/ 



Letter No. AAi(NAD)/MA5/PROJ/ 



Letter No. AAI(NAD)/MAS/EE(C>- 



Letter No. AAI(NADVMAS/EE<C)- 

Ml 4 


Letter No. AAl{NAD)/MAS(MOD)/ 
EE (O PRO J/MAMVS-14/510 



Letter No, AAI(NAD)/MAS/EE (C)/ 



Letter No. AAI(NAD)/MAS/EE (C y 



LetterNo. AA1(NAD )/MAS/EE (CV 



Letter No AAI(NAD)/MAS/EE(C)/ 




Letter No. AAI(NAD)/MAS/SE (CV 
MANP/S-lS/l 15(A) 



Letter No AA1(NAD)/MAS/S E (Cy 



Letter No. AAI(NAD)/MAS/SE(Q 


io ( 2008^fiW20> 1934 


17 *ta,200R 

m&L 1064.—aldlPnrft^K afePppr, 1947 (1947 
14) MW 17 ^ SIJHW *f, 4H*Wi i^cfl 

($PH|$6 44'iR<(H SrfMfiS ^ 4 N 4 Mu* slllr J'I4 j 8«4W(I 
* *h, Njft ^ diWifl* ftMR * tlWR 
dfoilfqqi 4||V4>^l, ^'hld (tiVI 78/2006) ^ 
!W>lRurf <wil ^ ww ^ 17-4-2008 ^ MIW 

New Delhi, the 1 7th April.2008 

S.O. 1064.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14of 1947), the Central 
Govenmert hereby publishes tbe Award (Ref. No. 78/2006) 
of Ole Cent. Govt Indus. Tribimd-cum-Labour Court 
(Th ermal as shown in the Arvnexure in the Industrie L dispute 
between the management of Neyveli Lignite Corp. Ltd., 
and tbelr workman, received by the Central Government on 

[No. L-22012/203/2005-IR (CM-II)] 
AJAY KUMAR GAUR, Desk Officer 



Thursday, the 10th January. 2008 
Pmnt! X. JAYARAMAN, Presiding Officer 
INDUSimAL DISPUTE Nte 78/2006 
(In the matter of the dispute for adjudication under clause 
(d) of sub-section (1) end sub-section 2(A) of Section 10 of 
the tnduatrnl Disputes Act, 1947( 14 of 1947), betweeathe 
Management of Airport Authority of India and their 


SriA. Amabaj iParty/Pettiioner 


The Director (Personnel) Neyveli II Party/Respondent 

Lignite Corpn. Ltd. Neyveli 



For the Petitioner M/s Balm Haridas&KKamatchi 


For the Ma na gement M/s N.A.K Sarnia, 

N. NlthiyanandamA Meenakshi 



Hie Central Government, Ministry of Labour vide its 
Order No, L-22012/203/2005-IR(CM-U) dated22-08-2006 

referred the following industrial dispute to tills Tribunal 
for adjudication. 

The schedule mentioned in that order is: 

’Whether (he action of the Management of 
Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. b tmoinatieg 
the services of Sri A.Amalraj w.e.t 04-08*2003 
is just, fair and legal? if not, to what relief is the 
workman entitled?" 

2, After the receipt of industrial dispute, ihis 
Tribunal has numbered it as ID 78/2406 end issued notices 
to both sides. Both sides entered appearance through their 
advocates end filed their claim and counter statements 

3. The allegation in the claim statement are briefly as 

The petitioner joined the services of the Respondent 
Corporation as Industrial Worker Grade-n Trainee on 
01.07.1996 and he tins directed to work as Industrial Workers 
Grade-II in the Telecom Department While so, he was 
served with an order dated 07-12-1998 in which h was 
alleged that the petitioner has secured the job by 
suppressing that his brother Sri A. Anthony Raj was 
employed in the corporation and he was asked to give an 
explanation, Even though he has given his explanation, 
the Respondent authorities have not satisfied with the 
explanation, ordered for a domestic enquiry to be conducted 
against him. Though the Respondent Corporation has 
engaged a legally trained person he was not allowed defend 
himself with die assistance of the lawyer, thus, the enquiry 
as conducted by the Enquiry Officer is In violation of 
principles of natural justice, Further, when die petitioner 
requested tbe Enquiry Officer to summon his brother Sri A. 
Anthony Raj and also requested to summon crib of the 
member of (he selection committee who interviewed him 
before granting appointment on compassionate grounds 
but the Enquiry Officer has refused the request made by 
the petitioner. The action of the Enquiry Officer in foiling 
to produce the witness requested by the petitioner vitiated 
the enquiry. The petitioner's brother has got his job by 
merit and he has left the family even when his father was 
alive and he was never considered as a member of the 
fondly by his father. Even in the medical book which was 
given to avail the medical benefits extended by the 
Respondent Corporation to the dependents and family 
members, (he name of Anthony Raj viz. the petitioner's 
brother is not included. The said Anthony Raj even, in die 
year 1991 left tbe family and had been living hb.own life 
without looking after the family of petitioner's father and 
the entire family's responsibility foil on the petitioner. 
Therefore, die petitioner has no intention to suppress any 
fact. While so, (he Enquiry Officer held in a mechanical 
manner that the petitioner suppressed the fact of his elder 
brother's appointment in the Respondent Corporation. The 
Disciplinary Authority without applying his mind has come 

[4 TJjfT-22012/203/2005-3n$ am (# tpi-II) ] 
3R7n rfte, 



[Part II—Sec, 3(b)] 

to a conclusion that the findings of ihe Enquiry Officer h 
a correct one and imposed the punishment of removal from 
service without notice. The Disciplinary Authority and 
also the Appellate Authority has not considered the fact 
that petitioner's brother is not a dependent of the petitioner's 
father. Therefore, ihe question of any suppression does 
not arise at all. Without considering these aspects* the 
Disciplinary Authority imposed the capital punishment 
which is not valid in law. Further, in the case of one Sri Ah 
S ivakumar, V. Sravanan, A, Joseph Xavier, S. Setbu Sridhar, 
R. Gnanavel; F. Selvaraj and M. Sundaramoorthy who axe 
all employees, obtained appointment on compassionate 
grounds when (heir brother were also working in the 
Corporation, but in their case, the Respondent 
Management" has imposed only the punishment of 
stoppage of two increments and censure. But in the case 
of the petitioner, though the petitioner's brother was not 
part of the family and not a dependent, the Respondent 
has imposed the extreme punishment of removal from 
service. Therefore, the order passed by the Disciplinary 
Authority which was confirmed by the Appellate 
Authority is illegal and contrary to law. In fact the 
punishment of removal is grossly disproportionate to the 
charges alleged against the petitioner Hence, for all these 
reasons, the petitioner prays this Tribunal to pass an award 
holding that the order of the Disciplinary Authority and 
also the Appellate Authority are illegal^ arbitrary, contrary 
to law and consequently a direction from this Tribunal to 
reinstate him in service with full back wages, continuity of 
service and all other attendant benefits. 

4, As against this, the Respondent in his counter 
statement alleged that the petitioner's father Sri A, 
Arokiasamy who was working as Technician Grade-I was 
died while in service on 3(M 1-1995. On his demise, the 
petitioner applied for employment on compassionate 
grounds. Under the scheme in existence of the Respondent 
Corporation, no member of the family of the deceased 
should be employed in the Corporation while seeking 
employment on compassionate grounds. Tbe petitioner 
having known that hi$ elder brother vi*. Ah Anthony Raj is 
already employed in the Respondent Corporation as 
Industrial Worker Grade-1 suppressed the fact and made 
false declaration to the Respondent Management and 
thereby secured employment on compassionate grounds 
on 24-06-1996. The Respondent having come to know of 
the mischief played by the petitioner, issued a charge memo 
dated [7*12*1998 and after proper enquiry and after 
affording opportunity to the petitioner by following 
principles of natural justice ultimately dismissed the 
petitioner from service taking into consideration the gravity 
of the proven misconduct. The employment on 
compassionate grounds is a concession given by the 
Respondent Corporation to the family of the deceased 
employee on ful fill ing the conditions of the scheme. S ince 
the petitioner, in violation of the conditions of (he scheme 

secured employment by unfair means, he was not entitled 
to any relief. The suppression made by the petitioner 
amounts to misconduct of fraud and dishonesty, giving 
false information and an act punishable under the law read 
with Standing Orders- 14(1)B of the Respondent 
Management and therefore action was taken against him. 
For the memo, though the petitioner has given an 
explanation, the explanation given by him was not 
satisfactory* a departmental enquiry was ordered to be 
conducted. In his claim statement though die petitioner 
alleged that the Presenting Officer was a legally trained 
H person 1 \ this ai legation was not taken by the petitioner 
before tbe domestic enquiry. Therefore, the allegation of 
Prejudice or disadvantage of having been defended by a 
co-workman is an afterthought in ihe venture of the 
workman to wriggle out the situation of the proven 
misconduct and hence it Is not valid. Even in the submission, 
the petitioner has given an undertaking that he w ould abide 
by the action of the Management in case his statement 
was found to be not correct. The suppression of information 
which otherwise would have the petitioner ineligible for 
appointment was well established in (be enquiry by the 
documents submitted by the petitioner himself and his 
mother. Therefore, the charges framed against him are well 
substantiated by documents submitted by the petitioner 
himself and the findings of the Enquiry Officer is well 
established. The non-examination of the selection 
committee members in the enquiry who recommended the 
selection of the petitioner under such circumstances is not 
necessary and the enquiry was held in a fair and proper 
manner and it is not vitiated as alleged by the petitioner. 
The petitioner wilfully suppressed the fact of the 
employment of his brolhcr Sri A. Anthony Raj in the 
Respondent Corporation with an ulterior motive to secure 
employment against the rules by submitting false 
declaration. This amounts to misconduct involving fraud 
and dishonesty. The rules governing compassionate 
employment do not exclude the wards of the deceased 
employee from the definition of family members securing 
employment in the Respondent Management prior to the 
death of the said employee or those of wands living 
separately from the family of the deceased employee. The 
petitioner cannot harp on the punishment imposed on other 
persons. Those disciplinary action on delinquent 
employees initiated on the facts and circumstances of each 
case and in defter ent context in this case, it has been clearly 
established that the petitioner totally Jacked integrity since 
he has deliberately committed acts of dishonesty, fraud 
and an act punishable under law and hence the removal of 
the petitioner is totally justified. For all these reasons, the 
Respondent prays that the claim may be dismissed with 

5. Again the petitioner in his reply statement 
contended that the allegation of suppression of material 
facts by the petitioner is without any basts since Ihe eldest 


WWHTOT :R# ID, zoosAsn® 20 ,1930 


Son of AroJriasamy was never considered to be a pant of 
the family, The petitioner has stated like that in (he 
declaration for the reason that the brother of the petitioner 
may be a kgal heir of tire deceased Arokjasamy for which 
the Corporation would have insisted upon tire legal heir 
certificate in the manoertothe interests of the Corporation 
they would have got a letter from Anthony Raj as he is an 
employee of the Corporation to avoid any claim from other 
legal heirs. This will not establish that a brother who has 
left the family and who is living separately was supporting 
the petitioner's family at the time of compassionate 
appointment of the petitioner. The allegation that rules do 
not exempt any category is not correct because rules 
themselves provide for the employment on compassionate 
grounds. The Respondent Management was Mb' aware 
of die fact of the petitioners brother was also onploycd 
and there was no Suppression by die petitioner, further, 
no justification has also been given by the Respondent as 
to why they have been treating the petitioner differently. 
Now this Tribunal has got every power under Section-11 a 
of the ID Act to set aside the order of dismissal by 
exercising its power. Hence, he prays an award may he 
passed in his favour. 

Points for (ktemiritkm arc: 

CD Whether the action of the Respondent 
Management for te rminatin g the services of the 
petitioner w*£ 04-0 8-2003 isjust, fair and legal. 

00 To what relief ihe petitioner is entitled ? 

Point No. 1 

6. The admitted case of both parties b the father of 
the petitioner viz. Arokiasamy was an employee of the 
Responded Man^ementand be was died m the year 1996 
wfdle be was in service and the first son ofArokiasamy viz. 
Anthony Raj has been appointed by the Neyveli Lignite 
Corporation (NLC) on merits in tbe year 1991 and the 
petitioner was appointed on compassionate grounds in 
the year 1996. The learned counsel for die Respondent 
contended the Respondent Corporation having a scheme 
for employment to the wards/dependeuts of the deceased 
employee! on compassionate grounds and as per the 
scheme no other member of die deceased frunily should be 
in employment of the Respondent Corporation or in tbe 
canteen or in the theatre in any capacity. Hie object of 
providing the scheme for compassionate grounds is to 
enable the family to set over die sudden fin social crisis 
due to tire sudden death of sole bread earner- hi this case, 
though (he petitioner was appointed on compassionate 
grounds in the Respondent Management, the petitioner 
while he has submitted his application,be has suppressed 
the materia] fact that his elder brother Sri Anthony Raj is 
working in the Respondent Corporation which clearly 
shows the mala fide indention of the petitioner somehow 
securing the employment in the Respondent Cwpogtfion 
suppressing the vital information intiw scheme. It is further 
argued that the petitioner has categorically stated in his 

declaration that there is no other family member is working 
in NLC and only basing on these particulars furnished in 
Ifae application and the statements given by the petitioner 
in the declaration and his mother, appointment was given 
to the petitioner on compassionate grounds, and therefore, 
the petitioner who has suppressed tbe material facts 
intentionally is not entitled to get any relief in this ID. In 
order to support his contention the Respondent marked 
19 documents which are circulars issued by the Respondent 
Management and also the enquiry proceedings taken 
against tbe petitioner. 

7. As against this, the learned counsel for the 
petitioner contended that the compassionate appointment 
in the Respondent Management is given to the employee's 
family to tide over the crisis owing to death of the bread 
earner. In this care, though it is alleged Anthony Raj viz 
the brother of the petitioner was appointed by'the 
Respondent Corporation and he is a member of the family 
offai Arokiasamy, the saifl Anthony Raj was appointed by 
theRcspoftdeatCofporatioiiori 7-1-1991 on his own merits 
after being sponsored by Employment Exchange. The said 
Anthony Rty vvho after securing employment left the family 
on his own and this fact was not disputed by the 
Respondent Corporation. Since, the said Anthony Raj 
having left the home in the year 1991 and since he was not 
treated as part of ihe family and only because of this, 
Arokiasamy, father of the petitioner has not included the 
name in his medical book ofttoe Corporation. On tbe death of 
Arokiasaniy viz, ibe father of the petitioner, tbe family was in 
distress and ihe said Anthony Raj having left the family 
much prior to the death, was not part of die family and, 
therefore, the petitioner has not mentioned the said Anthony 
RtU asa member of die family in the application. Therefore, 
there is no suppression on the pert of the petitioner more 
particularly there is no wilful suppression for securing die 
employment oo compassionate grounds. The learned 
counsel for the petitioner firther contended that even in tbe 
circular maked by the Respondent Authority as Ex.M4 which 
is a circular dated 19-01-1990 and which has been issued for 
the employment to the wurdadependents of Ihe deceased 
employees, in the 2nd para it is d early tneotiooed that with a 
view to give speedy relief to ihe wards/depeodents of the 
deceased employees, the following course of action wit] have 
to be henceforth followed: 

(Q As soon asan employee dies while in service, the 
details of the wards/dependents as available in 
the service records as well as by enquiring the 
members ofthe family are to be collected. 

(3) They are to be checked with Medical Identity 
Cards and P.F. nomination and gratuity 
nomination available with the unit personnel etc. 
etc. Further, in 4th para each details with the 
application from the wards/depordents, it is to be 

(a) Name ofthe deceased employee 


[Part ]i —Sec. 3(ii)l 


(b) F + F.Number 

(c) Division, designation and date of death of the 

(d) Normal date of retirement 

(e) Name of the claimant 

(0 Relationship with the deceased employee 

(g) The name and relationship of other members 
of the family to the deceased employee 

(h) Identification marks 

(i) Educational qualification/technical quali¬ 

(j> Experience, if any. 

Only in the Annexure, it is mentioned as general 
conditions that no other member of the family should be 
employed in NLC or in the Industrial Canteen, Amaiavathi 
theatre etc, in any capacity. The learned counsel for the 
petitioner further contended since the scheme was 
introduced as a welfare measure and since it is introduced 
to provide an appointment to a member of the deceased 
employee to help the family of the employee on the death 
of the employee and since the petitioner was the only 
member on whose shoulder the responslbiity to maintain 
the family fell, he has made an application and it is dearly 
stated by the petitioner that his brother Anthony Raj after 
securing the employment has left the house and has been 
living on his own and he was not a dependent and therefore 
he was not considered as a part of the family and that is 
why his name has not been included in the Medical Card 
issued by the Respondent Corporation and it is also 
admitted that Anthony Raj was also issued a separate 
Medical Card by the Respondent Corporation* under such 
circumstances, there is no suppression of material fact and 
that too a wilful suppression of the material feet It is his 
farther argument that the other employees of the 
Respondent Management viz, one K. Sivakumar whose 
P,F, No- 37798, one Saravanan whose P.F. No. 39801* one 
Joseph Xavier whose P.F. No. 37853 and one SethuSridhar 
@ S> Kolanchiappan whose P<F. No. 37877 and one 
Gnanavel whose RF. No. 37354 and one Sundaramoorthy 
whose P,F. No, 39175 who have all appointed on 
compassionate grounds when their brothers were already 
working in the Corporation and the Corporation has taken 
action against them has imposed only the lesser 
punishment of stoppage of increment and also the 
punishment of censure on them. But in this case, even 
though the brother of the petitioner was not a part of the 
family and who was separated even while his father was 
alive, the Respondent has taken a different view and has 
imposed extieme punishment of removal from service which 
clearly amounts to discrimination in the matter of 
pmishment apart from arbitrary exercise of powers. He 
farther argued that in any event the punishment of removal 
b grossly disproportionate to the charges alleged against 

him and this Tribunal has gat every power under Section 
11A of the ID act to interfere with the quantum of 
punishment and impose ie&ser punishment or to set 
aside the order of punishment imposed by the 
Respondent Management. The learned counsel for the 
petitioner examined the petitioner as WW1 and also marked 
5 documents viz. Ex.Wl to Ek.W 5 which are the orders 
passed by the Respondent Authority in the case of Joseph 
Xavier, Gnanavel, in the case of Sethu Sridhar, in the case 
of K, Sivakumar and in the case of Selvar^k But again the 
learned counsel for the Respondent contended that the 
learned counsel for the petitioner on 14-05-2007 made an 
endorsement in the Claim Statement to the. effect that the 
petitioner is not challenging the enquiry proceedings and 
restricted his dispute in respect of quantum of punishment 
imposed by the Respondent authorities* therefore, under 
the proviso contained in Section-11A of the ID Act, the 
Tribunal has only to rely on the materials on record and 
shall not take any fresh evidence iti relation to the matter. 
Since the petitioner invoked Section 11 A of the Act, this 
Tribunal shall not take into account the Exs.WI to Ex.W5 
which are not marked in the domestic enquiry and this 
document cannot be taken into consideration far invoking 
Section 11A of the tD Act. Further more, even apart from 
the argument* the punishment given to the various persons 
as found in Ex,Wl to Ex.W5 were not appointed on 
compassionate grounds and the petitioner has specifically 
admitted this feet in the crossrexaminBtfeHb therefore, the 
persons under Ex.Wl to Ex+W5 stands on different footing 
and reliance on these exhibits is luitenablsn Therefore, the 
plea that similarly placed persons were given lesser 
punishment is not sustainable. 

8, But again the learned counsel for the petitioner 
contended that it cannot be said that the petitioner has 
produced a fresh evidence before this Tribunal because 
the exhibits produced show the discrimination exercised 
by Respondent Authority and therefore the petitioner has 
got every right to rely on the documents and to say that 
similarly placed persons were given lesser punishment for 
similar offence* Further, he argued in all these cases marked 
In the Exs. Wl to Ex. W5, it is stated that only because o f 
suppression of the fact that the brother of the concerned 
employees even though working in NLC, the fact has been 
suppressed by the employees concerned but the authorities 
have taken different stand and imposed a lesser punishment 
viz. reduction in salary and the punishment of censure 
were awarded to the concerned persons. While Ln this case* 
the Respondent Management has taken a different view 
and imposed a capital punishment of removal from service 
which is clearly disproportionate to the charges framed 
against the petitioner. Further, he argued even though the 
Respondent Advocate argued that those persons 
mentioned in Ex.Wl to Ex.WS were not appointed on 
compassionate grounds and they were given appointments 
far some other reason, they can produce documents to 



[Part Jl—S ecl 3(ii)] 

mentioned that the authorities must cheek die medical 
card issued by the Corporation with regard to members of 
the fondly. Under such circumstances, though the petitioner 
tuts not mentioned his brother's name in the family 
particulars, it is not a suppression of foci more particularly 
a wiltful suppression of the foct, therefore, the petitioner is 
entitled to get the relief as prayed for. 

11. Though I find this argument is vehement, I find 
by not giving the name of the petitioner’s brother, the 
petitioner has suppressed a foct which is against the scheme 
of compassionate grounds, as such f find the action of the 
Respondent Management in terminating the sendees of 
the petitioner is just, fair and legal. 

12. The next point to be decided in this case to what 
relief the petitioner is entitled to? 

In view of my foregoing findings that the action 
taken against the petitioner by Respondent Authority is 
just, foirand legal, I find the petitioner is not entitled to any 
relief in this LD. 

13. Thus the reference is disposed of accordingly. 

(Dictated to the P.A., transcribed and typed by him, 
corrected an pronounced by me in the open court on this 
day the 10th January, 2008), 

K. JAYARAMAN, presiding Officer 

Witnesses Examined:- 

For the I Party/Petitioner : WWl Sri A, Amalraj 

For the II Party/Management : None 

Documents Merited: 

On the petitioner's side 

Ex. No. 





Order of punishment given to 
Joseph Xavier 



Order of punishment given to 
J. Murugavel 



Order of punishment given to 
Sethu Sridhnr 



Order of punishment given to 



Order ofpunishment given to 

On the 2nd Party/Management's side 





Scheme for providing 
employment to Wards/ 
Dependents of deceased 











Norms for selection of 
deceased of deceased 
employee/de pendent 






Joining report of the 






Explanation given by the 



Order of enquiry 



Letter calling objection from 
the individual alongwith the 
enquiry report 



Enquiry report 

17 2008 

WH. 1065.—jtlljiPH) ft*IH 1947 U947 

^1 14) ^Thiira 17 ^ ^ 4S-fl4 IN? ^ 

^ fpfatsf aflr 3i<r sr4*»n\I ^ 

Tf 1 frffe f^TTC rf aftulf'ld) 

SlPMWCTR (Ttyj R&0 13/2006) 

^ 16-4-200S "8S uryi 


[Tt hr- 12012/118/2005-ati$ m (dl-II) ] 

New Delhi, the 17th April, 2008 
S.O. 1065 ,—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award Ref, 13/2006 of 
the Cent, GovL Indus. Tribuna l-cum Labour Court 
ERNAKULAM as shown in the Atmexure, in tbe industrial 
dispute between the management oflndian Bank and their 
workmen, received by the Central Government on 15-04- 

[No. L-12012/118/2O05-IR(B-U)] 


Present: Shri P. L, Norbert, B.A., LL.B., Presiding 
Officer (Friday the 14th day of December 2007 /23 rd 
Agrahayana 1929) 

I.D.I30F 2006 

Workman Sony Thomas, 

Vathiath House, C/o.Tbankachan, 
Padivattom, Edapally P.O., Kochi. 
By Advocate SrLC.S. Ajith Ptakash. 

Management The Deputy General Manager, 

Indian bank. Circle Office, 3575,38/ 
1672-B & C. Chfttoor Road, 
Pullepady Jmction, Kochi -682 035. 


wunm :Hf 10 , 2flGS/itfi,i« 20, 1030 


By Adv. Sri S.Easwartn 

This case coming up far hearing on 14-12-2007, this 
Tribunal-eum-Labour Court on the same day passed the 


This is a reference made under Section 10(1X4) of 
I.D.Act questioning rite action of management in 
retrenching die workman. 

Though parties entered appearance and filed their 
pleadings, when die matter came up for evidence die worker 
submitted that ho is not pressing the dispute. An 
endorsement to that effect was made fat the claim uaHHmmt. 
In the circumstances it has to be presumed that (here is po 
existing dispute for adjudication. 



Dated foe nfolhwfflmber, 2007 
Present: Shri A. R. StDDlQUl, Presiding Officer 
CR.No. 13/2002 

I Party 

H Party 

Mi MB Kuflrarni, The Regional Manager, 

C/o V T Saboir, Corporation Bank, Regional 

No. 28, Chandraitmuli, Office, Near Basaveswara Circle, 
Nehr\HiagfVf Gokul Rood, Near Bits Stand, 
HUBU-58OG30. HUBU-580029, 


In the result, an award is passed finding that the 
action of the management in retrenching the workman, 
ShrLSony Thomas is legal and justified and the workman is 
not entitled for any relief 

I Party Shri N S Narasitnha Swamy 


II Party Shri N Venlcatesh, P S Sswkai 


Typed, corrected and passed by me on this the l4tft 
day of December, 2007. 

H L. NORBEBT, Presiding Officer 

Appendix: Nit. 

17 wto, 2008 

"WiSR, 1066,— M$\+ faRK 'SlIWPW, 1947 (1947 
14) ^ qm 17 ^ 3, kMhi TO* qflWftm 

fa? ^ ^ qnfcrcf •% 4K 

W& aiterlfw ftqiq 3 tor aNilfaqr 

aflftTOtWOT -UWMU, $lcflt tfr (*i4«l tiiMF 13/2002) 
TMlfalfl qi«fl ^ qt) 17-4-2008 TIM 


[Tt T5!l-12012/271/1999-3^ «E (#-II)] 
4v*ir, tdfirerit 

New Delhi, the 17th April, 2008 

5.0. 1066.—In pursuance of Section 17 of the 
Industrial Disputes Act. 1947 (14 of 1947), the Central 
Government hereby publishes the Award Ref. 13/2002 of 
the Cent. Govt. Indus. Tribunal-cum-Labour Court, 
Bangalore as shown in the Annexure, in the industrial 
dispute between the management of Corporation Bank and 
thdr workmen, received by the Central Government on 

[No. U12012/271/1999-IR{B-ll)] 

RAJ1NDER KUMAR. Desk Officer 


1. The Central Government by exercising die powers 
conferred by Clause (d) ofSub-sectloii (1) and Sub-section 
2A of the Section 10 of the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 
has referred this dispute vide Order No. L- 12012/1271/ 
1999-1R(B-Hj dated 22-02-2002 for adjudication on the 
following schedule: 


"Whether the action of the management of 
Corporation Bank in dismissing ttasetviceof ShriMidomd 
B Kulknmi vide ordsr dated 25-1-1996 is justified? If not, 
what relief tin wdtiunaft concerned is entitled to?" 

2, A charge sheet dated 14-05-1994came to be issued 
against the first party workman in fallowing terms:— 

H You have been working as Clerk at Dharwud Branch 
of the Bank since 20-8-199L It is repotted against you as 

1.01. Thai on 22.1 2. 1993, you wet* working as Cashier 
at the Branch. That on that day,- at about 
U.30 A.M. M/s. Mahindarakar Brothers, 
Constituents of the Branch remitted Cash of Rs, 
3,24,500 and Rs. 64,750 in various denominations. 
That Sri P. Raghuprthi, Cash Officer was given 
Rs. 1,50,000 out of the said cash in Rs. 100 
denomination for the purpose of counting. That 
the remaining cash was stitched by Sri Nagaraj 
KuHcarai, Peon and handed over to you for the 
purpose of verification. That foe cash packets 
were also counted by Sri Nagaraj Kutkami and 
found correct. That yon verified the cash, entered 
the slip in the Tellers Rough Cash Book and 

1526 GlitKi—20 



handed over the cadi to Sri Raghupathi for the 
purpose of counting. That while doing so, you 
clandestinely removed a cadi packet of Rs. 5 
denomination from the said cash. That Sri 
Raghupathi received the cash from you without 
counting the cash packets. Subsequently, on 
verification by Sri Raghupathi, it was found that 
there was a shortage of one cash packet of Rs. 5 
denomination amounting to Rs> 500. That Sri 
Raghupathi made good the shortage of Rs. 500 
on that day. That on 27-12-J993, when Sri 
Raghupathi made enquiries with you in that regard, 
you admitted having removed cash of Rs. 500 pm 
23-12-1993 and promised to repay the same to 
him. That on 29-12-1993* you repaid the amount 
of Rs. 500 to Sri Raghupathi through Sri V V 
Kulkami and Sri R K Shyamsundar, employees 
working at the Branch. 

1.02. That M/s. Mahindrakar Brothers, constituents of 
the branch have been remitting cash regularly at 
the Branch ranging from Rs. 2.00 lacs to Rs, 4.00 
lacs daily for the last several years. That during 
the months of September to December, 1993,you 
were reporting shortage in their remittance and 
they were reimbursing the shortage. That on a 
few occasions, before remitting cash* they had 
counted and checked (he cash twice and despite 
that you had reported shortage in their remittance. 
That in that regard, the constituents lodged 
complaint dated 32-12*1993 at the Branch. That 
on 27-12-1993, the representative of the said firm 
Sri C E. Bidrj while tendering the cash in respect 
of cash paying in slip for Rs. 7331, knowingly 
tendered excess cash of Rs + 300 Le< 3 notes of 
Rs. 100 denomination and 2 notes of Rs. 50 
denomination. That Sri Bidri also noted down the 
numbers of the notes of Rs, 50 denomination and 
Rs. 100 denomination tendered to you. That 
although there was excess of cash of Rs. 300 in 
the cash tendered to you, you accepted the entire 
cash and bsued the counter foil to Sri Bidri without 
however declaring that there was excess in the 
cash tendered by him. That thereupon* Sri Bidri 
complained to Sri Vijaya Kumar Prabhu, 5ub- 
Managei and you admitted before Sri Prabhu lhai* 
there was excess in Rs. 50 denomination notes 
■ only. That there after the Branch manager 
instructed for checking of the cash in the cash 
cabin and in the meantime, you were asked to be 
seated in the Manager's cabin. Thai while 
checking was in progress, you went to the 
stationery room and hid the excess cash received 
by you in the stationery bundles. That Eater on 
2 notes of Rs, 100 denomination and another 2 
notes of Rs. 50 denomination hidden by you in 

[Part TI—Sbc. 3(ii)j 

the stationery bundles were recovered. That thus, 
you did not accouru for the excess cash tendered 
by the customer with a dishonest intention to 
derive undue pecuniary gain. 

2. The first party submitted his explanation dated 
JE-07-1994 denying the allegations of the misconduct as 
levelled in ihe charge sheet. The Disciplinary Authority 
not being satisfied with his explanation ordered Domeslic 
Enquiry into the matter and on Lhe conclusion of the 
enquiry, the Enquiry Report dated 23-08-1995 was submitted 
by the Enquiry Officer giving a finding on the aforesaid 
first charge in favour of the first party and where as recorded 
a finding on the second charge holding the first party guilty 
of the said charge. The Disciplinary Authority vide 
proceeding dated 28-9-1995 proposed the punishment of 
dismissal giving opportunity of hearing to the first party 
and there upon confirmed the punishment vide order dated 
25-01 -1996. The appeal preferred by the first party cume to 
be dismissed by order dated 11-05-1996. There upon it 
appears, the first party raised the dispute with the 
conciliation officer concerned resulting into the present 
reference proceedings, 

3. The case of th e first party workman as made out i n 
his claim statement, in brief, is to the effect that the charge 
sheet dated 14-05-1994 was concocted and issued at iho 
dictates of the vigilance department of the management 
net based on the facts. The documents including the 
complaint in support of the charge sheet have been cooked 
under the guidelines of the vigilance cel); that the alleged 
complaint dated 22-12-1993 from Mahindrakar Brothers and 
lhe two complaints by Shri C. [. Bidri (Badli), one undated 
and other dated 23-02-1994 marked during the course of 
enquiry Ex M-10 h Ex M-7 and Ex M-9 respectively do not 
bear inward diary seal of the bank and even cooked up to 
issue the charge; that the alleged excess cash as mentioned 
in the charge sheet of Rs. 300 was never produced during 
the course of the enquiry nor Machine Numbers of those 
notes said to have been traced in the stationery bundle 
were tallied with the machine numbers allegedly hoted by 
the said complainant Bidri, who h said to have remitted the 
cash with the bank through the first party; that the counter 
foil of pay-in-si ip mentioned in the charge sheet was not 
among the documents produced during enquiry, The 
alleged excess cash was never accounted as per banking 
rules and no document was produced to substantiate the 
remittance on 27-T 2-1993; that the written complaint for the 
incident in question by said Bidri was filed only on 
23-2-1994 and the other complaint by the said Bidri is 
undated and it is there after the charge sheet is filed only 
on 14-5-1994 and there was an inordinate delay not 
explained at every stage and circumstances fatal to the 
entire Disciplinary Proceedings that the Enquiry Report 
holding the first party guilty of charge No. 2 is based on no 
evidence and findings are perverse in as much as the 
Enquiry Officer did not appreciate the fact of non-tendering 


WifWTIWni 10, 2003/^nra 20, 1930 


of the excess cash of Rs. 300 during the course of the 
enquiry; that the reaJ customers Mr. Mahindrakar Brothers 
who made a general complaint on 22-12-1993 at Ex M-10 
was never examined so also the scribe of other two 
complaints at Ex M-7 and Ex M-9; that the Enquiry Officer 
did not appreciate the fret that the said Bidrt was not at all 
the customer of the bank and that he visited the branch fbr 
the first time and never knew the first party; that Enquiry 
Officer foiled to appreciate the Act that there was no 
evidence prefaced to show that any excess cash was 
produced on 27-12-1993 and there was no accounting of 
alleged excess cash. He failed to appreciate the fe£:sei*« 
defects in cooked up documents and also Medtoeppred&u 
the various relevant points raised in the wrmtt brief 
submitted by the first party on the conclusion of the 
enquiry; that the order of the Disciplinary Authority 
oo the findings suffering from perroxity was passed k s 
routine manner without application of the mind and without 
a speaking order. Therefore, the findings of the Enquiry 
Officer as well as the dismissal order passed against him 
were illegal and liable to the set aside. In the result, the first 
party requested this tribunal to peas an award setting aside 
the dismissal order and reinstate him into service with lull 
back wages and other consequential benefits. 

4.Tbe nunagemgit by its counter statement among 
other grounds, contended that the reference is liable to be 
rejected solely on the ground of delay and latches on die 
part oftbe first parly in raising the dispute in the year2002 
i. e., after a gap of about six years from of the 
dismissal. While, narrating the allegations made in charge 
sheet, the management contended that after affording 
sufficient and reasonable opportunity to the first party to 
defend his case taking the assistance of Shri Stephen 
Jsyachander, Assistant Secretary, Ganara Bank Employees 
Union and bis Defence Representative cross-examine all 
the management witnesses at length and even opportunity 
was given to the first party to adduce his defence evidence 
and he produced six documents which were marked at Ex, 
D-l to Ex D-6. The management then contended that alter 
conclusion of the enquiry a report was submitted holding 
the first party guilty of the second charge and then a copy 
of the report was sent to the first party after issuing die 
second show cause notice proposing the punishment and 
giving he ari ng in regard to the punishment and findings of 
the Enquiry Officer and it is thereupon the alleged 
p unishment order dismis sing the first party from service 
was passed.. His appeal against the dismissal order was 
also rejected. The management then contended that with 
regard to die validity of the Domestic Enquiry an issue 
may be framed and finding may be given in the first instance. 
Die management then gave reply to each of die paras of 
tbe claim statement denying the averments made by the 
first party in challenging the proceedings, to challenging 
the dismissal order so also the contentions taken by the 
first party with respect to tbe oral and documentary 

evidence produced during the course of the enquiry. In 
die last, the management requested this tribunal to reject 
the reference. 

5. Based on the aforesaid contentions of the parties 
my learned predecessor in the first instance took up the 
question with regard to the validity and feinwss of the 
enquiry proceedings conducted against tbe first party. 
During the course of the trial of the said Issue, the 
management examined Enquiry Officer aa MW I and got 
marked 19 documents at Ex M-ltd Ex M-19. By order dated 
24-10-2002 my learned predecessor recorded a finding to 
tbe effect that the Domestic Enquiry conducted agiust the 
first parly is feir and porper, Thereupon the first party 
examined himself on the point of victimization and after 
hearing learned counsel for tbe parties aa award dated 
28-2-2003 was passed rejecting the reference. 

6. Aggrieved by die order dated 24.]£.2002 and the 
awards dated 284)2*2003, the first party approached the 
Hun’ble High Court in W P No, 31948/2003and his Jotxtfup 
of Hon’bk High Court by order dated 24-07-2007, not 
interfering with die order dated 24-10-2002 passed by this 
tribunal, quashed the aforesaid award and remanded back 
the matter to this tribunal with a direction to reappreciate 
the evidence on record and to pass appropriate orders as 
to the guilt or Otherwise of the first party and also regarding 
tbe proportionality of the punishment by permitting the 
first party to examine himself on the plea of victimization 
and to .dispose off the matter within 3 months from the date 
of receipt of the records. 

7. After die remand both the parties were notified 
and they appeared through counsdsi First party examined 
himself on die point of victimization and got marked two 
documents at Ex W-1 and Ex W-2. On the part of the 
management MW 2 was examined by way of rebuttal. There¬ 
upon, I have heard learned counsels of the respective 
parties on merits and the case is posted oh this day for 

S. Learned counsel fbr the management 
Sh. N. Venkatesh, vehemently argued that as findings Of 
this tribunal on Domestic Enquiry has gone in favour of 
the management, now, the only question to be considered 
would be whether the second charge LeveJJed against the 
first party has been proved or not as per the findings oftbe 
Enquiry Officer. While supporting the findings of tbe 
Enquiry Officer on the charge, learned counsel submitted 
that the management in order to substantiate the charges 
levelled against the first parly examined in all 7 witnesses 
and got marked as many as 13 documents Ex M-l to 
Ex M-13. He contended that there was sufficient and legal 
evidence of an independent witness by name Bidri who 
made two complaints against the first party speaking to 
the fact that he paid an excess cash offts. 300 apart from a 
sum of Rs. TJ2 f cm 27- f 2- i 993 so as to test the integrity of 
the first party as he was in the habit of reporting shortage 



[Part II—Sec. 3(ii)] 

of the amount being paid with the bank by the aforesaid 
find Mohindrakar Brothers on several occasions. He 
contended (hat though the first party received the excess 
amount ofRs. 300 he failed to return the same to the said 
complainant examined as MW 1 and he had hidden the 
said amount in the stationery bundle kept in the stationery 
room and that came to be recovered by the Branch Manager 
and thereupon further procedure was followed by the 
Branch Manager in reporting the incident to the higher 
authorities and it is on the conclusion of the investigation* 
charge sheet was issued against the first party He 
contended that the Bank Manager, the Sub-Manager as 
well as (he other officials of the hank have spoken to the 
aforesaid facts alleged in (he charge sheet corroborated by 
the documentary evidence and therefore second charge of 
misconduct against the first party has been very much 

9, He nextly contended (hat the charge of misconduct 
is very grave in nature and the management was justified 
in dismissing him from service, he then quoted several 
decisions of various High Courts and Supreme Court 
contending that when the Domestic Enquiry finding has 
gone in favour of the management and charges of 
misconduct have been proved during the course of the 
enquiry the provisions of Section II (a) of the ID Act need 
not be invoked by this court and the punishment order 
passed by the Disciplinary Authority also cannot be 
interfered with it being a case of misappropriation involving 
moral turpitude, J would like to come to those decisions 
hereinafter if found relevant and necessary. Learned 
counsel for the management also argued on the alleged 
victimization saying that when the charge of misconduct 
itself is proved there cannot be any question of 
victimization. He also contended that there is no evidence 
produced satisfactory to be relied upon in supporting the 
contention of the first party on this point. 

10h Whereas learned counsel for the first party h 
Sh. N £ N challenged the findings of the Enquiry Officer on 
the second charge on various grounds already urged in 
(he claim statement and will be taken into consideration by 
this tribunal one alter the other* 

l L Before adverting upon the merits of (he case and 
appreciating the respective arguments advanced for the 
parties, 1 would like to bring on record in brief the oral and 
documentary evidence produced by the parties during the 
course of the enquiry. 

12. As could be read from the Enquiry Proceedings 
and (he Enquiry Report, the management examined seven 
witnesses as MW 1 to MW 7. MW 1 said to be the 
complainant who tendered excess cash oFRs. 300 with the 
first party along with a sum of Rs. 7321 to be remitted with 
the bank as a representative of the said Mahindrakar 
Brothers. MW 2 is one Mr, Venkatesh V Kulkami said to 
have been working as Clerk and said to have been made 

his statement before the Branch Manager with regard lo 
the first charge levelled against the first party* MW 3 is the 
then Branch Manager to speak to the fact that he received 
a letterat Ex M-2 from the vigilance cell and in response to 
the said letter he recorded statement of witnesses MW 4, 
MW 5 and MW 9 and sent them to the vigilance cell as per 
his letter at EXhM 3 + MW 4 is one Mr, Naguraj Kulkami. once 
again working as a clerk to speak to the fact that on 
27-12-1993, he went to bring stationery ft™ the stationery 
room, die Manager A run Kumar and Lakshman Kamkar 
were present there and Lakshman Kamkar took the 
stationery from the room to the Manager's cabin and when 
the bundle was opened currency notes were found but he 
did not note the details of the case. MW-5 is one 
Mr. K Arun Kumar, who has deposed to the fact that Eiis 
statement at Ex M -5 was recorded by the Branch Manager 
and the contents of his statement are correct. He has also 
spoken to the fact that in the cabin of the Manager in the 
presence of other offic ia Js, the first party made his admiss ion 
of the misconduct committed by him, MW,6 ts the then 
Sub Manager Mr. Prabhu who spoke to the fact that on 
27-12-1993, the complainant told him of paying of excess 
cash of Rs, 300 consisting of two notes of Rs. 100 notes of 
denomination and two notes ofRs. W denomination with 
the first party but first party returned only counter foil and 
not the excess cash and then he enquired about the mailer, 
counted the cash on his table and found it to be correct, 
then a piece of paper was produced by the complainant 
showing the numbers of the notes and they were compared 
with cash amount and the numbers rounded of in the piece 
of paper al Ex M-8 were found missing, ft is his further 
statement that then the stationery bundle was brought to 
the cabin of ihe manager and was found containing 
currency notes, in the meanwhile, Mr. Arun Kumar came 
out of the stationery room to report that first party was 
seen m pushing some currency notes into the stationery 
bundle. MW 7 was (he last witness for (he management 
and his statement was to the effect that 27-12-1993 while 
he was in the stationery room* Arun Kumar came there for 
some loan application forms followed by the fiist party and 
it is Arun Kumar who told him lhat firsl party kept 
something inside the stationery bundle and that he himself 
has not seen him keeping inside the said bundle. He then 
staled that he and Nagaraj Kulkami look the bundle to the 
Manager's cabin which contained a sum of Rs. 300. The 
documents which were marked during the course of the 
enquiry at Ex M-l lo ii\ M-13, are the letter dated 
27-12-1993/13-01-1994 addressed to the Regional Manager 
by the Branch Manager MW 3, a letter dated 22-2-1994- 
wrillcn by the Senior Manager to the Branch Manager 
namely MW3 ? the statement dated 25-2-1994 said to have 
been given by the said Prabhu to the Branch Manager, the 
statement dated 23-02-1994 said to have been made by 
Arun Kumar to the Branch Manager, Pay in slip dalcd 
27-12-1993 d the complaiul dated 23-2-1994 saidlo have been 
made by said B Edali, the letter dated 22-12-1993 to the Branch 


Lft, 3008^11^20, 1930 


Manager by Mahindrafcar Brothers, the letter dated 
27-12-1993 written by the first parly to the Manager 
requesting him to change him to other department The 
letter dated 29*12*1993 by one Sh, R. Raghupalhi to the 
Branch Manager giving details of the incident involving 
the first party for first charge and statement dated ml given 
by one Mr. V. V. Kulkami concerning to the first party 
respectively. The documents produced by the first party 
at Ex D-l to Ex. D-ti once again are the copies of the 
statements of Nagaraj Kulkami, said Pratahu, said A run 
Kumar at Ex D l,D-2 and EM, Ex D 3 is the representation 
by the officials of the bank to the Deputy General Manager 
nuking a complaint ofthe suffering and the hardship being 
caused to the officials of the bank working as Cashiers. 
Ex D i and D*6 are the xerox copies of the scroll sheet 
dated 27-12-1993 and 2S-12*1993. This is all the oral and 
documentary evidence which was considered by the 
Enquiry Officer while exonerating the first party on first 
charge and holding him guilty to the second charge 

13. On going through the aforesaid records* 1 find 
substance in the arguments advanced for the first party, 
that there is no sufficient and legal evidence to sustain the 
aforesaid second charge against the first party and 
therefore findings on the said charge suffered from 
perversity. In order to bring home the guilt of the first party 
on the second charge, three important factors were to be 
established, firstly, the alleged excess cash payment of 
Rs. 300 to the first parly by Mr Bidali, the second factor 
whether the first party him self kept those Rs. 300 currency 
notes in stationery bundle and third factor will be the 
recovery of the same from the stationery bundle. The 
Enquiry Officer on the first point entirely relies upon the 
statement of Bidalj coupled with his two aforesaid 
complaints one undated and the other dated 23-2*1994. 
The statement of Mr. Bidali in his examination in chief is to 
the effect that he tendered a sum of Rs. 7321 plus excess 
cash of Rs, 300 to the first party saying he wanted to 
deposit a sum ofRs. 7321 only, but the first party did not 
return him the excess amount of Rs. 300/- when he 
demanded, instead the first party kept two fifty rupees 
notes on the table as an excess cash and kept two notes of 
hundred rupees denomination in his table drawer and for 
that he approached the Sub-Manager MW 6 who in turn 
counted money and found it to be Rs. 7321 and when- 
piece of paper containing the numbers of currency at 
Ex M-JS was produced by Mr. Bidali he found that two 
notes of Rs, 100 and two notes of Rs. 50 denomination 
were found missing. If we go by the above statement of 
Bidali so also the statement of MW 6 which was again 
relied upon by the Enquiry Officer, it is hard fobdieve as 
to what difficulty MW 6 faced rather what prevented him 
not immediately seizing those two notes of Rs* 50 
denomination kept on the table and two notes of Rs. 100 
denomination which were kept in the table drawer of the 
cabin of the first party- The stery goes to say that MW 6 

reported the matter to MW 3 P the management and the 
Manager asked the first party to remain in his cabin itself 
till the enquiry was completed. The story appears to be 
quite unnatural and against the calendar of the events. A 
question arises as to what once again prevented the Branch 
Manager MW 3 not to rush to the cabin of the first party 
and then to seize or recover the aforesaid amount kept on 
hii table or in his table drawer. Then the next question will 
be what prevented Mr. Bidali in not mating complaint on 
the very same date about the $aid incident. The one 
complaint which is not dated cannot be taken to be a 
complaint to have been filed immediately after tee incident. 
As undisputedly MW 3 made no report of the Incident to 
the higher authority, namely, the Regional Manager till 
13-0M994 on which data he sent his report at Ex M-l, - 
narrating the facts leading to the incident and thereafter. 
Therefore, we have to ignore the aforesaid undated 
complaint and when we come to the other complaint1*, 
Ex M-9* it is dated 2-.2-1994 made after a gap of about two 
months from the date of the incident The very feet that 
there was no complaint by the Bidali immediately after the, 
incident, the fact that the branch management never 
reported the incident to the higher authority uptill 
13-01-1994 must give rise to the suspicion that no such 
incident in fact had taken place as on27-12-1993. If realty 
such an incident happened on that day then even in the 
absence of any complaint from Mr. Bidali the bank Manager 
must have taken cognizance of the incident and must have 
scut a report accordingly to the higher ups. Therefore, in 
the absence of any such complaint and the report, it is 
improbable to believe that there was incident as alleged 
against the first party. It was rightly argued for the first 
party that payment of excess cash to first party itself is nor 
established by any documentary evidence. The only 
documents produced is Ex M-6 re., pay in slip but there is 
no counter foil produced being issued to Mr. Bidali by the 
first party. In feet; statement of Mr< Bidali before fee Enquiry 
Officer is self-conflicting on the point. Once he stated that 
when he demanded the excess cash amount the first party 
without returning the same gave him the counter foil and 
again Is statement was to the effect that it was given to 
Mahiudrakur Brothers* it is not in dispute that as on 
27-12-1993 there has been no'payment or remittance of 
Rs. 7321 accounted with the bank. Documents at Ex D-5 
and D-6 produced will reveal that the aforesaid amount 
was in fact was accounted with the bank on 28*12*1993, in 
fact this statement of MW 3 also has stated that amount 
was taken into account as late payment on 28-12-1993. 
Therefore, the very fact that the first party received any 
amount much Less the excess cash from Mr. Bidali and 
passed the counter foil in his favour against Ex M 6 fails to 
be established by the evidence produced by the 
management. As noted above* the very fact that there was 
no complaint by Mr. Bidali immediately after the incident, 
that, there was no recovery of the amount kept on the table 
and also in the table drawer in the cabin of the first party 



[Part II—Sec, 3(ii)j 

and the fact that there was no report by MW 3 about the 
incident to (he higher ups must lend support to the 
contention of the first party that the payment of either of 
Rs t 7321 or the payment of excess cash remains to be 
substantiated in the evidence of Mr, Bidali as well as in the 
evidence ofMW-3 and MW-6. The story of the management 
that first party was indulging in reporting of the shortage 
of payment of the amount being remitted by Mahindrakar 
Brothers and for that they sent a letter at Ex M-l 0 dated 
22-12-1993 and in order to test the integrity of Mr. Bidali 
paid excess cash of Rs. 300 under Ex M-6 again stands on 
very shaky ground. It is said that an heavy amount of 
Rs, 2 to 4 lakhs was being remitted by the bank and on each 
occasion first party was reporting shortage to be reimbursed 
by Mr. Bidali, It Is not believable as to how such omission & 
on the part of the first party would have been allowed for 
quite a long time and even If the Mahttidrakar Brothers 
wanted to test the integrity rather to trap the first party, 
they must have come out again wtlh some heavy payment 
to ascertain as to whether any shortage again with some 
heavy payment to ascertain as to whether any shortage 
again still be pointed out by the first party, but, here is the 
case where Mr. Bidali said to be representative of 
Maliindrakar Brothers comes with a meagre amount of 
Rs. 7321 with excess cash of Rs. 300 to be paid in the 
account of the bank and it is said that the first party did not 
account fbr the excess cash on the face of it itself the story 
appears to be improbable and unbelievable, particularly, 
when it has come in the evidence of Mr, Bidali that he had 
never come to the bank except on 27-12-1993 when he 
wanted to remit the above said amount. In his own words 
he did not know the first party earlier to that, One more 
story is added to say that Bidali was accompanied by his 
three to four friends to identify ihe first party working as 
Cashier known to them they were not examined before the 
Enquiry Officer, it will not be out of the context to note 
here that the two friends said to have written the aforesaid 
two complaints are also not examined in the enquiry. 
Strangely enough nobody from Mahindrakar Brothers was 
bIeq examined in support the contents of letter at Ex hMQ, 
Another interesting point lo be noted is that nether the 
said letter at Ex M-10 nor the complaint at Hx M-7 and 
Ex M-9 borne either the seal and signature of any official or 
any endorsement on hchalf of the bank in receiving those 
documents. There was no inward diary as such produced 
to prove that those documents were received by the bank. 
It Is here we find substance in the contention of first party 
that these are all the documents brought in picture just to 
support the charges of misconduct levelled against the 
first party. Therefore, the fact ihe Bidaii paid excess cash 
ofRs. 300 along with other sum vide Ex M-6 into the hands 
of the first party and he failed to return the excess amount 
has not been proved by sufficient and legal evidence except 
the statement of Mr. Bidali not believable under the 
aforesaid facts and circumstanc brought on record. The 
statement of MW 6 again on the point has lo be discarded 
as a make believe story. Now the next factor to be 

substantiated was with regard to the alleged fact that the 
first party kept the said amount of Rs, 300/- in (he stationery 
bundle. To prove this fact the management entirely 
depended upon the statement of Mr. Anin Kumar* MW 5. 
First of a|l when we go through the statement of MW 5 in 
his examination in chief, he gave no details of his alleged 
statement made before the Branch manager, MW 3 with 
regard to the incident in question. Now as per his statement 
at Ex M-5 made before the Branch Manager, he goes to the 
stationery room to procure a loan form where Mr. Laxman 
Kamkar, MW 7 was already there. He noticed first party 
entering the stationery room and then stuffing something 
in the stationery bundle and immediately he told Mr. Kamkar 
about that, then, he informed this matter to Prabhti (MW 6) 
then he goes out of the branch and talks to the branch 
manager on telephone asking him to come outside and 
then told him that he noticed first party stuffing something 
in the stationery bundle. First of all it is to be noted that 
Mr. Kamakar who is also examined as MW 7 specifically 
says that he did not observe the workman keeping anything 
in the bundle, Secondly, when the workman was to be 
seated in the Managers cabin during the course of the 
enqu iry, it is high ly i mprobab le, to believe that he ventured 
to enter into the stationery room and in the presence of 
MW 5 and M W 7 and kept the amount in the stationery 
bundle. Then, if you go through the report at Ex M-l, the 
story given by MW 5 gets falsified. As noted above, even 
as per the statement of Bidali, the two notes of Rs. 50 
denomination were kepi on the table and two notes of 
Rs. 100 denomination were kept in table drawer, then a 
question arises so as how and when the money came into 
the hands of first party once again to be kept in the 
stationery bundle, panicularly, when there is no evidence 
brought on record lo show that first party had come to his 
cabin from the cabin of the manager ai any poim of time 
before be went to stationery room. As per the very 
evidence produced, it is also cl ear that the first party visited 
the stationery room only sit about 10,15 A M, and the 
banking hours were from 10.30 A.M. onwards. Therefore, 
question of first party keeping any amount in the stationery 
room at about 10.15 A.M. When the banking transactions 
itself did not commence and he did not receive any amount 
from any customer much less Mr. Bidali before that never 
arose. Nuw coming to the recovery it Is the story again 
devoid of any legal sancihy Undisputedly, ihe money in 
question has not been recovered from the person of the 
first party. Assuming for a moment it was found In the 
stationery* then by no stretch of imagination it can be said 
that it is the first party who had kept that amount in that 
stationery bundle. The possibility of somebody else even 
Mr. Bidali at the connivance of others and at the Instance 
cTMahindnikar Brothers to teach some lesson to the first 
party having some grudge against him for the reported 
shortage the money keeping the money in the stationery 
bundle and this being recovered tan never be h relied out. If 
ihe money was to be recovered from the first party or 
atkast from his table or table drawer then things would 


2CK>S/^ina 20 ? 1930 


have been different. Now assuming fora moment the story 
as pvt forth by the management has gotsome truth. The 
next question will be whether the evidence produced in 
support of the said story could be said to be legal evidence. 
The whole episode appears to be a stage managed having 
no legal sanctity followed by any established principle or 
the procedure known to the law. If really the integrity of die 
. first patty was suspected and the complaint/letter to that 
effect was made by Mahtndrakar Brothers at Ex M-IGthen, 
the proper and legal course to be adapted should have 
been by way of filing complaint, atleasc after the incident 
or by way of investigation done by vigilance cell of the 
management Here is the case where the enquiry has been 
done by the branch" manager and it is he who recorded 
certain statements of die officials of die bank said to be 
under the instructions of the vigilance cell. The vigilance 
cell itself could have planted a customer in disguise to test 
the integrity of the first party making remittance of certain 
amount to see whether he reports shortage. Here is the 
case where Mr. Bitfali who is said to be the representative 
of Mahindrakar Brothers plays the role of vigilance and 
acting upon his statement MW i and MW 6 went on 
making their own investigation and enquiry without 
following any established principle or procedure known to 
the law. In fact, as rioted above, the recovery itself Is highly 
doubtful apart from the feet that the amount recovered was 
neither paid back to Bidali nor was produced before the 
Enquiry Officer. There is no Mahajar of any sort conducted 
for the alleged recovery. Therefore, whatever evidence is 
now brought on record to speak to the above said episode 
is not only insufficient but also has no legal sanctity. It is 
interesting to note that even after the report at Ex M*1, the 
vigilance cell does not come into action but adopts a 
strange procedure in asking MW 3 to record the statements 
of witnesses and the complainant into the alleged incident. 
This conduct on the part of the vigilance must tell upon 
the feet how serious the vigilance cell of the management 
was about the incident in question if really the incident 
had taken place, Hew* therefore, the findings ofthe Enquiry 
Officer based upon the statements of MW 3, MW 5 and 
MW 6 with regard to the excess payment and its recovery 
are not based upon sufficient and legal evidence. While 
recording the finding, the Enquiry Officer also has taken 
into consideration the statements of certain bank officials 
including MW 5 and MW 6 before MW 3 starting that 
when die money was traced in the cabin of the manager, 
the first party broke down and made his admission to that 
effect. This observation and the reasoning given by the 
Enquiry Officer are factually incorrect The very first report 
made by the branch manager at Ex M-1 at para 4 makes it 
abundantly clear that first party was requested by the 
manager and other to inform about the facts ofthe case Le., 
the feet that he pinched notes, and the first party bluntly 
refused the allegations stating that he is innocent. Had the 
first party admitted the guilt or the feet that he had kept 
amount in the stationery bundle, then MW 3-would have 
been the first person to make mention of this feet in his 

aforesaid report of the incident. Therefore findings of the 
Enquiry Officer which are to great extent based on the so 
called the admission ofthe first party again must be said to 
be suffering from perversity keeping in view the aforesaid 
report at.Ex M-1. Therefore, it is, in my opinion a clear cut 
case of no sufficient and legal evidence to substantiate the 
second charge of misconduct levelled against the first party. 

' 14. It is the case of the first party that he has been 
victimized for his Union activities and to support his 
contention, he produced a letter at Ex W-l written by him 
to the Management and to the Union Head Office espousing 
the cause of certain workers. There is nb denial of this feel 
on the part ofthe management Even otherwise as seen 
above when the charge of misconduct has not been 
substantiated and the manner in which the story has been 
built up to implicate the first party for the Incident tn question 
must be a circumstance sufficient alone to say that he has 
been victimized in the matter. Therefore for the reasons 
foregoing, this tribunal has no hesitation in its mind to 
come to the conclusion that the management, miserably, 
felled to prove the misconduct levelled under the second 
charge and that findings ofthe Enquiry Officer cm the said 
charge suffering from perversity are liable to be.quashed. 
Sines findings are held to be not illegal and improper, 
dismissal order based on that must collapse under its own 
weight being held to be illegal and vide ab initio. The 
contention of the management that reference must fail on 
account of long delay of six years is not to be, entertained 
in the light of now well settled principle of law that reference 
cannot be rejected on the score of the delay itself but relief 
as such could be moulded as laid in a decision rendered on 
2E*09*2007 by their lordship of Supreme Court in the case 
of Karan Singh vs. Executive Engineer* Haryana State 
Marketing Board (Civil Appeal No. 4561/07) {arising out of 
SLPtQNo. 26379/05]. Therefore, theafcovesaid contention 
of the management must also fell. 

15. Now coming to the reliefto be granted to the first 
party when the dismissal order is held to be bad, the only 
consequence would be his reinstatement into service. 
Coming to the question of backwages it is to be noted that 
first party was dismissed from service In the year 1996 
whereas he appears to have raised the dispute somewhere 
in the year 2002 os could be evident from the reference date 
of dispute to this tribunal. He has not explained as to what 
actually prevented,in not raising the dispute well within 
the time much less within reasonable time. Therefore, he 
cannot be given benefit of backwage for the period between 
the date of dismissal and the date of reference before this 
tribunal which is made on 22-02-2002. Now, the question 
arises as to what extent he should be granted backwages 
from thf said date of reference till the date of his 
reinstatement. In his examination in chief before this 
tribunal* be has come to say that he has not been gainfully 
employed from the date of his dismissal despite making 
sincere and several efforts to get some employment. There 
has been no denial of this fact on behalf ofthe management 
during the course of his cross-examination, that apart 



[Part II—$rc.3(ii)] 

MW 2 in his affidavit evidence has not only not disputed 
the above said statement of the first potty but also made 
no positive statement saying that first party has been 
gainfully employed. That apart above said statement of 
first party cannot be taken as a gospel truth. It just cannot 
be believed that he has been idling himself without any 
employment or earning his livelihood during the period he 
was out of the service of the management Therefore, having 
regard tp this factor and the facts and circumstances of the 
case it appears to me that ends of justice will be met if the 
first party is granted 50 % of the backwages from the date 

of reference Le, \v,cX 22-02-2002 till the date of his 
reinstatement with continuity of service and other 
consequential benefits, Hence : . the following award: 


The management is directed to reinstate ihe first 
party into its service with 50% of the back wages from 
22-02-2002 till the date ofhis reinstatement with continuity 
of service and other attendant benefits. No orders to cost. 

A. R. SIDD1QUI, Presiding Officer 

M feft, 6 200S 

W*3TL1067.—^-$9*+ wwtp ^ 1971 (197 L W 40) flft VR1 J 

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’HGW* 3R WIPF #13% 

fai# (del+ii) i 

[^. TJ-11013/D 1 /2007-'5^I ] 
FVe f 

New Delhi, the 6th May, 2008 

5*0* 1067.—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 3 of the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised 
Occupants) Act, 197 L (40 of 1971), the Central Government hereby appoints the officers mentioned in Column (1) of the 
Table below, being Gazetted Officers of the Government to be the Estate Officers for the purposes of the said Act, who shall 
exercise the powers conferred and perform the duties imposed, on the Estate Officer, by or under the said Act within the 
limit* of his jurisdiction in respect of the public premises specified in Column (2) of the said Tabic: 


Designation of the Officers 

1. Welfare and Cess Commissioner, 
Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 

2 Consultant-in-Surgery, 

Central Hospital, Joda, Orissa. 

2 Deputy Welfare Commissioner, 

Barbi I, Orissa, 

4. Assistant Welfare 
Commissioner, Bhubaneswar, Orissa, 

5. Assistant Engineer, Labour 

Welfare Organ isation Bhubaneswar, 

District Khurda, (Orissa), 

Categories of public premiers and local 
limits of jurisdiction 

All building residential Staff Quarters and properties 
under the administrative control of the Labour Welfare 
Organisation, Bhubaneswar Region located at 
Bhubaneswar and all other localities outside places in 
Orissa State functioning under the said Region. 

[No. A- 11013/01/2007-WJl 

Printed by (he Manager, Govt. of India Press, Rin^ Road, Jtiay&puri, Ne^- Ddlii-l!flOG 4 
and Published by the Controller of Public ions : Delhi -1 10054.